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Taz D Aug 08 2016 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by MOM GLENDA (Post 6091786)
do not know if this is the correct place to post this .i wish that when we get new crops.the bonuses would not all come time we start planting .i max out cannot get all who click mine.wish you would wait give us the 6 and 7th later .also please increase the amt of felt made. bought more textile mills did not help me so i unchecked things i making with felt to get it up.think i got 7 textile mills now.thanks for a great game

Hi Mom Glenda,
It would be better to post your suggestion in the Suggestions section where the developers will see it rather than in the feedback section. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

Taz D Aug 08 2016 07:52 PM

I am closing this thread as many are thinking this is where to post suggestions for increasing production for products. The place to post your suggestions is in the Suggestion section. You cannot start a new thread there as we try to keep that section organized for the developers and keep it to no more than 1 page of threads to make it easier for you to find a subject for your suggestion. Here is a link to the Suggestions:

farmerKBW Aug 11 2016 11:44 AM

List of Tree Times in Game Guide
I don't know where this should go, so I'm putting it here, it really only needs to be seen once by the right person.

In the Game Guide, in the list of tree times, there's one missing. I'm going by what trees are able to move up in belts/dans, either from the market or from gifts. This one is from the market, it's the Mugo Pine Bush, a 3 day "tree." I was checking that list against the list I copied from "My Belts," and that was the only one that's on the Belts list, but not on the list of tree times.

Just thought I'd bring this to someone's attention.

Taz D Aug 11 2016 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by farmerKBW (Post 6092462)
I don't know where this should go, so I'm putting it here, it really only needs to be seen once by the right person.

In the Game Guide, in the list of tree times, there's one missing. I'm going by what trees are able to move up in belts/dans, either from the market or from gifts. This one is from the market, it's the Mugo Pine Bush, a 3 day "tree." I was checking that list against the list I copied from "My Belts," and that was the only one that's on the Belts list, but not on the list of tree times.

Just thought I'd bring this to someone's attention.


ImSunflower Aug 29 2016 05:55 PM

I attempted to post this in the Suggestions Forum, but was informed that I don't have the correct settings on my account to post a thread there . . . . interesting.

So, here it is, and if someone would like to move it TO the Suggestions Forum, that would be fine.

Wondering if it's possible to have a feature with the messages on a farm to see the entire conversation? I know this is mostly used and a thanks for your work type message, but there are a few sort of on going type of conversations which would be nice and helpful to access past messages for.

Thanks! ;)

Taz D Aug 29 2016 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by ImSunflower (Post 6096034)
I attempted to post this in the Suggestions Forum, but was informed that I don't have the correct settings on my account to post a thread there . . . . interesting.

So, here it is, and if someone would like to move it TO the Suggestions Forum, that would be fine.

Wondering if it's possible to have a feature with the messages on a farm to see the entire conversation? I know this is mostly used and a thanks for your work type message, but there are a few sort of on going type of conversations which would be nice and helpful to access past messages for.

Thanks! ;)

Hi ImSunflower,
You can not start a new thread in the Suggestions section as we try to keep that area arranged to make it easier for members to find the right subject thread and organized in the way the developers want it to allow them to see all grouped by subject. You can only reply to a thread that fits your suggestion.
I am sorry, but what you are asking cannot be done as Flash Player limits how the messages can be seen which is in chronological order and your sent messages are not saved in your data.

ImSunflower Aug 29 2016 11:34 PM

Ahh, OK, thanks for the info!

Vivienne57 Aug 31 2016 08:27 AM

Thanks Farm Town
Working facilities is such a rush
I love this Farm Town game so much
It beats playing a game on a rug
Where there is no buttons, lights, screen or plug....lololol

Yeah :)

ellenaussiefarm Sep 01 2016 11:08 PM

suggestion threads
I am just wondering if the wonderful mods check the suggerstion threads as sometiems i see them in my emails and think there are some things that would fit better here.

Taz D Sep 01 2016 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by ellenaussiefarm (Post 6096802)
I am just wondering if the wonderful mods check the suggerstion threads as sometiems i see them in my emails and think there are some things that would fit better here.

Hi ellenaussiefarm,
Yes, the moderators check the Suggestion threads every time someone posts to them. Some posts do get moved to feedback if they are not making a suggestion, but just a statement. Others are moved to the Help & Support section to be answered.

Petuniaflower Sep 02 2016 10:56 PM

The 8 hour clock
Please Mods could you explain this to players,better than I am doing.

I have neighbors who don't understand ,how I work their facilities twice a day.

I tell them I go by the clock,and try my best to explain.

You have to have a stopping time.Stop,do no more for 8 hours. You can do others facilities over again.Even if it has been 8 hrs or less ,since you did them!

Go by the clock,and don't do any until it says you can. Whew!:eek:

Taz D Sep 02 2016 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 6096926)
Please Mods could you explain this to players,better than I am doing.

I have neighbors who don't understand ,how I work their facilities twice a day.

I tell them I go by the clock,and try my best to explain.

You have to have a stopping time.Stop,do no more for 8 hours. You can do others facilities over again.Even if it has been 8 hrs or less ,since you did them!

Go by the clock,and don't do any until it says you can. Whew!:eek:

Hi Petuniaflower,
You just explained it. You must stop ALL facility and service work for 8 hours. If you wait the complete 8 hours for both then you can rework anyone's facility and services posts. If you don't then you will not be able to do them again until you do.

i try Oct 14 2016 09:43 PM

can u reload your own? also how about after someone worhed yours?

Is posting 'facility work'?

Taz D Oct 14 2016 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by i try (Post 6106638)
can u reload your own? also how about after someone worhed yours?

Is posting 'facility work'?

Hi i try,
Yes you can reload your own facilities. This is only about working your neighbors/friends posts and has nothing to do with loading or reloading your own facilities.

i try Oct 14 2016 10:11 PM

Quick response! ThanXXX for a great game and equally great support (altho i didn't Google my questions ((yet)).. ha ha)

NooNoo Oct 15 2016 08:20 AM

Why isn't Squid production keeping up?
This is driving me nuts. I pay FC for Big Sea Coasts and they provide less than 100 each but I need 2000 to fill my facilities.

Getting fed up with somethings producing millions and other things producing very little.

marymarcel Oct 15 2016 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by NooNoo (Post 6106690)
Why isn't Squid production keeping up?
This is driving me nuts. I pay FC for Big Sea Coasts and they provide less than 100 each but I need 2000 to fill my facilities.

Getting fed up with somethings producing millions and other things producing very little.

Hi NooNoo:)

I'm sorry but we cant answer your question as it is up to developers which items they consider to increase production.

But you can post your idea in our Suggestion Section, where the developers can read it. You cant open a new thread there, but you can post as a response to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to that Section:

NooNoo Oct 15 2016 08:38 AM

The link takes me to the section but I am not allowed to post. Which thread did you have in mind to bury my request so that the developers will never see it please?

marymarcel Oct 15 2016 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by NooNoo (Post 6106702)
The link takes me to the section but I am not allowed to post. Which thread did you have in mind to bury my request so that the developers will never see it please?

The link is for the Suggestion section, there you can see all the threads opened for you to choose one of them and post your idea as a response, as I told you, you cant open a new thread there.

You can post in the following open thread:

rileyezekiel Oct 15 2016 08:51 AM

have searched all water and cannot find crawfish.... where do I get them?

marymarcel Oct 15 2016 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by rileyezekiel (Post 6106710)
have searched all water and cannot find crawfish.... where do I get them?

Hi rileyezekiel:)

Crawfish container is produced in the Fish Farming Plant.

You can purchase it in the Store, under Facilities tab and it costs 28 farmcash.

April50 Oct 15 2016 06:08 PM

Farm Town Merchandise
Anyone know where I can purchase FT t-shirts, coffee mugs etc.?

mamahawk15 Oct 16 2016 11:56 AM

Thank You
I just wanted to say "Thank You" to all the people who developed and maintain FT. It is so much fun and it is totally relaxing after a hard day at work.

Thank you,

mamahawk15 :)

Tiger Oct 17 2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by April50 (Post 6106854)
Anyone know where I can purchase FT t-shirts, coffee mugs etc.?

Hi April50,

No I'm sorry but Slashkey does not sell any FT merchandise. You could always make a suggestion about it in the Suggestions area of the forum if you wish. You can not start a new thread there, what you do is reply to an already existing thread. Here's the link to that section.

Gee Winger Oct 19 2016 03:47 PM

Farm Town Wall
The present Farm Town Wall is designed for one neighbor. If you pick a link then you are taken out to go to your farm. If you have more than 10 neighbors you have to then go back thru all the links to get to the wall again then pick another link. This needs to be reworked! If we can pick multiples in other screens we should be here also!

marymarcel Oct 19 2016 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gee Winger (Post 6107570)
The present Farm Town Wall is designed for one neighbor. If you pick a link then you are taken out to go to your farm. If you have more than 10 neighbors you have to then go back thru all the links to get to the wall again then pick another link. This needs to be reworked! If we can pick multiples in other screens we should be here also!

Hi Gee Winger:)

Please hover the mouse on the link for working facilities and right click, then choose Open in a new tab. That way you can work those facilities, when you are done, just close that tab and the Farm town wall requests is there for you to continue working the next facilities.

Petuniaflower Oct 21 2016 06:16 PM

Cyber attacks
I was reading on the news about Cyber attacks interrupting internet services.

So why am I posting this on this forum.
I was reading this on the news report.

Anyone else having a whole lot of trouble with sites loading properly this morning?," "Paypal is down, Twitter was down, Netflix half loading."

I happen to use Pay Pal to buy Farm Cash. :eek:

Petuniaflower Oct 21 2016 06:25 PM

Ok I logged into my Pay Pal account,I know others here must also use it.

As a customer of Dyn Inc., PayPal is experiencing brief interruptions in service. This has prevented some of our customers from being able to pay with PayPal in certain regions. PayPal was not attacked directly, nor were any of our core services to business impacted in the disruption. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and remain committed to giving our customers around the world trusted and reliable ways to manage and move their money.

Tuckertbnc Oct 27 2016 08:01 AM

Flower pricing
I was selling flowers and I noticed that the new Blue Hydrangea has the same price for Large and Regular ... 175 ... I know there is supposed to be 2 different prices .... Just to let someone know ...

Suntanned Oct 28 2016 12:05 AM

A new medium for delivering goods was announced several months ago. Similar to the existing trains, we assumed that it be different. But not non existent, but far be it for me to question the pace ones developments.

So please keep us informed - when are the Super Ships coming?

Thank you,


Taz D Oct 28 2016 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Suntanned (Post 6109266)
A new medium for delivering goods was announced several months ago. Similar to the existing trains, we assumed that it be different. But not non existent, but far be it for me to question the pace ones developments.

So please keep us informed - when are the Super Ships coming?

Thank you,


Hi Suntanned,
This was only mentioned in the September 3rd release which has not even been 2 months.

From the September 3rd release:
Recently started the development of a functionality that will introduce Ships as a transportation method to get ingredients, it will have a dynamic different to the trains.

From the September 30th release:
Note: We had to push back a few weeks the release of the Ship transportation feature, we estimate we will finish it in 4-6 weeks.

That is all the information we have. Hopefully in the next release it will be ready or at least we get some more information about it.

Tiger Oct 29 2016 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tuckertbnc (Post 6109066)
I was selling flowers and I noticed that the new Blue Hydrangea has the same price for Large and Regular ... 175 ... I know there is supposed to be 2 different prices .... Just to let someone know ...

Hi Tuckertbnc,

Thanks for reporting this. We found the issue is the same for all the new flowers from the latest release. This is hopefully due to be fixed in the next release.

Tuckertbnc Oct 29 2016 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne (Post 6109530)
Hi Tuckertbnc,

Thanks for reporting this. We found the issue is the same for all the new flowers from the latest release. This is hopefully due to be fixed in the next release.

Thanks Tiger for replying .. I harvested my quest farm today myself to compare all the flowers and found that the Yellow Rose and the Petunia are the same as the Blue Hydrangea ... 175 for both .. was just coming in to report :) ...

Pirate Kel Nov 09 2016 07:08 AM

I havent played in a long time... are there really no colored crates anymore??

Pirate Kel Nov 09 2016 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pirate Kel (Post 6112142)
I havent played in a long time... are there really no colored crates anymore??

omg i forgot about the i win stuff haha

LazyMare Nov 09 2016 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Pirate Kel (Post 6112142)
I havent played in a long time... are there really no colored crates anymore??


Originally Posted by Pirate Kel (Post 6112146)
omg i forgot about the i win stuff haha

Hi Pirate Kel

As it's a question your post will probably be moved to Help and Support

There are a lot more coloured crates than there used to be and they are in the Farm Decor section of the Store

columbonet Nov 09 2016 06:53 PM

How can someone know my real name?
I was hired in the market, and when I finished the person said thanks "XXXX"
They are not on my friends or neighbors list and my screen name is not even close to my real name.

Taz D Nov 09 2016 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by columbonet (Post 6112254)
I was hired in the market, and when I finished the person said thanks "XXXX"
They are not on my friends or neighbors list and my screen name is not even close to my real name.

Hi columbonet,
When you send an ingame message to someone then they see your "avatar name (first name)" as the person who sent it. If you look at their message then you will see theirs too.
They only see your first name and not your complete name, so does not give them enough to be able to find you on Facebook. It has been that way for quite a while now.

columbonet Nov 10 2016 04:54 AM

Thanks Taz. I just returned to the game several weeks ago and hadn't even noticed that change.

rjohn726 Nov 11 2016 07:55 AM

my problem on facebook
I can't find what I mentioned today at all about that problem. However, I did mention that my phone that is pluged into the wall may be that problem on facebook.

Therefore as Jeanne who I live with has a smart phone, I will thansfer money from my bank account to hers and she will buy that whatever for me in facebook and gift it to me. That is quite fine with me.

I see no need to buy something that I don't need like a mobile or smart phone as hers is just fine.

I will use the one that is plugged into the wall.

Either I play Farm Town or I don't.

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