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Tiger Sep 05 2010 09:33 PM

Closed Feedback Threads
This thread is to hold all old closed feedback threads

Chihuahualady Sep 02 2011 04:43 AM

I feel quite disappointed in the new sprinkler, I've just planted Coffee (3 day crop) and being told it will mature in 2.4 days, I thought this new tool would make the crop mature in half the time or have I read it wrong?...... 2.4 days doesn't sound right to me.

lewlin Sep 02 2011 04:45 AM

[quote=jenifoofoo;4830374]That changed already - each time a crop is planted, it can be watered, even if crops have already been watered on the farm that day?

I would have to disagree with this because I watered it all last night then harvested this morning, planted something new, tried to water and it said I can only water once per day. Would be nice if you could water every new crop you plant, but that's definately not happening on my farm!

HelenJS22 Sep 02 2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Chihuahualady (Post 4830546)
I feel quite disappointed in the new sprinkler, I've just planted Coffee (3 day crop) and being told it will mature in 2.4 days, I thought this new tool would make the crop mature in half the time or have I read it wrong?...... 2.4 days doesn't sound right to me.

I've planted three day crops that have definitely been halved in terms of growth time, but I watered after the crop was planted. It seems to me that it works perfectly, but I don't think it is intended that we get to halve the growing time of every single crop we plant. We have to use our wits and work out which are worthwhile watering in terms of need and our availability to harvest, and make the best use of the 24 hour limiting that has been put on it.

The initial release did state that 'you can only irrigate once per day' so that would translate that we could only irrigate one crop per farm per day.

My only query on it would to be to have a timer of some sort, because I forgot what time I had watered each farm :o

I find also that my 'crop planting diary' has been chucked out the window more or less for the first time since I began playing. I always kept a log of what was going to be ready for harvesting and when, but with the timing on the red sprinkler, I haven't taken the time to figure it out. I've just done a run through all my farms in the morning, and made a few notes. Not sure that this is a good idea, or if we do, as others have said, need a different version of time on the hover over. I've been too busy lately to decide which way is best.

I love the red sprinkler, particularly for the flowers. I use 'designer' production not 'mass' production so for the first time my flower shop will be full :D

Chihuahualady Sep 02 2011 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 4830726)
I've planted three day crops that have definitely been halved in terms of growth time, but I watered after the crop was planted. It seems to me that it works perfectly, but I don't think it is intended that we get to halve the growing time of every single crop we plant. We have to use our wits and work out which are worthwhile watering in terms of need and our availability to harvest, and make the best use of the 24 hour limiting that has been put on it.

The initial release did state that 'you can only irrigate once per day' so that would translate that we could only irrigate one crop per farm per day.

My only query on it would to be to have a timer of some sort, because I forgot what time I had watered each farm :o

I find also that my 'crop planting diary' has been chucked out the window more or less for the first time since I began playing. I always kept a log of what was going to be ready for harvesting and when, but with the timing on the red sprinkler, I haven't taken the time to figure it out. I've just done a run through all my farms in the morning, and made a few notes. Not sure that this is a good idea, or if we do, as others have said, need a different version of time on the hover over. I've been too busy lately to decide which way is best.

I love the red sprinkler, particularly for the flowers. I use 'designer' production not 'mass' production so for the first time my flower shop will be full :D

Thank you Helen, I guess I hadn't read about the 24 irrigation, I suppose I'll just have to get used to it, unless hopefully it changes on the next update, I agree a timer would be useful.

tgray Sep 02 2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by katrina719 (Post 4830002)
It only works once per planted crop. Not once per day. Every time you plant another crop, you have to irrigate again.

Experience? crops mature too soon, and most of the ones i worked on, died too soon.

Advice? never spend real cash for a tool unless you understand its usage :) :)

If you plant cotton, then water it cuts the time in half. If you wait 24 hours then water the same crop again it doesn't cut it in half the second time. It only works once per crop as you say.
However if you plant raspberries, water, harvest and replant raspberries the same day it will cut the time in half on the first planting, but not on the second planting. It only works once per 24 hours.

jenifoofoo Sep 03 2011 06:24 AM

farmers, pls post your feedback about the new watering/crop growth option
I really want it to work like the spreader and water the farm.

I'm not super-concerned that I can't turn over crop after crop multiple times daily - in fact, I would rarely have time for that.

My concern is that it isn't consistent with any method of planting/harvesting.

I'd really like it to fertilize the FARM, and I also dislike the once a day thing. Again, it doesn't flow with the crop rotations.

I have to keep going from farm to farm, with lots of loading time in between, to water. And I have to catch lots of crops partially grown and makes it impossible to keep up with what is done where.

Finally, I would like it to show the (w) when we hover over the diamond like it shows the (f).


Bonnie Jo Sep 03 2011 06:43 AM

I finally have my tracking down and also have changed how I plant long term crops so the red sprinkler is more useful in that sense. The 20 hour time frame change also helped. I don't like that they made me change the way I plant my farms but I can also live with it.

What I really don't like is the fact that I spent 45 FC for the brown sprinkler. I bought it a few months ago to not only water my neighbors' flowers, but also mine. Now it no longer does anything. I spent another 50 FC for the red sprinkler and the combined action of them is not useful at all for me on how I do my farms.

I don't think anything will change though. They are convinced we don't need the brown sprinkler since they expanded the waste time. I stand by my opinion that there are times I want to water my flowers without having to worry about if it is going to speed up the crops I have already planted but didn't irrigate for some reason or another. If I "inadvertently" water my flowers on that non-irrigated field I am not going to be able to irrigate that field again for another 20 hours even if (for example) the field is ready to harvest in an hour.

mrsmel Sep 03 2011 07:16 AM

I want my brown sprinkler back! All other tools remained in my tool box when I bought the upgrade, but the brown sprinkler disappeared when I bought the red one. I tried putting the red one on a farm to see if the brown would again be available to me--but no. I bought the brown one to be able to water all of the flowers on a farm at once. That option is no longer available without accelerating crop growth on that farm. So--$95 later I'm back to using the red blob manual flower watering method. Color me unhappy.

Aussie Rae Sep 03 2011 07:26 AM

I love the new sprinkler...though I have found that I watered the flowers on a neighbours farm and she was unable to use her red sprinkler...told you can only water once a she has to wait for the full growth time of 4 days....I watered her flowers before harvesting them, so when she watered it should have been for the next growth not all is well yet in little farm

leesac Sep 03 2011 09:58 AM

I had posted this in the new release thread before seeing this, I am not sure where it will possibly actually be read so I am posting it here also I hope that's ok.

The way the red sprinkler works really is ridiculous. I just went to one of my farms that has many flowers to harvest and they were ready but wilted, so I had to water them to harvest. Well guess what? After watering they were picked but I am unable to water the new crop with the waterer to decrease the harvest time. I have to WAIT to water until tomorrow. So I WASTED my speed up by watering flowers that were mature, of course having no choice in the matter if I wanted to unwilt them, and I now CANNOT water my new crop of flowers. I want my farmcash back!

Betty Jo Petty Sep 03 2011 09:59 AM

Brown Watering Can
I read about a brown watering can last night, but can't find it anywhere???

AZHorseLady Sep 03 2011 02:00 PM

I tried the red sprinkler this morning on my farm 10 for beets and it worked great. I didn't know you could only use it once a day per farm, but that understandable and ok. So, then I figured I'd try it again on a different farm and planted potatoes on Farm 6. I keep getting the message that farms can only be watered once a day.....hmmm. Does that mean you can only use the red sprinkler once a day period? Please help...Once a day per farm would be acceptable, but once a day between all 11 farms? That would suck.
Please clarify.....
Love the Upgrades overall!!!

Bonnie Jo Sep 03 2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 4833382)
Just a little FYI if you had not already bought the brown sprinkler when the red one came out you would have had to buy it before you could buy the red sprinkler. So while it may not really be needed anymore it is still required to have before you can buy the red sprinkler.

I am not a newbie at this game and I am well aware of that. For me, the brown sprinkler still is indeed needed and I still resent the fact they took away a tool that cost 45 FC and along with it the option to JUST water my flowers.

Just my opinion and the devs need to know that not everyone is thrilled with the changes they made.

Tiger Sep 03 2011 08:44 PM

For those of you still unsure of how the red sprinkler works and may have missed the recent updates to it, i will try to clarify..........

Here's how the red sprinkler works..........
  • It only works on crops and flowers and only on the crops/flowers planted at that time.
  • It can only be applied once every 20hrs per farm. Make sure that your avatar is not busy doing something else when you try to irrigate, or it will not be applied.
  • It must be applied when flowers/crops are still in the growing process. Fields must be planted before you use it, and it won't work on crops that are showing ready to be harvested.
  • Once you have used the red sprinkler, it will double the speed of the remaining time left for the crop to become ready. So even if you planted them hours ago, it will still double the speed.
  • The time for the crops to waste remains the same as it was before you used the red sprinkler. So, even if you double the growth speed unintentionally by reviving your flowers, you will have the same time as before to harvest your crops, this effectively removes the need to have the brown water sprinkler in the toolbox or storage. Hovering over a crop that is ready to harvest will show you how long until they die, "Wasted in xx days/hours".
  • To check if you have used the sprinkler on a crop, hover over that crop and you will see...
    1. what the crop is.
    2. how long until they are ready to harvest.
    3. (W) which indicates that the crops have been sped up. If you see (F,W) it means that the farm is also fertilised. If you don't see the (W) immediately, just refresh or leave the farm and return.
  • To check how much time is left until you can use the red sprinkler on any new crops you plant on that farm, open the facility manager and hover over the red sprinkler icon, you will see "Mobile sprinkler, irrigate in xx hours)
  • If 20hrs as already passed since you last used the red sprinkler to speed up crops on that farm, when you open the facility manager and hover over the red sprinkler it will NOT display any information, which means you can use it again.

jenifoofoo Sep 03 2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bonnie Jo (Post 4832902)
I finally have my tracking down and also have changed how I plant long term crops so the red sprinkler is more useful in that sense. The 20 hour time frame change also helped. I don't like that they made me change the way I plant my farms but I can also live with it.

What I really don't like is the fact that I spent 45 FC for the brown sprinkler. I bought it a few months ago to not only water my neighbors' flowers, but also mine. Now it no longer does anything. I spent another 50 FC for the red sprinkler and the combined action of them is not useful at all for me on how I do my farms.

I don't think anything will change though. They are convinced we don't need the brown sprinkler since they expanded the waste time. I stand by my opinion that there are times I want to water my flowers without having to worry about if it is going to speed up the crops I have already planted but didn't irrigate for some reason or another. If I "inadvertently" water my flowers on that non-irrigated field I am not going to be able to irrigate that field again for another 20 hours even if (for example) the field is ready to harvest in an hour.

I agree. Waste time is not the only concern. Why it's a big deal to leave the brown sprinkler is beyond me. All the other old, useless tools stay there. I have every seeder, for instance, taking up space.

jenifoofoo Sep 03 2011 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by leesac (Post 4833066)
I had posted this in the new release thread before seeing this, I am not sure where it will possibly actually be read so I am posting it here also I hope that's ok.

The way the red sprinkler works really is ridiculous. I just went to one of my farms that has many flowers to harvest and they were ready but wilted, so I had to water them to harvest. Well guess what? After watering they were picked but I am unable to water the new crop with the waterer to decrease the harvest time. I have to WAIT to water until tomorrow. So I WASTED my speed up by watering flowers that were mature, of course having no choice in the matter if I wanted to unwilt them, and I now CANNOT water my new crop of flowers. I want my farmcash back!

Yeah, the way it is now you can't water your flowers unless you've planted crops that you want to grow faster.

Yet another feature that messes with rotation times and routines. I can't be on here several extra hours because the devs want to be stingy with what I consider to be an expensive tool.

notacheesehead Sep 05 2011 11:40 PM

I want my old sprinkler, too!
I had the gray/brown mobile sprinkler.
Then I bought the red/yellow crop irrigating/double growing speed sprinkler and now I can't locate the gray/brown one.
Sometimes, I just want to water the flowers and NOT double growing speed on crops - because I WANT the normal speed so I can have a REAL LIFE.
If I buy a replacement gray/brown will it disappear too? :-0

Badlands Farmer Sep 05 2011 11:51 PM

I want mine back too. This is the first time that I've upgraded and lost the ability to use the other tools. I don't like it. Tonight I wanted to water my flowers, but I couldn't use the red sprinkler because I have to work tomorrow and if I did the crops would be withered before I got home.

Bonnie Jo Sep 06 2011 12:15 AM

I have been using the water can to do my flowers if a neighbor hasn't done them for me. I don't have a lot of flowers so that work around works for me, but I can't imagine doing it that way if I had a whole field of flowers.

I have changed how I plant my crops to take full advantage of the red sprinkler as far as the speeding up the harvest goes but it still upsets me that I had to change how I do things on my farms and that they took away the functionality of an expensive tool.

I also don't like that anyone (meaning someone who isn't a neighbor, I never care if a neighbor does it) can now come to my farms and water my flowers. I used to water a lot of my neighbors' flowers but I don't anymore unless they ask me to. With all the glitches of using the red sprinkler on other farms I don't want to mess them up if they have one of their own.

dorissau Sep 06 2011 01:31 PM

The new red sprinkler is a great asset.. but PUT THE OLD ONE IN MY TOOL BOX TOO. Sometimes I just want to water flowers... AND I discovered that if I use the red sprinkler on my flowers, I cannot water any crops I plant later. That is just STUPID, BAD!!

dorissau Sep 06 2011 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bonnie Jo (Post 4833426)
I am not a newbie at this game and I am well aware of that. For me, the brown sprinkler still is indeed needed and I still resent the fact they took away a tool that cost 45 FC and along with it the option to JUST water my flowers.

Just my opinion and the devs need to know that not everyone is thrilled with the changes they made.

Well I commented in another board, but I say AMEN to all the posts above. This is a MAJOR mistake and needs to be fixed. Put back the brown sprinkler so we can choose and let us use the red sprinkler on crops even if we have watered our flowers.

Daisy Mariposa Sep 07 2011 04:45 PM

Red sprinkler = red stinker
I wish to add my voice to those who vehemently want to see their brown sprinkler back in the tool box, working as it did before. That is, it WATERED, but did not mess with harvest times. We bought that brown tool with FC. Now it seems to be totally disabled. If I want to water flowers on a farm where there are crops whose harvest time I want to leave as is, I have to resort to the ancient watering can. PLEASE restore the brown sprinkler to its former status: visible on the expanded tool box and as a watering device only. Thank you for listening.

Don't feed the beggers Sep 07 2011 08:31 PM

yes I would like the old sprinkler back as well....not overly impressed that I had to spend money on both only to have taken away from me...I paid for it, it was mine, if I wanted to delete it than that should have been my choice, but now as it is, it's money wasted and I don't have 2 sprinkler systems to show for the money I spent. The red one I admit is great but sometimes I just wanna water and NOT speed up that particular field, but now that option has been taken away. I have been watering with the original can but it does take some time...I bought all these tools to save time. (sigh, maybe they will give it back)

smokinbee Sep 08 2011 12:53 AM

Mobile sprinkler
I love the sprinkler but I paid 50 farmcash for this and after a farm is ready and harvested and plant a new one it should help out for the new planted farm now i have to wait 9 hours before I can use it again.And that was lot of farmcash to spend on that.

*Country Girl Sep 08 2011 07:54 AM

I agree smokinbee. I am finding that too and I am wondering if someone else waters your farm then is that stopping you from watering it as well?

Dad Shadow Sep 08 2011 08:05 AM

I believe if someone else waters for you it does NOT quicken the harvest time. Would be a shame it your 4 day crop goes to waste whilst you are away. It also makes a mockery of the belt system. I worked for the belts, waiting days for it to happen.

*Country Girl Sep 08 2011 12:32 PM

I wish we could use the red sprinkler like the manure spreader. Let it irrigate the whole farm....not just a crop. Also I had to write to my neighbors asking them NOT to water my flowers because if they did then I could not use my red sprinkler on the crops as the farm was already watered for the flowers. I hope this is a glitch and they fix it.
As someone else stated I too do not want strangers from the market coming to my farm and way to stop them for doing that when they work for you. Then again I could not use the red sprinkler.
Also I too would like the brown sprinkler back in my tool box to water flowers when I do not want to speed harvesting. I now only see it if I go to a neighbors farm and if they have the red sprinkler they don't want me to water flowers.

Simera Sep 08 2011 06:14 PM

As we've paid real money to buy the Brown Sprinkler, it shouldn't have been taken away from our tool-box, in any case. I also paid real money to buy the Red Sprinkler, but didn't know that it would stop me from water my flowers separately.
We have A LOT of Tools in Tool-box that we *had* to buy to get the Top-Tool, but we never use them, f course, because of the newer ones is the effective ones. So just *why* remove our Brown Sprinkler that we actually bought?

Please give us back the Tool we paid real money for, Dev's. We need them both.


cawgemini Sep 08 2011 11:05 PM

A different problem
I bought the red sprinkler and love it, however, my old flower sprinkler disappeared from my toolbox and I miss it. There are times when I just want to water the flowers and not speed up the crops. I can't do that without the brown sprinkler. I don't even have the watering can anymore. I wrote SK but as yet, haven't had a reply. Has anyone else had this problem?

ghostkitten Sep 09 2011 10:17 AM

I love it..No more waiting 3 days for onions or 2 days for rice...And I only do the flowers for the facilities , so speeding the flowers up means I get to put them in the facility quicker...

barbara nixon Sep 09 2011 07:00 PM

i love my red sprinkler...only adjustment is get rid of flowers on a farm i wanted to do plots..wasn't hard ..wasn't that many flowers anyway..i have now farms with flowers and farms without..and it work just fine...i can still water my neighbors flowers and it doesn't speed up their time...i've had neighbors water mine and it doesn't seem to matter if i use the red sprinkler on still works..of course they have to need water within the alloted far as crops if i can't use it right then on my crop i can come back later to do i collect my milk 2 times a day it's not that hard to grab the red sprinkler and water...all in farm management my friends..

jeemersmom Sep 09 2011 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by mrsmel (Post 4832930)
I want my brown sprinkler back! All other tools remained in my tool box when I bought the upgrade, but the brown sprinkler disappeared when I bought the red one. I tried putting the red one on a farm to see if the brown would again be available to me--but no. I bought the brown one to be able to water all of the flowers on a farm at once. That option is no longer available without accelerating crop growth on that farm. So--$95 later I'm back to using the red blob manual flower watering method. Color me unhappy.

:mad: I too would like to have my brown (silver) sprinkler back. I paid for it and it isn't right that it was just taken away. I should have the option of just watering (brown) or water/speed up growth (red) since I bought and paid for both. Yes, the brown sprinkler is present when I visit a neighbor's farms, but many of my neighbors no longer want someone to water their flowers because that interferes with their use of their red sprinkler. :confused: How do I get my brown sprinkler back for use on MY farms? :confused:

1fritz Sep 10 2011 12:31 AM

Ill add my two cents worth..I also want the brown sprinkler back. The red one is fantastic. It does what I bought it to do halve the harvest time on crops. others have said there are time when I just want to water my flowers and NOT speed up harvest times.

Every other tool harvester, chainsaw, even the manure spreader are still in storage and work.

To quote someone else "The one tool we would actually have a use for is taken away".

I truly hope this is an oversight on the part of the Devs, and the will correct this problem.

"I BOUGHT IT I PAID FOR IT AND I WANT IT BACK!!!" don't remember who used that line but it my feeling also.


tnbskts Sep 10 2011 02:00 AM

I don't have either sprinkler yet, but I'm not going to buy the red one if it means the brown one is disabled. They can say all they like that the red one is an extension of the brown one, but it costs as much as any other individual tool, not the 30 FC amount that extensions usually cost.

I have the 5x5 implements, and I'm glad that buying them didn't disable the 4x4 and smaller ones, because (especially for the plower and seeder) I sometimes need them. In the same way, since the brown and red sprinklers have somewhat different uses, and ESPECIALLY since the brown one cost 45 FC, it's really inconsiderate to remove it. If the extended toolbox is getting full, just make it bigger, don't start taking away implements we've paid the full whack of FC for.

Farm Town has always been really good about letting people play in the way they want to, unlike certain other farm games out there which are getting very dictatorial. This is a surprising and unwelcome development from Farm Town, deciding that people just need to change the way they farm and suck it up rather than letting them keep a tool they paid significant money for.

The other thing that's worrying me about this is the silence from the devs. Last time there was an outcry about something - all the wall posts when the belts were introduced - there was a pretty swift response from the devs. This time, after a week or more, there's dead silence. Not even "we hear you, we're working on it" or even "we hear you and we might do something in the future," just the sort of silence that's rather more characteristic of certain other farm games out there but quite unusual for Farm Town.

tnbskts Sep 10 2011 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by barbara nixon (Post 4842014)
i love my red sprinkler...only adjustment is get rid of flowers on a farm i wanted to do plots..wasn't hard ..wasn't that many flowers anyway..i have now farms with flowers and farms without..and it work just fine...

That's fine for you, but some of us do have farms with flowers and plots together, sometimes a lot of flowers, and we have them that way deliberately. Part of the fun of the game is landscaping with trees, flowers, decorations, and plots; if one of the tools makes this impossible, then it's a problem with the tool and it should be fixed.

jenifoofoo Sep 10 2011 04:19 AM

yes, I want to water my flowers w/o speeding up crops. SINCE we can only do it once per 20 hours.

the best fix is actually to let the RS water the FARM not just the crops. Problem solved.

Chris Frost Sep 10 2011 11:43 AM

I quickly read through the posts in this thread. It seems like a lot of people here agree. We like the idea of the red sprinkler to halve growing times, but limiting its use to once a day is bad planning on the part of the FT Developers.

If I plant anything with a 1 day or less growing time, then sprinkle, I can't use the sprinkler again for the next crop until the next FT day. That sucks!! The manure spreader isn't limited in this way. So why the restriction with the sprinkler?

Come on FT Developers. You can see the sense in the argument... Either make it so the sprinkler can be used after each successive new crop regardless of the time elapsed, or give us half our money back please.

Mr. H Sep 10 2011 12:57 PM

I'm ok with only being able to use the red sprinkler once a day. It adds a new and challenging element to the game. But, I would like to see the brown sprinkler back and to be able to use it without affecting my ability to use the red sprinkler.

WineGolfer Sep 11 2011 06:47 AM

Just spent $50FT on the new sprinkler and it works great but why did it have to replace the old sprinkler? Now I have no way to water just my flowers, except to use the old baby sprinkler. Since we bought 2 mobile sprinklers we should be able to use both. Suppose you just want to water flowers and not cut the farm harvest time in half?? Please return the old sprinkler too.

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