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I am trying to get my train going after I unloaded it and it says I still have a train going and I don't. Please help

meacara Jul 07 2012 02:49 PM

This is terrible. I never run out of cheese. The only thing that is useful out of the next bunch of trains is the one that brings shrimp. But by requiring a fish farm, it completely defeats the purpose in the train. If I was going t buy the train it would be to REPLACE the fishing farm, not be in addition to it. If I had one fishing farm that would bring me enough shrimp. UGH. BAD Execution Slashkey.

bayoubes Jul 07 2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by meacara (Post 5216878)
This is terrible. I never run out of cheese. The only thing that is useful out of the next bunch of trains is the one that brings shrimp. But by requiring a fish farm, it completely defeats the purpose in the train. If I was going t buy the train it would be to REPLACE the fishing farm, not be in addition to it. If I had one fishing farm that would bring me enough shrimp. UGH. BAD Execution Slashkey.

The one that brings shrimp also brings Cheese, along with others. Bring up the ? mark and see all what it brings.

meacara Jul 07 2012 03:07 PM

I did, that's how I know what they bring. I'd rather buy a coin textile and spinning mill than a FC train. The only thing I don't really have at all, that I need, is the shrimp, and if I need to buy a fish farm to get the train it defeats the purpose in the train.

bayoubes Jul 07 2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by meacara (Post 5216922)
I did, that's how I know what they bring. I'd rather buy a coin textile and spinning mill than a FC train. The only thing I don't really have at all, that I need, is the shrimp, and if I need to buy a fish farm to get the train it defeats the purpose in the train.

Sorry, misread your post, thought you needed more cheese, I don't either. I think it's time I get new glasses, lol

meacara Jul 07 2012 03:11 PM

OK, NP. LOL. Sometimes we all fell like we need (new) glasses.

Sesselwill Jul 13 2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by drr30 (Post 5131782)
I think the sprinkler system is awesome I get wheat and rice in one day can't ask for more. I do agree the orange sprinkler isn't worth 45 farm cash. The green sprinkler has little benefit and for 50 farm cash its a little steep for me. But as for the red sprinkler I can plant and harvest all my 12 hour 8 hour and 4 hour crops in one day and get my 2 day crops in another day. As for the flowers I really don't need the sprinkler for them but I'm reaping the benefits there too. The trick with the sprinklers is timing. Here's an example before I go to bed I plant my 12 hour crops I don't sprinkle them then go to bed. Wake up the next day harvest my 12 hour crops and plant 8 hour crops then sprinkle them. The 8 hour crops are ready in 4 hours harvest them and plant 4 hour crops. Then if I have time I plant raspberry which take 2 hours harvest them then go to bed.

I agree that I, too, do not see a big need for the green sprinkler. All it takes is a little planning to keep your crops from going bad by the time you harvest them. But I disagree about the orange one. I use it to double the speed for my fruit and nut trees. I don't see the need for it if you only have wood trees, though. They spring back up in a good amount of time without it. I also agree with everyone stating the fact that we can only water once in a farm day. I could swear that the devs claimed initially that the crop sprinklers would be able to water each new crop planted, not just once a day. Maybe I'm not remembering that right, but it was a big selling point for me to spend the cash, only to find out it didn't work.

FarmerMcLashwood Jul 15 2012 07:32 AM

I wish we had the option to tick what we need in the various cars in the train like we do with the semi-trailer truck.

Having just unloaded mine for the 3rd time I had a look in my storage and it would appear maybe only 1 item per car is required.... have lots of the other stuff in storage.

pythonis Jul 16 2012 03:22 PM

sometimes i want to quicken the growth of my crops/flowers but not my trees. Would be nice if we could specify that when using our sprinklers or even be able to pull our old ones out and use them for what they do not what our current one will do.

barbara nixon Jul 16 2012 06:24 PM

i like the red sprinkler..i can water or not...if my trees get watered it's ok..they don't die..u can harvest them when ever..i have a chop farm i harvest every other day as i'm well stocked with the wood...sometimes i use the brown one on certain farms so the flowers stay longer..but all in all it's just fine with me..

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