Farm Town

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Lion's Heart Feb 22 2015 03:16 AM

I have laptop, and huh, it's really 'hard' work with this. But, I'm realise that is much faster and better if I increase the view of browser on 120%. Then is much faster.

angel_oo00oo Feb 22 2015 07:26 AM

Move train
I'm re-designing a farm but I cant move my train.

marymarcel Feb 22 2015 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by angel_oo00oo (Post 5933850)
I'm re-designing a farm but I cant move my train.

Hi angel:)

Is your train dispatched? If it is, then you need to wait for it to go back, unload it and then you will be able to move your train.:)

angel_oo00oo Feb 22 2015 06:19 PM

Move train
Thank you for your help.:)

katrina719 Feb 22 2015 09:22 PM

I work on a 4 year old laptop, with fast cable wifi connection and strictly Chrome the only browser that can take a beating. Forget FF... slow as molasses regardless of its "best browser" rating. Not for gaming!

I voluntarily reboot my modem once a week, in order to stay afloat the game.
I have friends for many years whose farms I have not seen in a year at least.Will not work their facs cause it's not worth the reboot of the frozen laptop.

True, everyone can do what they want with their farms. Just don't ask me to help.
One thing is for sure.
Unless we invest in dual screens soon or Raul can connect each farm to one another... I don't know how the game can keep going on additions.

Rainelogan Feb 23 2015 10:30 AM

8 months away and nothing's changed.
as others have lamented time and time again there are just not enough hours in a day to play this game to its fullest extent. even with the fastest computers, best browsers and plenty of ram ... unless you only have small one dimensional farms and all your neighbours do too ... the game is too slow to load so you're spending more time waiting for farms to load than you are actually playing.

i stopped playing nearly a year ago due to other priorities though it had always been my intention to come back when i could. i never even meant to stay away for so long but the prospect of coming back to the ever-growing time-sucking aspects of this game were so daunting that i dragged my heels a bit hence my short hiatus turned into nearly a gap-year.

i came back tonight thinking surely after all these months the issue of how time-consuming this game is would have been addressed by now. if they can't do anything about the slow loading then surely they'd stop making farms bigger or they'd give us tools and features / incentives to get the work done faster right? wrong ...

in fact it's quite the opposite. i read through 8 months worth of updates and there's not a single thing in any of them that gets me excited or lessens the workload in this game. i use to think the developers did this on purpose because their business model was only focused on generating an income and that i can respect. but now it seems more apparent they're stuck in a rut and don't have a creative idea among them.

shame. it was good while it lasted.

Qivis Feb 23 2015 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rainelogan (Post 5934402)
as others have lamented time and time again there are just not enough hours in a day to play this game to its fullest extent. even with the fastest computers, best browsers and plenty of ram ... unless you only have small one dimensional farms and all your neighbours do too ... the game is too slow to load so you're spending more time waiting for farms to load than you are actually playing.

i stopped playing nearly a year ago due to other priorities though it had always been my intention to come back when i could. i never even meant to stay away for so long but the prospect of coming back to the ever-growing time-sucking aspects of this game were so daunting that i dragged my heels a bit hence my short hiatus turned into nearly a gap-year.

i came back tonight thinking surely after all these months the issue of how time-consuming this game is would have been addressed by now. if they can't do anything about the slow loading then surely they'd stop making farms bigger or they'd give us tools and features / incentives to get the work done faster right? wrong ...

in fact it's quite the opposite. i read through 8 months worth of updates and there's not a single thing in any of them that gets me excited or lessens the workload in this game. i use to think the developers did this on purpose because their business model was only focused on generating an income and that i can respect. but now it seems more apparent they're stuck in a rut and don't have a creative idea among them.

shame. it was good while it lasted.

You have missed out the parts where the additional tools were added then. The larger combines, chainsaw trucks, shakers, and most importantly the ability to work using the tools of the employer if he or she owns larger tools than ourselves were all added over the last few months.

Tuckertbnc Feb 24 2015 08:43 AM

Question about the turbo boats
I have the Green Turbo boat .. I've noticed when I hire people that when they are fishing .. The game 'information posts' tell me they are catching 2 at a time .. it will say 2 of trout 2 of cod etc .... I thought with the turbo that hired people could 'catch' more when fishing ... I know when I fish with it I catch 10 or 18 or more its always a lot each click ..... So why are hired hands just catching 2 at a time when useing it .... I've noticed this first a few weeks ago ... but decided to ask about it after seeing it again when I hired fishing done this morning ...

KnightRider Feb 24 2015 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tuckertbnc (Post 5934802)
I have the Green Turbo boat .. I've noticed when I hire people that when they are fishing .. The game 'information posts' tell me they are catching 2 at a time .. it will say 2 of trout 2 of cod etc .... I thought with the turbo that hired people could 'catch' more when fishing ... I know when I fish with it I catch 10 or 18 or more its always a lot each click ..... So why are hired hands just catching 2 at a time when useing it .... I've noticed this first a few weeks ago ... but decided to ask about it after seeing it again when I hired fishing done this morning ...

Hello Tuckertbnc,

Are you sure the green boat is your highest? The green boat is the 5x5 and will catch up to 25 fish, the turbo boat is purple. Plus it also depends on which boat the person you hired is using, some don't know that if they are allowed to use the employers tool, they can.

Tuckertbnc Feb 24 2015 12:35 PM

Yes the green boat is my highest ... I've even went with my hired employee back to my water farm and asked if the green boat was showing for them ... And I do have allow employee to use my tools and fuel checked ..

They will say yes thank you and keep clicking ... but the info will keep saying x- employee just fished 2 of etc however the wording is .. its always 2 of ---- 2 of --- never more ... its just odd ... should I put the boats out on that farm ? would that help??

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