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Old Mar 06 2010, 09:34 AM
SparkyTX SparkyTX is offline
Join Date: Jul 19 2009
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by twistedFT View Post
No one got "left out" of any alleged "upgrade". Goodness! Your friend went from level 60 to 80 because she ALREADY had enough XP to get there just as you did the last time new levels were added. You didn't get bumped up any levels this time because you haven't earned enough XP to for those levels yet. If you haven't earned enough XP to get to level 52, how do you think you should be at 80 already??

The couple extra months more of farming your friend has gave her a head start at earning more XP. And even if you're trading crops she may be doing other work for other farmers that gives her more XP than you might be earning. If she has more XP than you do, it's 'cause she's worked harder or faster or more. Nothing unfair in that.
Wrong! First, I did not say I should have been leveled up from my 50 1/2 to 80, so you didn't read my statement carefully before forming your opinion and answer!

I asked why those of us below 60 didn't level up at all. My friend was shocked to have leveled up 20 points. The day before, she had enought points to be at 60, not 80. So, if she was leveled up that much, shouldn't those of us below 60 have had enough points to have gotten leveled up to a higher number also? Not to 80, but something? Aren't our hardearned points worth the same as someone who had 60 the day before?

Last time, everyone got leveled up, period. I just want to know why only those above 60 got it this time?

And, yes, I work my farm just as hard as she does hers, she will tell you that. In fact, last night after I wrote my post, I bought the new stone barn. I also noticed that other items I purchased over the last couple of weeks are now locked to me at my level - glad I bought them before this happened.

No, she doesn't work any farms but mine, except her own other farm that is another game. She plays a number of games and doesn't have the time to work other farms, so we help each other exclusively. Since she was already at 60, she had considered stopping the farming part, but to help me, she bought a second farm and keeps it planted so that she could help me level up faster. Until the new levels were released and the new items, she was bored and would have quit if it hadn't been for trying to help me get to 60, and we were almost there. She was very happy that I was fast approaching 60 for two reasons, one, so I could buy the manor and reach the top level, and two, so we could cut back on the farming because she was tired of the game and wanted to take a break. Now, she too, is excited again about some of the new stuff, and I don't feel like she is just playing along for my sake.

So, we both work only each others farms, she started ahead of me, but I have been gaining on her, we both have the two farms, the only difference is she joined a couple of months before I did. I just feel it is unfair to only benefit those already at 60 (and she just got there) and not those of us working just as hard to get our points. I would understand if she had amassed a large number of points above the 60 level, but she hadn't, perhaps enough to take her to 62 or 63, but 80??? And all of the others who had reached 60 also got the big level up, not just her. Some had tons of points and I can see it for them, but those who had just barely gotten to 60? They get a 20 point level up too?

I guess I just don't get it when we all leveled up some last time. I went up 7 levels, she went up 9, this time, nothing. It just seems that we should have all benefitted some from the leveling up, especially if now, things available to us a few days ago are locked to us, because they also leveled up the items and put them out of our reach. How does that work? Last week I had the points to buy something and now, it is locked? We should have at least leveled up to a point where we were still on the same level as these items we could have purchased before. That is what I don't get. Being able to purchase an item one day, because you are on the level to do that, and the very next day it is locked from you, because it increased in points and yet, you stayed at the same level as before. That just basically doesn't seem right to me - that is my complaint.