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yanafree Jun 09 2014 12:40 PM

Farm Stats Option
Every player with more than one or two farms one should be able to use this. I have been playing this game for many years, am at the highest level and have 21 farms so far.

It says I must expand 9 farms to 32x32 before I can use this to see what crops are ready without having to visit all 24 farms. If land weren't so expensive maybe we could expand those farms to the maximum size. It use to be easier to expand farms but now its crazy. Billions?? Its a game people. :(

This is so unfair to give us the ability to make the game easier and less time consuming.

Everyone deserves the right to use the Farm Stats without any restrictions.

whosyou? Jun 09 2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by yanafree (Post 5833654)
Every player with more than one or two farms one should be able to use this. I have been playing this game for many years, am at the highest level and have 21 farms so far.

It says I must expand 9 farms to 32x32 before I can use this to see what crops are ready without having to visit all 24 farms. If land weren't so expensive maybe we could expand those farms to the maximum size. It use to be easier to expand farms but now its crazy. Billions?? Its a game people. :(

This is so unfair to give us the ability to make the game easier and less time consuming.

Everyone deserves the right to use the Farm Stats without any restrictions.

Sorry...but the insta-win button is not going to happen.Like most things...this is a goal,something to get by putting in time into the game and playing smart.Coins are free,all we need do is make our farms as productive as possible to gain as much coins as we can.2-5 active neighbors and posting your own facs. 1 time a week can easily net over 2 billion coins...and that is without owning all the FC ones.Expanding farms is not hard,nor is the price crazy.If it were,many would not have done so.

Eradani Jun 09 2014 10:29 PM

lol ok. i'm forgetting this is a "store" and not someone making a chicken coop for themselves.

Eradani Jun 09 2014 10:32 PM

i've still got 20 billion to go to get all 20 farms to 24x, nevermind getting any to 32x. soooo, i made a little 4x5 plowed area on my main farm and whenever i plant something on a farm, i plant the corresponding plot so i can tell when it's going to be done. i tend to mono-crop so it makes it a little easier.

Dulcinea Jun 09 2014 10:39 PM

It isn't a right. It's an option of the game developers have chosen, to make this convenience available only to select players. But I completely agree with you otherwise. :) I could really use this, too, and I will NEVER have nine farms expanded to 32x32. It's not even a goal for me. It's simply an impossibility.

Taz D Jun 09 2014 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Eradani (Post 5833898)
lol ok. i'm forgetting this is a "store" and not someone making a chicken coop for themselves.

This is a chicken coop for the more affluent customer..:D

bliky Jun 10 2014 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5833934)
You can go through each farm individually and all from sitting on one farm without having to upgrade the farms to 32x32. The only thing you can't do without expanding is to look at all farms at once.

I'm just a player here Taz D, but when I try to look at my farm stats for another farm it presents me with this message: "You need to expand more farms to see stats for farms other than the current farm, below are the rules:"

Fred Bee Jun 10 2014 03:35 PM

Ok, I tried to use farm stats and found out that to get what I want to see I need a TON of 32x32 farms. It ain't going to happen for me or my close pals. I play, my cousin plays, and a good friend plays.

I've talked to them and my cousin is just starting, lol he will probably never get to the highest rank as it takes a beginner with NO REAL MONEY to invest in the game forever to just get tools, let alone the cool factories that make good coin. My good friend plays and she is at level 525, but only because she spent REAL MONEY to buy things. She says she won't be bothered with that much expansion, as it would take her forever to get all her farms to 32x32. As it is she has so much in stock she said "My only challenge is to do the quests." She asked what is the point of the stats if only a few people can use them.

Why make something that could really help players totally out of reach?

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

Fred Bee Jun 10 2014 03:39 PM

One more thing, it is not like I just started playing and am saying boo hoo, I am new and need to have everything today...I've been on FT since March 2009

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

Eradani Jun 10 2014 04:05 PM

i think it would be cool if there was some "info reward" thing for getting 20 farms to 24x24. i think i've only got 4 or 5 left. last i checked i only needed another 20 billion coins, haha. but i will get that goal done sometime this century.

Queen.of.Clutter Jun 10 2014 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by whosyou? (Post 5833662)
Sorry...but the insta-win button is not going to happen.Like most things...this is a goal,something to get by putting in time into the game and playing smart.Coins are free,all we need do is make our farms as productive as possible to gain as much coins as we can.2-5 active neighbors and posting your own facs. 1 time a week can easily net over 2 billion coins...and that is without owning all the FC ones.Expanding farms is not hard,nor is the price crazy.If it were,many would not have done so.

Ha Ha ! Love it! Well said. I don't play like I used to ... too time consuming, but I managed to increase the 10 farms needed to view all .... didn't really take that long either. Work other people's facilities, get your bonuses, post your own, and before you know it, you have the coin to do that. I could expand maybe two more, but am saving my coin for Farm 23 ....

Eradani Jun 10 2014 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5833926)
This is a chicken coop for the more affluent customer..:D

wait... affluent customers have chicken coops? hehe

Taz D Jun 10 2014 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Eradani (Post 5834170)
wait... affluent customers have chicken coops? hehe

Of course...the Beverly Hillbillies...:rolleyes::D

beverduster Jun 10 2014 05:12 PM

ya'alls can have al the chicken you want, i no what the eat in the barn yard

Eradani Jun 11 2014 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5834174)
Of course...the Beverly Hillbillies...:rolleyes::D

*looks around for a Like button*

sylvie48uk Jun 11 2014 05:57 AM

Sawmill output
Sorry if there's already a thread for this, but I couldn't find one.
I've found that with all the new factories being added that I keep running out of lumber, particularly oak. I have 3 different trains, each with a lumber car and I now have 4 sawmills but it seems that it's going to produce nowhere near enough. Could the sawmill output possibly be adjusted to accommodate the increased factory needs?
Seriously, nobody should have to buy extra sawmills and train cars when there are other things that are needed more urgently, like tools.
Maybe the 'basic' factory output could be looked at generally? Things like metal mill, sawmill, mines etc etc? Plus - nobody really wants the same facilities on every farm purely from an aesthetic point of view.
I don't post here much because generally I don't find many problems that I can't solve myself, but this one does seem to be a growing problem within the bigger picture and merits some attention I feel.

Queen.of.Clutter Jun 11 2014 09:58 AM

I have the same problem with Oak Lumber - also Polyester Fiber. I have 4 train cars carrying it, and 15 Sawmills .... *sigh* ....
If you ask for Ingredients for a Swing (from the Furniture Factory) YOU will get 48 Oak Lumber Piles - your helper gets 24. It's a good ingredient request.
The Chicken Coop (from the Farm Buildings Factory) gives YOU 48 piles, plus 48 Red Ink & 24 Aluminum Sheets - your helper would get half.

L.A.Bob Jun 11 2014 08:26 PM

I have to agree I cannot keep up with the oak lumber demands. I have 9 sawmills and 4 trains with lumber cars. I pride myself on keep all facilities at maximum capacity and I have only one of each production facility that uses the Oak lumber. I have my facilities clustered on 9 farms so that people working them only have to visit as few as possible to make it convenient for them. I do not want to be put in the position of adding sawmills to each of the other farms as that would make the sawmill the only facility on those farms

sylvie48uk Jun 12 2014 04:52 AM

Following on and keeping a careful record I've discovered that even with 3 trains, a sawmill on every farm, working everyone's facilities like crazy and grabbing bonuses and ingredients where I can I would still have a shortfall of 183 lumber piles per day - and I don't by any means have all of the facilities available in the store, if I had then it would be even worse!
Please devs, we love the game, but it would be nice to have the output of the basic facilities increased when a new facility is introduced. It makes it really hard work having to spent hours scraping around for basic ingredients.

sylvie48uk Jun 12 2014 05:59 AM

and following from that another observation which would seriously affect someone relatively new to the game with few farms and facilities:
Total output per day from one sawmill = 48 oak lumber piles
Total requirement per day from the farm buildings factory = 216 oak lumber piles per day
Errmmmm....slight problem I think!
For the moment I've stopped my factory from producing the horse stall, tool shed and chicken coop, it's too impossible to keep up!

Taz D Jun 12 2014 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by sylvie48uk (Post 5834678)
Following on and keeping a careful record I've discovered that even with 3 trains, a sawmill on every farm, working everyone's facilities like crazy and grabbing bonuses and ingredients where I can I would still have a shortfall of 183 lumber piles per day - and I don't by any means have all of the facilities available in the store, if I had then it would be even worse!
Please devs, we love the game, but it would be nice to have the output of the basic facilities increased when a new facility is introduced. It makes it really hard work having to spent hours scraping around for basic ingredients.


Originally Posted by sylvie48uk (Post 5834682)
and following from that another observation which would seriously affect someone relatively new to the game with few farms and facilities:
Total output per day from one sawmill = 48 oak lumber piles
Total requirement per day from the farm buildings factory = 216 oak lumber piles per day
Errmmmm....slight problem I think!
For the moment I've stopped my factory from producing the horse stall, tool shed and chicken coop, it's too impossible to keep up!

The output from the sawmills can be increased if you post your facilities for others to work. I am keeping up with only 6 sawmills plus 3 trains and posting work once a day. It can be done but you have to post to allow your neighbors and friends to help produce faster.

sylvie48uk Jun 12 2014 12:03 PM

I thought that Taz, but the farm buildings factory eats it up faster than it gets produced and when I post my facilities that factory gets worked too! For now I've had to stop production in the farm buildings factory altogether until it gets sorted. It's a pity, but I can't keep up.

Grammy 11 Jun 12 2014 02:35 PM

My shortfalls tend to be teak and pine. Problem pretty well solved by putting all facilities requiring logs ahead of the sawmills; I seem to have plenty of lumber, it's the logs that go.

I did the same with eggs, but am not doing as well, still tinkering with order of facilities.

Thanks for idea of daily posting. A neighbor of mine seems to post all saw mills and very few other facs. Would there be a way to Start All of one facility without unclicking through everything, then replacing the clicks?

Taz D Jun 12 2014 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Grammy 11 (Post 5834810)
My shortfalls tend to be teak and pine. Problem pretty well solved by putting all facilities requiring logs ahead of the sawmills; I seem to have plenty of lumber, it's the logs that go.

I did the same with eggs, but am not doing as well, still tinkering with order of facilities.

Thanks for idea of daily posting. A neighbor of mine seems to post all saw mills and very few other facs. Would there be a way to Start All of one facility without unclicking through everything, then replacing the clicks?

There isn't any way to do that other than clicking start all on each facility that you want to start.

Grace de Man Jun 16 2014 03:56 AM

I'm also very unhappy about the stats situation, also on the highest level. I have kept all my farms at 24x24 because that is what my computer can load comfortably without crashing and that I feel I can farm. I have also stopped buying farms when I bought farm 20 (because the last 4 farms are completely naked!). This is a personal limitation which has nothing to do with coins or resources. It is just that, as with all business decisions, I feel that one should only expand when one needs to due to business growth.

One of the reasons that I love FT is because it teaches very sound business sense. One needs to plant X amount of crops to fill Y facility to keep Z service shop supplied with enough stock to provide the customers with goods and so earn enough coins, etc. to keep doing this and (if it were the real world) supply you with a tidy bank balance to support your family and life style.

Now why would I expand my farms to 34x34 if I am managing to do this very comfortably on 24x24?

Unfortunately, most of the expansion will mean that I need to buy a new, more powerful computer with lots of RAM memory, which is not going to happen.

So I guess, the moral of the story is that I will NEVER be able to use the stats!!!

koakes Jun 16 2014 01:28 PM

Need more output for ingredient facilities!!

Originally Posted by sylvie48uk (Post 5834678)
Following on and keeping a careful record I've discovered that even with 3 trains, a sawmill on every farm, working everyone's facilities like crazy and grabbing bonuses and ingredients where I can I would still have a shortfall of 183 lumber piles per day - and I don't by any means have all of the facilities available in the store, if I had then it would be even worse!
Please devs, we love the game, but it would be nice to have the output of the basic facilities increased when a new facility is introduced. It makes it really hard work having to spent hours scraping around for basic ingredients.

I agree, please increase output of the basic facilities when a new facility is introduced. It makes it really hard work having to spent hours scraping around for basic ingredients. Right now I have a hard time getting oak lumber and green petro barrels! Help!!!!

beverduster Jun 16 2014 02:03 PM

sometimes you have to plant more to get more, but it would be nice if the would up the out put, when i strt running out of lumber & i cant keep my saw mills running a full production, i plant more, dont like too , but i have too

Fred Bee Jun 16 2014 05:11 PM

Asking someone to join you
When I ask someone to join me on my farm, I may or may not get a response. If the person is busy working on another farm, they most often click on the "Sorry I am busy" response or may close the message. However, when this happens nothing is sent to me, so I don't know if they got the message, are away from the game, or are working.
Why not have a response sent to the sender when they click out or click on the "Sorry I am busy" so we are not waiting around for 5 minutes for them to show up. If nothing comes within a minute or two we would know they are busy or away.

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

KnightRider Jun 16 2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fred Bee (Post 5835946)
When I ask someone to join me on my farm, I may or may not get a response. If the person is busy working on another farm, they most often click on the "Sorry I am busy" response or may close the message. However, when this happens nothing is sent to me, so I don't know if they got the message, are away from the game, or are working.
Why not have a response sent to the sender when they click out or click on the "Sorry I am busy" so we are not waiting around for 5 minutes for them to show up. If nothing comes within a minute or two we would know they are busy or away.

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

It would be best if you put your suggestion in the suggestion section so the developers can see your suggestion, you can't start a new thread, this way they can keep the suggestion section easier to read, but you can put it in the thread that is closest to what you are suggesting and if you don't see one that is close, you can put it in the thread My idea doesn't have a thread.

Fred Bee Jun 16 2014 08:44 PM

I will do so, did not see it as a suggestion, more as a problem

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

KnightRider Jun 16 2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fred Bee (Post 5836010)
I will do so, did not see it as a suggestion, more as a problem

Fred Bee, gentleman farmer

You would like the notifications added to the game, which makes it a suggestion. Jun 19 2014 07:31 AM

Facebook issues
I don't know what is happening with Facebook (I know this is NOT a FB forum), but are others having issues with connecting to FB right now? I keep getting locked out of my FB home page. I keep getting the message that that page is currently not available. I've poked around the web on other sites today and it seems to be only FB. This started happening around 3 AM EST, and continues through 7:30 AM EST. Are they doing a major repair or update?

Taz D Jun 19 2014 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 5837774)
I don't know what is happening with Facebook (I know this is NOT a FB forum), but are others having issues with connecting to FB right now? I keep getting locked out of my FB home page. I keep getting the message that that page is currently not available. I've poked around the web on other sites today and it seems to be only FB. This started happening around 3 AM EST, and continues through 7:30 AM EST. Are they doing a major repair or update?

Since this isn't Facebook there isn't any way to answer your questions.

dorissau Jun 20 2014 05:50 PM

comment about working neighbor's facs
I know there is probably a perfectly good reason, but why in the world do I have to click "let's get going" TWICE when I go to work a neighbor's factories??? Frankly, it's a pain in my train. !!! Just saying!

Taz D Jun 20 2014 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by dorissau (Post 5838602)
I know there is probably a perfectly good reason, but why in the world do I have to click "let's get going" TWICE when I go to work a neighbor's factories??? Frankly, it's a pain in my train. !!! Just saying!

If you wish to make a suggestion, please put it in the Suggestions section where it will be better seen by the developers. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to an existing one that fits your subject.

Farmer Tony Jun 21 2014 07:58 AM

Keep it the way it is. It makes it more "real". Sometimes supplies run low and you need to "manage" your production. Apply the raw materials to the right products to maximize profits. Or lay off a finished goods factory for a week or two to allow supplies to build back up. Work it like you would in the real world.

whosyou? Jun 21 2014 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Farmer Tony (Post 5838762)
Keep it the way it is. It makes it more "real". Sometimes supplies run low and you need to "manage" your production. Apply the raw materials to the right products to maximize profits. Or lay off a finished goods factory for a week or two to allow supplies to build back up. Work it like you would in the real world.

Exactly...making the game easier makes the game boring.I want to be challenged,even slightly.If they make it so you can click 3 clicks and not worry about managing,what is the point?

dorissau Jun 21 2014 10:24 AM

Thanks.. I don't think it was a "suggestion".. it was only a comment, or maybe even a question. Sometimes I do make suggestions and the devs always seem to come up with an even better take on a seed of an idea.

koakes Jun 21 2014 10:56 AM

Why play a game, if you want to be in the real world, games are escapes from the real world! Don't want to have to worry with real world problems while I play a game!!

Jilly Dare Jun 22 2014 08:05 AM

What to sell anymore
How do I know what goods I can sell anymore, the whole "non-ingredients (to me)"thing has got so confusing I no longer know where I am! :confused:

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