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Old Jan 12 2010, 02:27 PM
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Lavenda Lavenda is offline
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Originally Posted by queenpinnana View Post
Yes I saw those offers, but who wants to spend "farm time" trying offers and having those added cookies on your puter that you have to delete? Right now I have pretty much all that I want except the mansion, and I am only 3 levels away from that.
What amazes me with this game is why everyone is wanting to level up so fast. I personally am in no hurry. What's after level 60?. SIXTY!! All you can read in the Market Place is PLOW, PLOW, PLOW PLEASE, I NEED TO LEVEL UP, I WANT TO WORK ALONE ETC. My thought was, good luck there, I've rarely worked alone lol. I love what one farmer said in there last night. No one plows my farm until they harvest it first. That shut a few want to plow people up :- ) By the way, very nice farm jeanie.
you don't actually have to do any of the offers that involve adding cookies to your puter... I thought I would try the "aaplication of the day" as suggested by a few and have found (though I was loathe to mention this so they don't become aware of the glitch) that you don't even have to "allow" that application access to your account, I just click on the offer, which opens in another tab, go back to farming and within a few minutes when I am loading a farm screen I will get a message that I have two more farm cash. Note: that is one click for 2 farm cash, without going back to the other tab to allow the application permission to my profile. The other day it was an FB application I already have (Castle Age) and I still got the Farm Cash. I don't wholesale disagree with the Farm Cash (and this is no the thread for that discussion anyway), but I wouldn't mind a little loosening up of how we can get it. But I am happy to have found one way to keep earning it after reaching 60.

Some people want to level up because those sorts of goals are how they want to play the game. I find the game more enjoyable when I am playing for my own pleasure in creating my own little world and checking out the other cool things people have done on their farms. To each their own. I do like leveling for the items it will unlock for me, but the numbers themselves hold no great appeal for me