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dorissau Nov 15 2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by mrsmel (Post 4832930)
I want my brown sprinkler back! All other tools remained in my tool box when I bought the upgrade, but the brown sprinkler disappeared when I bought the red one. I tried putting the red one on a farm to see if the brown would again be available to me--but no. I bought the brown one to be able to water all of the flowers on a farm at once. That option is no longer available without accelerating crop growth on that farm. So--$95 later I'm back to using the red blob manual flower watering method. Color me unhappy.

I totally agree.. they charged us REAL MONEY for the brown sprinkler, then MORE REAL MONEY for the red one and then MORE REAL MONEY for the orange one! Seems like a rip-off to me! I haven't opted for the orange sprinkler because of my dissatisfaction with the brown one being taken without permission. Probably never will buy the orange one and at this time, I'm not buying anything with cash.. only using my billions of coins. I've never been one of the "faster,faster" crowd anyhow, so am just enjoying my farms with what I have. Left that other farm game and have defended the devs in every discussion about needing to buy items to pay their wages. This time, I'm on the other side.. never thought you'd stoop to such greed.

DebLee Nov 19 2011 02:31 PM

I would like to see all my sprinklers as available. I feel I paid for each and should have use of each to use as needed or wanted. It makes no sense to make the brown and red unavailable. So actually the orange sprinkler cost 140 farm cash. All the harvesters are available, plows, etc. I sometimes have to let my flowers die because it isn't convenient to shorten the harvest time. Please fix this. I haven't bought the orange sprinkler as yet. I will wait for the brown and red to be available first. I have spent a lot of real cash on this game and have no problem with that as long as I get and keep what I pay for.

kkempke Nov 26 2011 09:29 PM

I agree with everyone's comments that we should have access to the older sprinklers - especially for watering flowers.

What I really wish would've been more clear is that you can only water a crop once to speed up growth. Yep, VERY clear that you can only irrigate once per day but it wasn't until I went through all of these comments that I learned you could water a crop (to speed up growth) only one time. I didn't try to do this a lot but on a long holiday weekend was trying to maximize my farming results. (Greedy little sucker! lol) But now the crops won't be ready when I'd initially thought (this weekend) as I'd planted 3-4 day crops on several farms.

A question for clarification - if I am on a neighbor's farm and use the silver sprinkler to water their flowers (the one that shows in the side bar), does it also water their crops? I don't want to mess up their planting/harvesting plans! Can someone let me know?


LeeClements Nov 26 2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by kkempke (Post 4953938)
I agree with everyone's comments that we should have access to the older sprinklers - especially for watering flowers.

What I really wish would've been more clear is that you can only water a crop once to speed up growth. Yep, VERY clear that you can only irrigate once per day but it wasn't until I went through all of these comments that I learned you could water a crop (to speed up growth) only one time. I didn't try to do this a lot but on a long holiday weekend was trying to maximize my farming results. (Greedy little sucker! lol) But now the crops won't be ready when I'd initially thought (this weekend) as I'd planted 3-4 day crops on several farms.

A question for clarification - if I am on a neighbor's farm and use the silver sprinkler to water their flowers (the one that shows in the side bar), does it also water their crops? I don't want to mess up their planting/harvesting plans! Can someone let me know?


when you water a neighbors farm it has no efect on growing time, also when you are working from the market and you get to a farm that the flowers need to be watered you can do that too but you will need to refresh the farm after you water it other wise it shows they are ready but really they are not

barbara nixon Nov 26 2011 09:57 PM

no..u can't water neighbor field crops nor does watering their flowers speed their growth..i don't have a problem with the red one unless i forget what i'm don't water a short crop if i'm going to harvest in the am..i could but it would waste my day of water..i've managed to time my watering to what i want water or not is ur choice..sometimes i water and sometimes i don't..u can water once a day..every day at same time..if u want to change the time wait till it's convenient... and it will speed growth..when u put cursor on the red sprinkler it will tell u if u can water and when..sorry i got too windy..i'm

sharimom Nov 27 2011 06:13 PM

I agree with everyone on here that says that we should be able to keep every tool that we paid real money for. Some people have lives and want to do things quickly, which for me was to hurry and water all my flowers and then come back later and plant my crops. Of course I forgot that now my flowers are watered but I cannot water my crops now. I HATE that! I want to be able to water my flowers without being forced to water hundreds of flowers with the dumb blue sprinkler thing, that's why I got the first sprinkler.

WildRoseBeef Nov 28 2011 02:21 PM

Watering flowers for employees on FT
Who on here ever waters your employer's flowers in addition to doing the work you've been hired to do?

I do. I see it as not only a little extra cash, but also courtesy as well, since I'm sure they appreciate not having to spend extra coins to water their own flowers. I always do it even when it's not asked for or even if they don't care about whether their flowers get watered or not. ;)

LeeClements Nov 28 2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by WildRoseBeef (Post 4955902)
Who on here ever waters your employer's flowers in addition to doing the work you've been hired to do?

I do. I see it as not only a little extra cash, but also courtesy as well, since I'm sure they appreciate not having to spend extra coins to water their own flowers. I always do it even when it's not asked for or even if they don't care about whether their flowers get watered or not. ;)

I only water them if I'm hired to harvest them and they need it to be ale to harvest them:)

JAS0643 Nov 28 2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by WildRoseBeef (Post 4955902)
Who on here ever waters your employer's flowers in addition to doing the work you've been hired to do?

I do. I see it as not only a little extra cash, but also courtesy as well, since I'm sure they appreciate not having to spend extra coins to water their own flowers. I always do it even when it's not asked for or even if they don't care about whether their flowers get watered or not. ;)

While I wouldn't mind you watering my flowers with 3 billion coins paying 1000 every 3 days is not a problem. Also with the red sprinkler I will have to pay 1000 coins anyway to cut the time on my flowers. Again water my flowers all you want I can still water and cut the time when I need to so not a big deal to me.

Happy pants Nov 28 2011 08:40 PM

Oh, can you still water them with the brown sprinkler even if somebody did it with the red one? I've hesitated to water my neighbour's flowers because I didn't want to muck up their schedule.

Papi Nov 28 2011 09:54 PM

We can water employers' flowers? Great! Good to know!

JAS0643 Nov 29 2011 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Happy pants (Post 4956174)
Oh, can you still water them with the brown sprinkler even if somebody did it with the red one? I've hesitated to water my neighbour's flowers because I didn't want to muck up their schedule.

When the red sprinkler came out if someone watered your flowers and you only had flowers only on that farm you could not water them for 20 hours to speed up growth. That has been fixed and people can water your flowers with the brown sprinkler and you use the red one right behind them.

Happy pants Dec 01 2011 08:33 PM

Thanks, Jas.... I won't hesitate to make my employer's flowers look pretty now. :)

notacheesehead Dec 08 2011 11:47 AM

Thank You!
Thank you for giving us back the brown mobile sprinklers! :D

notacheesehead Dec 08 2011 11:50 AM

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for giving us back the brown mobile sprinkler for those times when I do not want/my real life (yes, I have one) schedule doesn't allow for rapid growing crops :-)

Tygered Dec 08 2011 12:00 PM

Automatic leveling to the new max.
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is unfair that if you are at max level, such as the old 260 level, then when the new level comes out, all those people immediately become the new level. Example would be 260 becomes 285 immediately. Many of my neighbors did that and this means they can buy all the items up to level 285 immediately.

This is unfair to those of us who slog through each and every level, but simply don't have the time to get to the max level before a new one comes out. I've seen this happen ever since the first max level which was about 60 or so. Those people have never had to "earn" a new level since that time. They simply jump to the new max when the new max comes out.

So call this a rant if you want, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees this and thinks it is unfair. Besides in a way, these people are not really playing the game and earning the new items and new levels in my opinion.

Queen.of.Clutter Dec 08 2011 12:08 PM

Sorry, but those of us who 'automatically' level up HAVE EARNED IT!! We have "SLOGGED" through the levels also.... We have just earned it before you .... when you level up, you get one Farm Cash and the options to buy items previously locked. We have done that also, but at the max level, we keep working and working and working and don't see that extra Farm Cash, or things unlocked, until the new release. Then, I just get it all at once. The only difference between you and I is that you are doing it at a different pace than I am, that's all. We are doing the same work, I personally am an over-achiever, so when I farm .... I REALLY FARM !! LOL!

crafty chris Dec 08 2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Tygered (Post 4970254)
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is unfair that if you are at max level, such as the old 260 level, then when the new level comes out, all those people immediately become the new level. Example would be 260 becomes 285 immediately. Many of my neighbors did that and this means they can buy all the items up to level 285 immediately.

This is unfair to those of us who slog through each and every level, but simply don't have the time to get to the max level before a new one comes out. I've seen this happen ever since the first max level which was about 60 or so. Those people have never had to "earn" a new level since that time. They simply jump to the new max when the new max comes out.

So call this a rant if you want, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees this and thinks it is unfair. Besides in a way, these people are not really playing the game and earning the new items and new levels in my opinion.

sorry i disagree we still work to 'earn' new levels even if it does not look like it .. i reached level 260 a few days after the new levels were out due to real life events i worked (yes worked) by harvest plowing and planting filling facilities and clients and working other peoples farms etc (something i dont normally do) imagine my surprise when the new levels came out i was level 285 and im still working on my farms ok i could stop and wait for the new levels to come out but farming is helping me forget my problems and if i pass the levels again ill be a happy bunny :)

Queen.of.Clutter Dec 08 2011 12:16 PM

Yes !!!!! I didn't even notice that !!!! THANK YOU !! I was too busy with the expansions, LOL!!! I REALLY missed that brown sprinkler ! Getting tired of hand watering all of my flowers, when not ready to 'water' the whole farm.

Awesome, thank you developers !

mehere Dec 08 2011 12:33 PM

same here as you need a set amount of xps for a level as we top out we carry on working for the xps we earn them before any update comes out hence when the levels go up we already have the work done the only different is some still have work to do for the levels some have done the work first i remember the red mansion being the biggest best thing to have and that was with level 34 being the top level

amfdavis21003 Dec 08 2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tygered (Post 4970254)
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is unfair that if you are at max level, such as the old 260 level, then when the new level comes out, all those people immediately become the new level. Example would be 260 becomes 285 immediately. Many of my neighbors did that and this means they can buy all the items up to level 285 immediately.

This is unfair to those of us who slog through each and every level, but simply don't have the time to get to the max level before a new one comes out. I've seen this happen ever since the first max level which was about 60 or so. Those people have never had to "earn" a new level since that time. They simply jump to the new max when the new max comes out.

So call this a rant if you want, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees this and thinks it is unfair. Besides in a way, these people are not really playing the game and earning the new items and new levels in my opinion.

So those of us that have been playing faithfully pretty much non-stop for almost 3 years are some how not "doing our part"? or not "earning our levels"? Please tell me you are joking. I have "earned" everything my level 285 has given me in the past 2.5 years. Even spent real money on this game because I enjoy this game and the fact that if I want, I could play with no help from others. Just because you are not playing at the same pace or intensity as others, don't assume that they are somehow doing less work than you.

Dutch85 Dec 08 2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tygered (Post 4970254)
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is unfair that if you are at max level, such as the old 260 level, then when the new level comes out, all those people immediately become the new level. Example would be 260 becomes 285 immediately. Many of my neighbors did that and this means they can buy all the items up to level 285 immediately.

This is unfair to those of us who slog through each and every level, but simply don't have the time to get to the max level before a new one comes out. I've seen this happen ever since the first max level which was about 60 or so. Those people have never had to "earn" a new level since that time. They simply jump to the new max when the new max comes out.

So call this a rant if you want, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees this and thinks it is unfair. Besides in a way, these people are not really playing the game and earning the new items and new levels in my opinion.

There is no such thing as an "automatic leveling up". We who are top level work while our level stays the same til the new levels come out. Maybe you think we should stop til you catch up? Who would have the advantage then??:confused:

Ms Helpful Dec 08 2011 04:14 PM

I actually think we those who automatically level up are at a disadvantage because we get our fc in one go but thats it till the next update. Therefore we can only buy fc items with real cash unless we wait till next update. Whereas you can continue to buy.

So I appreciate it may seem unfair for you but I think you have the advantage.

tnbravesgirl Dec 09 2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tygered (Post 4970254)
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is unfair that if you are at max level, such as the old 260 level, then when the new level comes out, all those people immediately become the new level. Example would be 260 becomes 285 immediately. Many of my neighbors did that and this means they can buy all the items up to level 285 immediately.

This is unfair to those of us who slog through each and every level, but simply don't have the time to get to the max level before a new one comes out. I've seen this happen ever since the first max level which was about 60 or so. Those people have never had to "earn" a new level since that time. They simply jump to the new max when the new max comes out.

So call this a rant if you want, but I don't think I'm the only one who sees this and thinks it is unfair. Besides in a way, these people are not really playing the game and earning the new items and new levels in my opinion.

I have worked extremely hard to get to the level I am and the experience points/coins that I have. I have been working it faithfully since March 2009..... Look at your level and look at mine. I noticed on your farms you have facilities but not loaded and the amounts produced doesnt look like your neighbors are working them for you....I am probably wrong on that...just my observation. Facilities are in my opinion the way to increase your experience points quickly.....doesnt work tho unless you have neighbors working them daily and you working theirs. It is not uncommon for those that have facilities and work them faithfully to rise between 100,000 and 200,000 exp points when all facilities are loaded....easy to make 100 million when emptying the production. Your farms have a lot of pretty items on them...mine are working farms. I dont have houses and churches, etc. but that is my preference as it is yours. A working farm will always have greater exp points/coins just for that reason. Happy Farming

dorissau Dec 09 2011 05:51 AM

Thank you, thank you for restoring my brown sprinkler. You have renewed my faith in your honesty & integrity ... which suffered when you did the brown sprinkler faux pas.

Dad Shadow Dec 09 2011 08:40 AM

To reach the TOP, any game/sport, you work HARD.
Hard work brings results.
I EARN my results.
Read your replies and LEARN.. they WILL help you.

katrina719 Dec 09 2011 10:46 PM

Why do people think that WE were jumped levels? They think that just because you reach 285 at around 7 million XP, that's it? I had enough XP accumulated that when level 285 came up, my XP could have taken me to 340 if that was opened up.

Am I supposed to sit back and relax waiting for the next level release? Bwwaahahaha!! :D It ain't gonna happen.

I only have 5 out of 12 farms with crops, partially, 7 are decor, 3 of them functional, as I mostly decorate.

So, how did I get this far? By working really hard, not for the XP. XP are useless numbers and buy you nothing. but my work bought me and maxed me all 12 farms with coins.

Learn how to play the game, is my suggestion.

Oh, by the way I play 2 hours every night, and 2-3 hours on a weekend, I put out facilities once a week these days, earn some 180 million... and I dislike crappy farms and a gazillion XP. :rolleyes: :p :D

chuckfreeman Dec 10 2011 11:09 AM

Mobile Sprinkler

Originally Posted by smokinbee (Post 4839994)
I love the sprinkler but I paid 50 farmcash for this and after a farm is ready and harvested and plant a new one it should help out for the new planted farm now i have to wait 9 hours before I can use it again.And that was lot of farmcash to spend on that.

I agree that was a lot of farmcash to spend and have it's use limited to once a day!! :mad:

LeeClements Dec 10 2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by chuckfreeman (Post 4973810)
I agree that was a lot of farmcash to spend and have it's use limited to once a day!! :mad:

seems fair to me!, the manure spreader can only be used once in 3 days:D

chuckfreeman Dec 10 2011 12:42 PM

Your response does not apply in any way to the mobile sprinkler problem if you really think about it

LeeClements Dec 10 2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by chuckfreeman (Post 4973918)
Your response does not apply in any way to the mobile sprinkler problem if you really think about it

Your right, I do not have a problem with the mobile sprinkler operation!:rolleyes:

rjohn726 Jan 02 2012 03:31 AM

Bigger farms and the Orange Sprinkler:
Farm Town friends & neighbors, just a note:

In this last update of Farm town we are getting more space on our farms and that has caused me to change my methods. I will still update my facilities and services and post them every third day. More space is a benefit; however, I still need a lot of stuff from my farms.

I also bought the Orange Sprinkler, primarily for my trees and flowers and secondarily for the crops to bring those all in on a faster cycle. I don’t get more; I just get the results of those faster. But I will still need three days to get all the stuff I need to post.

With the new farms (Farm 13 etc.) in the future; I will layer less & less, as those farms will provide more farming space. I already have three farms with no crops and I utilize those farms for the buildings and the lakes, ocean fronts and other such as well as flowers and trees. I now am moving more stuff that are not crops to those three farms because they are now bigger thus making more space in those other 9 farms, which are also bigger, for crops, and that is also a benefit to me.

Just to let you all know. Playing Farm Town still takes a lot of my time, but it for me is a wonderful game, however, in the future, for me, time is paramount and I will devote and can devote only so much time to this game.

Great Scott Jan 26 2012 09:02 AM

The watering should be for each CROP, not each farm......I had to split a farm into 2 different crops and today I cannot water the shorter termed one....I needed it done in 2 hours...Would that be possible to program into the system >???????
That would be a GREAT HELP !! Thanks ann

BamaNana Feb 01 2012 02:30 PM


I love the sprinkler but I paid 50 farmcash for this and after a farm is ready and harvested and plant a new one it should help out for the new planted farm now i have to wait 9 hours before I can use it again.And that was lot of farmcash to spend on that.
Amen! I was under the impression (mistaken, obviously) that the sprinkler would work the way the manure spreader does. I even did a search and tried to figure out how to make it work for multiple crops. The answer said to sprinkle BEFORE planting. So I planted one plot of watermelons, sprinkled, then planted the rest of the farm in watermelons. Guess what? Only the one plot will be ready in half the time. Sometimes I have several short crops I'd like to plant/harvest and get them in my storage. Doesn't work with sprinkler. If I plant say, a 12 hour crop, harvest it, then another 12 hour crop, the second crop will take the full 12 hours and I can't re-sprinkle. $50 FC is a lot to spend for less than optimum use. Not pleased.

rjohn726 Feb 01 2012 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by BamaNana (Post 5032326)
Amen! I was under the impression (mistaken, obviously) that the sprinkler would work the way the manure spreader does. I even did a search and tried to figure out how to make it work for multiple crops. The answer said to sprinkle BEFORE planting. So I planted one plot of watermelons, sprinkled, then planted the rest of the farm in watermelons. Guess what? Only the one plot will be ready in half the time. Sometimes I have several short crops I'd like to plant/harvest and get them in my storage. Doesn't work with sprinkler. If I plant say, a 12 hour crop, harvest it, then another 12 hour crop, the second crop will take the full 12 hours and I can't re-sprinkle. $50 FC is a lot to spend for less than optimum use. Not pleased.

Well I harvest crops, plant crops, Harvest the trees and flowers, and then water that farm and it does a fine job for that farm, however only one time a day.

Therefore If I want to plant 4 hour, 8 hour, and 12 hour crops all in one day, after harvesting crops, trees and flowers on that farm I plant the 8 hour crop water that crop along with the trees and flowers first, then in 4 hours I harvest that crop and plant the other 4 hour crop, and in 4 hours it's ready to be harvested without being watered, and I plant the 12 hour crop not watered for tomorrow morning.

That all works fine for me.

BamaNana Feb 01 2012 03:44 PM

rjohn, I'm glad that works for you, and eventually I guess I'll get used to it. It's just that it seems to me that sprinkling should work the same way as the manure spreader...for as long as a farm is fertilized, it gives you twice the amount you would get if it weren't fertilized. Following that logic, you'd think the sprinkler would work the same way...for as long as the farm is watered, your crops are ready for harvest in half the time. Makes sense to me anyway.

HelenJS22 Feb 01 2012 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by BamaNana (Post 5032326)
Amen! I was under the impression (mistaken, obviously) that the sprinkler would work the way the manure spreader does. I even did a search and tried to figure out how to make it work for multiple crops. The answer said to sprinkle BEFORE planting. So I planted one plot of watermelons, sprinkled, then planted the rest of the farm in watermelons. Guess what? Only the one plot will be ready in half the time. Sometimes I have several short crops I'd like to plant/harvest and get them in my storage. Doesn't work with sprinkler. If I plant say, a 12 hour crop, harvest it, then another 12 hour crop, the second crop will take the full 12 hours and I can't re-sprinkle. $50 FC is a lot to spend for less than optimum use. Not pleased.

I really don't think the point of that sprinkler was to let us use it willy nilly over all crops at all times. It is designed as a strategic tool and we are meant to use our brains :eek: when deciding if and when to use it.

BamaNana Feb 03 2012 10:19 PM

Gee, why didn't I think of that??? I thought paying for it would give me the right to use it willy nilly if I chose.

Lee Ann Feb 23 2012 11:22 AM

Speaking of flowers and since I am not sure of any other posts with this questions can ayone tell me how many of each flower I need to plant to fill the flower shop? I wnet thru search but didn't find the answer , sorry if I missed it , thanks , I love Farm Town and all the challenges it presents, the devs and moderators keep it rocking !!!

Daisy Mariposa Feb 23 2012 12:56 PM

I wish I could answer your question. I had to keep planting flowers by the farmload until I managed to stuff that flower shop to capacity. Even now I come up just short, mainly due to a missing bird of paradise, so I keep planting more. I even have a farm dedicated to posies, which isn't enough on its own. So happy planting!

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