Farm Town

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Dad Shadow Jul 04 2014 05:48 AM

Looks the fault is with my farm.
Borrowed a lap top, and her EYE works. My settings were the same as hers.
Signed in on her lap top and the eye DOES NOT.
So its not memcache/browser/windows/facebook...just my account.
Will have to give her more work, as its hard for me right now.

Seraphina Warrior Jul 04 2014 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dad Shadow (Post 5843450)
Looks the fault is with my farm.
Borrowed a lap top, and her EYE works. My settings were the same as hers.
Signed in on her lap top and the eye DOES NOT.
So its not memcache/browser/windows/facebook...just my account.
Will have to give her more work, as its hard for me right now.

Hi, although you have set this function, in your wrench settings, do you click the "eye" icon, once you have selected your tool, in order to set the eye to the required option. ie. If the eye is open it will show everything, if it is half closed it will dim non relevant items and if it is closed , it will hide non relevant items.

Eradani Jul 04 2014 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dad Shadow (Post 5843450)
Looks the fault is with my farm.
Borrowed a lap top, and her EYE works. My settings were the same as hers.
Signed in on her lap top and the eye DOES NOT.
So its not memcache/browser/windows/facebook...just my account.
Will have to give her more work, as its hard for me right now.

memcache works on the data for Your Farm

Dad Shadow Jul 04 2014 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Seraphina Warrior (Post 5843470)
Hi, although you have set this function, in your wrench settings, do you click the "eye" icon, once you have selected your tool, in order to set the eye to the required option. ie. If the eye is open it will show everything, if it is half closed it will dim non relevant items and if it is closed , it will hide non relevant items.

THANK YOU. Never done that before, and it works.
My friends lap top has not it, when i told her about.

TYVM Seraphina Warrior... xxx

Dad Shadow Jul 04 2014 01:57 PM

I guess i must have clicked it to turn it off.

Live and learn....

Seraphina Warrior Jul 04 2014 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dad Shadow (Post 5843578)
THANK YOU. Never done that before, and it works.
My friends lap top has not it, when i told her about.

TYVM Seraphina Warrior... xxx

You are so very welcome Dad Shadow. Happy to have helped. ;)

Farmer Ce Jul 04 2014 05:02 PM

Sawmill output
Would like to weigh in on the issue. My wife and I represent the two types of players in FT. She just wants more and more.. she wants to see her farms get larger and her XPs increase.. she does not even know how it happens.. probably FT's version of a material girl. She loves to get on, chat a little with friends she has made, complain how there are no good workers at the market, and watch her coins increase.

I am the other way, for me the great factory tool is the ingredient planner.. I assess each new factory and calculate if my supply chain can accommodate the new facility and if not, what adjustments are needed, and I determine if it is a feasible venture. Love it, love overcoming the challenges and maximizing my resources. We have grown up with the game (since 2010) and neither would consider leaving. The devs are fabulous and the moderators helpful. Where else can you get all this for free?

A couple of years ago we had a similar problem with flour production. There were over 30 products that needed flour and we could not grow enough wheat to make flour. A solution was found that cost FC (the stone windmill was converted to a working mill that enhanced production). Not a problem. Guys who live for the challenges of the game can come up with $5.

I do think that we were let down with the trains. I expected way more goods to be delivered for the price of the cars. It seemed we were blackmailed into buying rail cars to shorten our time working facilities and the products the rail cars carried were lame or just incidental.

Come on, the sawmill is as obsolete as the red windmill. So, please increase rail capacity and sawmill output. You can do it. :D

peggyannvt Jul 04 2014 07:15 PM

in working with Game Guide - Chapter 15 Trees - Section 7 there are four (or 5) trees not on the list. Kiwi, Mandarin, Mugo Pine, and Snake Plant. (The Big Pine is not listed but works as the regular Pine.

Just thought I'd try to let someone know

gatormania Jul 05 2014 02:01 AM

How in the name of all things Farm Town can anyone not be "rich enough"...? LOL @ these newbies that have no concept of 1 square at a time plow, plant and harvest... Back then, a 3 day crop took 3 days to be ready to harvest... And, with the addition of being able to use the fuel and tools of others (thanks, by the way), you can make a gozillion coins a day !!! Facilitate and get friends to work them... There are a million ways to advance in this game, it just takes planning and effort...

SeaJay Jul 05 2014 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by gatormania (Post 5843886)
How in the name of all things Farm Town can anyone not be "rich enough"...? LOL @ these newbies that have no concept of 1 square at a time plow, plant and harvest... Back then, a 3 day crop took 3 days to be ready to harvest... And, with the addition of being able to use the fuel and tools of others (thanks, by the way), you can make a gozillion coins a day !!! Facilitate and get friends to work them... There are a million ways to advance in this game, it just takes planning and effort...

Back in the day, raspberries were a pain (because that's all most people grew) and pineapples were gold (although hard to harvest) waters couldn't be fished and flowers couldn't be watered or plucked. There were no facilities, and the thing that separated FarmTown from Farmville was the interaction of folk! A big thank you and congratulations to Raul for having vision and bringing things this far and for setting the standard for FB games.

Gatormania, imagine being someone new coming into this game now! I am a proud beta beginner user and can't even imagine what it would be for me now just starting out.

I just have to add.......... I have not had to grow raspberries since the inception of facility work. That's how many I have stored from the beginning. When ever I see a bonus for raspberries, I not only take it ...just because........I love it for its meaning! ♥

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