It's too bad that FarmTown is so integrated with FaceBook. I have played the game since the very beginning and would miss it a lot if I had to stop. I'd really miss my friends that I have had since beginning to play the game. BUT, if FaceBook continues with their plan to open up one's friends list and credit scores to determine if one can get a loan or not...then I am through.
Most of my friends are because of Farm Town. I do not know, care, or want to know what their credit scores are. They are my friends because I like them! I sure hope that SlashKey is taking note of all of this. Like PrincessinBoots, if this credit score change is implemented in FaceBook, I'll be using another communication vehicle for family and will be quitting FarmTown. |
I've had to deactivate my a "since-the-beginning" farm and an account again because of FB issues with the people I know in real life. I restarted a farm and have many good neighbors, but I wish I could GIFT my tools from my other farm to this one. I guess I will reactivate that account at some point...but I only use the secondary one for Farm Town.
MANHCTFL or anyone that knows, What Exactly Is Facebook Planning on doing??? Whats This About Credit Scores and Friends list???
It is pure speculation and nothing that Facebook has said they are planning to do. If you wish to find out more you will have to Google it as outside links are not allowed in the forums. |
Sorry for including a link...I was unaware that this was against policy.
If you google the internet, reliable sources explain that there is a patent pending by FB which involves utilizing credit scores of FB friends as potential criteria for loans, etc. There is nothing solid or dates mentioned, but it is a possibility. I'll be watching this one very carefully! |
Yes games can be written in html 5, but you are talking about a huge amount of time to rewrite the program over to a completely different language. It is not something you can just click a button and convert the whole program overnight. |
Death to the Load Screen!!
All those in favor, say AYE!
It's a pain in the bottom for me and anyone working my farms. Please --- kill the load screen, move it to the bottom on the screen and reduce its size if you simply have to keep it. How frustrating to load one mango or fish at a time right in the middle of the farm! Thanks for letting me rant ... I now return you to your regular farming experience. Serenity Dilsworth of Merrymeet |
It would be better if you post this in our Suggestion Section so the developers can see it. You cant open a new thread there but you can post as a response to a thread that fits with your suggestion. Try to post in the following thread for Suggestions, thank you:) |
Do you REALLY need everything?
The most common threads that I see in "Suggestions" are those that ask for ways to make farming 27 farms....all with multiple layers....and covered with flowers, trees, and factories...easier. The next most common threads are those asking for increased production because 27 of one facility (on 27 farms) just don't produce enough to keep up with demand.
I have to ask, WHY? Where in the Farm Town Book of Advice does it state that one must have the most of everything? :confused: No one is forced to plant multiple layers or to buy every facility. Information about each facility and its needs is available before the purchase. There are charts and pages that will explain exactly what is needed to fill facilities. There is no reason to complain. The devs have done a fantastic job of giving us a game that we can play at whatever pace we want if we make wise decisions. Don't complain about problems caused by decisions you have made. |
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