Farm Town

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Raul Sep 17 2010 06:51 PM

New Release -- September 17th, 2010
Hey There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes. Some bug fixes were already launched last week.

1. 20 New Levels: 40+ New items all in coins added to the Buildings, Farm Decor, Motion, Furniture, Other and Fun categories. Some items that were not really Buildings are now on the Farm Decor and Fun categories.

2. Farm 6: Here are the prices in coins, prices in FC remains the same, 40FC the 12x12 Farm and 20FC each additional upgrade.

12x12 Farm: 6,000,000
14x14 Upgrade: 3,000,000
16x16 Upgrade: 4,000,000
18x18 Upgrade: 5,000,000
20x20 Upgrade: 100,000,000
22x22 Upgrade: 200,000,000
24x24 Upgrade: 300,000,000

3. Mobile Sprinkler (FC): Allows you to water all flowers in a farm with one click. You can also use it to water your neighbours' flowers and earn coins and XP. You earn 1000 coins and 3 XP every time you water your neighbours' flowers. You earn 3XP when you water your own flowers, but it will cost you 1000 coins . You can use the sprinkler once per day.

4. You can now Hire others at the market to chop your trees.

5. Some tools are not required to be present on the farm, they could be on your item storage as well, no need to move them out back to the farm to use them.

6. Avatar not interfering with farming: When farming and your avatar get's in the way and you click over it, it will be as if the avatar wasn't really there.

7. 2 billion coins limit removed: You can now safetly pass the 2 billion coins mark in the game without issues.

8. Can't work on a neighbour facility issue: This has been corrected according to most feedback we have received. Also, some users had the 'Farmer Friends' tab empty on the send gifts page, this should have been fixed as well.

9. The farming issues when Decorations were hidden should be fixed now. Hiding fences should work much better now as well.

10. 3 New crops: Mustard, Wasabi and Vanilla.

11. Paper Mill (coins): Allows you to produce Paper, Cardstock and Paperboard out of the Pine log Piles you get by chopping your Pines.

12. Ink Factory (coins): Allows you to produce Soy Based (environment friendly) Multi-Colored Ink out of the soybeans and natural plant dyes.

13. Printing and Packaging Facility: Allows you to make products by printing on paper and textiles. It can also produce paper based packaging products:

Lined Notebook
Playing Cards
Egg Carton
FarmTown T-Shirt

14. Spice Factory: Allows you to produce spices...

Chili Powder
Mustard Seeds
Vanilla Powder
Wasabi Paste
Poultry Seasoning
Seafood Seasoning



Tony D Sep 17 2010 06:52 PM

Thanks Raul and the Team :D

Ginasue1 Sep 17 2010 06:52 PM

Thank you so much Raul and all the Dev's

kazzaqld Sep 17 2010 06:53 PM



thefish36 Sep 17 2010 06:55 PM

Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!

debc75 Sep 17 2010 06:56 PM

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU DO!!! Not trying to yell...just trying to make it apparent how thankful I am for this great game and the people behind the scenes who work so hard to bring us awesome updates(most of them asked and asked and begged etc for,lol) and fix the glitches. THANK YOU!, now I am off to play with the new toys,lol. Been waiting almost 3 weekd for this!

servocrow Sep 17 2010 06:56 PM

WOOT!!!! I'm going to have a blast!! Thanks!!

debc75 Sep 17 2010 06:57 PM

that would be weeks,nnot weekd. Can't even type i am so happy.*dancing around the room* my girls think I am nuts,lol

ghostkitten Sep 17 2010 06:58 PM

Wohoo..,,,,Thank you so much..,.

DLeach Sep 17 2010 06:59 PM


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