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cairo Nov 06 2014 11:46 AM

Suggestion for store [seed section]
[I can't post in the 'suggestion' area, so I hope its okay to do so here.]

It would be so much easier if they listed the seeds by when they harvest. When I want to plant several types of items, I usually pick by when they harvest, and it just takes away some fun when you have to constantly scroll thu the list to find which ones you can choose from. Wouldn't it make more sense to list in order. Put all the 1 day harvest in order, then all the 2 day ..etc... Then all the seed types are right there together and you don't have to keep scrolling up and down. I like coming to play to get away from stress, and for me, it just takes away from fun I have because it gets to be a pain to have to constantly scroll thru the list all the time. I know its not hard, but it would be so much easier.

Im sure it would be an easy change, i used to program, so i know code wont have to be changed, just moved around.


FarmerMcLashwood Nov 06 2014 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by cairo (Post 5896450)
[I can't post in the 'suggestion' area, so I hope its okay to do so here.]

It would be so much easier if they listed the seeds by when they harvest. When I want to plant several types of items, I usually pick by when they harvest, and it just takes away some fun when you have to constantly scroll thu the list to find which ones you can choose from. Wouldn't it make more sense to list in order. Put all the 1 day harvest in order, then all the 2 day ..etc... Then all the seed types are right there together and you don't have to keep scrolling up and down. I like coming to play to get away from stress, and for me, it just takes away from fun I have because it gets to be a pain to have to constantly scroll thru the list all the time. I know its not hard, but it would be so much easier.

Im sure it would be an easy change, i used to program, so i know code wont have to be changed, just moved around.


If when you go to the store to buy seeds.. top right hand corner there is an icon A-Z click that and scroll down to harvest time. :-)

Taz D Nov 06 2014 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by cairo (Post 5896450)
[I can't post in the 'suggestion' area, so I hope its okay to do so here.]

It would be so much easier if they listed the seeds by when they harvest. When I want to plant several types of items, I usually pick by when they harvest, and it just takes away some fun when you have to constantly scroll thu the list to find which ones you can choose from. Wouldn't it make more sense to list in order. Put all the 1 day harvest in order, then all the 2 day ..etc... Then all the seed types are right there together and you don't have to keep scrolling up and down. I like coming to play to get away from stress, and for me, it just takes away from fun I have because it gets to be a pain to have to constantly scroll thru the list all the time. I know its not hard, but it would be so much easier.

Im sure it would be an easy change, i used to program, so i know code wont have to be changed, just moved around.


Hi Jean,
Just to add to what Farmer McLashwood said, you can post in the Suggestion section. You can not start a new thread in that section, but you can Reply to an existing thread that fits your suggestion. We do this to keep the suggestion section clean and organized for the members and developers.

cairo Nov 06 2014 01:35 PM

thanks. i didnt realize i could do that i havent played in a long time and things are so much different.


MaryinVA Nov 06 2014 08:54 PM

I wish these quests didn't ever end in the "load"...something. It's easier to just collect ingredients from several quests, but when you need to get a final item to load, you need to find someone with the same quest. Right now I need to buy a dirty linen cart so I can load it into a facility. I have everything except that.

Taz D Nov 06 2014 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by MaryinVA (Post 5896594)
I wish these quests didn't ever end in the "load"...something. It's easier to just collect ingredients from several quests, but when you need to get a final item to load, you need to find someone with the same quest. Right now I need to buy a dirty linen cart so I can load it into a facility. I have everything except that.

Hi Mary,
I moved your post to the feedback thread about the co-op quests. The thread you posted in is not for feedback. but is for posting what ingredients you have that others can buy.

Amber Leigh Nov 07 2014 07:37 PM

I started another group of flowers and same problem of flowers returning to a seedling stage after freezing.

hifli74 Nov 08 2014 11:17 AM

return to farm
:)I don't know if many people know this but if you are hired to farm and get booted you can return to the farm IF you have sent a message and click on the green man at the bottom right of the message box. I don't know why ft hasn't explained this to anyone primarily the beginners!

Petuniaflower Nov 08 2014 01:01 PM

I really enjoy this co-operative quest.:)I have been observing and when someone gets a quest with flowers in it.It seems to be harder to complete. I have even gone through the friends here who post their quest.You don't see many with carnations,white roses and such.

rjohn726 Nov 09 2014 06:45 AM

This has changed to more the way it was in prior days.

Guess I really don't need those Coconut trees I got after-all.

Seems to be moving on as it used to be.

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