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Old Dec 23 2009, 09:15 AM
Efwis Efwis is offline
Join Date: Dec 07 2009
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by shiylo View Post
Originally Posted by shiylo
Hello developers I am in agreement with the people who hate the changes at level 60+ and millions of dollars it has taken the challenge out of the game made it more for the younger or people who don’t like a challenge seems these changes are to keep people in their place instead of having fun as for myself I have never lost a dollar or an xp the game was a blast now it take forever to do a harvest or plow and everything is on top of everything to me this game is now a dud.. hard to see with the huge tools and words flying all over the avatar right on top of everything not to mention it feels like your under someone’s thumb not this girl I will be finding another game seems the game has had a lot of creativity taken out of it along with the challenge of it humm could be a meany phoo but why you all know why the changes. I know what your saying the changes are for but those of us who play the game hard know better. People make things up so it looks better well it looks worse and the play has gone out of it thanks for what was a grand game it really is to bad it was the best game out their till now…The game has now become so pathetic!

i think you missed the point of this thread. This is the thread giving feedback to the devs on which way would be better for the reversion back to what it was before today's update.

do you want the reversion with or without the alternative they have mentioned. This is a time to give a little feedback on a way to improve the previous way the game was, not the new and unimproved way.

Efwis maybe you should know where you speak from before you speak this was one of the first post before Rual began talking about a roll back so if you read the whole thread you would of know this it was posted not more then 30min after the update so it isn't me out of place it is where the tread was started thank you very much and I except your apogee their is no need for rudeness when you know not where you speak from...Have a grand holiday...Merry Christmas...
I'm not going to apologize for what i said, and yes I did read this post and have been reading the thread as it developed. it was posted AFTER Raul mentioned the roll back. go back to page one, or was it page two, where you posted it in this thread.

therefore, YOUR apology is gladly appreciated and duly noted.