Farm Town

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KnightRider Aug 19 2014 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by carolann43 (Post 5862630)
Is this Farmtown or Cityville? What happened to farming????

Hello Carolann

I moved your post from the suggestions section to the General Feedback section, this is more of a comment than a suggestion.

whosyou? Aug 19 2014 08:46 PM

Everything you do other than farm,is optional.Factories,quest,farm designs...those are for those who wish to take those routes.You can plow,plant,and harvest crops and stick to doing only that if you wish.

firegold flames Aug 20 2014 08:47 AM

This is Farm town to me because nothing have change except for the updates that the developers/Admin/Mod update for us and the facilities as well .This is mine personal opinion about farm town .

Machinegun Aug 20 2014 10:33 AM

The main reason I quit Farmville and started Farmtown was simple. This is a game for adults. However you are starting to fail in your responsibilities. I have reached the top level of 550 and nothing. Just like Government you fail your top performers. You expect everything and we get nothing. I am not at all happy with you folks and will soon look for another game. Please get to work and fix this.

whosyou? Aug 20 2014 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Machinegun (Post 5862886)
The main reason I quit Farmville and started Farmtown was simple. This is a game for adults. However you are starting to fail in your responsibilities. I have reached the top level of 550 and nothing. Just like Government you fail your top performers. You expect everything and we get nothing. I am not at all happy with you folks and will soon look for another game. Please get to work and fix this.

There is nothing to fix.You need to understand that this game is a business,it is here to make money...not give it some think the government is for.This has to do with free fc...not levels,levels mean nothing in a game with no competition.If the added 900 levels today...the people with 1,5,10 billion xp would want 900 more tomorrow.Now if they stop giving FC for each new level...I bet noone would care if they raised the max level.And fyi...there are no top performers...just people that play more than the next guy...a game.

Rambini Aug 20 2014 01:09 PM

No thread, just an idea
Couldn't it be an idea to be able to sent friend/neighbor a new field? Hope you think about it. :)

Taz D Aug 20 2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rambini (Post 5862974)
Couldn't it be an idea to be able to sent friend/neighbor a new field? Hope you think about it. :)

Hi Rambini,
You need to put this in the Suggestions and not Feedback for the developers to see it. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to an existing one that fits your suggestion.

Machinegun Aug 20 2014 04:05 PM

I am looking forward to your responce
I have bought 500 FC from your site. But there was an incentive. I had earned 35 FC and wanted more FC to make or buy better stuff. Right now there is no incentive and it seems from your response there will be none. So you made the prize of FC for building the game and I am saying it is wrong to just cut people off. You need to continue with the incentive you made the promise not me.

KnightRider Aug 20 2014 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Machinegun (Post 5863114)
I have bought 500 FC from your site. But there was an incentive. I had earned 35 FC and wanted more FC to make or buy better stuff. Right now there is no incentive and it seems from your response there will be none. So you made the prize of FC for building the game and I am saying it is wrong to just cut people off. You need to continue with the incentive you made the promise not me.

Hello Machinegun,

What promise and incentives are you talking about? Slashkey has never made any kind of promise, incentive or anything in the game.

EDIT: Slashkey has put into the game that you can receive some FC for doing quests, it isn't a lot of FC, but 1 or 2 FC a week is better than none. Plus Trial Pay along with Facebook has the Earn Cash tab at the top of the game that you can possibly earn some FC, the Earn Cash tab though isn't connected to Slashkey and they have no control over that tab.

StoneFace Aug 20 2014 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Machinegun (Post 5863114)
I have bought 500 FC from your site. But there was an incentive. I had earned 35 FC and wanted more FC to make or buy better stuff. Right now there is no incentive and it seems from your response there will be none. So you made the prize of FC for building the game and I am saying it is wrong to just cut people off. You need to continue with the incentive you made the promise not me.

Some players refuse to buy any extra Farm Cash, because they consider this a game to enjoy.

Some players buy extra Farm Cash, maybe 500. maybe 1000, because they consider this a game to enjoy.

and.. Some players buy extra Farm Cash, maybe 305, or 610 with every new release, because they consider this a game to enjoy

But the bottom line for us is that it is a game.

The bottom line for those who start, own, develop this game is to make a profit... not give it away.


max_river Aug 20 2014 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Machinegun (Post 5862886)
The main reason I quit Farmville and started Farmtown was simple. This is a game for adults. However you are starting to fail in your responsibilities. I have reached the top level of 550 and nothing. Just like Government you fail your top performers. You expect everything and we get nothing. I am not at all happy with you folks and will soon look for another game. Please get to work and fix this.

actualy it is not only adult game i started playing it when i was 15 and now i am 19. and i am not only one. i am ok with the levels yes it would be nice to get more. but i have evening invested my on money in to the game. this a game that you do not need all stuff to play it is choice to buy all tools.

Shawnda Marie Aug 21 2014 10:08 AM

I just want to know how soon we will get new levels,I enjoy doing the quests, but don't have enough farm cash to get the Semi tractor trailer truck I need for 3 of my quests, and no one is gifting any. It seems like everyone is very low on farm cash so there is no gifting of items. I have lots of coins, and will get whatever facilities I can with those until new levels are available. Of course, I am losing a few quests. Why can't we be able to trade some coins for even a few farm cash every once in awhile? Just every few months would help. Thanks

Taz D Aug 21 2014 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnda Marie (Post 5863374)
I just want to know how soon we will get new levels,I enjoy doing the quests, but don't have enough farm cash to get the Semi tractor trailer truck I need for 3 of my quests, and no one is gifting any. It seems like everyone is very low on farm cash so there is no gifting of items. I have lots of coins, and will get whatever facilities I can with those until new levels are available. Of course, I am losing a few quests. Why can't we be able to trade some coins for even a few farm cash every once in awhile? Just every few months would help. Thanks

Hi Shawnda,
Don't hold me to this as we really don't know what the developers are planning until they release it, but we have been getting new levels about every 3 months. So based on that, the last time was the June release and the next one should be the September release.
I am afraid the idea of exchanging coins for farm cash isn't ever going to be implemented as that is the way the developers make money to keep this game going.

whosyou? Aug 21 2014 12:11 PM

Just as another way to see this...

Currently,FB app data tracking has FT hovering around 160K players on a weekly basis.
Out of that 160K,lets say only 80K are ready to move to the next set of levels.(This is probably way to conservative a number...but the point still is made)That is roughly 2 million free FC given at each set of level ups.

2,000,000 FC = 16,666 transactions of 120 FC each.120 FC cost 19.99 each.

Add to that the amount of FC people are earning from quest per week.....That is a huge amount of money they are taking out of their pockets and handing out to the players every quarter.I would like to see another game company that does something similar.

Jack Parks Aug 21 2014 08:23 PM

Jack Parks
Me too! If they raise it tomorrow, I'm already past it again.

ccheney Aug 26 2014 12:01 AM

Paper Rolls in the Paper Mill
Could we speed production of paper rolls in the paper mill? I can't seem to get enough. I have 2 paper mills. I can produce over 1000 of everything in each paper mill but paper rolls. Those I only get 250 per paper mill.

honeyg56 Aug 26 2014 03:55 AM

Question regarding Support
I have so far waited 8 days for support to fix a problem on my farm, I have emailed them a couple of times (quoting their reference but received nothing), the support is really slack considering I play this every day and have done for a few years, not to mention the $ I have spent - a little bit of loyalty from the support staff wouldn't go amiss. I don't intend spending any more on the game until my problem is resolved. How much longer do I have to wait?

Taz D Aug 26 2014 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by honeyg56 (Post 5865050)
I have so far waited 8 days for support to fix a problem on my farm, I have emailed them a couple of times (quoting their reference but received nothing), the support is really slack considering I play this every day and have done for a few years, not to mention the $ I have spent - a little bit of loyalty from the support staff wouldn't go amiss. I don't intend spending any more on the game until my problem is resolved. How much longer do I have to wait?

Hi Honeyg,
I am sorry Support hasn't responded to you, however they do have to take the support tickets they receive in the order they get them so depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours it could take a few weeks for them to respond. Sending multiple emails to them does not help getting a quicker response. You just need to be patient and wait for them to get to your ticket.

KnightRider Aug 26 2014 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by ccheney (Post 5865022)
Could we speed production of paper rolls in the paper mill? I can't seem to get enough. I have 2 paper mills. I can produce over 1000 of everything in each paper mill but paper rolls. Those I only get 250 per paper mill.

Your suggestion would be better in the suggestion section so the developers can see your suggestion, you can't start a new thread, this way they can keep the suggestion section easier to read, but you can put it in the thread that is closest to what you are suggesting and if you don't see one that is close, you can put it in the thread My idea doesn't have a thread.

honeyg56 Aug 26 2014 12:03 PM

Hi Taz

I posted a link to my farm last week and one of the moderators had a look but couldn't find the missing facility.

It was in my storage, I tried to move it to the farm but it wouldn't let me. I came out of the game and went back in and it was gone. I have cleared memcache, flash, browser and searched every farm using the search tool but can't find it.

I have loads of stuff to sell and can't sell in case support needs to search for it from there end.

I only used it the week before for a quest. I need to buy another facility but am not prepared to spend any more on fc whilst this is still ongoing. I love the game but the support is poor

Taz D Aug 26 2014 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by honeyg56 (Post 5865106)
Hi Taz

I posted a link to my farm last week and one of the moderators had a look but couldn't find the missing facility.

It was in my storage, I tried to move it to the farm but it wouldn't let me. I came out of the game and went back in and it was gone. I have cleared memcache, flash, browser and searched every farm using the search tool but can't find it.

I have loads of stuff to sell and can't sell in case support needs to search for it from there end.

I only used it the week before for a quest. I need to buy another facility but am not prepared to spend any more on fc whilst this is still ongoing. I love the game but the support is poor

I am sorry you are having this problem. The biggest problem with Support is that people send them tickets for things that can be fixed through the forums or send multiple emails/tickets to them. Those add to the number of tickets they have to get through which lengthens the time it takes for them to get to current tickets.
You can still sell the items you are holding. Support doesn't need to see that. The only thing they need to verify is that you show a purchase of the facility, that it is not in your storage or on a farm, and that you haven't sold it.
The only thing you can do is wait until they get to your ticket. You should have had an automatic email when you sent the first ticket in. That email will contain your ticket number and a link you can go to to check on the status of your ticket.

honeyg56 Aug 26 2014 12:35 PM

Hi Taz

Yeah they did and I check the status several times a day. It initially was marked up as Urgent then towards the end of last week they changed it to medium

Lynn85 Aug 27 2014 11:45 AM

mayor finishing the work

Originally Posted by rabbit8 (Post 5809898)
why can't you have the mayor help if you only have one train with 10 or more cars in it? That feature is so time saving, but I cannot afford to buy all those trains especially when they carry all the same products. I am on a low fixed income. This would be so great if you could do that.:o

why can't we finish working all the facilities each time we work for our neighbors, i hate that the mayor is always finishing the last several farms it takes forever to earn the farm cash to buy the facilities that we really need for quests and i can't afford to buy the cash or all the extra trains i only have one train more of the facilities should be sold for coins or maybe lower the price of them with the farm cash.

KnightRider Aug 27 2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn85 (Post 5865454)
why can't we finish working all the facilities each time we work for our neighbors, i hate that the mayor is always finishing the last several farms it takes forever to earn the farm cash to buy the facilities that we really need for quests and i can't afford to buy the cash or all the extra trains i only have one train more of the facilities should be sold for coins or maybe lower the price of them with the farm cash.

Hello Lynn,

The mayor working the last of the facilities doesn't keep you from getting XP so that you can level up, you still get your XP for working those facilities, it is just that the mayor does the rest of the facility more quickly and you can then move on to the next facility.

ccheney Aug 27 2014 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by beverduster (Post 5853102)
who used up all the toilet paper???

Exactly! You would think the restroom supplies factory would produce toilet paper.

Mrs Borgies Aug 28 2014 01:36 AM

Mainframe WF3
Well I bath daily but nobody seems to be game to share my company in WF3 when I go to hire someone to work my farms. I do see someone occasionally, but they don't hang around to work...or perhaps I gave them a fright when they saw someone pop in. :eek::p

To find some workers (no matter time of day), I have to go to a neighbours farm to access another Mainframe WF#.

This has been a way of life for me for about a month and wonder what gives?

It is a bit frustrating to have to farm hop to get helpers. :rolleyes:

Still a great game though! :D

crafty chris Aug 28 2014 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Borgies (Post 5865682)
Well I bath daily but nobody seems to be game to share my company in WF3 when I go to hire someone to work my farms. I do see someone occasionally, but they don't hang around to work...or perhaps I gave them a fright when they saw someone pop in. :eek::p

To find some workers (no matter time of day), I have to go to a neighbours farm to access another Mainframe WF#.

This has been a way of life for me for about a month and wonder what gives?

It is a bit frustrating to have to farm hop to get helpers. :rolleyes:

Still a great game though! :D

hiya mrs borgies maybe its the deodorant?? lol ... the only suggestion i can think of right now is to check the language see if it is set to english :)

Mrs Borgies Aug 28 2014 06:01 AM

OMG.... I rushed out and purchased an expensive deodorant then changed from English UK to English US and then blow me down....there are lots and LOTS of people wanting to work!!!! LOL :D

Thank you so much for your help Crafty Chris. Who would have thought!

crafty chris Aug 28 2014 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Borgies (Post 5865710)
OMG.... I rushed out and purchased an expensive deodorant then changed from English UK to English US and then blow me down....there are lots and LOTS of people wanting to work!!!! LOL :D

Thank you so much for your help Crafty Chris. Who would have thought!

ah youre more than welcome so glad that worked :)

now with all those deodorants give them as xmas pressies (just be careful not to offend) lmao

Mrs Borgies Aug 28 2014 07:55 PM

Tee hee!!! ;):cool:

debsweb3 Aug 28 2014 09:30 PM

Exp Points
I currently have over 80,079,271 exp points - when I hit 99,999,999 then it will change to 1M -- why M ?? We have to start our million xp count over?? Am I missing something? Please advise...thank you kindly...:rolleyes::eek:

Taz D Aug 28 2014 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by debsweb3 (Post 5866070)
I currently have over 80,079,271 exp points - when I hit 99,999,999 then it will change to 1M -- why M ?? We have to start our million xp count over?? Am I missing something? Please advise...thank you kindly...:rolleyes::eek:

Hi Deb,
You are missing something because it changes to 100 M for 100 million not 1 M. And this is only seen in the neighbor bar. Your experience at the top of your farm will stay as a longer truncated number that you can see your exact total by hovering over it.

debsweb3 Aug 28 2014 10:13 PM

Oh, oh, Okay --- THANK YOU --- yep, I sure was missing something LOL - thank you kindly -- yay!! big hugs!!

honeyg56 Aug 29 2014 09:34 AM

So fed up with the lack of response from the Support Team actually now thinking of deleting the app. I have spent so much money on it over the years, maybe that's a lesson learned. 10 days and not even a courtesy contact email - finito

Taz D Aug 29 2014 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by honeyg56 (Post 5866194)
So fed up with the lack of response from the Support Team actually now thinking of deleting the app. I have spent so much money on it over the years, maybe that's a lesson learned. 10 days and not even a courtesy contact email - finito

As I said it can take up to a few weeks for them to get to your ticket depending on how many tickets ahead of yours.

Momser Aug 30 2014 08:10 AM

Not sure where this goes, but WHEN are you going to put dans into all those facilities you have been adding for the last many months? I keep looking but no dans for facilities that have been around for 6 or more months now. You keep adding new facilities and not adding dans to ones we already have.

tahkeela Aug 30 2014 10:18 AM

Can someone tell me if one can still play farmtown( keep their same account) some how if they close their Facebook account.

whosyou? Aug 30 2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by tahkeela (Post 5866562)
Can someone tell me if one can still play farmtown( keep their same account) some how if they close their Facebook account.

No.FT is only on FB.and is tied to that account.

beverduster Aug 30 2014 11:15 AM

happen to me again, with 2 months, lost all my hen eggs , dont understand it, over 300,000, is anybody else losing products out of their storage? last night i collected my gifts or thought i had, and guess what, didnt get them, had it wrote down on paper this time, why send gift or try to receive them if we dont get them, a big waste of time as i see it Aug 30 2014 06:32 PM

I am also having issues regarding a support question. It has been 4 weeks since I filled out a request for support. I did receive an email that offered information regarding my support request. That email provided me with a support ticket number, it used my email and gave me a password that I could use to view the status of my support request. I have been patient, I have not submitted additional support enquiries. I have observed Taz tell other players to be patient and that support would get to their ticket in a "few weeks". When I attempt to use the provided password to access my support ticket number, I get a message stating that my password is incorrect? I copy pasted the provided password, so I am not sure what is happening? PS I also check my spam mail and I have NOT received an answer to date.

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