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Alexandra_J Mar 07 2023 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Deb1234 (Post 6531494)
Unfortunately after a lot of thinking I have decided to delete my farmtown game as I am annoyed with facebook keep changing the goal posts with privacy and such like and I have been playing this game for many years now and have made a lot of friends
So at the end of this month I will not be playing anymore as I've seen people have had problems with linking their emails to the other game website which I have feel is a bit worrying

You only need a valid email address (I used my facebook email address) that you use regularly and a password, it can be any password you want.

keith of maisie farm uk Mar 07 2023 06:14 AM

you only need to use an email address and then a password and then in the coming weeks you can still play ft as it moves AWAY from Facebook control

joy_of_oz Mar 07 2023 04:37 PM

I have a problem with signing in TWICE every day ????? Surely this is an overkill ?

Taz D Mar 07 2023 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by joy_of_oz (Post 6531746)
I have a problem with signing in TWICE every day ????? Surely this is an overkill ?

Hi Joy of oz,
That only happened today as there was a problem that they fixed and then they reset the verification. Right now you only have to do this for a few days and then will not have to do it until we switch to the new web site.

Gertrude's Dude Ranch Mar 09 2023 04:12 PM

I have registered 4 or 5 times already. Did any of them count? Because it keeps coming back.

Taz D Mar 09 2023 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Gertrude's Dude Ranch (Post 6532246)
I have registered 4 or 5 times already. Did any of them count? Because it keeps coming back.

Hi Gertrude's Dude Ranch,
You are verifying the registration. It will show up for 5 days after the original registration just to make sure. After that is done then you will not have to register any more.
Please read the instructions where it is all explained in the following linbk:

Gertrude's Dude Ranch Mar 09 2023 04:49 PM

I have never had to register on a site more than one time.

Why will it continue to show up?

Gertrude's Dude Ranch Mar 09 2023 04:51 PM

And does it count any 5 times in a row? Because I refresh a page after I finish doing something. I have seen this screen 50 times? 50 times for the second one? About 20 times for the one that WARNS me?

Taz D Mar 09 2023 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gertrude's Dude Ranch (Post 6532258)
I have never had to register on a site more than one time.

Why will it continue to show up?

Hi Gertrude,
Because that is the way the developers set it up. Please just continue until it is done.

Gertrude's Dude Ranch Mar 09 2023 04:56 PM

But then why does it continue to show up AFTER I already registered today?

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