Farm Town

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KimberlyAnnie May 07 2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 4635174)
Some things to try to help the lag. First turn off the floating xps and coins, you will not believe how much that alone will help you out. Second go to this link
and do two things. First set the limit to a higher limit, I have mine on 10mb. Second clear out your farm town data either by deleting all sites or looking for chn, and deleting that one. Deleting all will not hurt anything it will just make all websites that use flash get fresh data on the next load. Third thing to try is a different browser, I use Fire fox and chrome with no problems, I left IE behind long ago.

A fire button is a very bad idea. In this case it would be a case where it should be used but it would be very abused by others. When she said she was on the phone I would have hired someone else to finish the job I wouldn't have waited 45 minutes. I have hired people that have the 4x4 and they will click the mouse then wait a minute and click again, then wait a minute and click again. While I do not expect people to finish in 2 seconds and don't even mind waiting on a 1x1 to do the job, they need to be working at a reasonable speed. If they are being very slow I go hire someone else to finish the job.

Thanks for the reply and info JAS. As for the fire button, you are absolutely right. I guess I didn't think of it being abused because I wouldn't abuse it. :o

As for the Combine issue, I clear my cache several times a day and I go through all the troubleshooting tips posted in the Forum about once a month. Floating XP's and coins have been turned off since that option was made available, macromedia settings were changed a long time ago and I still check them when I go through the troubleshooting guide. I've been using Firefox for at least 8 months if not longer. Tried Chrome and hated it. IE doesn't ever get opened on my computer. ;)

Update on the performance - I now own the Combine and I can work other farms with no problem. Today several people used it on my farms with no flash crash for me. But then.....I hired someone who was using the 4x4 and it crashed. Rebooted, hired someone else for another farm and it crashed again (also with the person using 4x4). I'm at a loss. Perhaps it's my computer. Perhaps still a bit of a bug with the new tools. This too shall pass (I hope!)

Thanks again for your reply. :)

santorm May 10 2011 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by ElkRiverRancher (Post 3127950)

"My vineyards yield 525 quarts of grapes. There are 105 quarts of grapes in every dry barrel of grapes. Each dry barrel of grapes yields 2 gallons of wine. How many gallons of wine will my vineyards yield?"

Did you know that there are two different types of gallons? And did you know that gallons and quarts may be totally unintelligible to players who are not from ex British colonies? And I am glad that someone else is helping with the maths rules, which I think are the same worldwide.......

Hessel May 10 2011 08:43 PM

Given up on hiring
I have completely given up on hiring for work on my farms. Between the ones that leave 20+ squares unpicked and then want to plow, and the ones who leave just after starting the job, it has proven to be futile. I just pick my own crops 5x5 and auto plow, and also work at the market. Given the lack of jobs at the market place most nights, I suspect that this is a fairly widespread thing. I do hire neighbors, but thats it. If people complain about not getting work, there are reasons. It has just become faster to avoid the hassle of trying to hire good help. It's too bad the good newbies have to pay the price for all the poor players who try to cherry pick their jobs. Too bad FT can't track the ones who quit and leave a job undone. That said, I love the game and an as addicted as ever. Thanks guys for a great sim!

Jillmatill May 10 2011 09:57 PM

I hate going to the Market to look for work. One of the reasons when I go to the Market and say "Im looking for chopping job" or specify something like because I never have been able to get a job by saying "I have all tools,please hire me."
I have been ignored. Also, I started requesting to work alone in the Market because I am very fast...With tool, or without tool. I have had other people working on farms with me get mad because I can get more done than they can. I have had some tell me that I have no right to use my tools. First off, I worked hard to get those tools. If they want to get tools then they should work just as hard as I did. I don't always use my tools. Every once in a while I just work like I have no tools when doing trees or flowers or even chopping. I have still been accused of taking all the work and I have had notes sent to me calling me every name in the book. I love playing Farm Town and I hate to hear that someone ignores me because of my offering in the Market to do a specific job.
I am a very nice person and just about everyone I have worked for has been nice. Most of them have me as buddy's and check with me day and night to see if I can come work all of their farms. When someone does hire me for chopping or something at their farm I also let them know that I have all tools and can do any jobs they need done. Most have been very glad to hear that so they don't have to go back to the Market to hire someone else. This is like with most things in have to deal with the good and the bad. I just hope anyone that ignores me would be willing to hire me at least once to see that I am a good neighbor in Farm Town and a good worker.

snow_angel May 10 2011 10:18 PM

You have every right to use the tools, otherwise the dev wouldn't have given us the option to use them. I have them and I will use them. Most times if a farmer finds out I have the tools they'll hire me to harvest and/or plow their other farms.

Joey TH May 14 2011 10:40 AM

Um, I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this - it's been a long time since I was once a Farm Town addict and so much has changed since then! But I would love some help about simple things like, when I am hired to fish how do I do it, and what do I need to do it? Or what do I need to be able to chop trees?
I have tried the Game Guide but it doesn't go into that much detail. And I have tried searching through this Forum but it seems most people don't ask such basic questions as this! LOL

Taz D May 14 2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Joey TH (Post 4647742)
Um, I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this - it's been a long time since I was once a Farm Town addict and so much has changed since then! But I would love some help about simple things like, when I am hired to fish how do I do it, and what do I need to do it? Or what do I need to be able to chop trees?
I have tried the Game Guide but it doesn't go into that much detail. And I have tried searching through this Forum but it seems most people don't ask such basic questions as this! LOL

Do you have any of the farm cash tools?
If you are hired for a single job then what ever tool you have to use will show up in place of the Gift Box. If you don't have a Farm cash tool like the boat or log truck, then you should already have the fishing pole or axe in your hand.
If it is a multiple hire then your tools will be in the extended toolbox. That is the yellow toolbox above the map. In that list is the fishing pole and axe so click on the one you need if you don't have any of the bigger tools. If you do have the bigger tools like the boat or log truck then click on the green arrow at top of that list and it will expand out to show all those tools. Click on the one you need for one of the jobs and go to it.

Eradani May 14 2011 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Joey TH (Post 4647742)
Um, I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this - it's been a long time since I was once a Farm Town addict and so much has changed since then! But I would love some help about simple things like, when I am hired to fish how do I do it, and what do I need to do it? Or what do I need to be able to chop trees?
I have tried the Game Guide but it doesn't go into that much detail. And I have tried searching through this Forum but it seems most people don't ask such basic questions as this! LOL

If you get hired for one item on the hire list, your available tool(s) will be on the bottom of the rhs (RightHandSide) menu.

If you get hired multiple, the tools for what you've been hired for is in the extended toolbar off the yellow toolbox and green arrow. (this shows being hired for everything.)

bluehair May 14 2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by KimberlyAnnie (Post 4633954)
I also wish we had the "fire" option. I once had a girl working 1x1 on a large farm of nothing but crops. After about 50 she stopped. I waited awhile then asked if she was still there. No reply. Refreshed the game and she was still standing there so I sent her a note. She replied that she was on the phone and would finish soon. I left the farm, hired for other farms, etc. Went and took a shower. Total time elapsed = about 45 minutes. She was still in the same place. So I went and hired someone else to finish the job and she immediately sent me a nasty note saying she planned on finishing when she was done on the phone. (I won't give you the details of her word choices). So she could type, but not click the mouse while talking on the phone??? :confused:
I've had other bad experiences, but that was the worst. :rolleyes:

if I have to go and cannot finish a job I am hired for I will let the person know usually if I have to attend to my son who has woken up at 11pm at night and could be a good 20 minutes away from my pc

maryfrancis3 May 15 2011 09:12 PM

Hi.... :)
Not sure where to post this, so forgive me if this is the wrong thread.

My friend was invited to work on a farm and he accepted and he earned FARM CASH dollars .... 3 of them!!!!!...

I have tried to search in forums about how this is done and how I could earn some, but I can't find any articles anywhere. So would someone please explain to me how this works?

Thanks :)
Mary xx

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