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Old Nov 28 2009, 11:46 PM
farmtownmema farmtownmema is offline
Join Date: Oct 27 2009
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by Mitch0769 View Post
nah i dont...the graphics here are better, but its obvious they are do something right over there.... things need to be implemented better here...

P.S. your hawkeyes are garbarge

Not at all obvious if you read the farmville forums.

There are many complaints there about the small farm size. The farms are smaller then farmtown, and there is no remove space between plots option which makes them even smaller.

As I remember, all crops under 1 day are only 1 experience point in farmville. They finally have storage but it is very limited unless you use the farmville dollars to purchase it. There are the usual complaints on lost experience, lost items, not being able to get into the game, lost gifts etc.

Between the two, farm town has better game play, and more options, and doesn't have as high of requirements for many of the options that they both share. Further, quite a few players complain about the high point requirements for some of the achievments and/or crop mastery. Why? Because some are unrealistic.

Zygna is perhaps better at promoting farmville, mainly because they can and do use games like Mafia Wars to promote it. Oh, and farmville is also playable through Confusing if you receive a only gift and it takes you there without warning from facebook.

Zygna isn't doing anything "better" nor are there developers listening more, they do what they expect will earn them the most profits.