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Lee Ann Feb 24 2012 09:39 AM

flower shop capacity
:( I am not a flower person so maybe I just better sell the flower shop and be done with it , seems more work and wasted space to me then it is worth , but thanks anyway :p

Deborah1979 Feb 24 2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lee Ann (Post 5056078)
:( I am not a flower person so maybe I just better sell the flower shop and be done with it , seems more work and wasted space to me then it is worth , but thanks anyway :p

:) Hi there! I hope that I can answer your question. I have been playing for over 2 years and have all kinds of personal spread sheets! :eek: Yes, fully addicted. (You can actually figure this out for yourself. Just look at how many are required for EACH batch, then multiply by the number of batches to fill the flower shop. ;)) So here goes my calculations:
To fully load the flower shop you need:

720 of the Sunflowers, Tulips, & White Carnations
1440 of the Bird of Paradise, Blue Hyacinth, Marigold, & Red Poppies
1440 of the Plant Pots
2880 of the Forget-Me-Nots
3600 of the Yellow Lillies
5040 of the Red Roses
5760 of the White Roses

Just remember, that if you have the manure spreader, it will double your harvest. And if should happen to have the red sprinkler, I understand that cuts the harvest from 4 days for flowers to 2. Just keep harvesting for a few days, and gather any bonuses your neighbors post, and soon you will have excess and be able to fully load the facility.

Sorry, I know this is off-subject, but I have read all of the previous 12 pages trying to figure out if I really want to buy the red sprinkler! LOL


Daisy Mariposa Feb 24 2012 04:48 PM

Thank you SO much for your precise, concise reply. I knew I needed a LOT, but never knew the exact quantity. I think the red and orange sprinklers are worth the real money outlay. I can't imagine waiting 4 days for ANYTHING to mature. Also thumbs up on the manure spreader.

Sayso Feb 27 2012 11:07 AM

The only problem I've noticed with this tool is that sometimes after I've watered all of my farms before signing off for the night, when I log on the next morning The (w) has disappeared and the crops are at the normal growth rate.

farmtownpatty Mar 13 2012 06:06 PM

I have a very hard time with this forum, it is not user friendly. I am questioning the new green sprinkler. Are you saying it is going to replace the orange does that mean it will be changing to longer growing periods instead of a shorter growing periods. I don't get it. Why can't we have both? Confused!

farmtownpatty Mar 13 2012 06:09 PM

Green sprinkler
I have a very hard time with this forum, it is not user friendly. I am questioning the new green sprinkler. Are you saying it is going to replace the orange does that mean it will be changing to longer growing periods instead of a shorter growing periods. I don't get it. Why can't we have both? Confused!

Taz D Mar 13 2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by farmtownpatty (Post 5075882)
I have a very hard time with this forum, it is not user friendly. I am questioning the new green sprinkler. Are you saying it is going to replace the orange does that mean it will be changing to longer growing periods instead of a shorter growing periods. I don't get it. Why can't we have both? Confused!

The growing period would be the same as the red or orange sprinkler, but the wasted time after they are ready would be extended.

HelenJS22 Mar 13 2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5075890)
The growing period would be the same as the red or orange sprinkler, but the wasted time after they are ready would be extended.

This would be great if you were going away and just not going to quite make it back in time, but not sure that it's worth the farm cash for only that reason.

KnightRider Mar 13 2012 08:45 PM

The new release notes says that the green sprinkler will replace the orange sprinkler, so that means that the green sprinkler will water crops; cut growing time of crops, flowers, and trees; and extend the gone to waste time? Also since it says it will replace instead of up grade the orange sprinkler, can the orange sprinkler be sold after you purchase the green sprinkler?

I can see the green sprinkler used for small growing times up to like 12 hrs, to extend the time to make sure your either like home from work or awake from bed, but over that you should have enough time unless like Helen said you are going to be gone for a while.

AZHorseLady Mar 14 2012 05:31 PM

I'm a wee bit confused too. So you must have to use the green sprinkler BEFORE crops are finished growing to extend the waste time? I just tried it on crops that were finished and it didn't do a thing......And since the orange one is gone, you now have crops that grow in 1/2 the time, but will be extended past the original waste time?
Either way I think I'm gonna love it, especially for the 4 & 8 hour crops.

Raine Logan Mar 14 2012 09:55 PM

azhorselady - i haven't even tried mine out yet but i imagine it works the same way as the orange one did. one squirt per day and if you miss crops you wanted it to work on then that's too bad, lol..

supertrucker Mar 14 2012 10:05 PM

did they make a sprinkler available for nothing, or is there a glitch? i went to work a neighbor's facilities, and i paused to water her flowers -- the watering can wasn't in the toolbox, but a sprinkler was... back on my own farm, both tools are there, the can and the sprinkler... am i missing something? i don't remember unlocking a free sprinkler tool, i don't remember getting one as a gift, and i know i didn't buy one; is this one of those 'try before you buy' gimmicks?? i thought slashkey was better than that...

Raine Logan Mar 14 2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 5075918)
This would be great if you were going away and just not going to quite make it back in time, but not sure that it's worth the farm cash for only that reason.

you're quite right helen. it's not worth real money. only rich people will pay real cash for it. how many rich people play farm town?

lred300 Mar 21 2012 07:38 PM

I am quite upset over everyone getting the sprinkler for free when many of us paid FC for it, so what do those of us that bought get in return?

Don't feed the beggers Mar 25 2012 07:29 AM

irrigation question
The sprinkler doesn't unwither wasted crops, it only delays the waste time correct?

If I wanted to plant grapes and other 4 hr crops at 6am and water them right after I plant them, what time would they waste?

The weather is getting nicer which means i will be outside more and therefor will not be at my computer as often but yet I still want to have my quest farms ready for each morning.

Tony D Mar 25 2012 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers (Post 5094390)
The sprinkler doesn't unwither wasted crops, it only delays the waste time correct?

If I wanted to plant grapes and other 4 hr crops at 6am and water them right after I plant them, what time would they waste?

The weather is getting nicer which means i will be outside more and therefor will not be at my computer as often but yet I still want to have my quest farms ready for each morning.

Hifor crops under one day it increases the time before waste by 24 hours so roughly 2 p.m. the following day.

And no it will not unwither crops

Don't feed the beggers Mar 25 2012 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 5094418)
for crops under one day it increase the time before waste by 24 hours so roughly 2 p.m. the following day

awesome thank you!! I misunderstood how it went, I had thought that for crops with less than an hr to go it would extend for 24 hrs and for crops with 2 hrs or more it would extend for 48hrs ..

but it doesn't rescue already dead crops right? I am in an disagreement with someone who says it does and I say it doesn't.

Tony D Mar 25 2012 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers (Post 5094426)
awesome thank you!! I misunderstood how it went, I had thought that for crops with less than an hr to go it would extend for 24 hrs and for crops with 2 hrs or more it would extend for 48hrs ..

but it doesn't rescue already dead crops right? I am in an disagreement with someone who says it does and I say it doesn't.

Hi , The green sprinkler does not unwither crops :D

for 1 day crops or less .. it adds 24 hours to the time before the crop goes to waste

All other crops it add 48 hours.

Don't feed the beggers Mar 25 2012 09:43 AM

another question about the same tool

if I go into another persons farm (to harvest flowers) and water their flowers to harvest these flowers, as soon as they are watered they show as done, so I do em but when I refresh they show that they need anywhere from a few hrs to a day or so to be ready to harvest, but yet yet they showed ready when watered.......not sure if I am explaining it right, as ell I will go into someone farms flowers are already water and it shows them as needing 1 more minute or 2 but you can still harvest em, so you do, go back and they are ready again!!! what's up with this?

Tony D Mar 25 2012 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers (Post 5094542)
another question about the same tool

if I go into another persons farm (to harvest flowers) and water their flowers to harvest these flowers, as soon as they are watered they show as done, so I do em but when I refresh they show that they need anywhere from a few hrs to a day or so to be ready to harvest, but yet yet they showed ready when watered.......not sure if I am explaining it right, as ell I will go into someone farms flowers are already water and it shows them as needing 1 more minute or 2 but you can still harvest em, so you do, go back and they are ready again!!! what's up with this?

There is a glitch with some of the flowers , the developers have been advised

drr30 Mar 31 2012 07:57 AM

This upgrade been out for a month and I still don't see the logic of the green sprinkler. Your buying a sprinkler to speed up growth, why would you want to extend the waste time. When the red Sprinkler came out they doubled the waste time Raspberry that take two hours take one hour to grow after being watered and 3 hours after that before being wasted. As for the posts about time issues grow crops that take longer and when you have time grow the faster crops. For me the Red sprinkler is more than enough for my needs, when they come up with a sprinkler to harvest wool or horse hair then i'm a buyer again.

KnightRider Mar 31 2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by drr30 (Post 5101802)
This upgrade been out for a month and I still don't see the logic of the green sprinkler. Your buying a sprinkler to speed up growth, why would you want to extend the waste time. When the red Sprinkler came out they doubled the waste time Raspberry that take two hours take one hour to grow after being watered and 3 hours after that before being wasted. As for the posts about time issues grow crops that take longer and when you have time grow the faster crops. For me the Red sprinkler is more than enough for my needs, when they come up with a sprinkler to harvest wool or horse hair then i'm a buyer again.

It helps for the quick growing crops, if you have to go to work you can still plant the 2 or 4 hr crops and they will still be ok when you get home that night instead of having to wait by the computer for these crops to be ready. It would help on the farmers that have the quest crops by extending how long before they have to harvest.

drr30 Mar 31 2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by kitt1962 (Post 5102098)
It helps for the quick growing crops, if you have to go to work you can still plant the 2 or 4 hr crops and they will still be ok when you get home that night instead of having to wait by the computer for these crops to be ready. It would help on the farmers that have the quest crops by extending how long before they have to harvest.

My point is why not plant and 8 hour crop don't use the sprinkler go to work harvest that crop when you get home. plant a 2 or 4 hour crop when you get home use the sprinkler then and the crops are ready in 1 to 2 hours and you get the advantage of having an extra 8 hour crop.

samsmum Apr 02 2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by drr30 (Post 5102714)
My point is why not plant and 8 hour crop don't use the sprinkler go to work harvest that crop when you get home. plant a 2 or 4 hour crop when you get home use the sprinkler then and the crops are ready in 1 to 2 hours and you get the advantage of having an extra 8 hour crop.

Thats all very good if you have time to plant before you go to work but not everyone does...I pointed out to my husband the green sprinkler would be good for him because he often does not have time to plant the 2 or 4 hour crops and he is not very good at planning what he needs in advance. With the green sprinkler he wouldnt have to wait until the weekend to get those crops planted when we are tying to do stuff together as a family.

drr30 Apr 05 2012 06:01 AM

I was talking to a few of my friends about the green sprinkler and most agreed with me the sprinkler makes no sense as it is now. You have a sprinkler that speeds up growth of a crop only so you can delay when you harvesting that crop. What I would like to see and I hope the devs read this is make the Green sprinkler its own sprinkler not part of the red/orange sprinkler. This way you can extend waste time on fast growing crops while you speed up growth on slow growing crops. For example Raspberry, you could plant Raspberry use the green sprinkler to extend the growth come back in 8 hours, harvest Raspberry. Then plant Pumpkins use the red/orange sprinkler to cut the growth to 2 days. The way it is set up now you would have to wait 12 hours to use the sprinkler on the pumpkins.

tcad605 Apr 19 2012 03:12 AM

I just bought the red and orange sprinklers and I am pi$$ed off! I expected them to water the farms for a period of time, like the fertilizer. It didn't say anything about that when you click on them for information. I noticed that this discussion started in 2009. And nothing has been done about it in 3 years?!? Really? 99% of the time only the people that have paid real money have these. Someone needs to get off their a$$ and fix this. We don't need new bushes, we need the stuff that we paid for to do what is expected or give me my frickin money back!

boofee Apr 23 2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by tcad605 (Post 5127010)
I just bought the red and orange sprinklers and I am pi$$ed off! I expected them to water the farms for a period of time, like the fertilizer. It didn't say anything about that when you click on them for information. I noticed that this discussion started in 2009. And nothing has been done about it in 3 years?!? Really? 99% of the time only the people that have paid real money have these. Someone needs to get off their a$$ and fix this. We don't need new bushes, we need the stuff that we paid for to do what is expected or give me my frickin money back!

I think the red sprinkler is awesome - acorn squash in half the time!

barbara nixon Apr 23 2012 08:50 PM

i love my red sprinkler..every crop is half the time (IF) i want it..and once a day is perfect..i may want to plant a short crop on the farm and i wouldn't want it to be grown in half the's i a choice i want to make..and it gives me this game and all they do for us..

drr30 Apr 23 2012 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by tcad605 (Post 5127010)
I just bought the red and orange sprinklers and I am pi$$ed off! I expected them to water the farms for a period of time, like the fertilizer. It didn't say anything about that when you click on them for information. I noticed that this discussion started in 2009. And nothing has been done about it in 3 years?!? Really? 99% of the time only the people that have paid real money have these. Someone needs to get off their a$$ and fix this. We don't need new bushes, we need the stuff that we paid for to do what is expected or give me my frickin money back!

I think the sprinkler system is awesome I get wheat and rice in one day can't ask for more. I do agree the orange sprinkler isn't worth 45 farm cash. The green sprinkler has little benefit and for 50 farm cash its a little steep for me. But as for the red sprinkler I can plant and harvest all my 12 hour 8 hour and 4 hour crops in one day and get my 2 day crops in another day. As for the flowers I really don't need the sprinkler for them but I'm reaping the benefits there too. The trick with the sprinklers is timing. Here's an example before I go to bed I plant my 12 hour crops I don't sprinkle them then go to bed. Wake up the next day harvest my 12 hour crops and plant 8 hour crops then sprinkle them. The 8 hour crops are ready in 4 hours harvest them and plant 4 hour crops. Then if I have time I plant raspberry which take 2 hours harvest them then go to bed.

Tony D May 15 2012 04:05 AM

General Feedback on Trains

Feedback on the Trains

Hi, this thread is for General Feedback on the Trains

If you need Help with a question or are having a problem please post in Help & Support .. this is the link to the thread ...

We are aware that there are some grey areas between feedback and suggestions, however if you only want to make a suggestion we ask that you post in the Suggestion section. This thread is the one to post in for suggestions about Trains ...

We will endeavor to allow a bit more latitude in this section than in the other sections of the forum, however, please bear in mind we must stave off chaos.

Debates are allowed but posts which go beyond simple debates and fall into attacks against another member or out right name calling, or take a thread completely off track, will be removed.

tnbskts May 15 2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by tcad605 (Post 5127010)
I just bought the red and orange sprinklers and I am pi$$ed off! I expected them to water the farms for a period of time, like the fertilizer. It didn't say anything about that when you click on them for information. I noticed that this discussion started in 2009. And nothing has been done about it in 3 years?!? Really? 99% of the time only the people that have paid real money have these. Someone needs to get off their a$$ and fix this. We don't need new bushes, we need the stuff that we paid for to do what is expected or give me my frickin money back!

The red sprinkler works in the same way the brown sprinkler works, so it shouldn't be unexpected. I agree it could be made clearer for the brown sprinkler, but once you know how that works it shouldn't come as a surprise that the red and orange sprinklers work the same way.

Regarding the green sprinkler, it's probably more of a niche item than the other ones, but as long as some people are finding a use for it, that's fine. It's pretty clear upfront what it does, and if it's a feature you don't need there's no reason to buy it.

KnightRider May 16 2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by tcad605 (Post 5127010)
I just bought the red and orange sprinklers and I am pi$$ed off! I expected them to water the farms for a period of time, like the fertilizer. It didn't say anything about that when you click on them for information. I noticed that this discussion started in 2009. And nothing has been done about it in 3 years?!? Really? 99% of the time only the people that have paid real money have these. Someone needs to get off their a$$ and fix this. We don't need new bushes, we need the stuff that we paid for to do what is expected or give me my frickin money back!

The red and orange sprinklers does water crops and such just like they are suppose to, that is what it says on the info that they irrigate. Watering and fertilizing is two different things and not related, so if you are pi$$ed off as you say you should be at yourself, cause they all do what they are suppose to do. The manure spreader fertilizes (which gives double the crops) and the sprinklers irrigates (which is waters, and doubles the growing speed) so there is nothing to fix as you say, if people have a question about a tool or something before they buy it come to the forum and ask a question instead of buying something and then getting mad cause it isn't what they expected.

maggiemae1046 May 20 2012 06:13 PM

i purchased the 4 water sprinklers but the brown and green are the only ones that appear in the tool box. the orange and red show up in my storage bin. why? i am not getting full use of the sprinklers. sad to pay that much for them and not be able to use them.

Taz D May 20 2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by maggiemae1046 (Post 5160922)
i purchased the 4 water sprinklers but the brown and green are the only ones that appear in the tool box. the orange and red show up in my storage bin. why? i am not getting full use of the sprinklers. sad to pay that much for them and not be able to use them.

You buy the red and green to get up to the green one. The green one does everything the red and orange ones did. The only reason the brown one is shown is in case you only want to water the flowers without speeding them up.
The manure spreaders are the same. Only the last one is shown because it does all of the crops, trees and flowers.

Texas Belle May 29 2012 05:54 PM

But even if you only water the flowers with the sprinkler no matter which, and you seed afterwards you cannot use the sprinkler again until 24 hrs have passed. And beware if one of your neighbors waters your flowers. I harvested, plowed and waiting my time to plant 4 hr crops that would be waiting for me in the morning, no dice, I planted and then when i went to sprinkle it said I could not irrigate for 13 hrs. I had not looked before so one of my neighbors being kind and wanting to get the xpoints and coins watered my flowers so I had to get up at 2 am and harvest my crops. I made a suggestion already to see if this can be fixed that only and only our sprinkler is the one that can be used to half the time and extend the expiration time, and not count the watering by neighbors.

Rob T May 29 2012 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Texas Belle (Post 5169582)
But even if you only water the flowers with the sprinkler no matter which, and you seed afterwards you cannot use the sprinkler again until 24 hrs have passed. And beware if one of your neighbors waters your flowers. I harvested, plowed and waiting my time to plant 4 hr crops that would be waiting for me in the morning, no dice, I planted and then when i went to sprinkle it said I could not irrigate for 13 hrs. I had not looked before so one of my neighbors being kind and wanting to get the xpoints and coins watered my flowers so I had to get up at 2 am and harvest my crops. I made a suggestion already to see if this can be fixed that only and only our sprinkler is the one that can be used to half the time and extend the expiration time, and not count the watering by neighbors.

i've had neighbors water my flowers, and i was able to use my sprinkler right afterwards without any problems. And just this morning, i used the brown sprinkler to revive my flowers, harvested them, and then used the sprinkler right afterwards without problem. So if there is a glitch somewhere, i am unable to reproduce it.

RuralVirologist Jun 09 2012 04:50 PM

Using the sprinkler on previously planted crops
I've been reading into the history of this thread and didn't find everything I wanted.

It seems to be that we can use the red sprinkler once per day per farm. I think.

If we plant 4-day crops and use the sprinkler immediately, they will be ready in 2 days. What happens if, after 1 day, with 1 day to wait, we use it on these crops again? Nothing, or does it halve again, i.e. to half the remaining time?

What happens if I plant 4 days crops today, and after 1 day I use the sprinkler for the first time on those crops? Does it halve the total 4 days, so that I have 1 day left, or does it halve the remaining time, so that I have 1.5 days left?


Tony D Jun 09 2012 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by RuralVirologist (Post 5183470)
I've been reading into the history of this thread and didn't find everything I wanted.

It seems to be that we can use the red sprinkler once per day per farm. I think.

If we plant 4-day crops and use the sprinkler immediately, they will be ready in 2 days. What happens if, after 1 day, with 1 day to wait, we use it on these crops again? Nothing, or does it halve again, i.e. to half the remaining time?

What happens if I plant 4 days crops today, and after 1 day I use the sprinkler for the first time on those crops? Does it halve the total 4 days, so that I have 1 day left, or does it halve the remaining time, so that I have 1.5 days left?


Hi, using it a second time will make no difference , if you use it (for the first time) after 1 day then it halves the remaining time.

RuralVirologist Jun 09 2012 05:20 PM

Thanks! Much appreciated :-)

Tony D Jun 10 2012 07:10 PM

Just bumping :)

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