Farm Town

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WendyP57 Mar 18 2020 03:15 AM

might be just me, but when i go to zoom level 1 it zooms further out than before. Hope it stays like that, makes harvest, plow and plant easier without having to move the farm around to cover it all

cgsfarm Mar 18 2020 03:49 AM

Just used the new Train Manager...was on a totally different farm...what a joy to just click a couple of times to use load and dispatch the trains.

cgsfarm Mar 18 2020 04:05 AM

just bought the 4 new facilities...tyvm

machamo Mar 18 2020 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 6348474)
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game, details coming sometime tomorrow Thursday.

Please report here any issues you may find in the mean time.



have to wait to buy new factories because they use stainless steel and won't be able to support them if stainless steel sheet production is not increased along with the coin start ingredients associated with them.

machamo Mar 18 2020 05:21 AM

I have to wait to find out if the stainless steel production has been increased, along with the coin start ingredients associated with them, since the new factories require more stainless steel sheets again. The last 6 factories have required stainless steel sheets and no increase in production or increase in coin start ingredients associated with them.I can not support anymore increases of this item,

Tiger Mar 18 2020 05:49 AM

Thanks Raul and Team, much appreciated! :D

Tiger Mar 18 2020 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by bruhelmboldt (Post 6348482)
Thanks, Raul and Dev Team. We can't boost more than one train with more than one neighbor?


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6348490)
Is what you are saying is like if we have 5 Trains we have to have 5 Neighbors?

Hi bruhelmboldt and Dana 1971,

I'm sorry but I have removed any mention or partial mention of the other method mentioned to boost trains from all posts, as that is a trick and we are not permitted to allow them to be posted in the forum.

You are only supposed to send one boost to each friend. Once you send a boost to a friend you should see that their name will no longer be in the list when you boost the next train.

Tiger Mar 18 2020 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by RFMad (Post 6348510)
When I use the Train Manager, my game reloads and it still shows all the neighbors that I have already sent to boost it. Will neighbors be able to boost more than one train per day? And will the game continue to reload every time I send a train?

Hi RFMad,

No it's not supposed to do that. However there is a problem for some users using the latest version of Chrome which does cause that to happen so if you're using Chrome for the time being you'll need to use another browser if you want to avoid that.

The issues with the latest version of Chrome that many are having are listed in the post in this link:
Chrome Version 80.0.3987.132 - Gift error

annalienjvr Mar 18 2020 06:13 AM

Thanks for the new facilities. Bought them all. There seems to be a bug with the accepting gifts. I can send gifts, but still can't receive any. Can't help with trains. Have done everything I could to try and solve the problem. I have the latest upgrade of Chrome installed. Isn't it probably a problem with FB. Seems friends playing other games experience the same problem with gifts sending/receiving. Thanks for always be great with helping.

iceberg Mar 18 2020 06:38 AM

I gave 19 gifts in my gift box with a week and I cand receive them can you help plz
and I am taking ages to get the work done on peoples farm the whole game seems to have got slower.

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