Farm Town

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marymarcel Jul 12 2023 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by barbara nixon (Post 6553666)
i am so glad the gifting has finally moved to the new site but sending gifts back is tedious..i liked it when we could just send to those who sent us gifts as that is how i always did it..some people don't send gifts therefore they should not receive any in return..clicking on each individual person 50 times is way too time consuming..there was only a unsend button as far as i could tell now..if i am premature in my concern i will wait and seeif this changes..waiting for the farmcash to get here too as i have a big expansion and i'm going to use fc instead of all my coins..still love the game , you all do a great job..


Originally Posted by MammaKanode (Post 6553670)
I would have to agree with the post above. I for one cannot CLICK a mouse that many times over and over again to simply send a gift. I will not be able to gift this way. Redundant process. FIVE different steps to receive and then send back a gift.

Hi barbara nixon and MammaKanode :)

Please post your ideas in our Suggestion section where all ideas are grouped by theme for the developers to read.

You can't open a new thread there, but you can post as a reply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:

petals Jul 13 2023 01:20 AM

Slashkey Farmtown
Absolutely love the new Farmtown home. It's bigger, faster, and works great. The gifting manager is awesome and super fast. I love not having to open my farm to see the farm pass quests and then leaving it to send and receive gifts. I hope you have figured out away to attract new players, so the game can go forever. I don't see how you can continue doing monthly updates. There are only so many kinds of factories and services. ANYWAY, great job and thanks for a great game!:)

Jungle Ed Jul 13 2023 12:21 PM

Farm Town neighbors!
We have a wonderful Farm Town community. Most of my neighbors came directly from the groups. I have some healing to do in the coming months and asked for prayer on my wall. I had the usual family,close friends etc offer up prayer. What I didn't expect was the caring response from a big portion of my FT neighbors. Thank you all for being such loving and caring people. Love you all.

SamanthaO Jul 13 2023 12:33 PM

I met someone I now consider my big sister through farm town, I'm in the UK and she is in the States. She has flown over twice to see me and we are planning a trip over there soon were supposed to go in 2020 but of course that was delayed. The community here really is wonderful!
Happy farming!

littlesallysanctus Jul 15 2023 11:36 AM

Im at a library getting used to the new site. I must say it is evident everyone worked hard for nice changes. Thank you everyone.

I thought we would be able to get MANY new neighbors not a few....what is the max?

Taz D Jul 15 2023 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by littlesallysanctus (Post 6554270)
Im at a library getting used to the new site. I must say it is evident everyone worked hard for nice changes. Thank you everyone.

I thought we would be able to get MANY new neighbors not a few....what is the max?

Hi Littlesallysanctus,
The limit on neighbors was raised:
3. The Neighbors Limit is based on how many digits the database can hold, it varies because not all IDs are the same length. ID's are normally 8 to 15 characters in length, so the number of neighbours you can have can vary from rom 104 to 140, depending on the ID's.

harperelf Jul 18 2023 11:28 AM

I cannot agree with Petals. I find the website version loads even slower than the FB version, which incidentally is painfully slow in loading. I have no idea what is being referred to about the farm pass, keeping in mind that I don't participate in that function much. I don't find not leaving the game for the gifting functions that much of a gain, as, unlike Petals, I'm not impressed with the in game gifting function. The external accept/send system, such as originally used in the FB version seemed easier to me, as I could see a great deal more then this in game version. It also seemed more flexible and had greater functionality. Being fair, I'm grateful that the game I've played for several years is still available. I'm not excited at some of the changes.

BethFB Jul 18 2023 04:22 PM

Petals, I fully agree with you right now.
The new website runs way better and I love the gifting feature that is now in game and everything else that has been moved to being in game.
I hope they'll increase the neighbors soon.


Taz D Jul 18 2023 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by BethFB (Post 6554690)
Petals, I fully agree with you right now.
The new website runs way better and I love the gifting feature that is now in game and everything else that has been moved to being in game.
I hope they'll increase the neighbors soon.


Hi Beth,
The neighbors and buddies has already been increased.

rockcandymountain Jul 21 2023 01:26 PM

They say the image uploading functionality will be available in a few days. Its been a few days for weeks. I would hope it happens soon.

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