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If I understand correctly, if I bought the red sprinkler, I would only be able to use it once a day. I have 15 farms, I believe at least 10 of them are in crops, and I would only be able to use it for one field a day. Not sure it sounds worth it if one can only use it for one field a day.
The flower sprinkler also says you can only use it once a day. So if you use it at a neighbors one day, does that mean you can't use it at your own farm that day? |
Well, perhaps not as good of a deal as I thought since it would cost 95 farmcash to get the flower sprinkler and the one to speed up your crops. Not sure if it is worth speeding up my crops since I have all the crops I need with the 15 farms anyway. Guess I would need to buy more facilities or just plant acorn squash alot, both which will add to the already too much time I spend on the game. I want to buy a farmcash something to make farming more fun or easier or make alot of coins faster, just not sure which one it will be. I have the farmcash, but not sure I want to spend 95 for this. |
Train car costs
Why does the train cars require farm cash? When I click on the locomotive, it shows boxes for the long cars and shows farm coins instead of cash as the price to buy. But to go buy them it actually takes farm cash!
The short cars are for coin and only for decoration The long cars can be loaded with products to bring to your farm. They cost farm cash, and currently it takes one week for the train to "make its rounds" and deliver your products. You can have as many coin cars as you want. Only one of each freight car will currently bring products, and it must be attached to the black locomotive engine (coin cost) . |
Click on the locomotive, one without any cars attached. A popu window shows long freight cars to purchase, and shows Coins, not cash!!! But when you go to buy the long cars from the shop, it shows farm cash. You should fix the shaded box that pops up from the locomotive showing farm coins, such as one shows, long container car, 2,016,000 farm coins, it does not show farm cash! That is false representation!!! Because I cannot buy a long container car with 2,016,000, it required farm cash. So you need to either change the price to to farm cash, or change the window that pops up when you click show train details! It is false advertisement.
Why isn't there a caboose for the decorative train? Trains sure look funny without one.
Fred, gentleman farmer |
So, if I understand correctly, you buy the train car. Say it delivers 5 items, but you only have the facility that produces 3 of those items. You pay the same no matter how many items it delivers? It seems to cost alot of coins to get these items. Does it really pay enough to make it worth it? Does it take fuel too?
Read the Trains chapter in the Game Guide for more information. |
So if I bought the long gondola car, but do not have the beefarm, I would still get 4000 honey, 2000 beeswax and 3780 sugar for 1,148,000 coins? and it would arrive in 1 week? Would it cost fuel too? if so, how much? |
"8. Long Freight Cars don't have facilities requirements anymore: To minimize confusion, you now always be able tu purchase any Long Freight Cars even if you don't have any facility in current farm or storage." Yes it does take fuel, but I am not sure how to figure out how much. I just dispatched mine again with 7 cars and it was 2,940 fuel. |
Did you just say 'read the manual' ?
:) |
It was in jest.
~no harm, no foul |
In my humble opinion, trains are worthless. They carry products that you can easily get in facilities that are bought with coins. They force you to get every product on that particular car even if you only need one thing. They don't carry the real stuff that is needed, like chicken and meat (or other stuff on trucks, fish farms, bee farms) or high volume crops, like onions, tomatoes, etc. Unless it changes to something that really matters, I can't see spending anything on them. And the fact is that what matters to somebody else, does not matter to me, and vice versa. The cars should be setup to deliver once per day and let us buy as much as we want of anything. If I want to buy 10,000 chickens or baskets of onions and I have the coin to do so, I should be allowed to do it. In essence, the limitations on the trains are ridiculous. I am a farmer, I enjoy planting and harvesting and plowing and replanting, etc. and I will continue to do it. Having the trains won't change that, but I won't waste my money on something that really doesn't matter anymore - we've done enough of that.
I only have one train and just recently dispatched it.
I believe they will be more valuable when owning them allows us to work our neighbors facilities even faster.I was going to wait until that option was rolled out but my Farm Town cash was burning a hole...:) |
Could we please have something like the crops when you mouse over, it shows how much time left for the train to come in. There is nothing to let us know.
Tiger. The link you gave at the top says I am not allowed to go there! GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! When ever I have a problem I try to look it up, but can't this time.....
Try the above link. I think the information on the sprinklers was moved to this chapter on tools |
I like the look of the trains. But, they are way to slow and don't carry much. Not really worth the cash to buy them as they are.
I would like to be able to see what time my train will arrive; or, the number of "hours remaining" before it arrives on the last day. "84% done" is meaningless to me.
All of my train cars left the station at the same time; yet, 3 of my cars say they have - "22 markets in 2 days" left to go. Wassup?
Ok, am going to sound a bit thick here,but what do the trains and carriages do?
http://www.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492298 |
It sure would be nice to have at least ONE of those freight-carrying train cars that would allow people without the means of having to use cash (to buy FCash) to use. You offer the locomotive, why not one freight for coins.....
I have all the trains avail and they just fit on one side of my farm . Have not figured out how to couple a train together from a turn. I know they said we could do it, but have not got that figured out as of yet. Love the trains doing the factories for others that is awesome.
I've moved your post into general feedback for trains as it was not a suggestion and replies to posts are not permitted there. The game guide will show you an example of how to make a train turn a corner.Here's the link to that post.......... http://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthr...86#post5272586 |
I don't mind paying for the trains, love the idea of doing work in other peoples factories and services and not having to click every factory on that farm. The trains are very cool I now own them all until the next update at least lol. Good job
My train has been out way longer than 7 days! What is wrong? This makes the second time this has happened. Could you maybe put a notice over the train (when you float your cerser over it.) that will tell us when the train is due back?
I have had no problems with the trains since the first week. But I am unable to buy the purple plower-harvester-planter and put it into storage. It keeps saying "try again later" and vanishing completely when I refresh and demanding that I purchase it again. I think they need to fix old issues before they add any more boxcars for the train that may or may not have problems of their own. And yes, I have written to the customer service link to get my 135 farm cash refund.
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