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Old Dec 23 2009, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by JAS0643 View Post
I like the way you have it now, you can queue the fields but yo see the coins coming out of the fields as you click or soon after you click on them which I think will help with people thinking they have lost xps and coins. I know that there is a big problem with people losing xps and coins so I don't want it to sound like I don't believe those people. I think that for some it was a matter of not knowing how the xps and coins where added and they thought they lost them but really didn't. Having the coins come out of the field when you click on it will help solve that problem. I personally never had that many problems with the issue there may be a few fields here and there when I was harvesting with others and we where close together or most of the fields had been harvested and there where a few stray fields here and there on the farm. I would click them but not always get the coins for them. I know that it was just a glitch and that someone else had gotten them first even tho I could still see them. For me the fix was to not hire too many people for my farm and if I got to a farm where the workers where on top of each other I would leave. I would also like to say that I hope you never limit the number of workers for a farm that would take the social part out of the game and make you no different then other farm games. I also hope you never put a fire button into the game it would be abused and would make me not want to play the game
I agree and so well said

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