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Rob T Oct 14 2014 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5885686)
Hi Rob, Thanks for replying to my question so quickly. Yes, you are right, I did receive a warning three times. The first time was a number of years ago. It was when SK first came down on autoclickers and declared that a person could only use one if the speed was kept down to what a person could manage manually. That first time, I was using the autoclicker set on 10 clicks per second. I received the warning and immediately reduced my speed to 6 clicks per second. I chose 6 clicks per second because I timed myself and was able to do that speed manually. During a fishing expedition, using 6 clicks per second, I was warned again. After my second warning, I again reduced my clicks per second to 4, thinking that that speed should be acceptable. I have been using 4 clicks per second for at least a couple of years now. Most of the time I actually use one click per 30 seconds, but there are times (again fishing) when I prefer to use the 4 clicks per second. So, what speed is acceptable? Molly Mew has a post in the forum stating that autoclickers are OK, so long as the speed is kept down to what can be done manually. I am a Mac user and my mouse is a “magic mouse” which is very sensitive and clicks quite rapidly. Does this mean that I need to get myself an outdated and clunky mouse in order to “click more slowly” and then measure how fast I can click manually with that outdated mouse and then use that speed? The other thing that I have to say is that my warnings did not refer to an auto clicker, but to a bot, which I do not use.

As an aside, one of my FT neighbors is a ham radio operator. He too was "warned" about clicking too quickly and accused of using a bot. He was not even using an autoclicker, just manually clicking quickly as he does when he sends Morse code.

I really do understand what you are saying, but as i said to you in PM, my hands are tied, it's beyond the forum abilities to lift a ban, we are just farm town players like you that have freely given their time to help others. Support are the only ones that can do this. I wish i could do more, but i can't. and i am sorry for that.

i would like to add tho... i would suggest maybe setting it to 2 clicks.. 4 is hard to maintain for anyone, and could trigger it again.

Rugged Barbie Oct 15 2014 08:41 AM

Just had the multi-flower bouquet co-op quest expire.
I tried several times a day to find the flowers I needed. I only found 1.
Who knows if anyone came and bought any of these flowers from me?
Suggest that after 2 or 3 people buy an item from my quest that I should receive a green check mark on that item. After all, these are being drained from my inventory and I don't need the coins, I need the product. ;)

Taz D Oct 15 2014 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rugged Barbie (Post 5885830)
Just had the multi-flower bouquet co-op quest expire.
I tried several times a day to find the flowers I needed. I only found 1.
Who knows if anyone came and bought any of these flowers from me?
Suggest that after 2 or 3 people buy an item from my quest that I should receive a green check mark on that item. After all, these are being drained from my inventory and I don't need the coins, I need the product. ;)

Hi Barbie,
Your suggestion would be better seen by the developers if you put it in the Suggestion section rather than here in Feedback. I have one that needs red roses and is going to expire too. Just not enough are getting the flower ones. Oct 15 2014 02:41 PM

Coop item I bought was bought by another farmer
I did my first coop quest yesterday and it was great! Today, I paid for a honey jar that I got from someone else's quest and my quest said I had it. When I went to load my ingredients in my facility, the honey jar was gone because another farmer bought the one and only I originally bought. Now I can't buy a honey jar through the quest bcz it thinks I have one but I don't. Is this a glitch or do these coop quests work like "stealing"?

Seraphina Warrior Oct 15 2014 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5885990)
I did my first coop quest yesterday and it was great! Today, I paid for a honey jar that I got from someone else's quest and my quest said I had it. When I went to load my ingredients in my facility, the honey jar was gone because another farmer bought the one and only I originally bought. Now I can't buy a honey jar through the quest bcz it thinks I have one but I don't. Is this a glitch or do these coop quests work like "stealing"?

Hi llshadow, I am assuming by the fact that you only had the one honey jar that you do not own the Bee Farm, and therefore, cannot produce more yourself. That being the case, all you need to do, is generate an ingredients request for Honey Ice Cream (Ice Cream Factory). When friends click on your post , the ingredients (10 honey jars per amount sent by a friend), will be sent to your gift box. Just store them and you will then have replacement honey jars in your storage and should be able to complete your quest. :) Oct 15 2014 04:20 PM

TY so much....I will try but if it just my neighbors (FB friends), that won't work as they have all left the game, which is kind of a bummer since I have enjoyed FT since 2007. Appreciate your help!

Seraphina Warrior Oct 15 2014 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5886046)
TY so much....I will try but if it just my neighbors (FB friends), that won't work as they have all left the game, which is kind of a bummer since I have enjoyed FT since 2007. Appreciate your help!

If you can put the link to your post here, in a reply to me llshadow, then I will click it for you and get a few other members to click it for you also :)

koakes Oct 15 2014 05:37 PM

I enjoy the co-op quest, but I have finished 2 and not received credit this week! I got credit in the reqular quest box for the 1 I finished there, but the co-op quest don't show up?????? Oct 15 2014 06:00 PM

Can you send me ingredients to make 100 x Honey Ice Cream (4 batches)? YOU will get 50%!
Hurry up and you will have 50% of the same set of ingredients delivered to your storage as a special gift...
LikeLike · · Share · Send Ingredients

Originally Posted by Seraphina Warrior (Post 5886062)
If you can put the link to your post here, in a reply to me llshadow, then I will click it for you and get a few other members to click it for you also :)

Thank you so much for sharing your expertise....learning so much!

Taz D Oct 15 2014 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by koakes (Post 5886078)
I enjoy the co-op quest, but I have finished 2 and not received credit this week! I got credit in the reqular quest box for the 1 I finished there, but the co-op quest don't show up??????

Hi Koakes,
The co-op quests stopped counting toward your regular quests for Farm Cash as of Oct 1st. And co-op quests started after that time no longer will count for the farm cash. Those quests were not supposed to count for it so that was a glitch and was fixed.

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