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Petuniaflower Feb 04 2014 05:18 PM

I wish something on our farms would blink,when Raul come on the forum.then i wouldn't need to keep checking.Yes NEED :) Trying to guess what he will come up with :confused:

StoneFace Feb 04 2014 07:10 PM


New Release Thread is closed ...

Two new mods with a history of helping.... congrats to you both

(does this mean I need to pay them more if they appear in a future FT Story??)


Taz D Feb 04 2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by StoneFace (Post 5769362)

New Release Thread is closed ...

Two new mods with a history of helping.... congrats to you both

(does this mean I need to pay them more if they appear in a future FT Story??)


Absolutely...see my agent...:D

Happy pants Feb 04 2014 07:21 PM

Happy to have Taz D and marymarcel around to help us, guide us and keep us in line!

HelenJS22 Feb 04 2014 07:31 PM

Well done Taz and Mary. Very well deserved.

max_river Feb 04 2014 07:37 PM

congrats to the both of you..

marymarcel Feb 04 2014 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by beverduster (Post 5769306)
congrads mary


Originally Posted by Dutch85 (Post 5769318)
Congratulations Marymarcel and thanks to you and Taz for all you do here.:D


Originally Posted by StoneFace (Post 5769362)

New Release Thread is closed ...

Two new mods with a history of helping.... congrats to you both

(does this mean I need to pay them more if they appear in a future FT Story??)



Originally Posted by Happy pants (Post 5769370)

Happy to have Taz D and marymarcel around to help us, guide us and keep us in line!


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 5769378)

Well done Taz and Mary. Very well deserved.


Originally Posted by max_river (Post 5769386)
congrats to the both of you..

Thank you so much gals and guys for your kinds words!!!!:)

gumballs678 Feb 04 2014 08:59 PM

I totally knew it was gonna happen one day. We're so proud of you Taz

SunnyD Feb 04 2014 09:08 PM

congrats to you are both wonderful people.....

AussieGecko Feb 04 2014 10:22 PM

Congratulations to two really nice people!
My hat is off to both Marymarcel and Taz. Congratulations! You both offer your help to others so much and always seem to come up with things we can try to fix our problems with. This is a well deserved honour. :)

LOVELESS Feb 05 2014 12:24 AM

Congrats taz, you have earned it. You will make a great mod. :)

FarmerMcLashwood Feb 05 2014 11:09 AM

Well deserved Taz and Marymarcel :-)

1fritz Feb 05 2014 05:09 PM

Congrats to Taz and Marymarcel on becoming Mods ! :D

Lee Ann Feb 05 2014 09:46 PM

Taz congrats !!!

Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5769258)

Congrats on becoming a mod, you have earned it, may I say I appreciate this game, it has been my entertainment since March of 09 and I love it , by far best FB game out there ! Keep up the great work to you and all the mods and devs !!!

Petuniaflower Feb 07 2014 02:50 PM

DO THE DEV'S WORK ON WEEKENDS?::D O Hum . they need a few days to rest I GUESS :rolleyes:

Use to tell my kids,be patient,time isn't going any faster watching the clock.


Taz D Feb 07 2014 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 5770978)
DO THE DEV'S WORK ON WEEKENDS?::D O Hum . they need a few days to rest I GUESS :rolleyes:

Use to tell my kids,be patient,time isn't going any faster watching the clock.


Like trying to watch for Santa Claus...:D

Queen.of.Clutter Feb 07 2014 05:17 PM

Congrats to Marymarcel and Taz - you both are so very helpful, it's about time they gave you your 'unpaid' titles !! LOL!

Taz D Feb 07 2014 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Queen.of.Clutter (Post 5771026)
Congrats to Marymarcel and Taz - you both are so very helpful, it's about time they gave you your 'unpaid' titles !! LOL!

What? :eek: We don't get paid?:eek: Dang it!!:rolleyes::D

JW2009 Feb 07 2014 07:05 PM

Taz, I knew one day you would be a moderator, it's in your blood :)

Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5771030)
What? :eek: We don't get paid?:eek: Dang it!!:rolleyes::D

dnana Feb 08 2014 12:01 AM

hey, congrats to you, to, MaryMarcel!!!

Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5769422)
Thank you so much gals and guys for your kinds words!!!!:)

I just saw this, I really missed big doings around here this week! Congrats, hope you are happy with your new abilities and you continue to enjoy helping us! :D

Qivis Feb 08 2014 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5771030)
What? :eek: We don't get paid?:eek: Dang it!!:rolleyes::D

No, but maybe the developers will be more likely to put your suggestions on a priority list!:D

Qivis Feb 08 2014 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by KnightRider (Post 5769282)
Congratulations to Taz and Marymarcel for becoming Mods.

When's YOUR turn though, Knight Rider? :p

Petuniaflower Feb 08 2014 05:08 PM

Do the Dev's read post on here:confused:

Dear Dev's

I know you must be super busy developing and loading some GREAT THINGS FOR US.
Could you release just a bit? You see,i am afraid to spend coin in case YOU HAVE ANOTHER FARM IN THE WORKS!
Can't sell non ingredients,afraid they won't be Non's anymore.
My farms are all harvested .tilled,and planted.
Had time on my hands,and actually went and cleaned the front kitchen. What is happening to my life!!!!!:eek:


steve2u42 Feb 09 2014 03:37 PM

Dimming eye
I think you need to add a place we can check so i/we do not need to scroll every time we are hired to use the dimming tool.

KnightRider Feb 09 2014 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by steve2u42 (Post 5772130)
I think you need to add a place we can check so i/we do not need to scroll every time we are hired to use the dimming tool.

It would be best if you put your suggestion in the suggestion section so the developers can see your suggestion, you can't start a new thread, this way they can keep the suggestion section easier to read, but you can put it in the thread that is closest to what you are suggesting and if you don't see one that is close, you can put it in the thread My idea doesn't have a thread.

Taz D Feb 09 2014 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by steve2u42 (Post 5772130)
I think you need to add a place we can check so i/we do not need to scroll every time we are hired to use the dimming tool.

I am not sure what you mean by scrolling everytime you are hired. If the eye is open then it is off, if it is partially closed it is dim, and if the eye is closed it is hidden.

RozeeS Feb 11 2014 12:53 PM

I love the dimming eye. It's nice that its not just for being hired but for us farmers that want to harvest our own farms :) I can make sure now that I get everything harvest-able
on my farm :)

sheila_c Feb 11 2014 07:21 PM

I hate the dimming eye. How do I make it go away?

Unchecking it makes things dimmed.
Checking with either radio button makes it dimmed or hidden.

Is there no option to not use this?

Taz D Feb 11 2014 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by sheila_c (Post 5773546)
I hate the dimming eye. How do I make it go away?

Unchecking it makes things dimmed.
Checking with either radio button makes it dimmed or hidden.

Is there no option to not use this?

Afraid not. If you don't want the farm dimmed or hidden make sure the eye is open completely.

sheila_c Feb 11 2014 07:29 PM

They eye icon is unchecked.
They eye itself is open.
It still dims everything.

sheila_c Feb 11 2014 07:33 PM

Tony, nm. I figured it out. I thought the eye was open, then realized I could click it to open it even more. Problem solved.

Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate it.

Taz D Feb 11 2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by sheila_c (Post 5773570)
Tony, nm. I figured it out. I thought the eye was open, then realized I could click it to open it even more. Problem solved.

Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate it.

You are welcome and I am not Tony...:)

Petuniaflower Feb 13 2014 01:06 PM

My thoughts don't always fit on any thread:rolleyes:

Read a post a day or two back.It was concerning shortage of certain crops.
TAZ THE MAN said to look at how much four and etc was in their storage(the crop was wheat :p).

Well I looked in my storage,had over 57million bags of wheat WOW.How long before I need to turn my mill back on? Stopped my corn mill,now what to I stop for tomatoes and onions. I need a MANGER,DON'T LIKE MESSING WITH FIGURES!:cool:


RomanticSoul Feb 13 2014 01:28 PM

Dimming eye options in settings need to be fixed. Have to keep changing it back to hidden instead of dimmed.

KnightRider Feb 13 2014 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 5774470)
My thoughts don't always fit on any thread:rolleyes:

Read a post a day or two back.It was concerning shortage of certain crops.
TAZ THE MAN said to look at how much four and etc was in their storage(the crop was wheat :p).

Well I looked in my storage,had over 57million bags of wheat WOW.How long before I need to turn my mill back on? Stopped my corn mill,now what to I stop for tomatoes and onions. I need a MANGER,DON'T LIKE MESSING WITH FIGURES!:cool:


Easiest way to do it is to go into the ingredient manager and look at all of the amounts in your storage and you can adjust what you plant or put into your facilities to make sure that you have being produced of what you need. I like the ingredient manager a lot.

Taz D Feb 13 2014 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by RomanticSoul (Post 5774482)
Dimming eye options in settings need to be fixed. Have to keep changing it back to hidden instead of dimmed.

Change it in your prefences up top to hidden and it will stay that way on your own farms. It is preset to dimmed when you are working on other's farms.

Petuniaflower Feb 14 2014 01:09 PM

Can you tell me :confused: in the main office of the Dev's ,are more than one given a certain amount of farms or are they all on one..On my Daughters farms,the 7th Dan bonus for Mandarin Oranges is stuck.I believe today is the 10th one. Shouldn't complain if it is a gift,would it be rude:o to ask for a change like maybe garlic or parsley ;)

iceberg Feb 14 2014 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 5768770)
that the tech's are working on a new release!

Fishing the last few days has been loading very slow.Coin amounts start rising from the waters and keep coming and coming AND COMING!!!!:eek:

I got 4 farms of fishing the other day they were all layered but before the money had clocked up I was timed out so only got 1 farm and the bonus on the other farms I cud have used as I wanted to expand a few farms, can anything be done to speed up the coin payment and fish so u can go quicker to next farm????:(

Taz D Feb 14 2014 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 5775170)
Can you tell me :confused: in the main office of the Dev's ,are more than one given a certain amount of farms or are they all on one..On my Daughters farms,the 7th Dan bonus for Mandarin Oranges is stuck.I believe today is the 10th one. Shouldn't complain if it is a gift,would it be rude:o to ask for a change like maybe garlic or parsley ;)

Try clearing her memcache(link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and her farm, then clear the browser cache and close the browser. Hopefully that will unstick the oranges.

Taz D Feb 14 2014 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by iceberg (Post 5775190)
I got 4 farms of fishing the other day they were all layered but before the money had clocked up I was timed out so only got 1 farm and the bonus on the other farms I cud have used as I wanted to expand a few farms, can anything be done to speed up the coin payment and fish so u can go quicker to next farm????:(

You can turn off the floating coin and product in your preferences. That should make things go faster. Also you can click the save to make it finish faster too, so you can get to the next farm.

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