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CynthiaSue Apr 01 2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 5499838)
Hi, to me the biggest advantage in having the train, is that for each carriage you have the mayor works 5% more facilities per farm for you when you are helping on neighbours facilities.

Yes, that was my conclusion, for me the only reason to buy the train would be so I could work facilities faster. It would cost alot of farmcash to have the mayor work 100%, so I would be left without any farmcash and than an update would come along with something I actually would enjoy having and I would regret spending it all on the train. So perhaps I will put the game on hold. I can always keep checking back to see if there is anything new and exciting.

Chihuahualady Apr 08 2013 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 5499838)
Hi, to me the biggest advantage in having the train, is that for each carriage you have the mayor works 5% more facilities per farm for you when you are helping on neighbours facilities.

I agree, I love the trains if for no other reason than what you state above, I no longer find it such a chore to work people's facilities, they are a great incentive ..... also I have noticed several people saying they don't like the ghosting effect of the trains, but that is easily remedied by going to the spanner option and uncheck Transparent Dispatched Train and it's no longer ghosted.

CynthiaSue Apr 10 2013 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Chihuahualady (Post 5506250)
I agree, I love the trains if for no other reason than what you state above, I no longer find it such a chore to work people's facilities, they are a great incentive ..... also I have noticed several people saying they don't like the ghosting effect of the trains, but that is easily remedied by going to the spanner option and uncheck Transparent Dispatched Train and it's no longer ghosted.

I still don't have the trains, but worked someones facilities today and she had them on almost all her farms. The trains wouldn't help with that. Loading each farm is time consuming, more time consuming that clicking on the facilities once it has loaded. There really needs to be a better way. A person should be able to put their facilities on all their farms instead of like mine, having them all clustered together in a pile on a few farms, without causing more work for their neighbors when they are working their facilities.

KnightRider Apr 10 2013 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by CynthiaSue (Post 5508822)
I still don't have the trains, but worked someones facilities today and she had them on almost all her farms. The trains wouldn't help with that. Loading each farm is time consuming, more time consuming that clicking on the facilities once it has loaded. There really needs to be a better way. A person should be able to put their facilities on all their farms instead of like mine, having them all clustered together in a pile on a few farms, without causing more work for their neighbors when they are working their facilities.

I have both the long cars and the decorative cars to put on my farms. I have my facilities on like 4 or 5 farms, but I don't have them cluster in a pile, I have them setup like industrial areas, it makes it easier for the semi's to deliver to those facilities.

They are alittle clustered, had to put them alittle close so I could get more on that farm. As long as there is 4 facilities the the mayor will do his work for you.

CynthiaSue Apr 11 2013 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by KnightRider (Post 5508854)
I have both the long cars and the decorative cars to put on my farms. I have my facilities on like 4 or 5 farms, but I don't have them cluster in a pile, I have them setup like industrial areas, it makes it easier for the semi's to deliver to those facilities.

They are alittle clustered, had to put them alittle close so I could get more on that farm. As long as there is 4 facilities the the mayor will do his work for you.

haha. Nice farm, but most people will have alot of facilities on one farm. I still think one should be able to place them on all 18 farms without causing more work for their neighbors. Some people are really good at decorating (not me) and spreading them out can lead to more creative designs and themes for each farm.

You have a nice farm. However, even if the mayor will do the work or you with only 4 facilities on a farm, he will not LOAD the farm. Loading a farm, takes longer than clicking on 4 facilities for some of us.

SandyMichael1 Apr 11 2013 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by CynthiaSue (Post 5509570)
... even if the mayor will do the work or you with only 4 facilities on a farm, he will not LOAD the farm. Loading a farm, takes longer than clicking on 4 facilities for some of us.

Why are you not using your facilities manager to restock your farms?

Taz D Apr 11 2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by SandyMichael1 (Post 5510222)
Why are you not using your facilities manager to restock your farms?

Not restocking...she is talking about working others facilities.

c.abell Jun 15 2013 09:58 PM

The time of how much longer I have until I can water, irrigate, and fertilize cannot be read past Farm 14, if I have less than an hour remaining. Would you all please fix that soon? Thank you.

c.abell Jun 15 2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5582350)
The time of how much longer I have until I can water, irrigate, and fertilize cannot be read past Farm 14, if I have less than an hour remaining. Would you all please fix that soon? Thank you.

WOW! That was a quick fix! I went back to try it again, and there it was! LOL - Thank you.

Taz D Jun 15 2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5582370)
WOW! That was a quick fix! I went back to try it again, and there it was! LOL - Thank you.

I don't think anyone fixed anything. Just cleared itself up.

Molly Mew Aug 08 2013 09:30 AM


Molly Mew Aug 08 2013 09:32 AM


KnightRider Aug 08 2013 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Molly Mew (Post 5632266)

Just wondering what does this mean?

Tony D Aug 08 2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by KnightRider (Post 5632294)
Just wondering what does this mean?

Hi, Molly can be a little clumsy and bump into things at times :D

Seriously bumping means posting in a thread to move it to the first page.
I assume Molly has done this so that members can see we have threads for posting about certain topics in General Feedback

KnightRider Aug 08 2013 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 5632306)
Hi, Molly can be a little clumsy and bump into things at times :D

Seriously bumping means posting in a thread to move it to the first page.
I assume Molly has done this so that members can see we have threads for posting about certain topics in General Feedback

Ok, thanks.

Mare Contrare Aug 29 2013 01:06 PM

I have read the posts, but I want to be sure I know the correct answer before I take a chance on losing crops on 6 farms.
If I plant 3 day crops today, Thursday and irrigate, will the gone to waste time, including the 3 days it takes for them to be ready to harvest, be 9 days + 48 hours?
I'm going to be gone 10 days. I'm trying to figure out what I can plant and irrigate without losing any of them.

Tiger Aug 29 2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mare Contrare (Post 5650298)
I have read the posts, but I want to be sure I know the correct answer before I take a chance on losing crops on 6 farms.
If I plant 3 day crops today, Thursday and irrigate, will the gone to waste time, including the 3 days it takes for them to be ready to harvest, be 9 days + 48 hours?
I'm going to be gone 10 days. I'm trying to figure out what I can plant and irrigate without losing any of them.

Hi there,
No is the short answer. If you use the green sprinkler.... For crops that mature in 1 day or less it increases the time to waste period by 24 hours. For crops that take over a day to mature it increases the time to waste period by 48 hours.

So for 3 day crops, they take 3 days to mature then another 3 to waste, using the green sprinkler would only add another 48 hours to the waste time.
Remember a FT day is only 20 hours.

To be on the safe side acorn squash watered with the green sprinkler would be the safest bet, make a bit of money from selling them, but don't be late getting back to harvest them.

Farmer Kerry Sep 08 2013 12:46 PM

I've read and read and read and I still do not have a clear idea what it really is that trains do. Do they just "speed" up production of certain facilities? Most facilities produce faster than 3-7 days, so that doesn't seem to make sense. I even asked a friend how they work and she took the time to explain, in detail, and I didn't have the nerve to tell her that she had shed no more light on exactly how they work than the existing information.

KnightRider Sep 08 2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Farmer Kerry (Post 5658754)
I've read and read and read and I still do not have a clear idea what it really is that trains do. Do they just "speed" up production of certain facilities? Most facilities produce faster than 3-7 days, so that doesn't seem to make sense. I even asked a friend how they work and she took the time to explain, in detail, and I didn't have the nerve to tell her that she had shed no more light on exactly how they work than the existing information.

The train visits virtual markets and collects extra items that is separate from your facilities, the train doesn't take anything from your facilities or your neighbors. For instance the Long Tank car, if you have the facilities for the petrochemical barrel and the inks, but they don't bring enough, you can get the Long Tank car and it will bring extra of those items, it has nothing to do with the facilities, the trains are completely separate, you can have the train cars and not have the facilities. Each of the engines brings the train back to your farm at different times. The trains also help when you go to a neighbor farms to work their facilities, the mayor works 50% for everyone, and each train car that you have dispatched the mayor will work another 5% up to 50%, which is 10 train cars, then the mayor works 100% of the facilities on farms that have over 4 workable facilities.

barbara nixon Sep 09 2013 11:05 AM

FARMER KERRY....trains do not speed up production in facilities..the bring u more product to add to ur inventory..the speeding up part is when u ask ur friends to help,and the product comes to u faster..hope this helps..

seedybee Nov 21 2013 01:39 PM

I am not happy about the changes to the way we dispatch our trains - it was so much better the way it was. Please put it back

Llinx Nov 21 2013 01:41 PM

Not happy about trains
I am very dissapointed about the change to the trains. I was happy when I could link all my trains to one set of wagons to save cost as these are NOT cheap to buy. Now I am finding that my standard engine has run off for 6 days and I cant send the other 4 trains until it comes back. We USED to be able to do this. I think it has changed to make us buy more wagons with real cash but I cant afford to do this so I would like to see the trains the way they were. Its not right that a 2 dat engine should be only sent once a week as they ALL have top be sent the same time and wait for them ALL to return. Some of us Slashkey are loyal FT players... How about a reward scheme or allow us to run our trains as we used to? :mad:

ClaytinPA Dec 08 2013 05:38 AM

Trains now messed up
OK, who tinkered with the trains? I had a number of cars with a locomotive on each end. This made possible a 1 click operation when visiting farms to click on facilities and collecting everything on that farm in one click. That was most convenient. Now when I went to dispatch my one train I got an error reading which said the car was part of another train and was already dispatched. So the train sits and when I visit a farm now to collect on facilities it means a number of clicks to get the stuff. If I want to get it back as before, it looks like I will have to buy a bunch of cars and set up another train. This I refuse to do and no longer will visit neighbors to collect. The FT are making lots of money as it is, but it appears that greed is still the name of the game :-(

C. D. Harriger, Agitated Farmer from Belsano PA :-(

Taz D Dec 08 2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by ClaytinPA (Post 5736154)
OK, who tinkered with the trains? I had a number of cars with a locomotive on each end. This made possible a 1 click operation when visiting farms to click on facilities and collecting everything on that farm in one click. That was most convenient. Now when I went to dispatch my one train I got an error reading which said the car was part of another train and was already dispatched. So the train sits and when I visit a farm now to collect on facilities it means a number of clicks to get the stuff. If I want to get it back as before, it looks like I will have to buy a bunch of cars and set up another train. This I refuse to do and no longer will visit neighbors to collect. The FT are making lots of money as it is, but it appears that greed is still the name of the game :-(

C. D. Harriger, Agitated Farmer from Belsano PA :-(

The glitch that allowed using the same cars with more than one locomotives was fix. You can no longer do that.

knolan Dec 08 2013 02:47 PM

I think they should have left the trains alone & not messed them up. I already spend enough money on the game & am not going to purchase more cars. I would like to know how the farmcash is determined for each item. When the game became more popular, & more farms added, the amts of farmcash required to purchase items should have been cut in half & used as a baseline to determine other costs. I would love to see the game become player friendly, rather than CEO friendly. (lol?)

bnpharris40 Dec 08 2013 04:58 PM

Why are you trying to run this for every one with the trains people should not have to be forced into any thing like you are doing, millions of people have millions of real money invested in farm town, a game for kids, elderly, & disabled or do you not care. You want law suits you will get them if this is a glitch please fix it, i for one am not going to buy cars for each farm to put my engines on, if a brainless person hit the wrong key, "fire him/her" fix it

Debi Ryan Dec 08 2013 05:33 PM

Hi got a question about the trains? can we have all 5 engines and cars on different farm ..dispatch at the same time? I did have 5 engines and 11 cars on one farm but with the glitch fixed I can't if I move engines to different farms and get more cars....will I be able to dispatch them as they come back or will I have to wait for them all to come back to dispatch them?

KnightRider Dec 08 2013 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by bnpharris40 (Post 5736478)
Why are you trying to run this for every one with the trains people should not have to be forced into any thing like you are doing, millions of people have millions of real money invested in farm town, a game for kids, elderly, & disabled or do you not care. You want law suits you will get them if this is a glitch please fix it, i for one am not going to buy cars for each farm to put my engines on, if a brainless person hit the wrong key, "fire him/her" fix it

If you are talking about not being able to connect more than one engine to the same set of boxcars, that is the glitch that was fixed, it is now the way it was suppose to be, one set of boxcars to a single engine. If you have more than one engine you can always separate you boxcars between all of the engine that you have. A lawsuit would be thrown out of court, you agreed to the Terms of Service like all of us when you started playing the game.

KnightRider Dec 08 2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Debi Ryan (Post 5736502)
Hi got a question about the trains? can we have all 5 engines and cars on different farm ..dispatch at the same time? I did have 5 engines and 11 cars on one farm but with the glitch fixed I can't if I move engines to different farms and get more cars....will I be able to dispatch them as they come back or will I have to wait for them all to come back to dispatch them?

You can have 5 of the same boxcar as long as it is on different engines, the game guide doesn't say they have to be on different farms, just different engines.

Debi Ryan Dec 08 2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by KnightRider (Post 5736514)
You can have 5 of the same boxcar as long as it is on different engines, the game guide doesn't say they have to be on different farms, just different engines.

thank U knightrider.......but if I want to put them on different farms ...I can right? and still dispatch them? and in the new release it is say I can have 2 engines on one set of cars right?
on and each end?

KnightRider Dec 08 2013 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Debi Ryan (Post 5736522)
thank U knightrider.......but if I want to put them on different farms ...I can right? and still dispatch them? and in the new release it is say I can have 2 engines on one set of cars right?
on and each end?

Your welcome.

Yes you can put them on different farms if you want, I have 2 trains on different farms, one is my main train and the second has one boxcar of items I needed. But no you can't hook 2 engines to a set of boxcars, that glitch has been fixed. Only one engine can be hooked to a set of boxcars now.

Debi Ryan Dec 08 2013 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by KnightRider (Post 5736534)
Your welcome.

Yes you can put them on different farms if you want, I have 2 trains on different farms, one is my main train and the second has one boxcar of items I needed. But no you can't hook 2 engines to a set of boxcars, that glitch has been fixed. Only one engine can be hooked to a set of boxcars now.

ok thank U have a good night

KnightRider Dec 08 2013 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Debi Ryan (Post 5736550)
ok thank U have a good night

Your welcome and you have a good night or day whichever is appropriate.

Annie of Green Gables Dec 09 2013 02:26 AM

Slash make unfair changes to the game...
In answer to this post:::

OK, who tinkered with the trains? I had a number of cars with a locomotive on each end. This made possible a 1 click operation when visiting farms to click on facilities and collecting everything on that farm in one click. That was most convenient. Now when I went to dispatch my one train I got an error reading which said the car was part of another train and was already dispatched. So the train sits and when I visit a farm now to collect on facilities it means a number of clicks to get the stuff. If I want to get it back as before, it looks like I will have to buy a bunch of cars and set up another train. This I refuse to do and no longer will visit neighbors to collect. The FT are making lots of money as it is, but it appears that greed is still the name of the game :-(

C. D. Harriger, Agitated Farmer from Belsano PA :-(

Many players are ropable at Slash for changing the rules regarding the Engines. All players bought these tools out of good faith and were led to believe they were a necessity to the game.

My problem is I don't understand why Slash sold these Engines knowing they were going to change the format, or glitches, but in all honesty, I did not know this was a glitch, I bought these tools out of good faith thinking it was part of the game structure, and the tools to be used to our advantage as far as the game goes. I just feel saddened that most have bought these Engines in good faith, but in doing so, we were buying these items under false pretence, and I believe it is wrong. I implore Slash to change the Engine format back to where it was before. The players feel cheated by your actions... :mad:

I also feel that we have freedom of speech, and that being said, we should not have our posts edited, or deleted by the Moderators. We should be able to stand up as players of the game, and give our views.

I am contemplating sending a letter to Slash asking for my money to be refunded back to me if there is no change. I have spent hundreds of dollars. I don't mind if Slash feel the need to check this. I have Engines, and carriages that I do not need any longer; they have become redundant thanks to the changes by Slash...

KnightRider Dec 09 2013 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Annie of Green Gables (Post 5736978)
In answer to this post:::

OK, who tinkered with the trains? I had a number of cars with a locomotive on each end. This made possible a 1 click operation when visiting farms to click on facilities and collecting everything on that farm in one click. That was most convenient. Now when I went to dispatch my one train I got an error reading which said the car was part of another train and was already dispatched. So the train sits and when I visit a farm now to collect on facilities it means a number of clicks to get the stuff. If I want to get it back as before, it looks like I will have to buy a bunch of cars and set up another train. This I refuse to do and no longer will visit neighbors to collect. The FT are making lots of money as it is, but it appears that greed is still the name of the game :-(

C. D. Harriger, Agitated Farmer from Belsano PA :-(

Many players are ropable at Slash for changing the rules regarding the Engines. All players bought these tools out of good faith and were led to believe they were a necessity to the game.

My problem is I don't understand why Slash sold these Engines knowing they were going to change the format, or glitches, but in all honesty, I did not know this was a glitch, I bought these tools out of good faith thinking it was part of the game structure, and the tools to be used to our advantage as far as the game goes. I just feel saddened that most have bought these Engines in good faith, but in doing so, we were buying these items under false pretence, and I believe it is wrong. I implore Slash to change the Engine format back to where it was before. The players feel cheated by your actions... :mad:

I also feel that we have freedom of speech, and that being said, we should not have our posts edited, or deleted by the Moderators. We should be able to stand up as players of the game, and give our views.

I am contemplating sending a letter to Slash asking for my money to be refunded back to me if there is no change. I have spent hundreds of dollars. I don't mind if Slash feel the need to check this. I have Engines, and carriages that I do not need any longer; they have become redundant thanks to the changes by Slash...

You mentioned changing the rules, below is the rule for the trains according to the game guide trains section:


Originally Posted by Rob T
You may have 1 Long Boxcar of each type per train, if you purchase another of the same Long Boxcars, it will have to be coupled to the other train. Meaning you can have a total of 5 of each boxcar so long as they are on different trains. Any additional Long Boxcars would serve only as decorations and will not carry any products.

The rule is still the same, what they did is to fix a glitch, which could be considered a bug due to all of the people that had to have their train data cleared because having more than 1 engine attached to the same boxcars corrupted their train data.

All the glitches in the game is use at your own risk, any of them could be corrected at any time with or without warning.

Annie of Green Gables Dec 09 2013 04:21 AM

Well I never had one problem with my trains. Not one! It took me a long while to understand how the trains worked, having said this, I still don't think what Slash did was right, nothing will change my mind, or the many hundreds of other players who are feeling cheated.

KnightRider you are in a privialidged position and can say what you like, without the hinder, of having your posts removed!!?? Having stated this, this problem isn't going to go away; there are too many people outraged at what has happened...

Taz D Dec 09 2013 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Annie of Green Gables (Post 5737014)
Well I never had one problem with my trains. Not one! It took me a long while to understand how the trains worked, having said this, I still don't think what Slash did was right, nothing will change my mind, or the many hundreds of other players who are feeling cheated.

KnightRider you are in a privialidged position and can say what you like, without the hinder, of having your posts removed!!?? Having stated this, this problem isn't going to go away; there are too many people outraged at what has happened...

Knightrider as well as myself are not privileged in any way. We are just players like yourself and do get posts edited or removed if we cross the line. Read the rules of the forum again and you will see that there are guideline of what can be said and what cannot.
Whether you had problems or not is not a factor on the trains. You and many others, myself included, took advantage of a glitch in the game that was never intended to be there as evidenced by the game guide.

Fireball Dec 09 2013 05:00 PM

I really think the timing was unreal...Slashkey..aka..SCROOGE

PJs Acres Dec 10 2013 01:18 AM

Dear Santa,
I would like a glitch and problem free Farmtown for Christmas so there will be no more "surprises". If you could make that happen, it truly would be a miraculous day as I have wished for this for quite some time. Some say Santa is a fantasy...I am beginning to believe so is my wish.

Farmgirl_Su Dec 10 2013 09:12 AM

May i throw my thought into the pot.

We all know the rules, we all know there are certain glitches we can profit by but if those glitches are fix,then C'est la vie.
we carry on and wait until someone finds another glitch..

If anyone spent money buying multi engines ( i didn't) well ,they were aware of the chance of it being sorted.
Plus by having them and having 100% on facility clicks they were cheating other members from getting friends goods.
It been obvious the last few month if you don't get to a posted Service or Facility in the first 3mins, you have wasted your time because the full train clickers have taken everything. so good for Slashkey fixing this.

Bottom line it is a GAME!
we chose to spend money if we like .We play only against ourselves at our own speed so there is no need to buy any 'extras' if you don't want to.It's all optional. Enjoy the game and please people stop whining about the gifting of FC good from fake accounts and the loss of the Train glitch.. Just enjoy the game and another glitch will be along soon..

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!:)

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