Farm Town

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Flaky Angel May 08 2014 10:23 AM

Kudos to ALL the people who help in here. I am one who does look at previous posts but I still sometimes slip up, lol. They are always very prompt and courteous with their answers. I so rarely have an issue with my farm but when I do I always get a quick response from the developers. I don't read ALL the posts, but it is amazing the amount of info you can pick up from other players too.:)

Wendiddy May 08 2014 05:26 PM

Here is Australia Mother's Day is also on Sunday the 11th. It is always the second Sunday in May. Our Father's Day is the first Sunday in September.

anglnwhite May 10 2014 01:26 PM

Thank you, KnightRider and Taz for putting together instructions for building a customized friends list for Farm Town:

I'm hoping that you won't mind if I add two things:

First, make sure you designate the list as a "GAMES" list. That way, you will see only game posts from the friends you added.

Second, you can customize the list so that you only see Farm Town posts by removing the "other" games. To do that, you simply click on the arrow in the top right hand corner of the "other" game post and select " I don't want to see this". It will remove all the posts from that specific game "forever". You may have to do this several times to remove all other games, but it really doesn't take long until all you see is fabulous Farm Town!

JudieB May 12 2014 09:44 PM

unable to send gifts to framtown friends
On the Gift page, there are only 4 or 5 of my farmtown friends that show up. So, I am unable to send gifts to all my ft friends. Facebook friends show but they don't even PLAY Farmtown. Could you please fix my gifts so that all my farmtown friends show so I can send gifts to them?? thank you!!!

Taz D May 12 2014 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by JudieB (Post 5822570)
On the Gift page, there are only 4 or 5 of my farmtown friends that show up. So, I am unable to send gifts to all my ft friends. Facebook friends show but they don't even PLAY Farmtown. Could you please fix my gifts so that all my farmtown friends show so I can send gifts to them?? thank you!!!

As was stated above those lists are done by Facebook from your friends. Farm Town has no control over those lists. The only thing I can suggest is you create a Facebook friends list of all your Farm Town neighbors you want to send gifts to and use that for sending your gifts. Instructions on how to create that list are in the following link:

ila May 13 2014 07:41 AM

very dissapointing
When ever i come on in the morning and go on farm town and get all excited to see new updates, but sad thing is they are old ones, that are just repeated :(

KnightRider May 13 2014 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by ila (Post 5822630)
When ever i come on in the morning and go on farm town and get all excited to see new updates, but sad thing is they are old ones, that are just repeated :(

They only update the game about once a month, so the popups when you first load the game for the day will be repeated throughout the month.

susiefry May 13 2014 06:47 PM

Freezing flowers
I cant find where in the world to put this but its a question/suggestion all in one but I have some decor flowers on my farm that i DONT want harvested but most I do so for now i just cant hire anyone to harvest them so i can make sure my decor ones dont get harvested. But my question/suggestion would be this: I thought freezing them would solve the problem but when i freeze them they dont stay at full bloom, they go back to bare beginning or maybe a little after. Is there a way to make certain flowers unharvestable withOUT having to place them on a different farm??????

marymarcel May 13 2014 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by susiefry (Post 5822842)
I cant find where in the world to put this but its a question/suggestion all in one but I have some decor flowers on my farm that i DONT want harvested but most I do so for now i just cant hire anyone to harvest them so i can make sure my decor ones dont get harvested. But my question/suggestion would be this: I thought freezing them would solve the problem but when i freeze them they dont stay at full bloom, they go back to bare beginning or maybe a little after. Is there a way to make certain flowers unharvestable withOUT having to place them on a different farm??????


About the frozen flowers going back to a previous stage, the developers are aware of this and working to fix it.

If your flowers are frozen and you hire a farmer to work your farms and harvest your flowers, they cant harvest the frozen ones.

susiefry May 13 2014 09:03 PM

That would be perfect as long as when they frozen they stay fully bloomed so if thats just a glitch and getting fixed them that will be great ;)!!

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