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Scooter Jun 24 2012 07:57 PM

I like the look of them and the products available. Only problem for me is like so many of the other facilities - FARM CASH ONLY. We live n a limited income due to disability and simply can not afford to buy "cash" for much wanted items, so, like always, we have to do without -
Perhaps there will be one that will MAYBE be available for coins? Using coin purchased facilities?

KnightRider Jun 24 2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by FarmerMcLashwood (Post 5203142)
I posted this already in another part of the forum but realise it was most probably the wrong place.
So here is my feedback on the train:

Well here's a fine thing... I dispatched my train again last sunday without any problem at all.
It was ready tonight to unload but before I did..... i went into my storage to check what amounts I had for each of the goods in the carts.

There was absolutely no problem at all with the goods unloaded from the Long Box car... I got what I was supposed to.
The problems were the other cars.
In the Long container car I should have received 2520 plastic granules but only got 2340 - 180 short!
I should have received 672 rubber but only got 492 - 180 short!
The flat glass and the mirror glass were correct.
In the Long 2 door box car there were problems with some of the goods too.
I should have received 336 cardstock but only got 156 - 180 short (can you see a pattern emerging?
But the biggest shock of all was I should have received 168 Paper rolls....... I didn't receive any..... instead it TOOK 192 of what I had in storage.

Am disinclined to dispatch my train again until these glitches are sorted out.

My train is on my farm6

I await an explanation...... if there is one and would like the missing items to be returned to me.
I wish I had checked it out more last week before I unloaded last sunday.... would be interested to see if a pattern was emerging.:(:mad:

I did a check on mine, I went into my storage before I unloaded my train and wrote everything down, and then unloaded my train which I had all three boxcars to unload, and I got everything I was suppose to get. So I don't know why it shorted yours.

FarmerMcLashwood Jun 25 2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5203406)
I did a check on mine, I went into my storage before I unloaded my train and wrote everything down, and then unloaded my train which I had all three boxcars to unload, and I got everything I was suppose to get. So I don't know why it shorted yours.

Neither do I.. hence the post.

coinman1952 Jun 25 2012 12:43 PM

Trains are disappointing, too little return for the investment, mostly obscure products. Trains locomotive is from the 19th century. Also, may be wrong but I don't believe train tracks ever cross in tee. Don't believe in the real world that is even possible. They do cross from one track to another using a section of track that resembles an elongated "s" or a round house.

Taz D Jun 25 2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by coinman1952 (Post 5204102)
Trains are disappointing, too little return for the investment, mostly obscure products. Trains locomotive is from the 19th century. Also, may be wrong but I don't believe train tracks ever cross in tee. Don't believe in the real world that is even possible. They do cross from one track to another using a section of track that resembles an elongated "s" or a round house.

I agree with you about the return on the investment at the moment though I think the Boost will make that better when implemented.
By the way Steam Locomotives were still in use up until the 1960's and I like them much better than the deisel trucks on rails.
And yes there are tee crossings of tracks though the railroads try to avoid those for safety reasons. I do agree that we need some switches for crossing between tracks instead of having to try to create our own. We also need to have those 8 rotations of the train to be able to place them on the track the way we want them.

KnightRider Jun 25 2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5204142)
I agree with you about the return on the investment at the moment though I think the Boost will make that better when implemented.
By the way Steam Locomotives were still in use up until the 1960's and I like them much better than the deisel trucks on rails.
And yes there are tee crossings of tracks though the railroads try to avoid those for safety reasons. I do agree that we need some switches for crossing between tracks instead of having to try to create our own. We also need to have those 8 rotations of the train to be able to place them on the track the way we want them.

I still can't figure out how they are going to do 8 rotations of trains when we only have 4 directions of tracks NE, NW, SE, and SW. Then they would be adding the directions of N, W, S, and E. It would be nice if they rotated all of the farms counter clockwise 45 degrees to make the farms N, S, E, and W.

Taz D Jun 25 2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5204166)
I still can't figure out how they are going to do 8 rotations of trains when we only have 4 directions of tracks NE, NW, SE, and SW. Then they would be adding the directions of N, W, S, and E. It would be nice if they rotated all of the farms counter clockwise 45 degrees to make the farms N, S, E, and W.

My guess would be to make it so you can set a train piece on a curve. Or bring out tracks that go at a diagonal to what we have now.

Lady_Catalina Jun 27 2012 11:27 AM

I'm glad to see that trains finally have their own category in the market.
But things I would like to see since I want trains for decoration just because I LOVE TRAINS;
4 views for engines and cars.
4 views for railroad crossing signs; also the white crossed arms version for a more vintage look.

A few more vintage depots. The 'building with tower' makes a great depot for a Southwest US look; but many more were wooden Victorian styled buildings.

I don't see that they trains are effective ways to move goods. My factories do much better.

Lady_Catalina Jun 27 2012 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by coinman1952 (Post 5204102)
Trains are disappointing, too little return for the investment, mostly obscure products. Trains locomotive is from the 19th century. Also, may be wrong but I don't believe train tracks ever cross in tee. Don't believe in the real world that is even possible. They do cross from one track to another using a section of track that resembles an elongated "s" or a round house.

Actually you are correct there. Even a T-intersection is negotiated by two west of Y's.
The train as production items are useless to me; i.e. ink and pigments pretty much get used in other facilities. I'm not planning on having a train take them all to market. I have so many service facilities that I rarely go to market now anyway.

Lady_Catalina Jun 27 2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5187186)
Dear Slashkey;
This is to inform you that you are in non-compliance with railroad safety regulations. All steam trains are required to have a caboose as the last car on any train consist. Please correct this oversight imediately.

Railroad Safety Commission

LOL. I love this one.

Taz D Jun 28 2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lady_Catalina (Post 5206438)
Actually you are correct there. Even a T-intersection is negotiated by two west of Y's.
The train as production items are useless to me; i.e. ink and pigments pretty much get used in other facilities. I'm not planning on having a train take them all to market. I have so many service facilities that I rarely go to market now anyway.

I think you have a misconception. The trains don't take your production to market. It brings you additional products to use in your facilities. So the train brings you ink and pigments to add to your supply for use in other facilities.

knolan Jun 28 2012 10:17 PM

I know what U mean about having a limited income, after losing a job, & then not finding a new job. It appears as tho FarmTown is taking advantage of those who are addicted to the game & willing to spend any amt of money to get ahead, instead of putting the addicts first, the non-cash players are probably in the majority. The amt charged in FarmCash required for each item is much higher than they should be, based on the number of items available. It would be awesome to see the company make a huge change that would be more concurrent with the general majority of non-cash players.

carol0 Jun 29 2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by meacara (Post 5186094)
I cannot get a train, as I cannot afford it and they don't bring anything I'd need. But if I did ever run out of flour and such - why would you require a Stone Windmill instead of a regular one? This is just another example where the dev's are greedy.

The Stone windmill produces more flour for the same amount of wheat. Like 3 times as much. Maybe you don't run out of flour, but I sure do.

What do the trains bring you? as far as I can tell, just product, but what kind of product?

Tony D Jun 29 2012 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by carol0 (Post 5208614)
The Stone windmill produces more flour for the same amount of wheat. Like 3 times as much. Maybe you don't run out of flour, but I sure do.

What do the trains bring you? as far as I can tell, just product, but what kind of product?

Hi, this section of the game guide should help

hooeybrown Jun 29 2012 03:26 PM

Don't think Trains worth spending FC on, but Stone Windmills are
I have many duplicates of coin-priced facilities, and almost all of the products delivered by trains come from those facilities. I can post them and get the products in as little as 23 minutes if I advertise right. If I could get HEN EGGS quickly from trains, I'd consider (or Canvas Textile Rolls). I can get product from working facilities of like-minded farmers who have duplicates too. Not worth spending FC on.

Stone Windmills have been mentioned in this thread and I think they are worth it if you use lots of flour. Put 1000 units of wheat in a red windmill and get 500 flour. Put 1000 units of wheat in a STONE windmill and get 1500 units of wheat. Sure you could use multiple coin-bought red windmills, but you have to have 3000 wheat to get that 1500 flour. I use lots of flour and the SW frees up crop space for something other than wheat.

They are not essential to the game, you can get by with 14 reds I'm sure. Just offering my 2 cents worth.

Lady_Catalina Jul 03 2012 08:07 AM

I noticed something last night when showing off my trains to my husband. The red passenger engine is the only one with all its parts. The green passenger engine has no driving wheels and the push rod sticks out in the front and is attached to nothing. The Freight engine has two sets of passenger car trucks, no driving wheels and no push rods. Whoever drew these really didn't look at any photos of trains.

Laurie26 Jul 05 2012 12:15 PM

Does anyone know the actual time that the best sprinkler extends the crop gone to waste time? thanks so much for any help :)

KnightRider Jul 05 2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Laurie26 (Post 5214642)
Does anyone know the actual time that the best sprinkler extends the crop gone to waste time? thanks so much for any help :)

For crops one day or under it is 24 hrs. and for crops over one day it is 48 hrs.

Laurie26 Jul 05 2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5214650)
For crops one day or under it is 24 hrs. and for crops over one day it is 48 hrs.

than you so much for the great help :)

Laurie26 Jul 05 2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5214650)
For crops one day or under it is 24 hrs. and for crops over one day it is 48 hrs.

yea I ran and grabbed the last two thanks so much

KnightRider Jul 05 2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Laurie26 (Post 5214662)
yea I ran and grabbed the last two thanks so much

Your welcome.

beautysmom Jul 05 2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5214650)
For crops one day or under it is 24 hrs. and for crops over one day it is 48 hrs.

Well, actually, no, that isn't quite the way it works. For crops which have been watered, it extends the "gone to waste" time to 1.5 times the actual time to grow the watered crop. For example, if you plant purple grapes and then use the sprinkler to water them, the gone to waste time will be 6 hours--the 4 hours that it would take the unwatered crop to grow, plus half of that time, 2 hours. And the "gone to waste" clock starts to run the moment that the crop ripens. So, in the case of purple grapes, your total time from planting the crop to the moment it is wasted is 8 hours--2 hours to grow the grapes (half of the normal 4 hours), plus 6 hours until the product has gone to waste.

Another way to think of it is, total time from planting to "gone to waste" is 2 times the unwatered growing time.

Make sense?

Laurie26 Jul 05 2012 01:56 PM

[quote=beautysmom;5214734]Well, actually, no, that isn't quite the way it works. For crops which have been watered, it extends the "gone to waste" time to 1.5 times the actual time to grow the watered crop. For example, if you plant purple grapes and then use the sprinkler to water them, the gone to waste time will be 6 hours--the 4 hours that it would take the unwatered crop to grow, plus half of that time, 2 hours. And the "gone to waste" clock starts to run the moment that the crop ripens. So, in the case of purple grapes, your total time from planting the crop to the moment it is wasted is 8 hours--2 hours to grow the grapes (half of the normal 4 hours), plus 6 hours until the product has gone to waste.

Another way to think of it is, total time from planting to "gone to waste" is 2 times the unwatered growing time.

Make sense?[/QUOTE

cool sounds great to me and both of you are very helpful thanks so very very much :)

KnightRider Jul 05 2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by beautysmom (Post 5214734)
Well, actually, no, that isn't quite the way it works. For crops which have been watered, it extends the "gone to waste" time to 1.5 times the actual time to grow the watered crop. For example, if you plant purple grapes and then use the sprinkler to water them, the gone to waste time will be 6 hours--the 4 hours that it would take the unwatered crop to grow, plus half of that time, 2 hours. And the "gone to waste" clock starts to run the moment that the crop ripens. So, in the case of purple grapes, your total time from planting the crop to the moment it is wasted is 8 hours--2 hours to grow the grapes (half of the normal 4 hours), plus 6 hours until the product has gone to waste.

Another way to think of it is, total time from planting to "gone to waste" is 2 times the unwatered growing time.

Make sense?

When you use the Green sprinkler, the gone to waste time is extended according to what I stated above and it halves the growing time, you can see it posted in the game guide in section 21 tools. From the time of planting they will go to waste in 8 hrs without using any sprinklers, that is 4 hrs to grow and 4 hrs till waste, If the Orange sprinkler is used they will be ready in 2 hrs and still waste in 8 hrs. So planting without the sprinklers if you plant the grapes at 12 they will be ready at 4 and go to waste at 8, So if you plant the grapes and you use the green sprinkler as soon as you plant, you plant the grapes at 12 they will be ready at 2 which is in 2 hrs (half of 4 hrs), and the gone to waste time should be 28 hrs from time of planting. That is 4 hrs for the normal growing time plus the 24 hrs for a crop being under 1 day growing time and with the Orange sprinkler they would be ready at 2 (half of 4) and still go to waste at 8.

Laurie26 Jul 05 2012 02:16 PM

wow that is so cool I saved that post on my Sticky helps me out alot when I am off vacation and have to leave my farm to go to work and sleep thank you ever so much

kataltay Jul 05 2012 10:56 PM

Ok, I am confused, mainly because I have a mental block against math and numbers, not because I am
Is there anywhere posted exactly how long irrigated crops have until they wither, for 2 hr crops, 4 hr crops, 8 hr crops, 12, hr crops, and so on? Some say for crops under a day, it increases their time before withering to 24 hours (plus the normal time, correct?). And some say "48 hours for all other crops". That is misleading. Does that mean I plant a 4 day crop, and it only lasts 48 hours past the approximate 4 days to grow? Or is that 48 hours PER DAY the crop normally takes? Do I have 8 days before an irrigated 4 day crop withers? Or 6? :S Again, I am not mathematically challenged and once I see the actual formula which includes each growing time, I know I will grasp it better. Thanks!

Tony D Jul 05 2012 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by kataltay (Post 5215278)
Ok, I am confused, mainly because I have a mental block against math and numbers, not because I am
Is there anywhere posted exactly how long irrigated crops have until they wither, for 2 hr crops, 4 hr crops, 8 hr crops, 12, hr crops, and so on? Some say for crops under a day, it increases their time before withering to 24 hours (plus the normal time, correct?). And some say "48 hours for all other crops". That is misleading. Does that mean I plant a 4 day crop, and it only lasts 48 hours past the approximate 4 days to grow? Or is that 48 hours PER DAY the crop normally takes? Do I have 8 days before an irrigated 4 day crop withers? Or 6? :S Again, I am not mathematically challenged and once I see the actual formula which includes each growing time, I know I will grasp it better. Thanks!

Hi the only tool that affects the time to waste is the green sprinkler.

In round figures the time to waste is double the growth time for crops.

If you use the green sprinkler the time to waste is extended by 24 hours for all crops that have a harvest time of one day or less, and by 48 hours for all other crops.

I.E. Potatoes (1 day crop) time to waste 2 days + 24 hours

Pineapples (3 day crop) time to waste 6 days + 48 hours

KnightRider Jul 05 2012 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by kataltay (Post 5215278)
Ok, I am confused, mainly because I have a mental block against math and numbers, not because I am
Is there anywhere posted exactly how long irrigated crops have until they wither, for 2 hr crops, 4 hr crops, 8 hr crops, 12, hr crops, and so on? Some say for crops under a day, it increases their time before withering to 24 hours (plus the normal time, correct?). And some say "48 hours for all other crops". That is misleading. Does that mean I plant a 4 day crop, and it only lasts 48 hours past the approximate 4 days to grow? Or is that 48 hours PER DAY the crop normally takes? Do I have 8 days before an irrigated 4 day crop withers? Or 6? :S Again, I am not mathematically challenged and once I see the actual formula which includes each growing time, I know I will grasp it better. Thanks!

Green Sprinkler - This tool increases the time to waste period on all crops. For crops that mature in 1 day or less it increases the time to waste period by 24 hours. For crops that take over a day to mature it increases the time to waste period by 48 hours.

So if you have lets say a 12 hr crop, you plant it at midnight on January 1st, the regular times would be ready at noon January 1st and wither at midnight the next morning on January 2nd. If you use the Green Sprinkler the times would be, ready at 6 am January 1st (half the growing time) and would wither at midnight on January 3rd, because of the 24 hrs that was added to the gone to waste time. For crops that mature that take over a day you just add 48 hrs.
Hope this helps.

kataltay Jul 06 2012 09:41 AM

Ooookayy!! :D So, double +24 hrs for one day crop and under. And double +48hrs for 2 day crop and above....correct? :D Have I finally grasped this, thanks to Tony and kitt?!?! :D I may one day, as I approach my 46th birthday, get comfortable with numbers, you know...LOL

Tony D Jul 06 2012 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by kataltay (Post 5215590)
Ooookayy!! :D So, double +24 hrs for one day crop and under. And double +48hrs for 2 day crop and above....correct? :D Have I finally grasped this, thanks to Tony and kitt?!?! :D I may one day, as I approach my 46th birthday, get comfortable with numbers, you know...LOL

Your welcome :) Jul 07 2012 02:24 PM

I am trying to get my train going after I unloaded it and it says I still have a train going and I don't. Please help

meacara Jul 07 2012 02:49 PM

This is terrible. I never run out of cheese. The only thing that is useful out of the next bunch of trains is the one that brings shrimp. But by requiring a fish farm, it completely defeats the purpose in the train. If I was going t buy the train it would be to REPLACE the fishing farm, not be in addition to it. If I had one fishing farm that would bring me enough shrimp. UGH. BAD Execution Slashkey.

bayoubes Jul 07 2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by meacara (Post 5216878)
This is terrible. I never run out of cheese. The only thing that is useful out of the next bunch of trains is the one that brings shrimp. But by requiring a fish farm, it completely defeats the purpose in the train. If I was going t buy the train it would be to REPLACE the fishing farm, not be in addition to it. If I had one fishing farm that would bring me enough shrimp. UGH. BAD Execution Slashkey.

The one that brings shrimp also brings Cheese, along with others. Bring up the ? mark and see all what it brings.

meacara Jul 07 2012 03:07 PM

I did, that's how I know what they bring. I'd rather buy a coin textile and spinning mill than a FC train. The only thing I don't really have at all, that I need, is the shrimp, and if I need to buy a fish farm to get the train it defeats the purpose in the train.

bayoubes Jul 07 2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by meacara (Post 5216922)
I did, that's how I know what they bring. I'd rather buy a coin textile and spinning mill than a FC train. The only thing I don't really have at all, that I need, is the shrimp, and if I need to buy a fish farm to get the train it defeats the purpose in the train.

Sorry, misread your post, thought you needed more cheese, I don't either. I think it's time I get new glasses, lol

meacara Jul 07 2012 03:11 PM

OK, NP. LOL. Sometimes we all fell like we need (new) glasses.

Sesselwill Jul 13 2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by drr30 (Post 5131782)
I think the sprinkler system is awesome I get wheat and rice in one day can't ask for more. I do agree the orange sprinkler isn't worth 45 farm cash. The green sprinkler has little benefit and for 50 farm cash its a little steep for me. But as for the red sprinkler I can plant and harvest all my 12 hour 8 hour and 4 hour crops in one day and get my 2 day crops in another day. As for the flowers I really don't need the sprinkler for them but I'm reaping the benefits there too. The trick with the sprinklers is timing. Here's an example before I go to bed I plant my 12 hour crops I don't sprinkle them then go to bed. Wake up the next day harvest my 12 hour crops and plant 8 hour crops then sprinkle them. The 8 hour crops are ready in 4 hours harvest them and plant 4 hour crops. Then if I have time I plant raspberry which take 2 hours harvest them then go to bed.

I agree that I, too, do not see a big need for the green sprinkler. All it takes is a little planning to keep your crops from going bad by the time you harvest them. But I disagree about the orange one. I use it to double the speed for my fruit and nut trees. I don't see the need for it if you only have wood trees, though. They spring back up in a good amount of time without it. I also agree with everyone stating the fact that we can only water once in a farm day. I could swear that the devs claimed initially that the crop sprinklers would be able to water each new crop planted, not just once a day. Maybe I'm not remembering that right, but it was a big selling point for me to spend the cash, only to find out it didn't work.

FarmerMcLashwood Jul 15 2012 07:32 AM

I wish we had the option to tick what we need in the various cars in the train like we do with the semi-trailer truck.

Having just unloaded mine for the 3rd time I had a look in my storage and it would appear maybe only 1 item per car is required.... have lots of the other stuff in storage.

pythonis Jul 16 2012 03:22 PM

sometimes i want to quicken the growth of my crops/flowers but not my trees. Would be nice if we could specify that when using our sprinklers or even be able to pull our old ones out and use them for what they do not what our current one will do.

barbara nixon Jul 16 2012 06:24 PM

i like the red sprinkler..i can water or not...if my trees get watered it's ok..they don't die..u can harvest them when ever..i have a chop farm i harvest every other day as i'm well stocked with the wood...sometimes i use the brown one on certain farms so the flowers stay longer..but all in all it's just fine with me..

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