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Candy-Iowa Aug 18 2015 11:08 PM

Had to Buy Back Default Grass - FAIL!
I should NOT have had to buy back DEFAULT grass. I did NOT want the sand ground cover. I did NOT understand it would cover the WHOLE FARM. I was looking for some beach sand. I should have been able to DELETE, SELL, or STORE the sand cover - NOT have to buy back DEFAULT grass. Yes, I'm upset. I think I should get credit back for at least one of those covers I had to buy. :mad: I hope someone working for FarmTown sees this and takes this into account. Thanks.

Taz D Aug 18 2015 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Candy-Iowa (Post 5989022)
I should NOT have had to buy back DEFAULT grass. I did NOT want the sand ground cover. I did NOT understand it would cover the WHOLE FARM. I was looking for some beach sand. I should have been able to DELETE, SELL, or STORE the sand cover - NOT have to buy back DEFAULT grass. Yes, I'm upset. I think I should get credit back for at least one of those covers I had to buy. :mad: I hope someone working for FarmTown sees this and takes this into account. Thanks.

Hi Candy,
If you would like a refund of your 100 coins then please contact Support as no refunds can be given through the forums. To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.
You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you would like to make a suggestion about changing how these covers work then please post it in the Suggestions section. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to one that best fits your suggestion.

Darth Tater Aug 20 2015 10:09 AM

Annoying Little Bugs
1. Game reloading after posts for ingredients or to work in facilities. 2. Shortcuts won't engage or disengaged from toolbar, have to open full box. 3. Toolbox won't stay open long enough to select. 4. Animation on irrigation disappears. 5. When selling in market place farmers are getting caught in the "transporter beam" and are being brought back to farm, this hasn't happened in years, but it's back. 6. Server timeouts or unexpected disconnects. 7. Slow loading, Mozilla has gotten really slow in last week. 8. Won't stay in full screen while farming or harvesting, merely moving mouse will cause screen to pop out of full. Yes, I HAVE CLEARED EVERYTHING ALREADY (CONSTANTLY)
Also a clarification. I understood that if you move a facility to storage all production would be lost. A couple of months ago I moved several to storage that had small amounts so I could re-arrange. Today I put them back, again re-arranging, the amounts that were producing months ago reappeared???

Taz D Aug 20 2015 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Darth Tater (Post 5989286)
1. Game reloading after posts for ingredients or to work in facilities. 2. Shortcuts won't engage or disengaged from toolbar, have to open full box. 3. Toolbox won't stay open long enough to select. 4. Animation on irrigation disappears. 5. When selling in market place farmers are getting caught in the "transporter beam" and are being brought back to farm, this hasn't happened in years, but it's back. 6. Server timeouts or unexpected disconnects. 7. Slow loading, Mozilla has gotten really slow in last week. 8. Won't stay in full screen while farming or harvesting, merely moving mouse will cause screen to pop out of full. Yes, I HAVE CLEARED EVERYTHING ALREADY (CONSTANTLY)
Also a clarification. I understood that if you move a facility to storage all production would be lost. A couple of months ago I moved several to storage that had small amounts so I could re-arrange. Today I put them back, again re-arranging, the amounts that were producing months ago reappeared???

Hi Darth Tater,
Please try all the suggestions in the first post of the following thread link:
If you are still having these problems please post a reply in that thread.

I might also recommend you uninstall and reinstall your FireFox (Mozilla) as it sounds like you are having some corruption problems there as well.

For the facilities, if you replace them on the same farm they were on then yes the production will come back. If you place them on a different farm then the production is gone.

bgfarmer Aug 20 2015 11:00 AM

my neighbor list is too full
I have the message that my neighbor list is to full and to remove some of them.
I want comply with this message by removing some of the (inactive) Not Neighbors. However there is not button to remove them from the list?:mad:
Please make this possible, I work hard to get neighbors who work.
Why would I want to remove my neighbors from the list????????
Make it possible to move those who are not my neighbors from the list and will be happy:) to comply.

Taz D Aug 20 2015 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by bgfarmer (Post 5989302)
I have the message that my neighbor list is to full and to remove some of them.
I want comply with this message by removing some of the (inactive) Not Neighbors. However there is not button to remove them from the list?:mad:
Please make this possible, I work hard to get neighbors who work.
Why would I want to remove my neighbors from the list????????
Make it possible to move those who are not my neighbors from the list and will be happy:) to comply.

Hi bgfarmer,
There isn't any way to remove the ones in the white boxes except for them to remove Farm Town from their apps in the settings. However, those are not the ones that the message is about.
What that message is telling you is your neighbors list is full and you cannot add anyone else unless you remove someone. If you are happy with all the neighbors you have and are not trying to add a new one, then you are ok.

bgfarmer Aug 21 2015 02:41 PM

adding and deleting neighbors for storage space
Thanks for your reply. That cleared up a lot for me. The reason I am trying to add new neighbors is my storage has become inadequate.
I need additional neighbors to increase my storage space.
If I delete any of my neighbors who are small, (like under 650) and replace with larger neighbors, will this give me additional storage space?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Taz D Aug 21 2015 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by bgfarmer (Post 5989570)
Thanks for your reply. That cleared up a lot for me. The reason I am trying to add new neighbors is my storage has become inadequate.
I need additional neighbors to increase my storage space.
If I delete any of my neighbors who are small, (like under 650) and replace with larger neighbors, will this give me additional storage space?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Hi bgfarmer,
No it won't. The level of the farmer has no bearing on your storage amount. Each neighbor gives you the same amount of storage regardless of their level in the game.

Deesap Aug 21 2015 08:18 PM

Moving things from storage to farm.
My neighbour has an issue with putting things on her farm. She has things in her storage that she wants to put on her farm but when she tries to drop it she can't. For example she has bought 3 Stellar mansions and has tried many times to place 1 or 2 on her farm 9 however even though she has plenty of room it won't her drop them. :confused:
Can someone please help me to understand this dilemma? She is Lvl 326 and we have been trying to sort this out as I have the green hand and we have together been designing her farm.

beverduster Aug 21 2015 08:36 PM

al for president

marymarcel Aug 21 2015 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Deesap (Post 5989686)
My neighbour has an issue with putting things on her farm. She has things in her storage that she wants to put on her farm but when she tries to drop it she can't. For example she has bought 3 Stellar mansions and has tried many times to place 1 or 2 on her farm 9 however even though she has plenty of room it won't her drop them. :confused:
Can someone please help me to understand this dilemma? She is Lvl 326 and we have been trying to sort this out as I have the green hand and we have together been designing her farm.

Hi Deesap:)

Sometimes this kind of things happens, if reloading the game doesnt fix the glitch, please tell your friend to try clearing the memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens she has to close it and her farm, then clear her browser cache and close her browser. Reopen and try again.

Also, when she tries to place something in her farms she need to see the green spot which means she has enough space. And tell her to go to her preferences, the wrench, and put the check mark for every item, that way she will be sure she is not trying to place the items in the wrong place.:)

max_river Aug 21 2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by beverduster (Post 5989690)
al for president

second that motion

Deesap Aug 21 2015 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5989698)
Hi Deesap:)

Sometimes this kind of things happens, if reloading the game doesnt fix the glitch, please tell your friend to try clearing the memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens she has to close it and her farm, then clear her browser cache and close her browser. Reopen and try again.

Also, when she tries to place something in her farms she need to see the green spot which means she has enough space. And tell her to go to her preferences, the wrench, and put the check mark for every item, that way she will be sure she is not trying to place the items in the wrong place.:)

Hello Mary, Thanks for responding to my query. My neighbour/daughter has done all the things you have suggested. She is constantly cleaning her cache.
I have the green hand to help her and I know she has enough room. It seems to be [at this stage] only her farm 9 that is giving her grief but it still won't allow her to bring things out of her storage and place them down on that farm.
She has had facilities on the offending farm but it seems like this has only happened since we have been trying to redesign her farm.
We find that we have to go out and come back before anything shows however sometimes we spends hours [literally] designing only to find out that nothing has taken hold or changed which means all that time is wasted. Even when we save constantly it still does not show any change. :(

Taz D Aug 22 2015 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Deesap (Post 5989730)
Hello Mary, Thanks for responding to my query. My neighbour/daughter has done all the things you have suggested. She is constantly cleaning her cache.
I have the green hand to help her and I know she has enough room. It seems to be [at this stage] only her farm 9 that is giving her grief but it still won't allow her to bring things out of her storage and place them down on that farm.
She has had facilities on the offending farm but it seems like this has only happened since we have been trying to redesign her farm.
We find that we have to go out and come back before anything shows however sometimes we spends hours [literally] designing only to find out that nothing has taken hold or changed which means all that time is wasted. Even when we save constantly it still does not show any change. :(

Hi Deesap,
Could you please provide a link to her farm so we can take a look at it. Going to her farm and copying the address does not work as that is a generic link that takes us to our own farms. The automatic linking does not work either so she will have to create one and yoyu paste it here in a reply. Please have her follow the instructions on how to do that are in the following link:

As far as the decorating part I have never done any of that except on my own farm so I will leave that part for others to answer.

james_a_thompson Aug 23 2015 04:05 AM

Is there any way to sort players by ID in the My Neighbors tab? If a player's ID is the determining factor in the amount of neighbors I may have, I wish to look for prospective neighbors with shorter ID's.

Seraphina Warrior Aug 23 2015 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by james_a_thompson (Post 5990050)
Is there any way to sort players by ID in the My Neighbors tab? If a player's ID is the determining factor in the amount of neighbors I may have, I wish to look for prospective neighbors with shorter ID's.

Hi James, I'm sorry, but it is not possible to sort players in this order. The combination of ID numbers is immense, and it would basically take you "forever and a day", to try and locate players with shorter ID numbers. :(

katrina719 Aug 24 2015 02:23 PM

Global greed
I started playing a couple of months after FT came in.

As far as the greed for nothing, and Biatcing about who does what, more stuff and bigger everything, nothing has changed.

In my humble opinion, we are now soooooooooo huge that even the Big Guns have a hard time keeping up.

Example: the players with 356 million XPs ... they used to put out facilities loaded 100%. Now with every facility owned 20 plus times on different farms, they can't even fill them 50%... and they do it once a week instead of every day, which they did before the greed came into play..

People are the ones who make a game bad. Not Slashkey.
Slashkey is a business and Raul and his team(s) get paid to provide all the fun that we are having for free!!!! Greed..

The game is still in BETA form, since people demand new stuff.

Get off your sorry @$$ complaint podium ~ I aim at the complainers and not the originator of this post :)

I am a happy farmer 30x30 max... 24 farms player who works of Max 5 farms with facilities, I have no trains, and I care less about a gazillion XPs on a game that has no end and that no one can beat.
I decorate, relax my brain and do 99% my own work.

That's why the game was created. YOU people made it hard on yourselves :)

End of my rant .. Hail Al Bundy!

BethFB Aug 24 2015 08:37 PM

I love FarmTown! I know I don't have to buy farm cash if I don't want to but I do when I want to get the new item that it out as I like what it is for buying farm cash helps pay the tech support and the people behind the scenes and without them this game would never be what it is - fun and enjoyable game to play.


BethFB Aug 24 2015 08:44 PM

I would love to have a way to know who does the Co-Op quests on My Neighbors as that way, I can cull the ones who play the Co-Ops and those who don't. So I could add more people who plays Co-Ops to my Neighbor bar in game.


Retrophyt Aug 24 2015 08:46 PM

I agree, Al. You can play as cheaply or expensively as you want. I have a monthly "allowance" nowadays. For some time I played without spending anything. It was a real boon for lower levels & people that can't afford them, the ability to share tools. FT is the best game out there.

JuliaK Aug 25 2015 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by BethFB (Post 5990418)
I would love to have a way to know who does the Co-Op quests on My Neighbors as that way, I can cull the ones who play the Co-Ops and those who don't. So I could add more people who plays Co-Ops to my Neighbor bar in game.


Hi Beth, I have been in the same position... I took the long way over a couple of weeks, and kept a list of my neighbours who has the light showing for Co Op quests... and made sure that I kept them as neighbours... the other ones I sent a friendly message to ask them if they did the quests? even if you remove them from your neighbours, if they you as a neighbour they still will. I now maintain that around 75% of my neighbours are coop active.

I keep my neighbours around the 80 mark so that when I work a friends work request for their facilities, if they do have a coop quests, I send them a message letting them know I am going to send them a neighbour request... it is all a matter of working out what method works best for you but they are time consuming but I think well worth it in the end...

paddyapple Aug 25 2015 07:12 AM

How come some people have MANY more neighbors than 110

Seraphina Warrior Aug 25 2015 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by paddyapple (Post 5990550)
How come some people have MANY more neighbors than 110

Hi paddyapple, The neighbour limit is based on how many digits the database can hold, and this varies because not everyone's ID Number is the same length. ID's are normally 8 to 15 characters in length, so it can vary from 80 to 120 (depending on the ID's of your neighbours). At the present time, it is a limitation of the game, and unfortunately, it can't be increased.

Santmyer Aug 29 2015 12:36 PM

Scrolling in store tabs go more than one group at a time.
Can the scrolling ability in the store tab categories be fixed? Use to be you could scroll down one group of 8 at a time, now it skips at least one group. I am trying to find the new release items and this is making it very difficult.

Winterwolf Aug 30 2015 07:45 PM

Sending messages to neighbors
Would it be possible to send a message to nultiple neighbors similar to the way we select neighbors to work your trains?

marymarcel Aug 30 2015 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Winterwolf (Post 5993142)
Would it be possible to send a message to nultiple neighbors similar to the way we select neighbors to work your trains?

Hi Winterwold:)

It would be better if you post your idea in our Suggestion Section, so the developers could read it.

You cant start a new thread there, but you can post as a response to a thread that fits with your idea.:)

amdevine Sep 02 2015 05:10 PM

What is the advantage of having someone work your facilities or referring clients? Do I get XPs?

Taz D Sep 02 2015 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by amdevine (Post 5994514)
What is the advantage of having someone work your facilities or referring clients? Do I get XPs?

Hi amdevine,
You gain in multiple ways. You get experience when you fill them. You also get experience when a neighbor works them as well as products to use in further facilities or to sell in the market for more coins. You production is done faster by them working them as they will complete 20% of the remaining amount.

amdevine Sep 02 2015 06:21 PM

I understand about getting XPs when I fill them, but I didn't see my XPs go up when someone worked them. That's why I was asking.

Taz D Sep 02 2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by amdevine (Post 5994538)
I understand about getting XPs when I fill them, but I didn't see my XPs go up when someone worked them. That's why I was asking.

Hi amdevine,
There is a lot of good information in the Game Guide chapter 13 on the facilities. Here is a linkto that:

Karin Venables Sep 03 2015 01:51 AM

missing flowers in the belt window
The glads and gerber daisies are missing in the belt window. I don't know if it is just my farm, but maybe you can check it out.

crafty chris Sep 03 2015 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Karin Venables (Post 5994638)
The glads and gerber daisies are missing in the belt window. I don't know if it is just my farm, but maybe you can check it out.

hi karin
apologies for the long delay in getting back to you i can confirm the above flowers are missing from the belts lists and i will get one of the mods to look into this

thank you for bringing this to our attention :)

marymarcel Sep 03 2015 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Karin Venables (Post 5994638)
The glads and gerber daisies are missing in the belt window. I don't know if it is just my farm, but maybe you can check it out.

Hi Karin:)

Please open your tool box and then click on Your belts icon. Select Flowers and then set the A/Z to Product Name and set the funnel to All. Then check if you can see the glads and gerber daisies. Thank you:) Sep 03 2015 11:13 PM

mugo pine & diefenbachia bushes
WHY do these bushes mugo pine & diefenbachia bushes still take up two spaces like some of the trees like oak used to do

Taz D Sep 03 2015 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5994934)
WHY do these bushes mugo pine & diefenbachia bushes still take up two spaces like some of the trees like oak used to do

Hi ripple,
They are still that way because that is what the developers set them to. If you would like to make a suggestion to change that please post it in the Suggestion section. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

c.abell Sep 04 2015 05:38 PM

Thank you for the new yellow "Long Crops Car" and orange "Long Fruits Car". But, I think you should give us a much larger quantity of the given crops and fruits, since we are paying for it in cash - not really worth the cost right now. Thank you.

Opalgem Sep 05 2015 02:54 PM

Quick Question Please, Is there anywhere in the Manager Screen or in the Game that shows me exactly how many Facilities I Own....without having to open each farm and count them all individually??? If there isn't there should be. I am aware of how many Facilities of all kinds are available in the game, but I don't know how many I actually Own. Thank you

marymarcel Sep 05 2015 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Opalgem (Post 5995502)
Quick Question Please, Is there anywhere in the Manager Screen or in the Game that shows me exactly how many Facilities I Own....without having to open each farm and count them all individually??? If there isn't there should be. I am aware of how many Facilities of all kinds are available in the game, but I don't know how many I actually Own. Thank you

Hi Opalgem:)

You can open your Facility Manager and click in the little notebook. Then in the next screen click in the first option where it says All Facilities and you'll see a list of all your facilities and services, if you have more thant one of the same type you will see the number in brackets.

You can also have a look in the Store under Facilities and then set the funnel to Owned, but in this case you will not know how many of the same type you have.:)

Opalgem Sep 05 2015 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5995510)
Hi Opalgem:)

You can open your Facility Manager and click in the little notebook. Then in the next screen click in the first option where it says All Facilities and you'll see a list of all your facilities and services, if you have more thant one of the same type you will see the number in brackets.

You can also have a look in the Store under Facilities and then set the funnel to Owned, but in this case you will not know how many of the same type you have.:)

Thank you Mary, but I still have to count them one by one on each farm, when what I am asking is if there is somewhere that tells us how many Facs we have on All our Farms combined, and if there isn't then it should be considered as an addition at some point.
Thank you for your help though...

marymarcel Sep 05 2015 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Opalgem (Post 5995514)
Thank you Mary, but I still have to count them one by one on each farm, when what I am asking is if there is somewhere that tells us how many Facs we have on All our Farms combined, and if there isn't then it should be considered as an addition at some point.
Thank you for your help though...

You are very welcome Opalgem!

And thank you for posting your idea in our Suggestion Section.:)

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