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Hi! You have two options in the filter, Non Ingredients and No Ingredients (to me). In the Non Ingredients option you can sell all that shows up because those ingredients are not used in a factory or service. In Non Ingredients (to me) option, you can see the ingredients that are used in other facilities or services but you dont have them at this moment. So if you dont have all facilities but you are thinking about purchasing some new ones, you need to check the ingredients listed and uncheck those you think are going to be used in the future. For example, in May Release we got some new trees, they have no use up now, but we were told they could be used in some factories in a future. So I have the products from those trees unchecked from the list to not sell them by mistake.:) |
Just a big thank you to the Devs and the maintenance team for bringing the game back so quickly. :D
Well they began their maintenance by cutting me off from the 20 farms of work I got, and was half way through, and it was wheat which I badly needed, and I had only limited time as I had to go to work so NO TKS from me DEVS.
Could we maybe in the future have a stat button for missed farms we have not sowed yet?:)
Hi! You need to post your suggestion in the Suggetion Forum to let the developers read it. You can not open a new thread but you can post as a response to the open one which suits with your suggestion:) |
I'm not complaining. There are plenty of other wonderful features everyone can enjoy without playing until their arm falls off and their children are crying because they haven't seen Mommy in a week. (I would hazard to guess I'm not alone and most FT players have a life outside FB.) It's just that this is such a basic feature and making it so impossible to get doesn't encourage some of us to play more. It simply frustrates us to the point where we close the game and go on to different one that doesn't want us body and soul just to use a simple feature that should be available for free to any player who needs it. (I'm only bringing this up again because I noticed this feature was included in the recent New Release. I also second what Grace de Man said about the game running slower as our farms get bigger. I've had to eliminate most of my facilities because I can't get through all of them without the game crashing on me. But that's a different issue.) |
I am not wealthy enough
:( Goodness, this game does demand a lot of Farm Cash, just to do some of the basics!
How can a newcomer manage to advance, when tools for harvesting, plowing and seeding cannot be bought for coins, beyond the tiny 3x3's? :eek: I would be delighted to have the 5x5 combine harvest-plow-plant, but the prerequisites to that one tool are the 4x4 harvester, 4x4 seeder and 4x4 plow, at 45 FC a piece! And then I have to get the 5x5 of each of those, at 30 FC a piece!! THEN I need to buy the 5x5 combine harvest-plow at 35 FC before I finally get that 5x5 combine harvest-plant, for an additional 45 FC!! :confused: And if I ever wish to chop more than 3x3 trees, we have to do all of that again. Same for shaking trees...and harvesting flowers....and fishing.... Now, someone is going to attack me for saying "have to", so let's do a pre-emptive on that : I know, no one is "making" me buy anything. However, for those who have reached Level 525, and who have 100's of millions of XP's, and who knows how many coins, please tell me : are you all still using the 3x3 tools that coins buy? I have been to the marketplace, looking to work, to make some coins, earn some XP's and level up. It's hard, very hard. Some will not allow me to use their tools or fuel, but they hire me to do these fields that have many times more the crop than my farm the same size could ever plant! And there are farms that are just filled entirely with trees. How does one do these jobs with 3x3 tools...other than incredibly slowly, and with extreme carpal tunnel. :( It's very discouraging and overwhelming. Any tips or strategies, to keep a person interested in moving on up?? |
i feel for you. 185 FC for your first combine. tips - get lots of fuel from working neighbors facilities and bonuses or, if you think you can spare the 32 FC, get an oil refinery. you don't really get much at first but the bonuses will help lots if people help you with that.
set your status to "Your tools - 1 million fuel" and leave any job that doesn't let you borrow their tools. i wish they'd put down the price on the beginner tools. they're all still the same even though they were released 5ish years ago. there's so much more that a person could spend FC on if these tools were cheaper that i don't think anyone who hasn't been playing from the start will ever run out of things to buy. |
Been playing since the start..still use the 3x3 for plowing,seeding,and harvesting.In reality,the big tools may save someone 2 mins per farm...or you could hire someone else to do it...FC is not required..it is simply a luxury.Kind of like getting HBO with your cable instead of the basics.
You can never tell when you're hired in the MP what sort of farms you're going to encounter, although some farmers will tell you they have layered farms. The more a player has crammed onto their farm, the slower it is to load, BUT you can very easily speed up the loading process. Before you even go into the MP, turn off EVERYTHING and click on your eye so it's closed. You NEVER need to see buildings or decorations. If you're hired to harvest flowers and/or trees, they load faster AFTER you've landed on the farm. Turn trees on, harvest them, then turn them off. Do the same with flowers.
You can't control how other people farm, but you can make life easier for yourself. If you hang out in the MP a lot to get work but don't like layers, make that part of your name, i.e., Anna Banana (no layers pls). Now that you can use your employer's tools, doing layers is a lot easier, and you can get some practice before you 'invest' in your own tools. (it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Slash Key didn't implement this new feature just to show you how much faster you can work your farms with the bigger tools!) There are as many different ways to play Farm Town as there are players! The gamut runs from people who plow their fields w/o removing the space between fields and scatter trees and flowers singly or in clusters without regard for how much time and energy it takes to harvest them that way. They wouldn't think of putting anything on top of something else, much less hanging a building off the edge of the farm. Working their farms poses its own challenges. At the other extreme are those who want to max out their income and XPs and think nothing of stacking a field, a flower, a tree, and a facility all on the same 1x1 square. It isn't pretty, and working their farms isn't easy either. If you know the tricks (and you can find out how to do them on You Tube), you can layer everything (including water features) except buildings. To stack buildings (or hang them off the edge of your farm), you do need the green hand, which Slash Key is more than happy to sell you for something like 55 Farm Cash (after you've bought the orange hand which also costs about 55 Farm Cash). Farm Town has changed dramatically from the game I started with. Back then, there was only one farm that I think maxed out at 18x18 or maybe 20x20. Everything was done one field at a time -- plow, plant, harvest, repeat -- and the only thing you could do with your crops was sell them in the Market Place. Animals, buildings, flowers, trees, water features -- they were all just decorations. The only tools we had were the hoe, scythe, seed bag, and watering can. No fertilizing, no special sprinklers, no belts or dans, and certainly no facilities! If you wanted to level up, you hired your neighbors so they would (hopefully) hire you and you hung out in the Market Place every chance you got. Of course, the top level was somewhere in the 40s, but that was then. You can still play Farm Town that way if you want, and there's something to be said for playing laid back. It's cheaper and much less stressful! Make no mistake -- Farm Town is a money-making business as far as Slash Key is concerned, but it's your choice whether or not you shell out real cash to buy Farm Cash to buy all of those tools, facilities, and bigger and bigger farms. So have a little fun while you farm -- like I did with this farm: Grandma's Quilt Squares! http://https://www.facebook.com/phot...ize=1383%2C773 |
I basically let anyone I hire use my tools I have the 25 by 25 combine so those who dont have it are really thankful as it means they can get the job done a lot faster.
ok lets say having the bigger tools does save someone 2 minutes per farm for the 23 farms I have that is 46 minutes that is quite a lot of time although I suspect it would be a lot more? it takes me approx 20 minutes to do my 23 farms (granted only 9 of those are 34 by 34 and most are 18 and 20) imagine adding on another 46 minutes that is over an hour!! |
where did you get the super sized 25X combine at, i want one too
oops is the 10 by 10 that I have |
When you see people with thos large tools, they purchased them for FC. It took them a long time to aquire them, but their money helped the developers improve the game and add farms, new tools, etc. Actually when you think of it there should be a button (free of course) that when pushed gives you everything available. It's a game. The longer it takes, the better you get and the more time you can spend playing it. Look for other begginers and help each other. Chat with people and see what tools they suggest you get first. This started out as a relaxing fun game. It is turning into a rat race compitition.
I have a friend who is on level 190. She hasn't spent a dime of real money. She has an 8x8 seeder and other 3x3 tools. She owns all of the coin facilities that she can buy at her current level. She has only been playing since April. You CAN do it without spending money if you choose to.
I've played on and off for several years. For fun. Yes, it can be addicting. I took about a 6 month leave of absence but I am back. I am at level 459 or something, give or take a level. I have 21 farms, and most, but not all, are 24x24. I've not spent any money on the game, but I did buy a promo item once that gained some FC. Other than that, I've just enjoyed the ride, played the game, and had fun along the way. It can seem daunting, but just have fun, and don't try to be the biggest farm on the block.
I'm on level 525 - and eagerly awaiting the next upgrade so I can get more FC to buy my next facility.
I have never bought FC, and never will - everything is bought with coin, or hard-saved-up-for FC I have 20 farms -decided I need no more at the moment - and would love even a 3X3 harvest/plow - not too bothered about the harvest/plow/sow, or the huge ones, but a 3X3 harvest/plow would make life so much simpler! Doing quests has helped a lot - one FC a week adds to the savings very nicely |
The New Restroom Supplies facility adds even more Oak Lumber to the requirements of the sawmills and along with 5 trains with lumber cars cannot keep up with the current demands. Something needs to be done to overcome this. Sawmill output or lumber car capacity needs to be raised.
Restroom Factory
My cousin asked me to post this as she is afraid to do so on her own....afraid of TPTB. "Am I the only one who thinks a Restroom Factory is gross? It makes me go ewwww. I don't want to produce toilets or plungers. It gives me the same feeling that the Funeral Home does."
Personally I can't see buying either one, but I play on a sporadic basis, not day to day and don't think TPTB will get me for posting this for her. Fred Bee, gentleman farmer |
I have shut off everything that uses Oak Lumber as a product to build up my inventory so that when I restart them it will raise my Diversification Rank Higher. Until I have enough for this and to keep them going so that I can get the Client facilities at 100% also I will have to wait. I pride myself on keeping all my facilities at 100% all the time and I find it very frustrating not to be able to do so because no mater what I do I do not have the items needed to accomplish this.
My first farm is called Funeral Home cause that is where my funeral home is along with some flowers surrounding it. You could put in the suggestions that they do the restroom facilities like they did the funeral facilities and put in the preferences to skip those facilities. |
Not gross
Having a restroom factory is not gross, unless you don't clean it... It's a game right? We are playing pretend.
Agree with most above. Lets keep the 'farm' in Farmtown.With hundreds of facilities to pick from and build upon, so many let greed overpower sensibility. First give me more then change the rules so i can keep up. Farmtown has evolved to become Facilityville.
Frankly, I think NOT having toilets is even grosser.
Not looking to move up myself. I've been playing since the beginning and am only on level 272. I guess it's because I have so many years invested in this game that I keep coming back. It would be nice if more conveniences were simply available without having to pay for them. I have no idea why I have to pay FC to press the Store All button while the Cash Out button is free. But whatever. I play when I enjoy playing and don't when I don't. It's just a mindless pastime for when my brain is too tired to read or do something more constructive. |
Not Wealthy Enough
Posting in the forum is a good start. If you ask for suggestions to maximize your game I'm sure you will get some good advice. I know I have received some great tips over the years.
I would look to see which facilities give the best return - eg the furniture factory is a good one for that. And ask in the forum for suggestions on which facilities, tools etc to get first. Get lots of neighbours (80) and work their facilities. Read the game guide :D Happy Farming |
For those who are super players, literally play the game more often than anyone else, the kind in which FT will never catch up with the level they should be :) then I can see the need. If you are the kind of player who has every facility, every tool, every service facility, even all the trains, you want to be able to provide other players with the opportunity to also enjoy in your wealth. It is not fun if we have to stress out over the fact that some products don't get produced enough and frankly, the facilities should output enough to warrant the needs of the other facilities. It doesn't make sense that they don't, so I disagree with you in that respect. If I have paid farm cash to purchase those facilities, which means I probably bought bough fc as well, then I really do expect that I'm going to get the bang out of my buck.
I'd like to see Sawmill output increased, too, please. :)
My concern is that the game has steered away from the basics and is in danger of forgetting them, to the point that it can't attract and retain new players. There is a balance in Facility Town where you can make a bit more coin, like having one of each of the 7 day "mines" and such on each of your 23 farms, sell half off from time to time. But I can't see where the game can support the few hundreds of regular, active players if they chose to do that. Just my $.02. |
To clean the restrooms go to the janitorial service facility.
When are they going to change the gifts? I'm really tired of the fathers day stuff. They are such unworthy gifts to begin with. :p
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