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Old Dec 23 2009, 06:36 AM
TedDead TedDead is offline
Join Date: Sep 19 2009
Posts: 9

Thank you for reverting back to the previous version. Things are so bad as they are that I am not going to do any work for anybody until it's fixed.

With that said, perhaps you can fix the real problem... that is the constant server timeouts. I'm sure you know that this issue is the real cause of lost XP and coin. You harvest and plow only to find out that you've been timed out and all your work is lost. Bad for the worker and bad for the farmer.

As for the idea of limiting how many people can be hired... I have mixed feelings on this. Yes, some people hire way too many people to harvest and/or plow. When I'm hired that way, I simply leave the job. I will usually tell the farmer that he/she doesn't need that many people for the scope of work. On the other hand, I am a level 60 with two farms. One is 1020 squares workable plots. I find that hiring 3 or 4 people is just about right for this size farm. I really think it would be way too slow if I was limited to just one hire. Perhaps you could base the number of hires on how many squares were available to be worked?

And, what's with the huge icons when seeding? They are so large they are frightening. Who thought that was a good idea, and why?

Good luck with the fixes.