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PeepsPlace Sep 11 2011 01:25 PM

Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post this....
I have been playing FT EVERYDAY for over 3 years now and I usually just roll with the flow.
But today I am quite disappoionted. I would think for a total of $95.00 one should be told before purchasing the 2 sprinklers just to water their farms, that it is only good for ONE PLANTING PER DAY, NOT ONE DAY! I found this to be very misleading.
Now I wonder, if I watered cotton today do I water it again tomorrow, and will it cut the harvest time again?

Don't feed the beggers Sep 11 2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by PeepsPlace (Post 4844142)
Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post this....
I have been playing FT EVERYDAY for over 3 years now and I usually just roll with the flow.
But today I am quite disappoionted. I would think for a total of $95.00 one should be told before purchasing the 2 sprinklers just to water their farms, that it is only good for ONE PLANTING PER DAY, NOT ONE DAY! I found this to be very misleading.
Now I wonder, if I watered cotton today do I water it again tomorrow, and will it cut the harvest time again?

no it will only cut in half 1 can water once a day but it will only water the crop thats there even if you replant in that 24 hr span...your best bet is to read the many posts on this very issue.

Taz D Sep 11 2011 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by PeepsPlace (Post 4844142)
Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post this....
I have been playing FT EVERYDAY for over 3 years now and I usually just roll with the flow.
But today I am quite disappoionted. I would think for a total of $95.00 one should be told before purchasing the 2 sprinklers just to water their farms, that it is only good for ONE PLANTING PER DAY, NOT ONE DAY! I found this to be very misleading.
Now I wonder, if I watered cotton today do I water it again tomorrow, and will it cut the harvest time again?

They did tell you that you can only water once per day as in this quote from the release announcement:
You can irrigate a plant more than once, but it's growth speed will only double the first time. As before, you can irrigate only once per day.
You other question is answered there. So no it won't do any good to water the cotton again.

al_bundy Sep 11 2011 06:49 PM

Be patient guys there is suggestions in the works on improving the sprinkler system whilst it cant be guaranteed that the current system will change it is being considered.

Happy Farming

WineGolfer Sep 11 2011 06:54 PM

Thanks Al Bundy

tcpie55 Sep 11 2011 07:16 PM

my concern is, I had to water so they could be harvested, but 1/2 day later, after I plant, I can't water to just irrigate, not right as afar I am concerned, I should be able to water then irrigate after if I have to

1fritz Sep 11 2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by al_bundy (Post 4844442)
Be patient guys there is suggestions in the works on improving the sprinkler system whilst it cant be guaranteed that the current system will change it is being considered.

Happy Farming

Thanks for the "hint".. I did not care for the red sprinkler at first, and resented the fact the brown had been taken away. BUT.....after playing with it a while it seems to be a matter of getting my head around how it works. Takes some thought on planting and when you really need to water flowers. It's not as bad I as I originally thought.


KathyK Sep 12 2011 12:56 PM

It's much too expensive, so I don't have it. I wouldn't want everything on a farm to necessarily grow 2x as fast, and I would miss the brown sprinkler. I suggest you find a better, less-expensive solution.

Happy pants Sep 12 2011 03:23 PM

wow, am I glad I didn't buy this thing.... it sounds like a giant PITA. :)

pythonis Sep 12 2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by jenifoofoo (Post 4842146)
Simple. It should not be that way since we PAID for it! We should get full use!

Lot of things in the game we paid for but aren't allowed to do things with. Im pretty sure this sprinkler was NOT intended to be a "Level up quick" tool but i think a lot of players are wanting it to be just that. It was explained at the start "use once per day". Not difficult to understand, imo.

pythonis Sep 12 2011 03:38 PM

Umm, couldnt you just ask a neighbor or someone in the market to water your flowers for you?

katrina719 Sep 12 2011 07:32 PM

So happy that I didn't buy that thing!!

cem251 Sep 12 2011 10:33 PM

So if you don't need the brown sprinkler anymore, why should you have to buy it to get the red sprinkler? Just a dumb idea, but that makes sense to me, just because other people had bought it before doesn't mean if we want the red sprinkler now and didn't have it that we should have to buy both just for one to disappear right after you buy it.

Here's another stupid question, I used the red sprinkler on crops that said they had 1 day left, not 1.2 or whatever 1 day and then it said it had 12 hours left, what happened to the 20 hour days, that doesn't make sense. If I knew it was going to do that I wouldn't have used it on it because now it will have been a waste of my time.

Animedevildog Sep 13 2011 08:00 AM

Crop irrigation
In order to harvest all my flowers, I had to water them.
After I was done with all my flowers, I went and planted a 4 day crop. I went to irrigate them, and I was informed that flowers cannot be watered more than once a day.

Now, this seems to me to be kinda rediculous how it is set up.

How about making the crop irrigator something that is seperate from watering your flowers, so if you happen to have someone come buy and water your flowers, or if you do it yourself, you can STILL irrigate your crops.

Because of this, when I get back on Thursday, I will STILL be waiting for my crops to grow, where as if I could have irrigated my crops, I would have had them ready for me.

Good idea Farm Town, just could have been executed better

dianedrayson Sep 17 2011 01:11 PM

Give us back the mobile waterer
I LOVE the irrigator, but I want my mobile waterer as well. There are some farms that I don't want to irrigate but I DO want to water the flowers. I'm tired of going onto those farms and looking at dead flowers because I can no longer water my own farms without speeding up production of trees. (I have my farms all nicely calibrated so all 2-day trees are ready one day, 3-day trees the next, and so on. If I irrigate the farms that have decorative flowers as well - around the homestead area - then it will spoil my production plans.)

pythonis Oct 02 2011 10:33 PM

I dont know why ppl are having such a problem with the red sprinkler. I got it after the bugs were fixed and I havent had a bit of problems with it.

Only irrigate crops that are 2 day or longer unless an emergency.

If your flowers need watered either use your watering can or ask a neighbor/market worker to water them for you.

If your crops are ready but the flowers arent go ahead and harvest your crops and irrigate the new crops. It wont affect anything as far as your flowers are concerned.

Its hard to explain but trust me theres no problems with it. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

Taz D Oct 13 2011 12:25 AM

This thread is for old closed General Feedback threads.

susme48 Oct 16 2011 06:44 PM

Orange sprinkler....
I broke down and bought orange sprinkler...and was immediately about to get p.o.ed when I used it....the plants and crops showed a change...the trees not.....HOWEVER, in the spirit of fairness and such, I refreshed the farm, and low and behold quite a few of the trees were no longer tomorrow's harvest, but ready now. Just thought I 'd mention it....I don't mind refreshing to be able to harvest them

I wished I had bought it earlier, as most of my farms were already watered. I went to the next farm to see when it was time to irrigate, and found all of tomorrow's trees ready now? Sweet if it works that way...totally rocks!! It shows the non-ready trees as watered and the harvested ones just as fertilized....which if it is working the way I think will mean that every time you water a crop or flowers to speed things up, your trees will be there would be no need to figure in your trees to the equations, IF I understand what I am seeing right now as correct and not a weird glitch. I hope it is right, 'cause I like it!!!

I also noticed that the chopped trees are showing ready to harvest in a few minutes, and I don't believe they ever gave a clue as to when they would be ready to chop; a few that I planted earlier today and chopped, are showing 9+ hrs to harvest, and the cork will be ready in two hours...amazing!

IF this is now the way it will work...I think the devs gave us A LOT with this should mean more room, unless I am crazy....since it should take less trees to keep the amounts where one has them now. I have sooooooooooooooo many trees...I will wait and see, but it would be lovely to get rid of some....I don't even mind the loss of would be worth it to have more room to decorate or plant or whatever!!

I have now gone from a happily addicted farmer to potentially an ecstatic addicted farmer...have a feeling it is good that I live alone right If not a farmer, anyone else would not understand the euphoria and crazed actions of this old lady!! lol

Hope this is good news for many of you!! :) an experiment, as a few trees on one farm were not showing watered...I watered another farm a bit early, as it had a crop that would not be ready until tomorrow, and halved the time till chopping. Then on the next farm I found more trees ready and showing watered. It may take some experimenting to figure out...but so far I am very hopeful!

JAS0643 Oct 16 2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by susme48 (Post 4893986)
I broke down and bought orange sprinkler...and was immediately about to get p.o.ed when I used it....the plants and crops showed a change...the trees not.....HOWEVER, in the spirit of fairness and such, I refreshed the farm, and low and behold quite a few of the trees were no longer tomorrow's harvest, but ready now. Just thought I 'd mention it....I don't mind refreshing to be able to harvest them

I wished I had bought it earlier, as most of my farms were already watered. I went to the next farm to see when it was time to irrigate, and found all of tomorrow's trees ready now? Sweet if it works that way...totally rocks!! It shows the non-ready trees as watered and the harvested ones just as fertilized....which if it is working the way I think will mean that every time you water a crop or flowers to speed things up, your trees will be there would be no need to figure in your trees to the equations, IF I understand what I am seeing right now as correct and not a weird glitch. I hope it is right, 'cause I like it!!!

I also noticed that the chopped trees are showing ready to harvest in a few minutes, and I don't believe they ever gave a clue as to when they would be ready to chop; a few that I planted earlier today and chopped, are showing 9+ hrs to harvest, and the cork will be ready in two hours...amazing!

IF this is now the way it will work...I think the devs gave us A LOT with this should mean more room, unless I am crazy....since it should take less trees to keep the amounts where one has them now. I have sooooooooooooooo many trees...I will wait and see, but it would be lovely to get rid of some....I don't even mind the loss of would be worth it to have more room to decorate or plant or whatever!!

I have now gone from a happily addicted farmer to potentially an ecstatic addicted farmer...have a feeling it is good that I live alone right If not a farmer, anyone else would not understand the euphoria and crazed actions of this old lady!! lol

Hope this is good news for many of you!! :) an experiment, as a few trees on one farm were not showing watered...I watered another farm a bit early, as it had a crop that would not be ready until tomorrow, and halved the time till chopping. Then on the next farm I found more trees ready and showing watered. It may take some experimenting to figure out...but so far I am very hopeful!

The choped trees always told us how long they took to be ready to harvest. As for not figuring in the trees depends on how you have your farms. I have trees on 2 farms and that is all that is on those farms besides an oil pump. For that reason I do need to look at the times they would be ready to see if I want to buy the orange sprinkler. As far as taking trees out because you don't need as many that depends on how often you load your facilities. With all crops, flowers, and trees cut in half you can load twice as much if you have enough animal products and fish. On the having to reload I have noticed that with my flower farm. I will water the farm and not all the flowers will show the (W) sometimes but on a reload they will all show the (w), I think that is just a glitch and not that big a deal to me. On you trees that where ready not having the (W) that goes away when the crop, tree, or flower is ready to harvest.

candydogs Oct 19 2011 02:00 PM

:confused:I bought the brown sprinkler then red then I bought the orange, but when you go In the tools only the orange one shows. Why don't you see all of them In there to be used? Sometimes I just want to water flowers not make all my crops or trees ready faster.

sylvialmartel Oct 19 2011 02:55 PM

i love the sprinkler, but can not for the life of me, get it synch together for the crops, trees and flowers.....It cost a lot of FC to upgrade all the way, but I am not happy with the fact that it only sprinkles what is fresh, why can't it be the same as the manure spreader, I don't mind giving the coins to also use it, but please do something about this, since your crops, trees are on a diff time frame from flowers. I feel with the amount spent it should cover all, the same as the manure spreader, if we harvest and it is sprinkled, then it should sprinkle the next harvest as well.....i feel you do a great job for us, but this one tool has a problem. Please give this some consideration ..FIX IT..Thanks

sylvialmartel Oct 19 2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Texas Star (Post 4868606)
My brown sprinkler no longer works on my own farm! I paid farm cash for that sprinkler and now I am being told to use the sprinkler can to unwither flowers. Please return use of the brown sprinkler so I can use it... I paid for it! I do not have time to use the blue sprinkler and I do not want to use the red sprinkler until after the flowers are harvested. A neighbor watered but missed some flowers, which I could not see as they were withered and hidden behind the ones ready to harvest. I harvested, irrigated with red sprinkler and then they showed up. Of course they are now out of sync with the rest of the flowers, because I cannot speed them up until tomorrow, provided I can coordinate with my crops ... please fix this.

* give the brown sprinkler back, just like I can still use the other tools I purchased, I want it as an option
*consider changing the red mobile sprinkler to the same rules as the manure spreader. It was advertised to water crops, but it is only once per 20 hours per farm so new crops are not watered..sped up...

Thank you... at least giving me back the brown sprinkler that I paid for would let me work the flowers around the crops to be able to use the red sprinkler at least a little effectively. Now I have to choose between letting my flowers go until I deal with crops or visa versa.

I so agree with you :) each sprinkler should work separate then we have control over what we do, we did pay separate for each tool. If the newest sprinkler would work like the manure spreader that would be great (3days) but we still need to be able to acess our brown sprinkler, I feel they need to go back to the drawning board on this tool and FIX IT PLEASE

sylvialmartel Oct 19 2011 04:59 PM

140 FC for all 3 sprinklers, and can not use separate, way to much. i also spent days redoing my farms to put all trees in harvest times, so when i sprinkle them they all come due at same time, per farm. flowers and trees and crops are all different, this just is not working out at all the way i understood it would. i have tried many ways, but can not get all together. PLEASE FIX IT, let us sprinkle each (trees, flowers, and crops) separate, or make it so they are watered for a period of time, like the fertilizer. 140 Farm Cash and all these problems. I love my Farm Town, but at this point i want to scream, normally you all do a great job, but this is a BUST...and we the players, have been busted for 140 Farm Cash for a tool that does not meet the standards to do the job. Our Farming game is suppose to be fun, this is no longer funny. This makes stress. and farming is suppose to be a stress reliever for many, it WAS, but is not now. I sure hope this will be considered as I really don't want to quite my game, as I have lots of real money in this game, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses and learn from it....Trust is broken here, don't think i could ever put a real green back in this game again. Sorry if i have step on a few toes but toes needs to be step on about this.....

leesac Oct 27 2011 02:35 PM

No Orange Sprinkler for me... not until I can use my brown one when I want.
I often come to my farm and find that the flowers have wilted, and even though they are ready for harvest I have to water them before I can harvest. I should be able to use my brown sprinkler that I paid farmcash for to water these flowers, so I can then use my red sprinkler after harvest to speed up the growth of the next bunch. Instead I am forced to use the red sprinkler which leaves me unable to speed up growth for 20 hours. Using the blue water can is not a reasonable option when the whole farm is covered with flowers, neither is suggesting that I bother a neighbor.
It is very frustrating that it is set up like this, so frustrating that even though I would like to water trees and speed them up I will NEVER purchase the third sprinkler as long as they function like this. Those three sprinklers should all be available for use, just as the other farmcash equipment that we have purchased. I can still access all my plows, combines, and seeders, so WHY NOT my sprinklers?

Daisy Mariposa Oct 27 2011 06:33 PM

I completely agree with all of those who are disgruntled over the fact that our brown and red sprinklers have been rendered useless by buying the orange one. After all, we still have yellow, white, and blue bulldozers along with our green one. I fail to see why Farmtown has decided that upgrading the spinkler should outdate the others we PURCHASED WITH REAL MONEY. Please fix this for us. There seems to be plenty of room on the tool box for all of these upgrades. Oct 29 2011 07:58 AM

Maybe it would be possible to get some kind of refund on the old tools that we can not use anymore when we replace them with new ones of the same. Just seems unfair to completely loose the old tool which is now useless.

Rickeyn Oct 31 2011 01:52 AM

I, too, am disgruntled over the loss of my brown sprinkler. After spending substantial farm cash for the new sprinklers, I have to use my watering can to revive my wilted flowers so I can harvest them and not lose the ability to irrigate my flowers after they are harvested. This tool has not been upgraded in a manner consistent with other tools. I hope this will be rectified soon.

barbara nixon Oct 31 2011 11:08 AM

i hate to be the odd one here..but i have yet to need to use the brown sprinkler..i personally don't want everything to come ready at once..i can choose to water or not it depends on what i want to do..i have figured out how to use it to my advantage..i don't waste the daily water feature on the short crops as it serves not purpose..i don't need to get up at 3 am to harvest. i tend to my crops first and whatever comes ready with them is has been working out fine for me..i'm sure u'all will eventually get ur way so keep up the good work devs..i love this game...

Ms Helpful Oct 31 2011 03:10 PM

my red sprinkler is better than sex... ok i dont have a sex life anyway but what i can remember of it the red sprinkler is still the best :D

Vicky Vine Nov 04 2011 12:48 PM

Well I'll have to agree with most of the people posting, I would also like to be able to choose between the sprinklers, I don't always want to cut the harvest time, but need to water the flowers

Tiger Nov 04 2011 01:35 PM

Interesting reading the comments here. Personally, I like my sprinklers to do everything with one click, but I also woudn't be totally against the idea of just separating one to water flowers.

However i am curious so have a few questions for any of you who want to answer them.........

Is the reason you want a separate sprinkler for watering just flowers because you tend to forget to water them?

If it's not that, why do you not want to speed up growth time of other things? Die time of sped up crops/trees does not change so you still have the same time to harvest as you did before.

Those of you that want them all separated..........
Have you considered that separating them all would have involved going to every farm with each of the different sprinklers to use them? That amounts to quite a bit of extra clicking when you have 11 farms. I can't say i would like to have to do that, but that is just my opinion.

Personally the way i make use of them is to first harvest/chop/plow everything on all farms. Stock up all the facilities, see what i'm short on. After that, I plant what I need and then make the decision on whether or not to speed up growth time. If i don't need crops in a hurry i don't have to irrigate, but if my flowers need the water, then i will, as it makes no difference to me if the crops come ready sooner, the die time not changing, means they can wait.

These are just some of my opinions on the sprinkler, but it might be good to know any more reasons why others don't like they way they currently work.

barbara nixon Nov 04 2011 06:20 PM

i love the red that i've figured it out..i just eliminated the few flowers on a couple farms and made them crop farms works great..cuts growth time of crop in half and we still get the double waste even i u forget when u watered u can hover over crop and it will tell u how long u have left before also tells u how much time before waste..farming is all about management of crops..just as in the real world.half the fun for me is managing...the brown one still waters neighbors..i won't begrudge my neighbors to get the 1000 coin to water mine even if it messes up my time..i deal with it..

Dad Shadow Nov 04 2011 06:59 PM

Not sure if I have already said, I use my wife's account to water flowers on my farms, and not the red sprinkler, (and mine on hers).
IF I use the sprinkler I make sure it is not on the flower farms. Cutting the time on 3 / 4 / 5 day crops is handy.
The best tool that everyone has is the 'stored amounts' on seeds/trees etc.
You will see what you need SOON, and hopefully plant accordingly.
Just a waste of dollars to buy one sprinkler and loose the old one.
4x4 seeder works best for me, on a 32x32 farm, (8 rows).
That's why I have not bought the 5x5, or the harvest/plow/seeder. I harvest+plow THEN check what I need.
The tools have different uses to all farmers, but, that is how I like to work right now.

NEW players would find all of this hard to understand with a lack of dollars to use, but, hopefully instructive on when to spend or not to spend.

Something a lot of the 'older' players did not have in the begining. (Beta version still ??).

Level 260 +.

Tractor Man Nov 05 2011 09:20 AM

I agree
Yes the red sprinkler is good.

Yes it was a bad idea to remove the silver or brown sprinkler.

Yes my silver sprinkler is in my storage but if I move it to a farm and use it it acts like a red sprinkler, not what I want.

Yes I want the ability to water flowers only.

Yes devs, please give us our old sprinklers back so we can choose which one to use.

Yes we paid for them and should get to keep them.

Yes lets end these discussions and do the right thing and make us all happy.

Thank you

SandraBAnderson Nov 08 2011 11:04 AM

OK, I'm stupid, kindly make me understand this freaking junk
What I'm referring to is [mod edit: outside link removed] weird piece of garbage. Can you take a look at the text, what's with all those confusing capital letters everywhere? :|

Tiger Nov 08 2011 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by SandraBAnderson (Post 4926618)
What I'm referring to is [mod edit: outside link removed] weird piece of garbage. Can you take a look at the text, what's with all those confusing capital letters everywhere? :|


I have removed the link you supplied as outside links are not permitted to be posted in the forum without prior permission.

If you saw that link in any post in the forum it was probably spam, which we do our best to get rid of as soon as we can.

tnbskts Nov 10 2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by pythonis (Post 4872758)
I dont know why ppl are having such a problem with the red sprinkler. I got it after the bugs were fixed and I havent had a bit of problems with it.

Only irrigate crops that are 2 day or longer unless an emergency.

If your flowers need watered either use your watering can or ask a neighbor/market worker to water them for you.

See, this is the problem. Why should we have to do either? We've paid for the brown sprinkler, which is supposed to do that; there's no reason why we should have to go and beg someone to water a bunch of farms for us, or do as other people have suggested and tear the flowers out of our farms with plots and grow them separately. And if we have fully expanded farms with a lot of flowers and plots (like my farms 3 and 6 and to a lesser extent 1 and 4), it's a time-consuming nuisance to use the watering can, to say nothing of adding insult to injury with the knowledge that we've paid 45 Farm Cash for a tool that could have done this with one click but which we don't have access to.

barbara nixon Nov 10 2011 05:16 PM

i guess the red sprinkler has stirred up alot of controversy..i get along with it just fine..i wonder how many have an old broken down car they paid a small fortune for sitting rusting away in their yard...progress..folks..i call it progress..i still have my original yellow seeder's housed in the yard with the farm museum..i keep it for sentemental reasons..i just wish they had the camera feature when i first started..would have loved to have a pic of my first farm..lets get on with farming and b done with the complaining..

tnbskts Nov 11 2011 12:33 AM

That's fine to say if the current situation suits the way you farm, less so if it doesn't, which seems to be the case for several people in this thread.

Regarding the old seeders and whatnot, I'd be in trouble if my 4x4 seeder had been taken away when I got the 5x5 seeder because some of my farms have the plots in patterns where a 5x5 seeder would create an unholy mess; the only way I could sensibly seed would be to do a bunch of stuff by hand first or junk my patchwork farms. It's fine for people who don't have that problem to say "change the way you farm" or "get over it," but part of the point of Farm Town is to decorate as well as to just churn out crops, and the tools should facilitate what people want to do, not sabotage it.

If a tool is genuinely an upgrade of another tool - that is to say, if it does everything the other tool does and more besides - then I can understand disabling the old tool. But if the new tool does some things the old tool doesn't do, but doesn't do some things the old tool does do, then we should be left with the old tool as well as the new one. Especially when we paid farm cash for the old one, and when the new one is more expensive, not the lower price for an upgraded tool.

From everything I'm reading here, since I have flowers on all my landscaped farms I'm not going to bother with the red sprinkler until I have the option of using the brown sprinkler too. If that means not getting the faster harvest time, I'll put up with it; I'd rather do that than have to redo all my farms so some of them have flowers and others have crops.

rjohn726 Nov 11 2011 09:39 AM

Actually one needs to read first about what the tool is going to do. I for example didn't and won't get the red let alone the orange sprinkler, as I only want the sprinkler to water the flowers. I am an old fart and don't do anything fast at all, however, I do have a lot of time on my hands and don't even want to think about going faster.

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