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poof3013 Sep 17 2017 01:30 PM

Help Given numbers
I am seeing a problem with my numbers on the "Help Given (to friends), Normally I get 50 added with each friend I help, but it isn't giving me any for a few farms that I help at, then giving 50 like every 4th or 5th farm I help with. Anyone know why I'm not getting 50 for each farm I help with? :(
Thank you,
Penny Smith

marymarcel Sep 17 2017 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by poof3013 (Post 6190422)
I am seeing a problem with my numbers on the "Help Given (to friends), Normally I get 50 added with each friend I help, but it isn't giving me any for a few farms that I help at, then giving 50 like every 4th or 5th farm I help with. Anyone know why I'm not getting 50 for each farm I help with? :(
Thank you,
Penny Smith

Hi poof3013 :)

Please be sure you have the neighbor's bar set to "Order by Help given"

The information about Help given amounts was given in the New Release October 8th, 2013

The rules for computing the Help Given to Your Friends by You are:

FarmCash Price * 20 for each SEND_FARMCASH_GIFT action, this include ALL Farm Cash items, Certificates, Facilities, etc.

A particular helping action only count once per friend in a few hours period. For example, if you work in user X farm you get one point, if you work in user Y farm right after that you get another point, but if you work again on user X farm right after that it will not count, you will have to wait a few hours for it to count.

RWC Ranch Sep 21 2017 10:27 PM

Facility Count
I wish there was something showing how many of the facilities you own or have. It is hard to keep track of everything you have. I would love to be able to go to the store and have it show me if I already own something and how many I have. Please consider this for future updates. Thank you :-)

Taz D Sep 21 2017 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by RWC Ranch (Post 6191454)
I wish there was something showing how many of the facilities you own or have. It is hard to keep track of everything you have. I would love to be able to go to the store and have it show me if I already own something and how many I have. Please consider this for future updates. Thank you :-)

Hi RWC Ranch,
You do have a filter (funnel) that can show you what facilities you own or don't own. Also when you click on the green question mark (?) then hover your mouse over the facility picture in the upper right corner it will tell you how many you own.

Additionally if you open the Faceility Manager you can see all your facilities there and can count how many of each you have.

If you wish to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section where the developers will see it grouped by subject for the developers to see. Posting it here in the General Feedback they will probably not see it as there are so many different types of posts in this section.

You can not start a new thread in the Suggestions, but you can reply to a thread that fits the subject of your suggestion.

Papi Sep 26 2017 08:29 PM

Yoga block
In the Game Guide, chapter 27 omits the facility that produces the Yoga Block.

marymarcel Sep 26 2017 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Papi (Post 6192294)
In the Game Guide, chapter 27 omits the facility that produces the Yoga Block.

Hi Papi :)

I moved your post from Suggestions to General Feedback to be able to answer you.

I'm sorry if I misunderstand your post, all products from the Fitness Equipment Factory are not used in other regular facility. They are used to load the Gym which is a service facility.

So all those products are listed in the following link from Chapter 27:

All regular facilities and service facilities are listed in Chapter 13

Papi Sep 27 2017 12:13 PM

Yes, it is listed under those items used in service facilities. Should it not be listed here:

Where can i use the products i get from facilities?
Yellow Mustard - british restaurant, cajun restaurant, cuban restaurant, german restaurant, irish restaurant,
Zinc Ore - metal mill, painting supplies factory, storm supplies factory

Of course, it IS listed in Ch 13 ... so I suppose my point is moot.

*edited because I was wrong.

marymarcel Sep 27 2017 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Papi (Post 6192358)
Yes, it is listed under those items used in service facilities. Should it not be listed here:

Where can i use the products i get from facilities?
Yellow Mustard - british restaurant, cajun restaurant, cuban restaurant, german restaurant, irish restaurant,
Zinc Ore - metal mill, painting supplies factory, storm supplies factory

Of course, it IS listed in Ch 13 ... so I suppose my point is moot.

*edited because I was wrong.

Hi Papi :)

Chapter 27, Ingredients of Farm Town, shows where items are used and not where they are done.

The list you are talking about, is for products made in production facilities which are also used in other production facilities.

As yoga block is not used in other production facility then it is not listed there but you can find them in the list for products used in Service facilities. :)

Serenity Dilsworth Oct 07 2017 06:46 AM

Yes, I know it's a FaceBook problem
But I need to vent --- I will happily vent to FaceBook if you give me an address to contact.

I am one of those folks that have been a faithful customer for years. Check my records, I do spend a bit of cash with you. I am your customer and I am guessing that you pay FaceBook some type of fee making YOU their customer. So what do you do when YOUR customer base begins to shrink because YOUR customers are tired of not being able to play, compete or enjoy themselves? Well, I would think you would POKE the FaceBook folks a little harder, but I really don't know this.

Yes, I know there is a work around, but I am not fast enough to use it. It really sucks being old, slow and physically disadvantaged. May these maladies never land on your door.

Last night as I purchased new items with Farm Cash dollars, I really wondered if I am throwing good money after bad. I've never had that thought before.

I would have responded directly to the post, but it's locked, but I have read it and am including it here to save you the trouble.

Thank you for allowing me to vent, I know it's difficult being the messenger that everyone wants to express their frustrations to directly.

Serenity Dilsworth of Merrymeet Farms

This is a Facebook issue not a game issue. We got this problem some weeks ago, and Facebook fixed it after some days. But now, the problem is back and the delevelopers let us know that Facebook has reopened the ticket about this issue. Sadly, we have to wait for Facebook to fix it.

Meanwhile and as a workaround, when you get the box that comes up with your friends in it, quickly "right click" your mouse on the "All Farmers" at the top left of the box, and then choose "open in a new tab". You should then get a full size window that does not shrink allowing you to click the "Send" button.

marymarcel Oct 07 2017 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Serenity Dilsworth (Post 6194866)
But I need to vent --- I will happily vent to FaceBook if you give me an address to contact.

I am one of those folks that have been a faithful customer for years. Check my records, I do spend a bit of cash with you. I am your customer and I am guessing that you pay FaceBook some type of fee making YOU their customer. So what do you do when YOUR customer base begins to shrink because YOUR customers are tired of not being able to play, compete or enjoy themselves? Well, I would think you would POKE the FaceBook folks a little harder, but I really don't know this.

Yes, I know there is a work around, but I am not fast enough to use it. It really sucks being old, slow and physically disadvantaged. May these maladies never land on your door.

Last night as I purchased new items with Farm Cash dollars, I really wondered if I am throwing good money after bad. I've never had that thought before.

I would have responded directly to the post, but it's locked, but I have read it and am including it here to save you the trouble.

Thank you for allowing me to vent, I know it's difficult being the messenger that everyone wants to express their frustrations to directly.

Serenity Dilsworth of Merrymeet Farms

This is a Facebook issue not a game issue. We got this problem some weeks ago, and Facebook fixed it after some days. But now, the problem is back and the delevelopers let us know that Facebook has reopened the ticket about this issue. Sadly, we have to wait for Facebook to fix it.

Meanwhile and as a workaround, when you get the box that comes up with your friends in it, quickly "right click" your mouse on the "All Farmers" at the top left of the box, and then choose "open in a new tab". You should then get a full size window that does not shrink allowing you to click the "Send" button.

Hi Serenity Dilsworth :)

I moved your post to Feedback forum.

The only thing I can suggest you is to click in the ? icon in the upper right corner of your Facebook home page and then send a report about a problem:)

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