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20Roses Sep 01 2014 08:45 PM

Trains producing less??
One of my trains has always produced 811 items for my neighbors when they click (611 when it is getting close to 1 full day ahead). All of a sudden it is only giving my neighbors about 400 items (exact number not known). I have checked and all my cars appear coupled. When I click on the engine I see 3 compartments (like always). Did Farmtown change the rules for trains or am I doing something wrong?

Taz D Sep 01 2014 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by 20Roses (Post 5867610)
One of my trains has always produced 811 items for my neighbors when they click (611 when it is getting close to 1 full day ahead). All of a sudden it is only giving my neighbors about 400 items (exact number not known). I have checked and all my cars appear coupled. When I click on the engine I see 3 compartments (like always). Did Farmtown change the rules for trains or am I doing something wrong?

Hi 20Roses,
As each neighbor advances your train each gets a progressively smaller amount because more items have been loaded. Your neighbors get 20% of what they help to load, just as they get when working your facilities. It really just depends on what order they click on the train for you the sames as what order of neighbors who work your facilities. The first one to click on it will get the largest amount.

ftquestion Sep 01 2014 09:48 PM

Thank You Knight Rider for all your help. I appreciate the time you spend helping others.

Just read new farm contest for sept. rules. Very confusing. Seasonal farm but can't use seasonal items?? Read real quick.. going out of town for most of Sept. and will not be near a computer so wasn't going to enter anyway but.. from what I read u'all might want to elaborate a little.

KnightRider Sep 01 2014 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by ftquestion (Post 5867642)
Thank You Knight Rider for all your help. I appreciate the time you spend helping others.

Just read new farm contest for sept. rules. Very confusing. Seasonal farm but can't use seasonal items?? Read real quick.. going out of town for most of Sept. and will not be near a computer so wasn't going to enter anyway but.. from what I read u'all might want to elaborate a little.

Hello ftquestion,

Your welcome, glad to help.

Seasonal items is the items that isn't in the store all the time, like Christmas items and other holiday items that isn't always in the store, the newbies wouldn't have access to those items which would put them at a disadvantage. For the Winter season there is a Winter tab in the store.

Suntanned Sep 04 2014 12:08 AM

Pigs Too ...
... are producing FAR LESS! Coupled with extended Quest times due to the wish of owners/developers to control Farm Cash by not allowing quests to be available on the old schedule - the best I've done is 2 FC a week, and now it's tough to get that. I wonder what else I am not seeing?

I used to stock every Pig Pen on every farm with 10 pigs until recently, when I noticed my reserve suddenly diminished by at about a 1000 percent, so I started a couple if weeks ago to augment each farm by 50%, and have not seen any difference!

So, my question is this: Has pig manure been added to some existing facility for sale, like the fuel and bait problems I had some years back? If this is so, I will be upset after getting 45 pigs when I could have chosen exotic gift fruit trees.

Taz D Sep 04 2014 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Suntanned (Post 5868446)
... are producing FAR LESS! Coupled with extended Quest times due to the wish of owners/developers to control Farm Cash by not allowing quests to be available on the old schedule - the best I've done is 2 FC a week, and now it's tough to get that. I wonder what else I am not seeing?

I used to stock every Pig Pen on every farm with 10 pigs until recently, when I noticed my reserve suddenly diminished by at about a 1000 percent, so I started a couple if weeks ago to augment each farm by 50%, and have not seen any difference!

So, my question is this: Has pig manure been added to some existing facility for sale, like the fuel and bait problems I had some years back? If this is so, I will be upset after getting 45 pigs when I could have chosen exotic gift fruit trees.

Hi Suntanned,
Sorry, but nothing has changed on the quests. The most you can get is 2 FC every week and it has been that way since the beginning. None of the quest times have been extended or changed. Quests and life lines are still random.
Pig manure has not been added to any facility. The pigs can be harvested every 12 hours. The only thing that has changed is we now have 23 farms of which the last 3 were added rather quickly compared to the rest of them. I personally only fertilize my farms when needed as I plant new crops or harvest trees or flowers that need refertilizing of their farm. I only have 110 pigs and my manure amount keeps going up.

Suntanned Sep 04 2014 01:19 AM

Pigs Galore
Well sir, until recently I had only 230 pigs with manure units between 3 and 6 k. I think my mistake may be based on fertilizing every thing, rather than just farms with planted crops. I'll adjust that practice and see if I have been wasting ****! Thank you for your feed back.


ps - what am I going to do with all these porkers? Convert them to bacon?

Serenity Dilsworth Sep 04 2014 04:16 AM

So this morning, while doing my daily farming, I wondered exactly how much cash I have actually spent on this game since 2007. So I looked at my records .... and then I looked at my level which is exactly the same as the level of some of my neighbors who do not appear to have spent any of their real cash. I am of a competitive nature, I think I am probably not the only one who derives satisfaction from how many experience points I have acquired. Contrary to what I read in a previous post, I do not care if I don't receive 1 Farm Cash for every level achieved. I just want to know the levels. So, what I have learned is this .... if you can't receive a reward or satisfaction for spending your real money to buy fake money, then the solution is simple ... stop spending real money, you will still be exactly the same as the folks who have never spent a dime. I don't consider it the best strategy, for if everyone felt like this, then there would be no profit. However, I think that at this point, I can put real money somewhere else. I will still be the same level as everyone else plus I will have something else that will bring me the level of satisfaction I desire.

This is not a slam on Farm Town. I have always enjoyed the game. It is simply a personal observation and I have mentioned I wanted more levels many times in the past due to my competitive nature.

StoneFace Sep 04 2014 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Serenity Dilsworth (Post 5868474)
So this morning, while doing my daily farming, I wondered exactly how much cash I have actually spent on this game since 2007. So I looked at my records .... and then I looked at my level which is exactly the same as the level of some of my neighbors who do not appear to have spent any of their real cash. I am of a competitive nature, I think I am probably not the only one who derives satisfaction from how many experience points I have acquired. Contrary to what I read in a previous post, I do not care if I don't receive 1 Farm Cash for every level achieved. I just want to know the levels. So, what I have learned is this .... if you can't receive a reward or satisfaction for spending your real money to buy fake money, then the solution is simple ... stop spending real money, you will still be exactly the same as the folks who have never spent a dime. I don't consider it the best strategy, for if everyone felt like this, then there would be no profit. However, I think that at this point, I can put real money somewhere else. I will still be the same level as everyone else plus I will have something else that will bring me the level of satisfaction I desire.

This is not a slam on Farm Town. I have always enjoyed the game. It is simply a personal observation and I have mentioned I wanted more levels many times in the past due to my competitive nature.

The game was introduced in February 2009.

While designed as a social/interaction game, some play for the sheer competition. I have about 80+ neighbors, many with over 1billion exp pts. Yet none of them say they are competing with anyone in particular. Rather they like to compete with "themselves".

We are all at level 550, and that is no big deal. It seems like the diversity rank is more of a talking point. And that will only raise with more and more facilities. And half of them cost FC.

So I guess some want more levels, yet they would probably be maxed even if 1000 more levels were released at once.

Some want more facilities to have a higher diversity level.

And some, myself included, just enjoy the game, spends lots of real money to do so, and are content at any level. I like all the expansions too. So all the farms are at the max level. Now I need to catch up and take better advantage of all that elbow room.


Serenity Dilsworth Sep 04 2014 07:18 AM

Le sigh. And anyone can have a typo - I meant 2009.

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