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monkey_tastic May 04 2024 01:40 AM

I have a second account with other 1100 FT$, Do all tools bought on the second account work on my main account? or are some only for the account that has them. Wanting to buy maure speader, but didnt know if it would allow me to use on other peoples farms (if a super neighbour)

Tiger May 04 2024 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by monkey_tastic (Post 6579974)
I have a second account with other 1100 FT$, Do all tools bought on the second account work on my main account? or are some only for the account that has them. Wanting to buy maure speader, but didnt know if it would allow me to use on other peoples farms (if a super neighbour)

Hi monkey_tastic,

No, some tools must be owned by the farm owner.

If a farm owner wants their Super Neighbour to fertilise for them, the farm owner must own the manure spreader and they must have manure. Manure that is harveted from thier own pigstys is not like harvesting other animal sheds does as it does not go to storage. Instead, it is stored with the manure spreader.

monkey_tastic May 04 2024 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6579986)
Hi monkey_tastic,

No, some tools must be owned by the farm owner.

If a farm owner wants their Super Neighbour to fertilise for them, the farm owner must own the manure spreader and they must have manure. Manure that is harveted from thier own pigstys is not like harvesting other animal sheds does as it does not go to storage. Instead, it is stored with the manure spreader.

So what tools can't super neighbours use of their own. For other peoples farms. Like they can use their own purple hands, ploughing, seeding etc. But what can't? Don't want to buy stuff on my second account that I can't use on my main

Snookie Sue May 04 2024 11:24 AM

Extra new tool.
I accidentally (in my wild enthusiasm) purchased 2 of the new replant existing crop tools. Is there any way I can gift one of them to a farmer that might want it?

Taz D May 04 2024 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by monkey_tastic (Post 6580062)
So what tools can't super neighbours use of their own. For other peoples farms. Like they can use their own purple hands, ploughing, seeding etc. But what can't? Don't want to buy stuff on my second account that I can't use on my main

Hi Monkey_tastic,
All thge information you are looking for about tools and super neighbors is in the Game Guide chapter 6 about super neighbors:

Taz D May 04 2024 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Snookie Sue (Post 6580066)
I accidentally (in my wild enthusiasm) purchased 2 of the new replant existing crop tools. Is there any way I can gift one of them to a farmer that might want it?

Hi Snookie Sue,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about tools.
No you can not gift any tool that you have bought for your farms to anyone else. The only way to give another player a tool is through the Send button on the tool in the store.

Also note when you bought the second one you paid coins for it, not farm cash. May 08 2024 06:39 AM

Thinking about purchasing new tool crop replanter. My quest farms have for example 2 lots of 2day crops on the one farm. I alternate planting so that a crop is always ready for quests. 1) Can I only do half a farm 2)Can my SN use it on my farms and lastly do I have to have all combines to use it? I stopped buying combines when I started buying the white/blue machinery only to be told I didn't have to buy them but could have gone straight to brown grrr. My biggest combine is orange/yellow

marymarcel May 08 2024 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6580378)
Thinking about purchasing new tool crop replanter. My quest farms have for example 2 lots of 2day crops on the one farm. I alternate planting so that a crop is always ready for quests. 1) Can I only do half a farm 2)Can my SN use it on my farms and lastly do I have to have all combines to use it? I stopped buying combines when I started buying the white/blue machinery only to be told I didn't have to buy them but could have gone straight to brown grrr. My biggest combine is orange/yellow

Hi rodkay :)

You have full information in the following link from our Game Guide:

bzb May 17 2024 07:46 AM

Refueling Limitation
Would you please advise if there is a limit on the number of tanks for fuel you can use to refuel? I'm asking because on two different occasions I had a sizeable amount of fuel and went to refuel only to have a minor number refuel? In the most recent example, I had close to 300K tanks for fuel and it only refuel something like 89K and I would've thought it should've been significantly more. Appreciate your guidance.

marymarcel May 17 2024 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by bzb (Post 6580910)
Would you please advise if there is a limit on the number of tanks for fuel you can use to refuel? I'm asking because on two different occasions I had a sizeable amount of fuel and went to refuel only to have a minor number refuel? In the most recent example, I had close to 300K tanks for fuel and it only refuel something like 89K and I would've thought it should've been significantly more. Appreciate your guidance.

Hi bzb :)

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

Im sorry but we cant see what you had in your storage before refuelling and there is no problems with the amount of fuel tanks you are talking about.

Nothing has changed when you refuel, you still get 300 Gallons for each fuel tank stored and for each fuel tank you havent stored yet and are still in your gift box.
Then a few more gallons for active neighbors, level, etc.

I can only suggest you that next time you need to refuel, check how many fuel tanks you have in your storage and see if that is the amount showing up when you go to the fuel station.

You have full information in the following link from our Game Guide:
httpS:// May 17 2024 09:28 PM

I only fertilise a few of my farms but one of my SNs fertilises all. Is there a way to stop them fertilising all of the farms? I have written to them but unsure which one has forgotten. Since this happened again I went to all farms and stopped SN from farming those farms....will this stop them fertilising them as well?

Taz D May 17 2024 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6580942)
I only fertilise a few of my farms but one of my SNs fertilises all. Is there a way to stop them fertilising all of the farms? I have written to them but unsure which one has forgotten. Since this happened again I went to all farms and stopped SN from farming those farms....will this stop them fertilising them as well?

Hi Rodkay,
Yes preventing them from doing any Super Neighbor work on a farm will also prevent them from fertilizing the farm. May 18 2024 06:02 AM

Thank you Taz

JNelson May 19 2024 07:24 AM

hope this correct category
question,, ,when we hit 'show names' and facility info ......... is the blue % line ONLY for % full of facilies,, or is it % full for everything that on that field facilities+trees+decorations et al......

marymarcel May 19 2024 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6581074)
hope this correct category
question,, ,when we hit 'show names' and facility info ......... is the blue % line ONLY for % full of facilies,, or is it % full for everything that on that field facilities+trees+decorations et al......

Hi JNelson :)

It is only for Facilities information.

Please click in the following link to read more:

ritagermana Jun 12 2024 10:35 PM

multi planter for sea coasts and ponds
Hi farm town,

are you able to make a multi planter for sea coasts and ponds, same or similar to the multi plant and flower planter.


Taz D Jun 12 2024 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by ritagermana (Post 6583402)
Hi farm town,

are you able to make a multi planter for sea coasts and ponds, same or similar to the multi plant and flower planter.


Hi Ritagermana,
I moved your post to the thread about tools. If you want to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section where we organize those by subject for the developers to see.
I will tell you it has been suggested many times. Jun 16 2024 06:47 AM

Not sure if this is the right place to post but my friend is trying to swap farms using farm selector manager and it will not save to the position she has chosen. Her ID is 682894598 and she wants to swap farm 21 with farm 16 but it will not save for her. I have no trouble so unsure why she cannot. I told her I would write to you about her problem and see if you can tell what is going wrong. Thank you

Taz D Jun 16 2024 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6583794)
Not sure if this is the right place to post but my friend is trying to swap farms using farm selector manager and it will not save to the position she has chosen. Her ID is 682894598 and she wants to swap farm 21 with farm 16 but it will not save for her. I have no trouble so unsure why she cannot. I told her I would write to you about her problem and see if you can tell what is going wrong. Thank you

Hi Rodkay,
She has to click on the green checvk in the bottom right corner of the pop up after she has made the changes. If she does not do that then it won't save it.
There isn't any way we can check this for her. Jun 16 2024 07:09 PM

I checked and she does make sure it is saved on the check mark. But will try again..tried and saved flashes but it doesn't move. One final question...would unplowing them help? Or is there another way to save without the green check the keyboard?

littlesallysanctus Jun 16 2024 07:17 PM

I had purchased wanted to purchase a turbo loader at 50 dollars it came up as noted as duplicate so I got the turbo the highlighted tool is not correct for purchase I should now have 1 each of turbo for loading purposes but now have 2 of one please correct the purchase

marymarcel Jun 16 2024 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by littlesallysanctus (Post 6583834)
I had purchased wanted to purchase a turbo loader at 50 dollars it came up as noted as duplicate so I got the turbo the highlighted tool is not correct for purchase I should now have 1 each of turbo for loading purposes but now have 2 of one please correct the purchase

Hi littlesallysanctus :)

The only purchase showing in your data is for the Turbo Drive Thru System.

There are not duplicate purchases for tools.

If you are talking about a different set of farms, then please provide the User Id number for those farms so we can check.
Thanks :)

marymarcel Jun 16 2024 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6583830)
I checked and she does make sure it is saved on the check mark. But will try again..tried and saved flashes but it doesn't move. One final question...would unplowing them help? Or is there another way to save without the green check the keyboard?

Hi rodkay :)

Taz is not available at this moment.

Please tell your friend to run memcache, link below. A new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and her farms in all tabs it is open.
Then close the game. Load the game again and try to change farms. She has to click in the green check mark to save changes.

I just moved some farms around without problems.

littlesallysanctus Jun 18 2024 12:24 AM

I only have one set of farms and every time I sign in someone else's farms pop up first.
The tooks are both showing up in my toolbox but one is not working. This was purchased with farmcash the day before yesterday 6-16. Also my email is being ignored responses are not showing up in my email...only old outdated ones from last year are showing up as current

marymarcel Jun 18 2024 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by littlesallysanctus (Post 6583906)
I only have one set of farms and every time I sign in someone else's farms pop up first.
The tooks are both showing up in my toolbox but one is not working. This was purchased with farmcash the day before yesterday 6-16. Also my email is being ignored responses are not showing up in my email...only old outdated ones from last year are showing up as current

Hi littlesallysanctus :)

I will respond for each of your problems:

1. Loading other farms when signing: If you are using a saved link in your browser, please do not do that.
Instead, use this link:

If you can load your farm, then that means the saved link is corrupted and you have to delete it.

2. Tools purchased: The only purchase for tools on June 16, 2024 is for a Turbo Drive Thru System.
It doesnt show up in your tool box as you have to send it to storage and use it when you click in Start all at the top of your Facility Manager.

You can see what you purchased with farm cash by clicking in Account tab above the game screen and then in Farm Cash Activity Log button.

The Turbo Drive Thru System allows you to start production in the following factories:

BBQ Restaurant
Boba Tea Shop
Breakfast restaurant
Coffee and Tea Shop
Donut Shop
Fish and Chips
French Creperie
Gluten Free Snack Shack
Hamburger restaurant
Healthy Juice Stand
House of Pancakes
Pizza restaurant
Sandwich restaurant
Taco restaurant
Turbo Bakery

If you wish you can contact Support. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please include all details about your problem so you can get help faster. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

3. Not receiving emails notifications from the forum in your email address: Sometimes this happens, but if you see that you didnt receive a response in 24 hs. then please come back to the forum and search for your post and the possible responses.

Also, as you are having problems receiving email notifications, we will let Support know as they also respond to you by email.

Debbie55 Jun 23 2024 05:41 PM

please refund me for the tranplanter. It's in my storage. too hard for me to use
Thank you

Taz D Jun 23 2024 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Debbie55 (Post 6584486)
please refund me for the tranplanter. It's in my storage. too hard for me to use
Thank you

Hi Debbie55,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about tools. I am sorry but we can not do refunds through the forums. You will need to contact Support about this.
To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.
To contact through the website:

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

EDIT: I just checked and you did not buy a transplanter. You bought the replanter tool which only works with the combines for /plowingharvesting/planting. You only have one of those. You have to click to pick up that and then choose replant at the top of the seed list. It will only work when you are harvesting the crop too so it knows what crop to replant. This tool does not work with the transplanters.

rockcandymountain Jul 13 2024 09:44 PM

fuel explained
When I go to my facility manager and scroll down to oil refineries it says Pending 2400.

When I open the refinery and go to the whats pending tab it says 1020, which is half.

Then it will say next 17 in 4 hrs.

Why is the whats pending tab only half of the 2040 and why are only 17 units going to be produced in the next 4 hrs.

I have been struggling for a long time to store up on fuel and it wasn't always a problem. I am not sure what changed

Farm ID 112194263824229

Taz D Jul 13 2024 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6586434)
When I go to my facility manager and scroll down to oil refineries it says Pending 2400.

When I open the refinery and go to the whats pending tab it says 1020, which is half.

Then it will say next 17 in 4 hrs.

Why is the whats pending tab only half of the 2040 and why are only 17 units going to be produced in the next 4 hrs.

I have been struggling for a long time to store up on fuel and it wasn't always a problem. I am not sure what changed

Farm ID 112194263824229

Hi Rockcandymountain,
I moved your post to the thread about tools and fuel.
What you are seeing when you look in the facility manager is the pending for all products you are making in the oil refinery. The oil refinery can make up to 5 different products. When you open the oil refinery and look at the fuel tanks only then you see the pending fuel tanks only.
The fuel tanks are made in batches of 17. It is only telling you what is being produce at that time (1 batch of 17) and how long before they are ready. Nothing has changed except that we get more fuel tanks now per batch than we used to get in the past. I am not sure exactly at what point it was increased but it has been increased.

rockcandymountain Jul 13 2024 11:58 PM

Thanks Taz!

p618cg Jul 14 2024 07:53 AM

When I was refueling I hit the wrong button and all of my new fuel disappeared. Is there any way to get it back?

Taz D Jul 14 2024 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by p618cg (Post 6586462)
When I was refueling I hit the wrong button and all of my new fuel disappeared. Is there any way to get it back?

Hi p618cg,
I just checked your data and you did refuel this morning at 8:47 eastern time. There isn't any wrong button on the refueling that would make your fuel disappear. Either you click the Refuel button or you click the Red X to close the pop up and don't refuel.

p618cg Jul 15 2024 01:44 AM

Thanks, Taz. I must have clicked the red X, the fuel I was trying to load disappeared. I guess there's no way to get it back?

marymarcel Jul 15 2024 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by p618cg (Post 6586482)
Thanks, Taz. I must have clicked the red X, the fuel I was trying to load disappeared. I guess there's no way to get it back?

Hi p618cg :)

Taz is not available at this time.

As he told you, you indeed refuelled yesterday and you refuelled again today July 15th, at 02:45 eastern time.

Fuel tanks you have in your storage and/or in your gift box are used when you refuel.

p618cg Jul 16 2024 04:19 AM

Ok, thanks.

jsigler25 Jul 29 2024 02:17 PM

What is the problem with not being able to post my oil pump and refinery for people to work?

Taz D Jul 29 2024 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by jsigler25 (Post 6587646)
What is the problem with not being able to post my oil pump and refinery for people to work?

Hi Jsigler,
I moved your post to the thread about fuel.

The oil pumps are non-workable facilities. You can not post from those. Any facility that requires you to pay coins to start products is not workable by neighbors.
The refinery you should be able to post from as long as you have production pending in it.

godsland93 Jul 31 2024 09:07 AM

unable to start all in oil refinery
I'm unable to start all on my new oil refinery. Also on my prior ones owned and the turbo oil refinery when I click start all it will not load to 100%. Please help me with this matter

marymarcel Jul 31 2024 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by godsland93 (Post 6587730)
I'm unable to start all on my new oil refinery. Also on my prior ones owned and the turbo oil refinery when I click start all it will not load to 100%. Please help me with this matter

Hi godsland :)

I moved your post to the thread about Tools and Fuel.

You have 4 Oil Refineries and 1 Turbo Oil Refinery.

To load them all to 100% you need 1,500 crude oil barrels from your Oil pumps.
You only have 2 crude oil barrels stored at this moment.

You have 47 farms but only 35 Oil pumps, so you can add more of them and/or you can purchase the Offshore oil rig which costs farm cash but produce 3 more times than an Oil pump.

Also, remember that the Oil pumps and the Offshore oil rig are not workable facilities so you have to wait the exact time to collect the crude oil barrels to use in your Oil Refineries.
Remember to store the crude oil barrels from your Oil pumps before trying to fill your refineries.

jsigler25 Aug 01 2024 04:34 PM

oil pump
I have oil pumps and the loader but am not able to get crude oil for fuel plant and can't figure this out because it worked fine until 4 days ago.

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