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Old Oct 21 2009, 07:36 PM
kaz waz kaz waz is offline
Join Date: Aug 29 2009
Posts: 16
Default all in all..

all in all i cant understand everyones problem

its your chioce to buy them or if you wish to still hire or not.

we dont complain about spending a million on a house that will never do anything, or windmills, outhouses, watermills etc, its all for looks right down to the flowers and letter boxes..

lots of people asked for tractors and trucks jsut for looks on there farms, now we have them

its upto us if we use them for looks, use the to work or just choose not to buy them at all.

same as we all choose what we plant..

at level 34 i have like 3 million so the money is not an issue..

look forward to more land, more levels or new ways of playing the game beyond 34

i will still be hiring from the market if i need to, mostly use neighours but there has been times that i have had trouble getting people to harvest and i want to do to bed.. at these times i will use my machines and get it done fast.

cant wait for my farm to be ready to try them out...

and as with all new things, its trial and error, i am sure the creators will fix any glitches or things they didnt consider, like all the fuel in out gift boxes etc..

have fun peoples had hey if its causing you stress and making you unhappy might be best to find a new game!!!