Farm Town

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Originally Posted by amdevine (Post 6020030)
Does anyone know if you can play FarmTown or Cafeland on Microsoft Surface Pro or an IPAD?

Hi amdevine; Yes, you can play FT on an ipad. You do need a browser that has Adobe Flash. There is one that I use called Puffin. Last time I checked, you can download it for free for 30 days, if you like it, you need to pay $5 to purchase the browser. Steve Jobs had an issue with the quality of Adobe Flash which is why it has NOT been included on the ipad. We (FT players and developers) are currently experiencing issues with Flash. Raul and the other devs have been working hard to undo the many changes that Adobe has caused, and I do think that we are over the worst of the changes.

You will find that playing it on the ipad is somewhat clunky. The screen is much smaller and I find that harvest/plowing is a pain because of that. Hiring helpers to harvest/plow is doable. In other words, in a pinch, is will work, but playing the game on a laptop or large screen computer gives the best results.

PhilGrocholl Nov 22 2015 01:09 AM

Hiding of crops while harvesting
In a recent update, when you harvest, say, flowers, it hides the other crops, trees, buildings, etc. I have decided that I do not like this feature. It just feels weird having everything dim like that. I just had to restart the game because it glitched on me, and even though I was trying to harvest flowers with my flower harvester, everything was dimmed, including the flowers. Once I restarted the game, it worked, but I've never had to do that before that feature was added in.

Aussie Rae Nov 22 2015 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by PhilGrocholl (Post 6020474)
In a recent update, when you harvest, say, flowers, it hides the other crops, trees, buildings, etc. I have decided that I do not like this feature. It just feels weird having everything dim like that. I just had to restart the game because it glitched on me, and even though I was trying to harvest flowers with my flower harvester, everything was dimmed, including the flowers. Once I restarted the game, it worked, but I've never had to do that before that feature was added in.

sounds like you had it set to Dim not Hide... things go faster in ft if you have everything hidden, and the only thing showing.. whatever you are working on at the time.. even planting is faster if you have Crops Hidden, especially with 9x farms..

fredam Nov 23 2015 06:16 PM

still no control on curser
It is now november 23rd and my curser still has a lot of lag this is getting very frustrating I so love my FT so much so I have 2 accounts to play it and paid a lotta money into it but its now getting to the point of cutting my losses and leaving which I would do with a very heavy heart ..... at some points the curser has a mind of its own .....I'm getting desperate for a solution pleaseeeee

Taz D Nov 23 2015 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by fredam (Post 6020878)
It is now november 23rd and my curser still has a lot of lag this is getting very frustrating I so love my FT so much so I have 2 accounts to play it and paid a lotta money into it but its now getting to the point of cutting my losses and leaving which I would do with a very heavy heart ..... at some points the curser has a mind of its own .....I'm getting desperate for a solution pleaseeeee

Hi fredam,
What browser are you using? Have you tried other browsers to see if it is different in those? Is you Flash up to date or if using Chrome is it current.
The Flash for all the browsers should be 19,0,0,245.

stevet160 Nov 23 2015 08:12 PM

Gift Box Update
Creating extra clicks to select "ingredients" or "animals" is just bad. The way it was before was much smarter and worked just fine. I think this is an update we can roll back. Please fix that.

Taz D Nov 23 2015 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by stevet160 (Post 6020902)
Creating extra clicks to select "ingredients" or "animals" is just bad. The way it was before was much smarter and worked just fine. I think this is an update we can roll back. Please fix that.

Hi stevet,
If you wish to make suggestion please put it in the Suggestions section. You can not start a new thread there but you can reply to a thread that fits your suggestion.

fredam Nov 24 2015 07:03 AM

I'm using chrome and my flash player is up to date,I have the same problem on safari and explorer

Taz D Nov 24 2015 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by fredam (Post 6020986)
I'm using chrome and my flash player is up to date,I have the same problem on safari and explorer

Hi fredam,
Neither safari or IE are ideal browsers for game playing. Would you please try a new browser theat is not already installed on your computer. Many have tried Opera and find it works quite well. If that works then I suggest you uninstall and reinstall Chrome to see if that will speed up your game play.

Qivis Nov 25 2015 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by fredam (Post 6020878)
It is now november 23rd and my curser still has a lot of lag this is getting very frustrating I so love my FT so much so I have 2 accounts to play it and paid a lotta money into it but its now getting to the point of cutting my losses and leaving which I would do with a very heavy heart ..... at some points the curser has a mind of its own .....I'm getting desperate for a solution pleaseeeee

If you are using a wireless mouse or have more than 1 mouse plugged in you might also want to be sure the batteries are not running down or the mouse which you do not intend to use is either remaining absolutely still or is off. My wireless mouse sometimes starts doing this when I need to recharge its batteries or if my wired USB mouse is not perfectly still. As a matter of fact, I just plugged my Energizer charger in a few minutes ago for this very problem.

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