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Bumfy Feb 04 2017 04:18 AM

I am Super Neighbour for 2 or 3 different farmers but fuel is a problem, I seem to be short of fuel for my own farm but need to do my farms first as when I go to the Super Neighbour farms to get their crops first it uses all my fuel first, surely there must be a way of only using their fuel reserves when you're working on their farms and not touching mine?

Tiger Feb 04 2017 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bumfy (Post 6137818)
I am Super Neighbour for 2 or 3 different farmers but fuel is a problem, I seem to be short of fuel for my own farm but need to do my farms first as when I go to the Super Neighbour farms to get their crops first it uses all my fuel first, surely there must be a way of only using their fuel reserves when you're working on their farms and not touching mine?

Hi Bumfy,

I'm sorry but the game will always use your fuel first before it uses the farm owners. It was set up that way so you could continue using the bigger tools using the farm owners if you ran out of fuel.

vonalm Feb 25 2017 02:23 PM

african american people
i realize that this game is mostly played by caucasians but....
i just looked into the valentine's day items and i really liked the bride. so since my husband is black, i wanted to have a black groom for my white (german) bride but couldn't find one. :confused:

the only black character is the sax player.... go figure :cool: :rolleyes:

Taz D Feb 25 2017 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by vonalm (Post 6142994)
i realize that this game is mostly played by caucasians but....
i just looked into the valentine's day items and i really liked the bride. so since my husband is black, i wanted to have a black groom for my white (german) bride but couldn't find one. :confused:

the only black character is the sax player.... go figure :cool: :rolleyes:

Hi vonalm,
If you wish to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section where the developers will see them grouped all together. You can not start a new thread there, but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion. For this one you can add it to the decorations thread.

jeemersmom Mar 03 2017 08:26 AM

It's Just a Game
Nearly every time I check my newsfeed or see email notifications of Forum threads, I see complaints that production is too slow/inadequate to meet the demand of that person's facilities. "Just can't keep up" is the phrase most often seen. Come on, people, who can't you keep up with? Is there some unwritten law that says you will be booted off if you don't have the most facs in production, the most trains/ships, the most XPs??? Do you complain that the GAME is slow but have multi-layered farms with flowers, trees and facs on top of all of those layers? Do you say "I have to do that to keep up with demand"?
YOU are the one who creates the demand. You are the one who fills the facs several times a day, plows multiple layers, complains. FarmTown is a wonderful outlet for those who are homebound and the supreme time-waster for the rest of us. Relax and enjoy it.

Queen.of.Clutter Mar 03 2017 11:32 AM

I LOVE this !! Well said jeemersmom !

ccheney Mar 03 2017 07:48 PM

Yes it's only a game but it gets frustrating when for example it takes nearly a year to be able harvest enough flowers from both your own farm and other people's farms to fill one flower shop to 80% capacity and I have flowers on at least 4 farms and one 24X24 farm that is nothing but flowers. It's frustrating when you have oil wells on all 26 farms 3 oil refineries and still can't get enough petrochemical barrels for one facility. I also have paper mills on at least half of my farms because of the amount of paper rolls needed. Because of the amounts of products needed layering is a necessity especially when your farms are small and the prices to expand are so ridiculous. It's very rare that I can fill all my facilities to 100% capacity. I don't have trains or many FC facilities because of the amount of FC required to purchase them.I would have had to stop playing a long time ago if I hadn't cracked down and bought FC to purchase tools to run the facilities with one click. It took me over two hours just to do facilities before that. I am on a fixed income so buying FC is luxury for me, a rare treat. The FC facilities I have I bought with my earned FC. which I'm not getting much of since I have topped out on levels. I do quests to get FC now.

ccheney Mar 03 2017 07:49 PM

St Patrick's Day Stuff.
Just want to say thanks for the great St Patricks Day stuff in the store and on the gift page!

artbee Mar 04 2017 12:16 AM

yes that is true and it been great for me at early morning or night when I am home alone.
I don't have layers on my farm, factory sometimes take a little time. I also like to do something quickly and before i go out. The cost to make farm bigger is a lot. I think if you could turn off the message when you are out of something to make something it would be good.

SeniorCornwall Mar 04 2017 11:01 AM

Tend to agree with many on this post. Yes it is just a game, and we all make it what we want it to be. Some like decorating, some the chats, others the mini games, others producing items.. To each their own.

I do think it should be possible to maximize the production of all facilities with time and planning. While this is achievable with some facilities, others it is impossible. Some ingredients are scare and as new production options are added, they are even scarcer. I am not sure why we are limited to one mine or oil well per farm.... In real life you can have many mines in one area or multiple oil wells in one area. Why can we only have 2 of each train? Ever check rail yards or seen the length of trains... And why can people not also work the timed facilities? And why can't we boast production (like overtime in real life),,..

I strive to maximize my facilities, keep them all running at 100 % and look at my coins increase. Aim to increase my diversification score... So it would be great if we could actually achieve full production in time using available resources and land...

I know this would not help those who are still building their farms who are short of coins for land expansions. I was there once and thought the coins were too hard to get. But in time / planning / and expansions I got there and now have all the land expansions and sitting on tons of coins.

You will get there as well, and in the meantime just keep plugging away at it. Use the tools provided to plan that next factory, add multiples where you have the resources (ex. put a bank on every farm to generate coins), etc. Look at the comments around this site for pointers.

Happy Farming

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