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widow lyn Oct 22 2015 05:31 PM

Thanks Taz

Robbo Robson Oct 23 2015 06:42 AM

What happens when you max out at 675
Question> What happens to the game when you hit the max of 675? I am at 662 right now. If I can't add status points, what then? Am I able to buy things that normally require status points? I know there are plays with 3X my status points (at level 675) and they still play.
Just curious.


Taz D Oct 23 2015 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Robbo Robson (Post 6009430)
Question> What happens to the game when you hit the max of 675? I am at 662 right now. If I can't add status points, what then? Am I able to buy things that normally require status points? I know there are plays with 3X my status points (at level 675) and they still play.
Just curious.


Hi Robbo,
If by status points you mean experience points then you keep accumulating those even after you reach the top level. Every few months the developers add more levels atnd when they do you will jump up to the level for your experience points.
Nothing you buy is based on your experience points to be able to buy them. Those are opened by level and if you are at the top level then you can buy anything in the store.

Robbo Robson Oct 23 2015 05:29 PM

Max out at 675
Thanks for the information Taz.
I really like the game.:)

JJ Smith Oct 25 2015 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by al_bundy (Post 5984542)
After seeing a on FB where a former player said FT is 2 expensive I had to reply with a bit of a rant.

"Farm Town is one of the cheapest games on facebook if you think its expensive go and play slotomania it costs a fortune $200 USD gets you 80 million coins that the slot machines take back off you quicker then it took to process the tranaction off your credit card and once those coins are gone there gone and they will keep prompting you to waste more money on it you will be back to farm town very fast

i think customers are blinded to the costs of what things cost and the fact that Slashkey/farm town is a Business

I ask this do you know how much it costs to run the multiple servers slashkey run to keep the game going?
you know Electricity and the ongoing maintenance
the hosting etc?

I bet you dont

do you think the hours and hours that the developers invest into improving the game impementing everyones requests is worth nothing???

o yeah and then there is the wages that Raul has to pay his staff

the costs of keeping the game on FB would be huge.

the problem is everyone wants everything for nothing

you can play Farmtown completely free you never have to spend a Dime but if you want the bigger tools and the premium items then yes you need to get your wallett out its how the world works nothing is free

dont cry because the owners wont give you everything for free

concider this as i said earlier slotomania you buy coins and there used in a Flash and you have to buy more with farm town you buy your premium item and its yours for life

there not expensive a fc facility is like $8.00 USD bugger all

sk is very fare they usually release 4 new facilities a month and 2 are coins and 2 are Fc what is unfair about that?????

land upgrades you have the option to pay with coins or FC what is unfair about that?

i have never found a game on Facebook where the developers actually listen to there players like slashkey (Farm town does) most of the improvements we see are a result of players requests

Guess who requested the super Neighbour feature? Yes Me I requested it a long time before it was implemented but it did and its not the only improvement I requested that has been implemented.

when the funeral facilities were implemented some players complained about them slashkey were quick to implement a feature that enabled the players who didnt like them to completely hide them from the game.

Rant Over

o and no im not associated with SK im just a player who appreciates the improvements that sk has made and given me cheap entertainment.

Baloney! I've played from practically day 1 of the game. I now pretty much play for the quests. They're insane - 8 quests in 7 days? No other game requires more than 1 visit a day. 7 quests in 7 days for the maximum tiny payment of $2 farm cash is only fair.
Spending $64 farm cash for $1 farm cash earned in a week is INSANE.
This week's set of quests? $128 farm cash spend to earn MERELY $1 farm cash.
If you think this is ok, you must be nuts. I'd rather pay for a monthly subscription or annual subscription - it would be more fun and less expensive than the insanity that overtaken this game. It's not us - IT'S YOU FT! You've lost your mind. Well, when you lose enough long time players and loyal players because of your ridiculous costs, maybe you won't have so much to do any more. Good luck with that!

RoseArienh Oct 25 2015 10:15 AM

We all make our choices. I choose to not buy FC facilities in order to earn 2 instead of 1 in a given week. And still end up with 1 FC that I didn't have to buy. Works great for me.

Qivis Oct 25 2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by JJ Smith (Post 6009874)
Baloney! I've played from practically day 1 of the game. I now pretty much play for the quests. They're insane - 8 quests in 7 days? No other game requires more than 1 visit a day. 7 quests in 7 days for the maximum tiny payment of $2 farm cash is only fair.
Spending $64 farm cash for $1 farm cash earned in a week is INSANE.
This week's set of quests? $128 farm cash spend to earn MERELY $1 farm cash.
If you think this is ok, you must be nuts. I'd rather pay for a monthly subscription or annual subscription - it would be more fun and less expensive than the insanity that overtaken this game. It's not us - IT'S YOU FT! You've lost your mind. Well, when you lose enough long time players and loyal players because of your ridiculous costs, maybe you won't have so much to do any more. Good luck with that!

Some other games require months of work just to get one quest done or buying lots of virtual cash with real cash to get anywhere - or both. And some competing farm games have their farms' largest expansions locked so that their only option is to either spend years earning their virtual cash or spending hundreds of real dollars to buy it!

And yes, sometimes I do only pay 1 visit a day to Farm Town and only to collect the gifts my friends have sent me. Unless I missed the memo, no one has insisted that I ignore family events and holiday get-togethers just to be sure I don't get my 6 visits a day to Farm Town in. As a matter of fact I really do not have to log in at all thanks to the recent addition of a way to cover for vacations - Super Neighbors! It's just more fun to.

Taz D Oct 25 2015 06:18 PM

Time to close this thread before it gets to be too argumentative and derogatory personal comments.

bluehair Oct 28 2015 08:02 PM

getting frustrating
trying to do some work on my neigbours farm and i keep getting the X25 (or whatever it says) error.
it has taken me around 2 hours just to do 8 -9 farms!!!

MadamePondarosa Oct 29 2015 12:28 PM

Wong ingredient?
Why does Court stamp need yellow ink?
I cant see any yellow in the product. The color is blue and white, and blue is a basic color itself:)

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