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wvagirl1 Sep 28 2014 04:34 PM

I give up. It seems that very few people are doing these quests. I find them very time consuming just going from farm to farm trying to see if anyone has anything I can use. I will open quests daily so that neighbors and friends can get things from me if I have them but I am done trying to complete these quests myself.

Annette55 Sep 28 2014 05:19 PM

Well with only 1 neighbor actually doing this and since it is for dollars--not FC--I can't imagine any reason I'd put myself through this kind of frustration! I hate having to depend on others who may OR maynot help (back in the day, it was one thing that made this game so frustrating when you got stuck with whatever gift someone felt like sending--thank god you can exchange the **** gifts for what you actually need now [you really DON't need 25 valentine bears, eh?] and I think you're going to have very similar problems with this part of the game), and hence, I foresee receiving little to no help at all. I hated these kinds of thing over on farmville--in fact it was one of the reasons I don't do that game any more. Even though it's voluntary to participate, it's still annoying to have stuff you can't do for yourself. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who feels this way. Maybe add a feature where you can see if there is enough help available before you start or something. Just my opinion about this, though. I confess to being kinda burnt out, so more hassle will only make me quit again, I'm afraid! And this does seem like just another hassle.

dnana Sep 28 2014 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mare Contrare (Post 5878314)
What you are neglecting to state is that there a limited amount of help notes available, usually two, so once neighbors sell you the products with the help notes, you are still left with steps that need a similar quest to match up with.

Do the visiting to buy the items you need over the first 3 days or so of the quest. Use your help notes for the last steps on the last day. If you have 3 help notes, wait until you have 3 steps left, then post your notes, let a few people know, and see who of your neighbors would like to have some coins. They sell to you from their storage, so their quest does not factor into the transaction, anyone can sell to you.

It's a challenge, it's not supposed to be easy, but I find it fun, and I'm sure it's going to get better. :)

dnana Sep 28 2014 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by wvagirl1 (Post 5878446)
I give up. It seems that very few people are doing these quests. I find them very time consuming just going from farm to farm trying to see if anyone has anything I can use. I will open quests daily so that neighbors and friends can get things from me if I have them but I am done trying to complete these quests myself.

Hi, do you know that you do not physically have to go to their farms to check the co-op manager? Just click their pic in your neighbor bar, like you were going to join them or message them. At the bottom of that menu is a choice to show that player's co-op manager. Click that and you can buy and sell thru that window without leaving your own farm. :)

Taz D Sep 28 2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Annette55 (Post 5878494)
Well with only 1 neighbor actually doing this and since it is for dollars--not FC--I can't imagine any reason I'd put myself through this kind of frustration! I hate having to depend on others who may OR maynot help (back in the day, it was one thing that made this game so frustrating when you got stuck with whatever gift someone felt like sending--thank god you can exchange the **** gifts for what you actually need now [you really DON't need 25 valentine bears, eh?] and I think you're going to have very similar problems with this part of the game), and hence, I foresee receiving little to no help at all. I hated these kinds of thing over on farmville--in fact it was one of the reasons I don't do that game any more. Even though it's voluntary to participate, it's still annoying to have stuff you can't do for yourself. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who feels this way. Maybe add a feature where you can see if there is enough help available before you start or something. Just my opinion about this, though. I confess to being kinda burnt out, so more hassle will only make me quit again, I'm afraid! And this does seem like just another hassle.

Hi Annette,
I moved your post to the General Feedback on the co-op quests since you did not have a question about it.

grandmas farm Sep 28 2014 06:10 PM

ty first coop quest that I finished did add to my regular quests, but then the numbers disappeared.

Taz D Sep 28 2014 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by grandmas farm (Post 5878558)
ty first coop quest that I finished did add to my regular quests, but then the numbers disappeared.

Hi grandmas farm,
If you are not seeing the numbers then chack your browser zoom and make sure it is no more than 100%. If it is higher then there isn't enough room for all the text. Since you collected your farm cash yesterday you should only have a 1 on todays and no other numbers.

wvagirl1 Sep 28 2014 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by dnana (Post 5878514)
Hi, do you know that you do not physically have to go to their farms to check the co-op manager? Just click their pic in your neighbor bar, like you were going to join them or message them. At the bottom of that menu is a choice to show that player's co-op manager. Click that and you can buy and sell thru that window without leaving your own farm. :)

I understand about the neighbors but if you cannot get what you need there then you have to start visiting friends. If there is a secret to making that faster I would appreciate the information. I don't see a way to see if someone is even participating in the quests without actually visiting their farm

KnightRider Sep 28 2014 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by wvagirl1 (Post 5878578)
I understand about the neighbors but if you cannot get what you need there then you have to start visiting friends. If there is a secret to making that faster I would appreciate the information. I don't see a way to see if someone is even participating in the quests without actually visiting their farm

Hello wvagirl1,

To see if your neighbor has an open coop quest you will see a blue dot in the neighbor bar at the bottom just under where the green dot is located. For the friends, at the moment there isn't anyway to know if they have an open coop quest without visiting their farm.

widow lyn Sep 29 2014 12:36 AM

I love the new purple quest, and have completed one a day since it started, its very easy to do.

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