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Old Dec 23 2009, 12:56 PM
Raul Raul is offline
Join Date: Feb 09 2009
Posts: 195
Default New Release -- December 22nd, 2009 - UPDATE 2

Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

A new version was released an hour ago, it is very similar to the way it was before, and at some times it will be even faster as the avatar is still teletransported when is working on close fields, this may have the effect of the avatar been closer to where the people are working most of the time, which may also contribute to have less collisions.

This version still contains many other improvements targeted to minimize the amount of XP / coins lost, we don't expect it to be as efective as with the latest version, but we still expect improvments on that area, so may be this is a good balance at the end.

Please provide feedback on the new experience.



: It seems that the newest version of the program is working as it should for many players and they are experiencing the intended benefits. Others are reporting issues which should not be experienced with this newest release. Before posting in this thread, please do the following REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE THE LATEST VERSION OF ADOBE FLASH. Go to the website and use their uninstall program to completely uninstall your flash player program. Then BEFORE REINSTALLING clear your browser cache and reboot your computer to get rid of any remnants of the program before going back to the site and reinstalling the latest version of flash player for your computer.

Last edited by Wild; Dec 24 2009 at 11:19 AM.