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Okay, I didn't know you could now sell from your regular storage, but it's still a pain to put them into buildings and you can't harvest them if they are in regular storage.
Just gotta throw a jab here and say; Are you kidding me right now??? You say these cars were developed to bring us the items/products that are highest in demand. With the exception of some textiles and cheese, lumber and metal, this couldn't be farther from the truth. It brings us things we have to much of and not the things we need most of.
Thanks for another of your many money pit solutions to an already floundering game (that I still love and am loyal to. I block EVERY other game out there and keep praying for the fixes on ancient issues here. And for some reason I still have faith in you devs. Sometimes you knock one out of the park and my hope and strength are renewed) |
train products
I am not very good at maths but had a go at working out if the train is worth the money. I bought the Long Bulkhead carriage for the metals.
My workings are this: Copper sheet for 3 50 x 3.5555 (copper ore per unit) = 177.77775 1512 delivered by train divided by 3 = 504 504 x 177.77775 = 89599.986 Aluminium sheet for 5 100 x 14.4 (aluminium ore per unit) = 1440 2520 delivered by train divided by 5 = 504 504 x 1440 = 725760.00 Steel sheet for 5 89 x 1.9323 (iron ore per unit) = 171.98 11 x 26.666 (chromium ore per unit) = 293.333 Both = 465.00 2520 delivered by train divided by 5 = 504 504 x 465.00 = 390600 total cost of materials = 1,049,328 Cost to despatch train = 3,402,000 Is my maths incorrect or are we paying over the odds? |
I agree that we may pay more for dispatching the trains and do not get enough product in return but I will stay true with the trains because they help me tremendously when I working other peoples farms. I get a lot of products for very little work
it may be true that the trains help with the facs but if I only have one carriage it doesn't help all that much for such a great outlay, In my opinion.
Still love the game after saying all that! |
This is concerning trains. Do you have a DIAGRAM FOR DUMMIES :confused: I have tracks bought the railway switch. But how do you correctly put things together. :) :D
ok... the train boost..... can you send out requests for this to be boosted every 24 hours..... hubby seems to think you can only send it out once and thats it until the time comes you can dispatch the train after unloading it.
am a bit confused (mind you doesn't take much to confuse me lol) |
http://visual.merriam-webster.com/im...ted-switch.jpg Edited: 11/29 at 10 pm. This is a picture of how I have mine setup, tried to get it as close to the above picture as possible. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphoto...17997422_n.jpg |
Re Boosts, 10 people accelerated my train yesterday so its one day ahead of schedule, and thats the message I got when I tried to see if I could send a boost request today...I will try again later this evening to see if I can boost it again...I sometimes don't unload my train's 12 carriages, just leave it sitting and allow the mayor to do all the work when working others facilities...
when I go to boost my train, the list that comes up is horrible. When I click "FarmTown players", I get a list of everyone on my friends list who has ever LOOKED at FT. Good many of them are NOT my neighbors and do not play FT. Is there any way you could just bring up a list of neighbors so I wouldn't have to sort through and figure it out???
the benefit i see with the trains is the mayor helpin..he's a great help to me and the ones i have i don't need all of it but i does make me coin when i sell so every little bit helps there..so i feel they r worth every penny and i am geting more..i can now do more of my neighbors posts....even more coins...:)
I don't have a train, but I think it has basically hurt people without the trains. When I work others facilities, I am left in the dust, so I don't make as good as I used to working others facilities. I do make something from the train boost requests I get, but I think it is normally less than 3000 products, nothing compared to what I lose by not being fast enough working facilities. I don't know what I get, except I notice some of my animals going up one each after doing a boost. I am thinking one doesn't really get much of any one item, but like I said, I don't know how much I get of anythng, just know how many total products I get from clicking on a boost. Sometimes the game discourages me because those with money to spend on the game are those that do best, not those that work the hardest. I definitely benefit from those who spend money on the game, like getting products from train boosts, and probably people with trains can load their facilities fuller. I would get more, except now people who didn't used to work the facilities are now working them cause it is so fast for them. They really should benefit from spending real money on the game. But, it will probably result in me not working some peoples facilities, especially if they have them on too many farms and they have too many neighbors with trains. It is just not worth my time. Funny thing is, I don't even want a train, except that it would help me work facilties faster. I just don't make some things if I don't enough of certain items.
I think to dispatch the train is too expensive. Costs are too much for the items.
The train is great when working neighbors facilities. I do not often work my neighbors facilities, when I do the mayor does half of them for me. Very nice indeed!!!!
Yes, that is right.
Advice time I pretty much only run out of one thing and thats stainless steel sheets so wondering if its worth it to buy the long box car that brings that? Im reading it takes a week to get back and costs alot of coins...so is it worth the cash to get this???
The train takes 7 days to make the rounds of markets. I just bought several metal mills & open clay pits to keep me supplied.
I do have a train, but did not buy the car for the steel, as I already have several metal mills. I bought a car that brings the paper rolls. I bought several paper mills, never had enough paper rolls. with the car & train have not run out. I would suggest if you have plenty of coins & several farms to buy open pit mines & metal mills placing one of each per farm. |
Boosting the train
You cant boost someones train if their a day ahead of schedule...so then why are we able to send requests out?...After spending all that FC money on train cars..and you only can get boosted one day???? doesn't seen right.. :(
I'm still trying to work the trains out but I think you are only allowed to boost the train one day ahead. One day in FT is 20 hours and each person can boost the train two hours, so if my calculations (and opinion) are correct you can only send a request to ten people. If people are sending to more than ten people that's when the ones over the ten will get the message the train is already a day ahead of schedule. Hope you can understand this as I'm probably not explaining very well.
Thanks I didn't realize it was 12 people as a FT day is usually 20 hours not 24. Better go and send off two more requests then. lol.
I have the both the red and orange sprinklers and sometimes my orange one does not irrigate trees as it is supposed to do. Am I to assume that there are still issues going on with this sprinkler? I have one farm that is only an orchard and I would like to irrigate it so that the growth time is shortened (that is the reason that I purchased the orange sprinkler)
L. Fitzlmon |
Hi all , just a friendly reminder , this thread is for General Feedback , if you require help on Mobile spinklers , please post in this thread...
http://slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=394258 Posts that are in the wrong section are likely to be overlooked , moved or deleted so please try and post in the correct thread. Thanks |
Hi all , just a friendly reminder , this thread is for General Feedback , if you require help on Trains , please post in this thread...
http://slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492326 If you have a Suggestion for Trains , please post in this thread .. http://slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492566 Posts that are in the wrong section are likely to be overlooked , moved or deleted so please try and post in the correct thread. Thanks |
I always click on boosting peoples trains. I thought I read that you get 2 to 3% of what the train was carrying. Sometimes I only get 2 to 3 hundred items. Does that mean that their train isn'st carrying much. Or does it work like working peoples facilities, where I am probably the last person to click to boost the train, so there isn't much left to get.
Where does one get advance notice of new releases? I've always depended on after the fact boot up messages. Thanks in advance - Suntanned |
I think regular visitors to this site know that as soon as the release posting thread is closed, its not too long a wait till the next update, lol
Welcome to the Feedback Section
Welcome to the Feedback section of the forum.
Use this section to tell us what you think of the game in general or how parts of the game work or to hash out ideas. We will endeavor to allow a bit more latitude in this section than in the other sections of the forum, however, please bear in mind we must stave off chaos. Debates are allowed but post which go beyond simple debates and fall into attacks against another member or out right name calling, or take a thread completely off track, will be removed. |
Working peoples facilities takes alot of time, so I thought if I was going to continue to work their facilities that I might want to get at least some trains. However, looking them over, I don't really see any that would even be worth it for what they bring. If one brought MEAT, now that would be the one I would buy to start with. It is a shame that speeding up facility work is connected with trains. I am in a twix with what to do with this game. I am level 400 and have bought alot of the loaders. In order to cut back on time in game, I quit working others facilities or posting my own. In order to really benefit from buying trains, I would have to spend a good bit of farmcash and I just am not even sure that it would be worth it since the trains don't bring anything that I really care if I have. Perhaps since I don't have most of the farmcash facilities, I don't need as many ingredients. I don't know. I used to post them every day, but really, it is not an enjoyable aspect of the game even with most of the loaders. I want to help out my neighbors by working their facilities, but it is just a bit costly to buy the trains to make it more doable.
So, I am still trying to decide whether to buy some trains. So I was looking to see what I tend to be short of. I was short on oak lumber though I have plenty of logs, so opened another mill. Don't know if I have enough to do everything or not as Im not posting my facilities right now. However, the only things that I was short of that I couldn't remedy myself was what is brought in the meat truck, meat and leather and of course buying extra trucks will not help me work others facilities. I am beginning to wonder whether people buy the trains cause they need them, or if they like them. Still don't know what I want to do. I have already bought things I have regretted in this game and am a bit hesitant to do it again. May put the game on hold.
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