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I'm sure. They are slacking though
I've waited for so long for so many different changes for this game, that I finally learned to streamline everything so that I didn't need the changes. I know where everything is, when it will be ready, how to find posts from neighbors etc.......
So basically, I just expanded 10 farms to 34x34 just to have the option to use the farm stats for all farms available to me. It is fun to play with, but at this point in my waiting game, it's completely unnecessary. |
Well, I like how the farm stats works. With 23 farms, it makes it easy to locate which have crops etc ready, which have crops coming up to be wasted. Saves time searching all farms to find items that are ready. I have 5 more upgrades to get all items displayed at once. This should take me about a month to do. Just another quest. It takes a little planning to plant crops that are needed but using the customization features its quite easy. I usually earn 1B coins a day with neighbors help. It shows you that if work with others you can progress faster.
I know it makes you nuts. The only thing I can say is a lot of us only spend what we can afford to at any one time. It does cause a little friction here at home. Just keep plugging away if you enjoy this game
Eye Icon
Not working. Have tried several times to set it up. Done all the cleaning.
Makes things very hard to harvest when it DOES NOT hide the 'non relevant' items to the tool i am using. I think this started to happen after the latest facilities came out. Another bug to Fix ??? |
Thanks for allowing 12 gifts to be sent again
I can see where players who play a lot need a challenge. Your point is valid. But it seems to me your argument is that FT is trying to cater to a smaller and smaller market, and if they are, they're not losing players because they're a better game than their competitors. They're losing because they have no idea how to market a game so more people beyond a select few actually want to play it. Which, I don't agree is the case here. |
.Make the game easier,people get bored faster.If everyone could run their facilities maxed out everyday...everyone would have everything that coins could buy,and then what?It is not like you need to use calculus,or quantum mechanics to work around the shortfalls,and still earn tons of coins every week.As I said,add more sawmills,or take a few days to post only sawmills. Just want to add..not trying to argue...just want to put forth a very valid POV. |
Looks the fault is with my farm.
Borrowed a lap top, and her EYE works. My settings were the same as hers. Signed in on her lap top and the eye DOES NOT. So its not memcache/browser/windows/facebook...just my account. Will have to give her more work, as its hard for me right now. |
My friends lap top has not it, when i told her about. TYVM Seraphina Warrior... xxx |
I guess i must have clicked it to turn it off.
Live and learn.... |
Sawmill output
Would like to weigh in on the issue. My wife and I represent the two types of players in FT. She just wants more and more.. she wants to see her farms get larger and her XPs increase.. she does not even know how it happens.. probably FT's version of a material girl. She loves to get on, chat a little with friends she has made, complain how there are no good workers at the market, and watch her coins increase.
I am the other way, for me the great factory tool is the ingredient planner.. I assess each new factory and calculate if my supply chain can accommodate the new facility and if not, what adjustments are needed, and I determine if it is a feasible venture. Love it, love overcoming the challenges and maximizing my resources. We have grown up with the game (since 2010) and neither would consider leaving. The devs are fabulous and the moderators helpful. Where else can you get all this for free? A couple of years ago we had a similar problem with flour production. There were over 30 products that needed flour and we could not grow enough wheat to make flour. A solution was found that cost FC (the stone windmill was converted to a working mill that enhanced production). Not a problem. Guys who live for the challenges of the game can come up with $5. I do think that we were let down with the trains. I expected way more goods to be delivered for the price of the cars. It seemed we were blackmailed into buying rail cars to shorten our time working facilities and the products the rail cars carried were lame or just incidental. Come on, the sawmill is as obsolete as the red windmill. So, please increase rail capacity and sawmill output. You can do it. :D |
in working with Game Guide - Chapter 15 Trees - Section 7 there are four (or 5) trees not on the list. Kiwi, Mandarin, Mugo Pine, and Snake Plant. (The Big Pine is not listed but works as the regular Pine.
Just thought I'd try to let someone know |
How in the name of all things Farm Town can anyone not be "rich enough"...? LOL @ these newbies that have no concept of 1 square at a time plow, plant and harvest... Back then, a 3 day crop took 3 days to be ready to harvest... And, with the addition of being able to use the fuel and tools of others (thanks, by the way), you can make a gozillion coins a day !!! Facilitate and get friends to work them... There are a million ways to advance in this game, it just takes planning and effort...
Gatormania, imagine being someone new coming into this game now! I am a proud beta beginner user and can't even imagine what it would be for me now just starting out. I just have to add.......... I have not had to grow raspberries since the inception of facility work. That's how many I have stored from the beginning. When ever I see a bonus for raspberries, I not only take it ...just because........I love it for its meaning! ♥ |
sorry , i reply late, Even i do daily quest,log in everyday - depend on my time , i still not wealthy , most of them do the daily quest but it will take time . It will take time , last time my farm is not very reach but slowly it became a bit wealthy and now i have more coins but less of farm cash .
you can't expect someone who is actually new to go through all the beginning of the game in 1x1 mode like we did when that's all there was. because that's not all there is and if they get hired by someone who shares tools, they get used to them and want them. fyi: it costs 185 FC to buy your first combine. and that's if you don't make any mistakes and buy something you don't need like unlocking farm 3 because you don't know about the neighbors thread or that pretty flower shop. and just because they're new, doesn't make them physically young with brand new, carpal tunnel free hands. |
:) |
I think the cost to expand farms is ridiculousness. How you want people play when you can't afford stuff!
Something needs to be changed regarding the importance of neighbors for advancing in the game. Not working facilities or farms, but the reliance upon neighbors to advance in farms/levels. I took a look and I have 34 neighbors, of which a grand total of 2 are still active players. Without looking at the game docs, does anyone here know how many neighbors you need to have just to purchase Farm #3? Other farms? How they impact storage? You know, those 500+ storage spaces don't just happen, right? :) Once upon a time, neighbors were important for spreading word about a cool new game that turned the farming game concept on its head. But, in my opinion, there is now an over-reliance on neighbors to advance in a largely single player game. I am not proposing a major overhaul, just a re-visiting of the level of importance in a day and age of Facebook privacy concerns. Maybe something like a tie to “active” neighbors or your activity (visits, work, referrals etc...) on neighbors farms vs. a mass invite of neighbors, most of whom will help you for a while, but not really play the game as much as you. I agree that there are a million ways to advance in this game, and almost all of them are viable ways to play the game. The challenge is to revisit what has not worked so that new players can have fun learning the game, instead of having to work to demystify the game enough to simply play. |
The best advice I have gotten for advancing is to add the bank, currency supplies factory and federal reserve building. I have all 3 on all 23 farms. I also bought a few extra electronic component factories to get circuit boards and paper mills to get enough paper to produce bills. These are all coin facilities. The $$ came back fast and piles up daily. Happy farming!!
Similarly, I have put a Mineral Mine, Mine Pit and Metal Mill on most farms and look to sell the surplus from time to time. Not the most efficient factory footprints, but gets some nice coin for almost nothing. |
While the developers to require both good and bad feedback, this debate has gone way out of hand, and has gone way off track to its original intent. Therefore i am closing this thread. |
I hate all teh holiday gifts that are worthless and you have to scroll through to send something good or exchange gifys we should be able to click on all teh ones we WANT , and tehn go back and click all teh ones we want to exchange for one other thing all at once
4th of July
I am very disappointed and upset, again, that FT is ignoring all AMERICAN holidays!!! This is only game to not post decoration for celebrating! There was just few for Memorial day, and after over month from fathers day, still in Store few, mostly OLD decoration. WHAT is going on??? I am playing this game from beginning, recommending it to all my friends, defending it, BUT if you will ignore AMERICAn history and heritage I will fight this game to be cancelled !
Fireworks are universal .... perhaps the devs could see their way to design and release some overhead fireworks (like the beautiful clouds) someday?
it not all about the usa i from canada and we did not get anything for my country bd witch is july 1 st what a bad reason to quite the game and i am sure face book would not take it off for such a lame reason they make to much money from.it
This is not an American game. I have played from the beginning as well and have never once ranted about my country's holidays not being recognized. Only in America, eh!
Coupling Trains...
I started out with a few trains with several cars on each...and the reason I didn't buy more cars was because it was difficult to couple the trains and I didn't want to spend a lot of time doing that when there's other more fun things to do with the game. But now with the the trains being associated with working other people's farms, I wanted to make sure I had 10 cars on each train BUT, the issue is, the more cars there are, it's even MORE difficult it is to couple them together and to the locomotive! :(
I know that the entire train is to be highlighted in yellow when the train is properly connected. But it seems no matter how I organize the cars or use the various methods of moving (cars themselves or the free style hand) I cannot get all of the 10 cars to couple to the locomotive!! All my trains are on tracks...I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Is there some trick, I'm not aware of? I read the instructions for trains but there is nothing there other than what I already know. Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be GREAT if the powers that be would make it easier to couple 10 or more cars on the tracks to the locomotive. |
First thing is do not use the green hand to set them as it will set them incorrectly. If they are in a straight line all you have to do is have them all facing the same direction and push one car up to the next one. I always move it up until it turns red (not placable) and then back of slowly until it turns green. Your train on your farm 5 has the first 2 cars overlapping each other, probably because of using the green hand. I would remove all the coin cars from that train, set all the long cars to the side and place each on the train one at a time without the green hand. Check by hovering over then engine when you place each car that they are all connected. If you are trying to connect them around a curve then you need to use one of the coin cars to make the turn. Good instructions on how to do that are in the Game Guide. |
I have 14 sawmills can't keep up with oak even with 100%usage
I have 4 ink facilites can't keep up with red ink I have I think 9 textile mills can't keep up with wool cloth I share almost everyday---giving people work in facilities and clients so what is going on with output |
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