Farm Town

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Is there a problem with the neighbor bar in this HTML5 program? I have no neighbors showing up; and, the chat/close thing does not work. BTW I am using Chrome (not sure if that matters or not). Thanks for helping us all out during the transition; and a huge THANK YOU to Raul and the rest of the group for all of their hard work.

Taz D Jan 05 2021 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6404350)
Is there a problem with the neighbor bar in this HTML5 program? I have no neighbors showing up; and, the chat/close thing does not work. BTW I am using Chrome (not sure if that matters or not). Thanks for helping us all out during the transition; and a huge THANK YOU to Raul and the rest of the group for all of their hard work.

Hi lynnetimpeiro,
The neighbors part has not been added yet to the HTML version.

Keef Jan 05 2021 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6404354)
Hi lynnetimpeiro,
The neighbors part has not been added yet to the HTML version.

how am I supposed to go and work my s/n farms when neighbors aren't showing or go to the market as I can't do anything unless I use the flash version

Taz D Jan 05 2021 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Keef (Post 6404358)
how am I supposed to go and work my s/n farms when neighbors aren't showing or go to the market as I can't do anything unless I use the flash version

Hi Keef,
The only way you can do that is to use the Flash version while it is available.

Moving the game to the new platform has been problematic and those problems were not quick to resolve. They also stated that the new version would be a restricted version some months ago.

The developers will add them back as they have time to do them and will likely announce what they have added in the new release threads as they get them done. We can not give you any specific times or dates. All you can do is either see what's currently there each day or keep an eye on the News and Announcements threads and check the 1st post for any updates from the developers. Jan 05 2021 01:53 PM

Thanks for the quick response Taz. Appreciate all everyone is doing.

Sqrl Jan 05 2021 04:51 PM

HTML version will not save Language preference. No matter how many times I change it from English (US) to (UK) I am always re-Americanised when I reload the game.

(memcache didn't help)

Taz D Jan 05 2021 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6404458)
HTML version will not save Language preference. No matter how many times I change it from English (US) to (UK) I am always re-Americanised when I reload the game.

(memcache didn't help)

Hi Sqrl,
I have moved your post to the News & Announcement subject thread about Game Migration Update -- December 23th, 2020 to answer you. Anything about the HTML version needs to posted here.

Try setting your language in the Flash version and see if it will stay in the HTML version. The language setting will not be really used until we get the neighbors and markets added into this version.

Sqrl Jan 05 2021 05:09 PM

Oh, sorry I posted in the wrong place! I blame Xmas/New Year hangover :).

Your suggestion didn't work sadly but nm, I shall not worry about it.

Dana1971 Jan 06 2021 01:05 PM

Just got a notification on Edge about Flash
I clicked on a lick to send someone some ingredients and at the top of the page, real big and in blue it told me that Flash is no longer supported to play FarmTown to pick another game on Facebook.

marymarcel Jan 06 2021 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6404762)
I clicked on a lick to send someone some ingredients and at the top of the page, real big and in blue it told me that Flash is no longer supported to play FarmTown to pick another game on Facebook.

Hi Dana :)

Yes, we are getting the same, but my game still loaded. Anyway I just let the developers know.

rockcandymountain Jan 08 2021 01:17 PM

Chat feature
So, the chat box in the lower right hand corner has not worked properly for quite a while. Up until today, I assumed it was a problem with Facebook. I had reported it a few times to Facebook. No response from them. However today, I noticed that if I'm on Facebooks home page. The chat box works, but as soon as Farmtown is opened, that chat box functionality quits working. So is this still a Facebook Problem?

Tiger Jan 08 2021 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6405266)
So, the chat box in the lower right hand corner has not worked properly for quite a while. Up until today, I assumed it was a problem with Facebook. I had reported it a few times to Facebook. No response from them. However today, I noticed that if I'm on Facebooks home page. The chat box works, but as soon as Farmtown is opened, that chat box functionality quits working. So is this still a Facebook Problem?

Hi rockcandymountain,

Any Facebook chat, messenger etc is all to do with Facebook.

rockcandymountain Jan 08 2021 06:45 PM

I tend to agree with you. However, if we aren't playing Farmtown the chat feature works.

Taz D Jan 08 2021 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6405314)
I tend to agree with you. However, if we aren't playing Farmtown the chat feature works.

Hi rockcandymountain,
Everything on the right side of your Farm Town page belongs to and is produced by Facebook. Farm Town has no control over any of the items in that area.

Sandie May Angel Jan 09 2021 03:02 AM


I'm trying the new version HTML5 to play the game just now, and it is still the same, the neighbours aren't appearing down at the bottom of the screen, it just shows a blank white space, and to the right many icons are still missing. Is everyone having the same problem with their screen?

Rob T Jan 09 2021 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sandie May Angel (Post 6405390)

I'm trying the new version HTML5 to play the game just now, and it is still the same, the neighbours aren't appearing down at the bottom of the screen, it just shows a blank white space, and to the right many icons are still missing. Is everyone having the same problem with their screen?

Hi Sandie May Angel,

In the first post of this thread, it explains that the HTML version is a restricted version and is limited to all farming tools for crops, trees, flowers and fishing, the free style designers, the Store and the Storage screens, all other functionality will be hidden and enabled gradually in the coming weeks. Which means we don't have the neighbors or the shortcut icons as yet.

Sandie May Angel Jan 09 2021 04:09 PM

Thank you, Rob!!!

Rob T Jan 09 2021 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sandie May Angel (Post 6405546)
Thank you, Rob!!!

You're very welcome :)

tmlbluedove Jan 10 2021 04:57 PM

when are we getting the new release and getting rid of all this christmas stuff, I need new stuff, lol

Taz D Jan 10 2021 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by tmlbluedove (Post 6405850)
when are we getting the new release and getting rid of all this christmas stuff, I need new stuff, lol

Hi tmlbluedove,
Only the developers know. Right now I would not expect anything new until after they have finished with adding everything into the HTML version.

Farmer_Susan Jan 11 2021 09:35 AM

If Adobe does what it says, we'll be unable to use the Flash version beginning tomorrow. So sad! I'm currently first in this week's NCC and even though I will have enough coop quests for 2 FC before then, I don't think my timer runs out until late tomorrow night sometimes, so that one is dicey, too.

Oh well. Eager to see how much the developers may have accomplished by tomorrow - thinking they'll release a newer HTML version if they have it so maybe it will have a BIT more than it has not. But I get it if they don't have a newer version yet. I'm not grumpy about any of this - just sad.

raelene carlyon Jan 11 2021 04:45 PM

my game won't load

marymarcel Jan 11 2021 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by raelene carlyon (Post 6406270)
my game won't load

Hi realene carlyon :)

If your game is not loading in the HTML5 new version, please go to the following link and follow the instructions given at the botton of that thread:

You will see in red that the test is only for users who cant load the farm in the new version.

If your game is not loading in flash, then probably your browser blocked flash and you can only play using html5 version.

JohnAlbertini Jan 11 2021 09:03 PM

Tool box icon mostly covered by FB game sidebar
It has a red circle that I can barely see. and there is nothing I can see that it could be referring me to do?

Taz D Jan 11 2021 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini (Post 6406638)
It has a red circle that I can barely see. and there is nothing I can see that it could be referring me to do?

Hi John,
The red circle is there for the trains and ships as it was in the Flash version, but with ships and trains not working in the HTML yet so doesn't mean anything right now. You can still click on the toolbox to open it.

If the Facebook sidebar is covering it try setting page zoom to 100% to correct that.

santafesandbar Jan 12 2021 12:32 AM

Hello Farmers While using Flash, I refreshed my farm a few minutes after midnight, Jan 12, and Facebook, Browser, or Slashkey pulled the plug on FLASH. i guess it's time to migrate for me now. The new vrsion loads fine for me. Looking forward to what the devs release to us first. Kudos to all the hard workers and you poor Moderators.

Farmer_Susan Jan 12 2021 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6406898)
Hello Farmers While using Flash, I refreshed my farm a few minutes after midnight, Jan 12, and Facebook, Browser, or Slashkey pulled the plug on FLASH. i guess it's time to migrate for me now. The new vrsion loads fine for me. Looking forward to what the devs release to us first. Kudos to all the hard workers and you poor Moderators.

Yep. Mine's gone now, too. Rats. I was hoping there would be a way around it! There's going to be a lot to relearn. I just went to the new one - decided I may as well plant - and then remembered that, since I don't have the - what's it called? That purple irrigation tool? That I'm now going to have to be careful that I can be around to harvest things when they're ready. I had forgotten all about needing to do that!

Oh well - it is TONS faster for me. This will be a true delight when it's all finished. Miss the old - but so glad we have the new.

TRACEY UK Jan 12 2021 05:33 AM

same here
Also cannot click on map to visit market so can not hire anyone or get hired.
Really frustrating especially as we cant go anywhere due to covid, this is one of the things that keeps me going, played for years, 1136089690. would really appreciate this getting sorted as quickly as possible.

kejusa Jan 12 2021 05:40 AM

Hi guys, I wrote this the other day that my fuel is still being consumed, quoting from your help page is this
"As there is no facility functionality yet for you to produce fuel, we have disabled the fuel consumption for all the tools in the game until we introduce the Facilities."
My fuel is still being consumed - are you able to help please, many thanks for all that you do for us who are rather confined to stay safe

ID 1667790253

zooboss Jan 12 2021 05:47 AM

thank you to everybody for working so hard to get as much as possible done before flash died, those people who are worried about how much longer before everything is back to normal should remember this game has been developed since 2009 and then it was a basic game , looking forward to when everything is back in place but until then will play the game as it is THANK YOU DEVELOPERS and THANK YOU MODERATORS for your patience

BrownieGirl Jan 12 2021 05:49 AM

I cannot use the map function that takes me to the marketplace where i can trade or work for other farmers. All I can do now is plant.

Debbie Aldin Steer Jan 12 2021 05:53 AM

not loading
asked to post if game does not load;

game stuck on green page

Rob T Jan 12 2021 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by BrownieGirl (Post 6407526)
I cannot use the map function that takes me to the marketplace where i can trade or work for other farmers. All I can do now is plant. UserID514417513

Hi BrownieGirl,

he new HTML version is missing some features which will be added back over the next few weeks. Ships, trains etc. You can still sell things by clicking the storage icon and then click the blue button to 'Sell at Market' Tho you wont actually go to the market, it does open the market selling screen as if you were there.

kejusa Jan 12 2021 05:59 AM

Hi again, I have been unsuccessful doing neighbours' facilities, I've been able to collect bonuses is this another problem
ID 1667790253

rogerthedodger Jan 12 2021 05:59 AM

i know things are missing but in general i found things quicker and easier to do loading game up much quicker than flash

laurieviar Jan 12 2021 06:03 AM

nothing works
I hate this new version. Nothing works. The farms won't load properly. I don't have any neighbors. Lost my super neighbors. Can't get into the supermarket. Won't let you work on boats or nothing. Can't get into market place. Can't even play.

rogerthedodger Jan 12 2021 06:10 AM

i would advise people to reinstall their browser , then they get the most upto date version which should run html5 fine

rogerthedodger Jan 12 2021 06:17 AM

theres been much info about the info migration to html5 if only people read it .its explains everything and what to expect

NiMo1960 Jan 12 2021 06:20 AM

Think I may have just found an issue as to why some farms are freezing up ?
Been going through the farms just fine, but just ticked the "Facilities" option in the "Spanner" tools (top right) then went to load my farm 1 which I know is loaded in facilities and it has taken 3 attemps (game reloads) to get that farm to open.

So am thinking those having trouble loading are loading in to a facility farm with option to show them ?

lucylou66 Jan 12 2021 06:33 AM

mine now loads on html but i cant do ships trains superneighbours quests markets, thank you for all your hard work so far its very much appreciated

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