Farm Town

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widow lyn Sep 14 2014 12:54 AM

Xp points ?
after you reach level 550, how many xp points do u need to earn for level 551 etc, I do realize we don't get these until the next level increase but I like to keep up with how many levels I advance.

KnightRider Sep 14 2014 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by widow lyn (Post 5871878)
after you reach level 550, how many xp points do u need to earn for level 551 etc, I do realize we don't get these until the next level increase but I like to keep up with how many levels I advance.

Hello widow lyn,

Since 550 is currently the highest level there is no way of knowing how much XP is needed to get to the next levels, we will only know that when they add new levels, then we will know how much XP is needed to achieve however many levels they add.

bluehair Sep 14 2014 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by widow lyn (Post 5871878)
after you reach level 550, how many xp points do u need to earn for level 551 etc, I do realize we don't get these until the next level increase but I like to keep up with how many levels I advance.

at this stage I would base each level at 90,000 XP

level 550 is 26,696,000 so another 90,000 would be 26,786,000 (give or take a few thousand)

Farmer Tony Sep 14 2014 08:52 AM

Most weeks I hit at least 5 billion, some weeks less and some weeks more. I should have 50k of all crops by the end of the month. You're right, that's a lot of years work, maybe sell half of everything. :)

O my, the days of showing up on a farm with 5 or more other workers getting one piece at a time. Then the luck of showing up solo on a big Pumpkin farm, cha ching!!

~Pauline~ Sep 14 2014 09:18 AM

The production facility BANK
Hi, this is my first post here, I was wondering is there a service facility for BANK or is this yet to come?

Thankyou to all who make FarmTown possible, I am totally addicted and love it :)

Taz D Sep 14 2014 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by ~Pauline~ (Post 5871910)
Hi, this is my first post here, I was wondering is there a service facility for BANK or is this yet to come?

Thankyou to all who make FarmTown possible, I am totally addicted and love it :)

Hi Pauline,
There isn't a service facility for the Bank at this time. Whether there ever will be only the developers know and they don't tell us what they are going to release.

faye smith Sep 14 2014 10:09 AM

WOW. this is a game people. Just work your farms and enjoy and if you don't like it - go somewhere else. MY goodness, never heard such whining. Game, Fun, there is more to the game than 'How many levels we have' Get back to basics and enjoy the farming. Or move on. thanks - whew I feel better

dorissau Sep 14 2014 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pamgow (Post 5871478)

This game is unique in that the player is pretty much self reliant unlike most other FB games where you have to keep bugging your neighbors. I still have a couple hundred more levels to go before I reach the current max and I own 20 farms. I love the challenge of plotting and planning for the next item, next expansion and how I can improve my farm. What more could I ask for? I love a good brain challenge and this meets that need. The game is PERFECT just the way it is.


Can I add an AMEN !!! You expressed my feelings exactly. I enjoy the "farming" aspects of the game; the crops and products. Some of my friends are awesome designers and create little villages & scenes. Some of my friends just heap everything on top of everything and stack their farm. I think the beauty and uniqueness of FT is that you can make it whatever game you want. Thanks to the creative brains who keep it fresh!!

gingerbread rob ertson Sep 14 2014 11:31 AM

O M G farmers,
If you don't like the rules, go to another game and let the rest of us that love Farmtown
keep playing.

beverduster Sep 14 2014 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by gingerbread rob ertson (Post 5871982)
O M G farmers,
If you don't like the rules, go to another game and let the rest of us that love Farmtown
keep playing.

i agree, if i remember right , i had to start at the bottom to get where i am right now, it didnt happen over night , it took lots of time and patience, but where ever you go there will be the ones who are lazy and want things handed to them to free, even had 1 person cuss me out because i wouldnt gift her combine, all she was a free loader wanting some else to pay her way, i support the game every month, sure i get irritated with the game, who dont, but its by far the best game around and i have made a lot of friends along the way

bring on the girls ooops the new update woooo hooo

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