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Old Feb 02 2010, 12:06 PM
aremos aremos is offline
Join Date: Sep 25 2009
Posts: 5

Valentines gifts are great, but what about all the other problems. When are things going to be fixed?? With each new update something else goes wrong. I am now on WF53 which is even worse then the W22 I was on. Still having issues with constant "connection to server disconnect" and having to CONSTANTLY reload the game. NOW with this new update and on server W53, there is always something missing from my farm. Yesterday my fence was gone and i couldn't see my boulders, today my fence is back and boulders are back and now I can't see my stone paths!! This game is no longer fun at all, I am tired of posting here and I see that probably most other people are too since not much has been posted about all the problems. This use to be a fun game but not any longer, it is frustrating and non exciting, more maddening than anything else. Rerouting different players to different servers is not correcting the problems ... is that how they are being corrected, players shifted to various servers and letting everyone have their share of the problems? Come on ... this has been going on now for months and still no fixes .... only new gifts? Mad as heck now and I give up.