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Old Mar 05 2010, 02:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 05 2009
Location: north carolina
Posts: 638

Originally Posted by franklyn View Post
it just goes to show that you will never be able to please everyone.
For months now its been 'we want more levels' so now that the levels are here is everyone happy? No yet more nit-picking!

I would love to see some of the moaners returning to a store with their completed computer game, listened to cd, watched dvd and read book and demand more because they have got to the end!

Come on folks give the developers a break they have listened and given and listened and given over and over again. All for a free game!

Oh and just in case you hadn't worked it out i love the new release.

Thank you!
amen to sentiments exactly,,,why some of these people cannot show appreciation, and instead complain when they get exactly what they asked for, but then that's not good enough is beyond thankful for what you have and a "thank you" once in a while would be wonderful...c'mon, people!!!
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