Farm Town

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Taz D Jun 25 2019 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by user007 (Post 6307346)
I have repeatedly asked that yeast be added to ships and trains and my requests go unfulfilled and unanswered we need more yeast and clay blocks neither one is from a workable facility, you cant buy any so tell me WTH we're supposed to do...:( :( :mad: :mad:

Hi user007,
Your post was moved to the general feedback section as you have already posted it several times in the Suggestions section. Just because you have asked for something does not mean that it will be done. The decision is up to the developers and they do not respond to suggestions.

jsigler25 Jun 25 2019 08:28 PM

to taz
I would put it in the suggestion section but I don't have access//////////////

Taz D Jun 25 2019 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by jsigler25 (Post 6307386)
I would put it in the suggestion section but I don't have access//////////////

Hi jsigler,
You do have access to that section. You just can not start a new thread. Open the Suggestion section, look at the threads already there and pick one that fits your suggestion, click on it and then click on the Reply button at the top of the page.

soulman3854 Jun 30 2019 10:46 AM

End of Flash player
I have read a number of times on different sites that Flash is being discontinued on some browsers:eek:, Chrome has been mentioned as one of them:confused:
Does anyone know if this is true and if it is, then what steps Slashkey are taking to keep Farmtown going afterwards
I do know Pixel Federation have just moved to "Web-GL" for their game Trainstation but i cant find anything about slashkey and farmtown

Taz D Jun 30 2019 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by soulman3854 (Post 6307842)
I have read a number of times on different sites that Flash is being discontinued on some browsers:eek:, Chrome has been mentioned as one of them:confused:
Does anyone know if this is true and if it is, then what steps Slashkey are taking to keep Farmtown going afterwards
I do know Pixel Federation have just moved to "Web-GL" for their game Trainstation but i cant find anything about slashkey and farmtown

Hi soulman,
You can find the information about Farm Town and Flash player in the following link:

soulman3854 Jun 30 2019 05:12 PM

thanks i need to look more carefully in future

Retired Ohio Buckeye Jul 05 2019 02:37 PM

Playing the game
How many of you people actually spend your own money to play this game? The prices the "developers" have put on the land alone is absolutely outrageous. There is NO WAY to move up unless you spend your own money to buy "farm cash" unless you want to spend the rest of your life hacking away little by little trying to "level up!"

Tiger Jul 05 2019 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Retired Ohio Buckeye (Post 6308366)
How many of you people actually spend your own money to play this game? The prices the "developers" have put on the land alone is absolutely outrageous. There is NO WAY to move up unless you spend your own money to buy "farm cash" unless you want to spend the rest of your life hacking away little by little trying to "level up!"

Hi Retired Ohio Buckeye,

Plenty of people spend money on the game if that is what they chose to do. There are also a great many that do not do that, and still have all the farms at the maximum expansions and are at top level. They more than likely have not used earned Farm Cash to buy farms and expansions, but have instead earned coins and levels by working for others and then bought when they had earned/sold enough to buy them.

Just because you don't have many farms or big farms or big tools does not mean you can not get more farms and expansions. There are a lot of farmers now who will hire workers and allow the use their of tools and their fuel to those who don't have them so they can work big farms to earn a lot of XP. Working for strangers will also earn you a bonus chest which gives you more XP and products for working them. IF you also happen to have or get friends that have a lot of facilities, and they don't have to be Farm Cash ones, when you work those you can earn a lot of XP and gain products. Selling what you don't need from that will get you a lot of coins.

I'm sorry but the developers are not going to reduce the cost of purchasing land. If you wish to make a suggestion on future cost of new farms and land expansions, you may do that in the Suggestions area of the forum where they will see it.

ftjill Jul 15 2019 12:58 PM

Herring - need more herring?
Having trouble getting enough herring? Try requesting ingredients to make soused herring. Soused herring is in the Dutch restaurant. You receive 48 herring per batch. That's 4x the amount from seal food.

rondiddle Jul 16 2019 09:50 AM

clam containers
Is anyone else running out of clam containers? I have 4 fish plant farms and I cannot keep up with production.

JohnAlbertini Aug 13 2019 10:08 PM

Flash ending
It has been TWO YEARS since the developers announced they were moving off Flash (July 2017). Give us an update.

Why should I spend a dime when we have no way of knowing what is up?

TWO YEARS and you have 16 months until Flash is DEAD!

What are you waiting for?

Taz D Aug 13 2019 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini (Post 6312174)
It has been TWO YEARS since the developers announced they were moving off Flash (July 2017). Give us an update.

Why should I spend a dime when we have no way of knowing what is up?

TWO YEARS and you have 16 months until Flash is DEAD!

What are you waiting for?

Hi John,
They are not going to change the game over to a different platform until they have to do so. That does not mean they aren't working on it, but there isn't any point to changing it until they have too. The only way you will get any additional information is in the future releases. The developers do not answer questions in the forums.
For those reading this the information is in this link:

BelliBut10 Sep 04 2019 12:40 PM

Farmtown closing????
Someone mentioned in a post that Farmtown was going to shut down. I just wanted to check if this is so. Other posts said YES. I must say that if Farmtown shuts down there are going to be lots of people who are going to be very upset and depressed - including ME.... Pleas keep Farmtown going!!!!!! Thanks, Sharon

Tiger Sep 04 2019 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by BelliBut10 (Post 6314954)
Someone mentioned in a post that Farmtown was going to shut down. I just wanted to check if this is so. Other posts said YES. I must say that if Farmtown shuts down there are going to be lots of people who are going to be very upset and depressed - including ME.... Pleas keep Farmtown going!!!!!! Thanks, Sharon

Hi BelliBut10,

No, there are no plans to shut Farm Town down. In fact the game is in the process of being transferred to a more resilient platform. This will be done before Adobe ends support for flash player in December 2020. You can read what the developers had to say about it on the following post:

Cathalina Sep 12 2019 07:24 PM

Experience Points
I've noticed that all my FT friends are passing me quickly in Experience points and I'm wondering why? I have 7 ships and keep them going, 6 trains, 40 farms all layered except one, and have one super-neighbor who helps me keep my farms harvested. I also participate in the chains and co-ops and take advantage of the wall request harvest of friends farms too. Why do my points not add up as fast? I'm at 2million something, and many of my friends are now at 3, 6 and 7 or 8 million? Any trick to this? Thanks, Cathalina

Taz D Sep 12 2019 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cathalina (Post 6315886)
I've noticed that all my FT friends are passing me quickly in Experience points and I'm wondering why? I have 7 ships and keep them going, 6 trains, 40 farms all layered except one, and have one super-neighbor who helps me keep my farms harvested. I also participate in the chains and co-ops and take advantage of the wall request harvest of friends farms too. Why do my points not add up as fast? I'm at 2million something, and many of my friends are now at 3, 6 and 7 or 8 million? Any trick to this? Thanks, Cathalina

Hi Cathalina,
The only thing I can see that you are not doing is to work for others by getting hired in the job market as they might be doing. Many do that work to gain experience points.

You are not at 2 million. You are at 2.8 billion, level 1075, and well over what you need for additional levels when they are added.

Cathalina Sep 13 2019 01:11 AM

Thank you Taz!

Dana1971 Oct 18 2019 06:41 AM

We need More COD. I have paid out SO much money for the water to get it, and fish it twice a day, and STILL Run short!!

Taz D Oct 18 2019 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6320682)
We need More COD. I have paid out SO much money for the water to get it, and fish it twice a day, and STILL Run short!!

Hi Dana,
If you wish to make a suggestion, please place it is the Suggestions section and not in the General Feedback. You can not start a new thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

Kathy813 Oct 19 2019 06:10 PM

More people as decor and seasonal ones sooner
We need Fall people at the time of Halloween and more variety would be nice. A greater selection of people at all times. Maybe the seasonal people could be available all year round.:)

marymarcel Oct 19 2019 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kathy813 (Post 6320846)
We need Fall people at the time of Halloween and more variety would be nice. A greater selection of people at all times. Maybe the seasonal people could be available all year round.:)

Hi Kathy :)

Please post your idea in our Suggestion section where we have all ideas grouped by theme for the developers to read.

You can't open a new thread there but you can post as a response to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:

WaccaWaccaChickenSoup Oct 28 2019 12:10 AM

Farm Cash Facilities
Not sure where to post this. Why are FC facilities some of the lowest coin product producing facilities? If my math is correct, the Appliance Parts Factory if loaded and left alone to empty itself out over 15-days will only produce 8,847,000M coins worth of product. But the Courthouse Supplies Factory will generate roughly 8,676,000M coins worth of product in the same duration. I would expect if you're spending FC on these buildings, they would be some of the top earning facilities in the game.

al_bundy Oct 30 2019 07:42 AM

Major Train Crash Great Loss of Life
A Major Train Crash has occured on Terranora Lakes Country Farms between a Freight Train and a Passenger Train Full of passengers

Preliminary Investigations into the crash indicate that the Crash was caused by the lack of Signals on the line for drivers to know when to stop go or Floor it in this case the driver of the freight train was having a bad day after a no win fight with his wife and just decided to floor it and as a result completely destroyed the passenger train

when rail authority bosses were quized as to why no signals were installed they advised RailSafe that for some strange reason no signals other then level crossing booms were available for purchase in the Farm Town Store

Railsafe has recomended farmtown Executives quickly rectify the situation by adding nessessary rail safety equipment to the store so no more lives are lost :D

Taz D Oct 30 2019 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by al_bundy (Post 6327282)
A Major Train Crash has occured on Terranora Lakes Country Farms between a Freight Train and a Passenger Train Full of passengers

Preliminary Investigations into the crash indicate that the Crash was caused by the lack of Signals on the line for drivers to know when to stop go or Floor it in this case the driver of the freight train was having a bad day after a no win fight with his wife and just decided to floor it and as a result completely destroyed the passenger train

when rail authority bosses were quized as to why no signals were installed they advised RailSafe that for some strange reason no signals other then level crossing booms were available for purchase in the Farm Town Store

Railsafe has recomended farmtown Executives quickly rectify the situation by adding nessessary rail safety equipment to the store so no more lives are lost :D

Hi al bundy,
If you want to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section. You can not start a thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

Larwin Oct 31 2019 10:53 AM

Farm Town Neighbor Tab
I have had a lot of trouble with farm town my neighbor tab mostly cause it don't update when I add a friend or neighbor or try remove inactive neighbors. They need to improve this tremendously. I am losing my mind trying to figure out how to add and remove neighbors more efficiently. Please fix this system or improve it.

Taz D Oct 31 2019 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Larwin (Post 6327574)
I have had a lot of trouble with farm town my neighbor tab mostly cause it don't update when I add a friend or neighbor or try remove inactive neighbors. They need to improve this tremendously. I am losing my mind trying to figure out how to add and remove neighbors more efficiently. Please fix this system or improve it.

Hi Larwin,
The delay in a new friend/neighbor being added to the My Neighbors tab is because Facebook does not immediately update the list. To get it to update faster try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close that as it is done.
If your farm is open close it. Then reopen and look again.

I have already answered you about how to remove inactive neighbors.

redjade27 Nov 02 2019 10:56 AM

Farm Town
Not sure where to ask this or suggest it. Can Farm Town expand to other platforms. Facebook is becoming difficult and too political by its creators. Can we have another option to access Farm Town?

Taz D Nov 02 2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by redjade27 (Post 6327874)
Not sure where to ask this or suggest it. Can Farm Town expand to other platforms. Facebook is becoming difficult and too political by its creators. Can we have another option to access Farm Town?

Hi redjade,
If you want to make a suggestion, pleas post it in the Suggestions section where we organize them by subject for the developers to view. You can not start a new thread there, but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

ccheney Nov 14 2019 03:27 PM

FC facilities are also some of the lowest product producing facilities. I have three oil refineries and I have 0 petrochemical barrels and 6 asphalt barrels yet I have tens of thousands of everything else it makes. You can't make enough petrochemical barrels or asphalt barrels.

Taz D Nov 14 2019 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by ccheney (Post 6328950)
FC facilities are also some of the lowest product producing facilities. I have three oil refineries and I have 0 petrochemical barrels and 6 asphalt barrels yet I have tens of thousands of everything else it makes. You can't make enough petrochemical barrels or asphalt barrels.

Hi ccheney,
Maybe the reason you have no petrochemical barrels is you have 3 oil refineries, but 13 petrochemical plants. You can not expect 3 refineries to supply enough petrochemical barrels to fill that many plants.

Goldenserenity Dec 01 2019 01:48 AM

Farmtown Without Facebook?
There used to be a way to play farmtown without having to go through facebook a long time ago by typing in the browser Is there a way to access farmtown without facebook? I would love to leave facebook, but I don't want to lose my farms as I spent a lot of money on the game, plus I enjoy the game too much to quit. If not, will farmtown ever let us access it without facebook? I truly hate facebook, especially since they got rid of the lists. It was so easy having all my farmtown friends on a list to work their facilities. The wall only allows I think 2 hours. :confused:

Tiger Dec 01 2019 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Goldenserenity (Post 6332206)
There used to be a way to play farmtown without having to go through facebook a long time ago by typing in the browser Is there a way to access farmtown without facebook? I would love to leave facebook, but I don't want to lose my farms as I spent a lot of money on the game, plus I enjoy the game too much to quit. If not, will farmtown ever let us access it without facebook? I truly hate facebook, especially since they got rid of the lists. It was so easy having all my farmtown friends on a list to work their facilities. The wall only allows I think 2 hours. :confused:

Hi Goldenserenity,

I'm sorry but you need your Facebook account in order to access the game and your farms are tied to that account. That is the only way you will be able to do anything that requires access to your friends list.

If you prefer, you can log into Facebook then only have the game open and then just use My Requests and Show Farm Town Wall Requests so that all you are seeing are Farm Town posts. You can turn off all the Facebook notifications and messages if you don't wish to get those.

The link for accessing all your Friends lists is missing at this time, you can report that to Facebook as I don't think that they meant to remove it as they still have the instructions on how to create a friends list directing you to that.

We do have a link for you that will get you to all your friends lists without using the Facebook bookmark which is still working at the time of this post. You need to be logged into Facebook to use it.

Click on this link Facebook Friends Lists. That will then take you to all your lists. You can then bookmark that in your browser so you can use it again. If you want a bookmark to a specific list, click that link, then click on the friends list you want to use and bookmark that.

There is also Facebooks Gameroom you could try, which once you are logged on and have saved the shortcut to your desktop you can just use that to get to all your Facebook games. It is possible to save a lik to Farm Town to your desktop as well. Facebook did originally intend for it to work flawlessly with all games, however this is not always the case. It is not as flexible as using Facebook, depending on what you want to do, and some things do not display in there. You would just have to try it and see how you got on with it, to see if it is suitable for how you like to play. If you find you can't get to some information in there you would have to go back onto Facebook and access the game that way to see it. Personally I don't like it myself, but that is just my opinion.

Goldenserenity Dec 02 2019 02:48 AM

Thank you so much for the helpful information Tiger! I greatly appreciate it. :)
I was afraid that we need the facebook account

Goldenserenity Dec 02 2019 02:52 AM

Forgot to mention about the lists. I received a message from facebook telling me the lists were going, and that I was going to lose my farmtown list. Well, it did disappear, but I noticed the lists came back and I was able to create another list. I used that new list for about a week, and now I can't even see access to any of the lists. I will try the link you sent me and see if I can access through it. Thanks again! Jan 04 2020 09:47 AM

Farm town limit?
Has farm town reached its limit ? Are we going to get any mo re farms?and what about new trees, flowers, crops, rivers , etc

marymarcel Jan 04 2020 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6335850)
Has farm town reached its limit ? Are we going to get any mo re farms?and what about new trees, flowers, crops, rivers , etc

Hi harrywhitmore :)

Not sure why you are thinking that since we get new things with every release every month.

Only the developers know if they are going to add more farms, up now we are getting upgrades for the existing ones.

If you want new items for the game, please post your idea in our Suggestion section where we have ideas grouped by theme for the developers to read.

You can't start a new post there but you can post as a reply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:

byrddog Jan 04 2020 10:58 AM

i have 6 and cant keep up

marymarcel Jan 04 2020 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by byrddog (Post 6335866)
i have 6 and cant keep up

Hi byrddog :)

When you posted in Help & Support, your post was moved and answered in the following link:

Luann2009 Jan 04 2020 01:06 PM

2 farms
is it ok to have 2 completley different farms? Like starting over, doing things different on the new farm. The farm I have now has 24 added farms it is just overwhelming to me and not relaxing. I still would keep my original farm too. If there is a way please let me know.

marymarcel Jan 04 2020 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Luann2009 (Post 6335878)
is it ok to have 2 completley different farms? Like starting over, doing things different on the new farm. The farm I have now has 24 added farms it is just overwhelming to me and not relaxing. I still would keep my original farm too. If there is a way please let me know.

Hi Luann2009 :)

I moved your post to General Feedback.

To have a new set of farms you have to open a new account for Facebook and it is Facebook the one allowing the new account or not.

But take in mind that if you start a new account and Facebook shuts one of those accounts down you would lose those farms and any money spent on them.

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