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trina531 Mar 23 2015 12:36 AM

Acacia gum Trees
With the last release.. I am beginning to think I need to plant a whole farm of gum trees! I anyone else seeing this as a major problem?

Aussie Rae Mar 23 2015 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by trina531 (Post 5943798)
With the last release.. I am beginning to think I need to plant a whole farm of gum trees! I anyone else seeing this as a major problem?

are you sure you are in the right game? there are no such thing as Arcadia Gum Trees in farmtown....:)

trina531 Mar 23 2015 10:21 AM

Acacia mis spelling...:)

Fokus Mar 24 2015 02:24 AM

Actually I was going to mention the same thing - all trees need to be scaled properly. I have never seen an Orange tree produce just one orange for example but it take a whole tree to make 1 orange juice or whatever. With the amount of product in the game that require Arabic Gum it takes at least 20000 trees for my farms to keep up with production. This causes farmers to plant a stupid amount of trees on their farms, stacking trees on crops, lagging out the servers etc.

Everyone I try to hire at the market place hates doing trees because it causes them to lag out, not only that they get no XP for their work compared to the easy peasy harvesting/plowing everyone wants and needs to level - so trees are a pain in the butt - and flowers are even worse. Trees should be 2XP each and Flowers 3XP each IMHO.

I suggest you scale trees to produce a real world amount eg. 100 per tree so I need 2000 not 20000. It's only common sense.

Fokus Mar 24 2015 03:08 AM

I agree with ldog70 Tiger.

There is really no excuse for game developers to have your customer/player base jumps thru all the hoops of having to clear cache, reboot, turn off all settings just to load the game. It comes down to poor planning and development - you force the players to stack farms out of necessity because each tree produces ONE item only. So we need a forest to do one production run. It is not my responsibility to make sure your game works properly so I can play it.
Simple scaling would works wonders. One Sea coast should produce 100 times the amount, one tree should produce a 100 fruit, etc. There is only one reason we have heavily stacked farms that produces 'a considerable amount of data to upload' and that is because the game forces us to do just that. You don't control how people design their farms? No but you make so they have no other option if they wish to maintain production.

1. Solution #1 - Scale the resources accordingly. Cut back on the amount of trees needed.
2. Solution #2 - keep everything the same but only allow production once a day. Right now the onus is on the worker. we can work production once every 12 hours. The producer can post every 5 minutes if they have the resources - which leads to another problem of spamming the news feed.
3. Get Facebook to do something about the servers they host YOUR game on - you are their customer are you not? For at least a month now I am getting nothing but Request Timed Out when I do a trace route to the game and there is no excuse for that.

Mrs Red Mar 24 2015 04:20 AM

not happy
I have been playing ft for a very long time now and I am really struggling with the facs as I have no tools for them I am a pensioner and a full time carer for my daughter which I have done for 30 years now,and I love playing ft but I am really struggling now with all the new facs some ft cash ones which I cannot afford and the same with tools some of the quests I have to let slide as I don't have them at times I feel like giving up on the lovely game as its becoming to much it takes me over 2 hours to post my facs by single clicking each one very time consuming and my ft friends are wondering why I don't post my facs every day I just can not do it I just wish some of the tools i need would be coins to make my life a bit easier
Mrs red

nhuntley Mar 24 2015 12:27 PM

My biggest complaint with the trees is that 3 of them that are by gift only (Coconut, Mango and Cherry), take 5 days for them to be ready! Coconuts are used for a lot of items, so I really would need a farm just for coconuts if I am supposed to keep up. But, getting them as a gift only, makes it terribly hard to ever get enough of them to do anything with. Even with fertilizing and watering, I can never keep up. It is great that many of the other gift trees are ready in 2 days, and it would be much better if all gift trees were ready in 2 days as well, since we have to rely on gifts just to get them.


Aussie Rae Mar 24 2015 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by trina531 (Post 5943798)
With the last release.. I am beginning to think I need to plant a whole farm of gum trees! I anyone else seeing this as a major problem?

Acacia Trees produce Arabic problem, have had them planted ( 8,919) from when they were first released, now have 193,784 Arabic Gum in storage..

ccheney Mar 25 2015 11:23 PM

That is why I have given up playing. It takes me two hours just to work my facilities. I don't have the FC to buy the tools necessary to use the start all button. I also cannot obtain enough ingredients to fill the facilities. I have 5 sawmills and that isn't enough to produce the wood I need. I have a dozen mines and can't get enough amber and quartz to fill one jewelry store. I have two semi's and can't get enough meat to fill one smoke house. I can go on and on.

It takes another 2 hrs to work neighbors facilities because I have to do it one click at a time until the mayor takes over and when neighbors have over 100 facilities I have to do at least 60 one click at a time until the mayor steps in and it get tiring. This game is supposed to be fun not a chore.

I cannot expand my farms any further that what they already are because the amount of coins needed is ridiculous. I have 13 billion coins but I am not going to go broke to expand.

I figured that in order to get the tools needed to use the start all, the trains needed to be able to work neighbors facilities easily and to expand my farms I would have to spend over $500 worth of real money. They is way too much to invest in a game.

Walkies Mar 26 2015 04:28 AM

I agree with you that this is a great game and I enjoy it immensely. I wonder if I can help you with this suggestion. In the beginning I used to try to do every facility every couple of days but then I discovered the facility manager, this made it much easier than going to every farm and clicking on each facility individually. My strategy is to do all the animal facilities every day, then work my way down the list, doing a few each day. Facilities empty in two weeks so there is no need to do them daily. If I run out of time, I leave them for another day.
I enjoy working on my friends' facilities, sometimes I get goodies I can't produce myself and most of all I pick up loads of XP!
But it's not an obligation, if I haven't got time then I can't do it. Play for the enjoyment and don't feel pressured. Your friends shouldn't complain, it is, after all, a game!

Then there are the co-op quests! If you have lots of friends that you like to interact with, get them on to
co-op quests! It is a great fun way of earning one or two farm cash in a week, and takes very little time! I highly recommend this. You can also complete normal quests for a couple of Cash every week, it soon adds up!

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