Farm Town

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DeeSulli Oct 30 2015 11:01 AM

I just went back into facility manager and they were all back! thank god! I don't know what the problem was but it seems to be working now...checked my farms and they are there again too.... whew.... maybe someone somewhere was "twitching" something... I don't know...just relieved they are back.

DeeSulli Oct 30 2015 11:16 AM

ooops....looks like I spoke too soon. Facilities only show up in the facility manager if I am on the farm where facilities are located. And it looks like only the facilities on that farm are listed because I have 2 Art Studios and 2 Ceramic Factories but only one is showing up in the manager. So whatever is going on is still happening... maybe someone is working on this now...I HOPE

Aussie Rae Oct 30 2015 11:26 PM

I have totally given up on the Customize option now... would take hours to redo mine.. not worth the effort..

JbarLFarms Oct 31 2015 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6011634)
Hi all:)

This is one of the problems the developers are trying to fix.

You can read about this in Raul's notes for the New Release for September.

Known Issues

- Bug: When working farms there are still some green patches appearing randomly on farms, which should disappear once you mouse over them

- Bug: When moving items to and from storage, it's possible that some of them disappear/appear on the farm when you mouse move over them. This may have improved with the latest changes, in any case please report if this is still happening to you.

- Bug: When changing from a tool to walk, all items shows up even if some were marked as hidden in the preferences. This is the same issue people are complaining about when working for SN and hidden items shows up.

- Bug: Custom Order in Facility Manager is messed up, not showing correctly. Also, if you try to change the order of a facility, it stays ok on the same session, but goes back to previous position on game reload.

Thank you MaryMarcel.

Bellemadge Oct 31 2015 03:02 AM

Progress on Farm Town
I have been playing Farm Town for a long time now but I am becoming somewhat frustrated by lack of progress.
After you reach a certain point one is totally 'taken for granted', and as progress ceases the whole thing becomes a massive waste of time, and of course all the money you have spent on the game.:mad:

widow lyn Nov 01 2015 01:51 AM

Mods please help if possible
I am having a problem with placing thing on my farms, whenever I place an item or move it it doesn't show and I have to refresh in order for it to show. I do not have anything hidden when I am doing this and its been going on since the last update, so could someone check it out for me please.

marymarcel Nov 01 2015 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by widow lyn (Post 6012538)
I am having a problem with placing thing on my farms, whenever I place an item or move it it doesn't show and I have to refresh in order for it to show. I do not have anything hidden when I am doing this and its been going on since the last update, so could someone check it out for me please.

Hi widow lyn:)

After Adobe updated Flash player, the game has had some problems, the developers are working to fix them.

Raul has posted in his notes for the New Release for September

Known Issues

- Bug: When moving items to and from storage, it's possible that some of them disappear/appear on the farm when you mouse move over them.

- Bug: When hiding items using the Show options in the preference window, the items usually come back when you move the mouse across the farm.

Please keep an eye on that thread so that Raul will post any fixes there, here is the link to it

freemanwpb Nov 01 2015 08:11 PM

super turbo
When can we expect a super turbo boat that will do multiple lake and rivers on one click.It is awlful slow doing lakes.

Taz D Nov 01 2015 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by freemanwpb (Post 6012722)
When can we expect a super turbo boat that will do multiple lake and rivers on one click.It is awlful slow doing lakes.

Hi freemanwpb,
Only the developers would know the answer to that questions and they don't tell us in advance of anything they do.

Victorious Vivian Nov 04 2015 10:15 AM

I am confused. We went from Hallowe'en to Thanksgiving. What happened to Vets/Rememberance Day?:confused:

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