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marymarcel Feb 14 2022 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by anothersuzie (Post 6484190)
Thank you for responding. Super neighbours wasn't the issue as I only have one currently helping out and I did change this person to not sharing fuel

You have the Gas station which is a service facility and it is loaded with fuel tanks to be sold. If you have the tool to load the Gas station, then please open it and uncheck the fuel tanks. If you load it manually, do not load fuel tanks in it.

Do you mean to open the Gas Station and uncheck fuel??

When I accept fuel tanks as gifts are they usable straight away or do they become part of the once a day refuelling?

Hi anothersuzie :)

Yes, tha is exactly what Im saying about the Gas Station.

The Gas Station does not produce fuel tanks, only the Oil Refinery produces fuel tanks.
The Gas Station is a service facility which is loaded with fuel tanks and then when your friends work it, the fuel tanks are sold. So you have to uncheck the fuel tanks. That way they will not be loaded automatically in the Gas Station when you use the tool to load it.

About the gifted fuel tanks. Yes, you can use them inmediately.

If you store them from your red gift box, then when you refuel they are added to the amount of fuel tanks from your refinery to give you fuel.

If you dont store them, and they stay in your red gift box then when you refuel, you will see them as Gifts from friends in the refuel screen.

docmm6 Feb 14 2022 06:32 PM

I checked how many fuel tanks in my storage, multiplied it x's 300 and came up with 1,665,782,480. When I refill will all of it be applied to my balance of fuel or will I lose some because of too high of a number of tanks?

marymarcel Feb 14 2022 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by docmm6 (Post 6484270)
I checked how many fuel tanks in my storage, multiplied it x's 300 and came up with 1,665,782,480. When I refill will all of it be applied to my balance of fuel or will I lose some because of too high of a number of tanks?

Hi docmm6 :)

The Fuel limit was raised above 4 billion. At this time there is no known upper limit.

You can find the information in our Game Guide in the following link:

marymarcel Feb 15 2022 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigDaddy67 (Post 6484366)
Is there any way to enlarge the Gift box where you can receive more than 150 Items?

Hi BigDaddy67 :)

I moved your post to the thread about Tools.

We have the Gifting machines, please read the information about them in the following link from our Game Guide:

Pustekuchen Feb 17 2022 08:02 AM

Most of my trees on my farm 26 are not getting fertilized when using the manure spreader.
id # 1613383325

marymarcel Feb 17 2022 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pustekuchen (Post 6484546)
Most of my trees on my farm 26 are not getting fertilized when using the manure spreader.
id # 1613383325

Hi Pustekuchen :)

I moved your post to the thread about Tools as you are using the Manure spreader.

If you fertilized the farm when those trees were ready to chop or harvest, then they will not show the F after the fertilization.

Once you chop or harvest them, then they will show the F.

Please remember that decorative trees are not fertilized. Feb 17 2022 10:51 AM

Adding items to my Farms
I am having some issues when trying to use the purple hand to layer some pond. I have trees on this farm but it will not allow me to place ponds in spots where there is a tree, left the farm and went back in and have the same issue.


marymarcel Feb 17 2022 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6484570)
I am having some issues when trying to use the purple hand to layer some pond. I have trees on this farm but it will not allow me to place ponds in spots where there is a tree, left the farm and went back in and have the same issue.


He denisegiffen :)

I moved your post to the thread about Tools.

You need a spot at least the same size of a pine pine to be able to place an item using the purple hand.

You have the information in the following link from our Game Guide:

Im sorry but we cant give instructions about layering or allow any member of the forums to post them here. Feb 17 2022 11:48 AM

What does the size of a pine pine mean exactly ??

marymarcel Feb 17 2022 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6484578)
What does the size of a pine pine mean exactly ??

Please click in the link I gave you and you will find the full information and pictures showing it.

zooboss Feb 19 2022 06:17 AM

Hi I have a problem when I help people get fuel and then supposed to get my bonus (they get 164 fuel and i am supposed to get 82) I get nothing, what am I doing wrong??

Tiger Feb 19 2022 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by zooboss (Post 6484726)
Hi I have a problem when I help people get fuel and then supposed to get my bonus (they get 164 fuel and i am supposed to get 82) I get nothing, what am I doing wrong??

Hi zooboss,

It depends whether you are clicking on a bonus for Fuel Tanks or a request to send ingredients to make them.

When it's a bonus you get Fuel Tanks as long as you have not reached your maximum allowance for claiming bonuses.

When it's ingredients you only get crude oil, the ingredient to make the fuel tanks not the fuel tanks themselves and again that would depend on if you had reached your maximum for sending ingredients.

To know the difference you would need to read the information in the post.
When it's a bonus it will tell you what belt or dan that farmer had reached for the Fuel tanks. For example "I just reached the Fuel Tank Black Belt. You will get 50%" would give you Fuel Tanks.

When it's ingredients the information will say something like "Can you send me ingredients to make 68 Fuel Tank (4 batches) You will get 50%" in which case you would get crude oil.
Both of those types of requests show the Fuel Tank icon so often people don't notice the difference between the two types of requests and think they are getting Fuel Tanks when they are actually sending ingredients to make them so only getting crude oil.

Have a look at the requests that you've been clicking on and see if that explains what has been happening.

zooboss Feb 19 2022 08:17 AM

Thank you Tiger I will check on that as it was something I didnt know as the saying goes we learn something new every day

PapaDoe Feb 22 2022 05:40 AM

I went to the fuel station, asked for fuel .. said I was given 11 million .. never showed up in my tank

Tiger Feb 22 2022 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by PapaDoe (Post 6484970)
I went to the fuel station, asked for fuel .. said I was given 11 million .. never showed up in my tank

Hi PapaDoe,

The 11 million was what you got on the 16th so you had far more fuel tanks to exchange for fuel that day.

Today you only had enough Fuel tanks to give you 842170 fuel which was correctly added to the amount you had before refuelling today.

Gentleman Jim Mar 04 2022 05:26 PM

I have 44 farms, 44 oil pumps, 44 oil refineries I still cannot keep up with the fuel needed for my farming and fishing


Thank you

Taz D Mar 04 2022 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Jim (Post 6485878)
I have 44 farms, 44 oil pumps, 44 oil refineries I still cannot keep up with the fuel needed for my farming and fishing


Thank you

Hi Gentleman Jim,
I moved your post to the thread about fuel. If you want to make a suggestion please post it in the Suggestions section. You can not start a new thread there but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.

Tom C Mar 06 2022 09:19 PM

Something I noticed awhile back was that when i go to harvest animals I am also collecting manure form the pigsty. So I went to farm 6 to put it in storage and it is not on farm 6, it is showing it is in storage. So next I went to all my farms to see if I had bought a second one and put it on another farm, and no there is no manure collector on any of my 44 farms. I also tried to put it on a farm and then put it back in storage thinking that would fix it, but it did not.

Taz D Mar 06 2022 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tom C (Post 6486006)
Something I noticed awhile back was that when i go to harvest animals I am also collecting manure form the pigsty. So I went to farm 6 to put it in storage and it is not on farm 6, it is showing it is in storage. So next I went to all my farms to see if I had bought a second one and put it on another farm, and no there is no manure collector on any of my 44 farms. I also tried to put it on a farm and then put it back in storage thinking that would fix it, but it did not.

Hi Tom C,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about tools as the manure collector is a tool.

Your manure collector is in your storage where it should be. You only need the one tool to collect the manure from the pigstys where you have pigs.

I am not sure what exactly is the trouble. When you click on the Harvest All in the Facility Manager then that tool harvests all the manure from all 40 pigstys on your farms.

Tom C Mar 09 2022 11:34 PM

you are right that is how it works, i for some reason was thinking if it was in storage it would not collect manure, my mistake.

Taz D Mar 09 2022 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tom C (Post 6486246)
you are right that is how it works, i for some reason was thinking if it was in storage it would not collect manure, my mistake.

Hi Tom C,
All the tools work from your storage for any farm. They do not take up any of your Item storage capacity.

arpillo Mar 11 2022 04:27 PM

Harvest-plow bought not there
I bought the next harvest-plow tool, put it in storage, I went to use it and it is not in my toolbox. It shows in my storage, that I have it, but can not use it. Please advise me what to do to get it to show up and be usable. I paid for this. Please help. Thank you, April:(

marymarcel Mar 11 2022 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by arpillo (Post 6486346)
I bought the next harvest-plow tool, put it in storage, I went to use it and it is not in my toolbox. It shows in my storage, that I have it, but can not use it. Please advise me what to do to get it to show up and be usable. I paid for this. Please help. Thank you, April:(

Hi April :)

I had a look at your data and I dont see any purchase for a Harvest/Plow tool. The last Combine Harvest Plow EX (5x5) was purchased on November 29, 2017.

I do see that today you purchased a Harvester EX (6x6). You can check this yourself by clicking in Account tab above the game screen and then in Farm Cash Activity Log button.

You dont have fuel, so you have to refuel in order to be able to use your tools.

arpillo Mar 12 2022 01:59 PM

Harvest plow tool
I purchased the H/P tool and it shows I bought it today when I bought it days ago. It is not in my toolbox or storage. I paid 50 FC for this tool and need your help to get it back. This is the 2nd time this has happened and the first time I just lost my money, because I did not know how to retrieve the tool or get my farmcash back. April(arpillo)

marymarcel Mar 12 2022 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by arpillo (Post 6486410)
I purchased the H/P tool and it shows I bought it today when I bought it days ago. It is not in my toolbox or storage. I paid 50 FC for this tool and need your help to get it back. This is the 2nd time this has happened and the first time I just lost my money, because I did not know how to retrieve the tool or get my farmcash back. April(arpillo)

Hi arpillo :)

When you posted about this problem yesterday, I answered you in the post just above your last one.

Just in case, this is the link:

By that time you had 0 fuel, but I see you have refuelled today, March 12th.

jerseyguy56 Mar 17 2022 09:26 PM

Designer hands not working correctly. I've been attempting to reconstruct a farm. In order to do so I've been using the purple designer hand. However, sometimes when attempting to move items or layer water the hand will create a ghost rather than move the original item thereby creating an infinite number of said item. I have found that the only way to correct this problem is to restart the game. But this is not a fix it just clears the screen of the ghosted items

Taz D Mar 17 2022 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by jerseyguy56 (Post 6487110)
Designer hands not working correctly. I've been attempting to reconstruct a farm. In order to do so I've been using the purple designer hand. However, sometimes when attempting to move items or layer water the hand will create a ghost rather than move the original item thereby creating an infinite number of said item. I have found that the only way to correct this problem is to restart the game. But this is not a fix it just clears the screen of the ghosted items

Hi Jerseyguy,
What option are you choosing when you pick up the purple hand?

If you are just moving items around on your farm then use the Green hand rather that the purple hand. Both can do the same thing on the same farm.

Lucinda Melbourne Mar 18 2022 09:33 PM

Hello, i am Lucinda Melbourne 1354142619 I bought the round facility to milk all cows at once, and the pig one as well and they don't come up for me in the box of supplies. Don't know what to call it at the moment. But the place where you would find the plower, seeder and all the rest. Also my green hand doesn't work like my neighbors does. I can't put the facilities to the edge. I have to have my neighbor, (my mom) come and do it for me.
I don't know where else to ask for help.

Taz D Mar 18 2022 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Lucinda Melbourne (Post 6487326)
Hello, i am Lucinda Melbourne 1354142619 I bought the round facility to milk all cows at once, and the pig one as well and they don't come up for me in the box of supplies. Don't know what to call it at the moment. But the place where you would find the plower, seeder and all the rest. Also my green hand doesn't work like my neighbors does. I can't put the facilities to the edge. I have to have my neighbor, (my mom) come and do it for me.
I don't know where else to ask for help.

Hi Lucinda,
I have moved your post to the thread about tools as those are what you are asking about.
You have to place the milking station and manure collector in your storage. Then when you want to use those you open the Facility manager and click on the Harvest All button at the top of that pop up. That is how those work.
To place facilities on the edge of the farm you have to have atleast one spot the size of a tree open to place the facility down. The rotation of the facility can effect whether the facility shows as off the edge or on the area next to the edge. If it is not going off the edge then rotate the facility.

Farmerette GiGi Mar 19 2022 12:42 AM

As of tonight, unable to remove multiple # of an item from storage
I couldn't figure out a title for my problem I Hope this one worked in order to get someone's attention. :) A couple of nights ago, as a super neighbor for a friend, I rearranged all of her water to one field. I was able to place all of her water into her storage and then remove it all from storage and layer it. I could choose a particular water type, use my purple hand and remove and lay down that type without ever having to go back into the storage. Repeated that with each type of water until they were all out of her storage and layered on a field.

Tonight, I am attempting to do that with another friend/sn. The problem I have tonight ... for instance ... I chose the big lake to lay down first. BUT, it will not allow me to pick one of the lakes and then continually layer them without having to go into the storage. I am only able to take one lake out, lay it down, go back into her storage and pick another lake and lay it down, etc.

Could this be a glitch that has been caused by the update released yesterday? Or? What? Does anyone have a clue? I appreciate any insight.

Thanks, in advance, for anyone's response. :confused:

Tiger Mar 19 2022 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Farmerette GiGi (Post 6487354)
I couldn't figure out a title for my problem I Hope this one worked in order to get someone's attention. :) A couple of nights ago, as a super neighbor for a friend, I rearranged all of her water to one field. I was able to place all of her water into her storage and then remove it all from storage and layer it. I could choose a particular water type, use my purple hand and remove and lay down that type without ever having to go back into the storage. Repeated that with each type of water until they were all out of her storage and layered on a field.

Tonight, I am attempting to do that with another friend/sn. The problem I have tonight ... for instance ... I chose the big lake to lay down first. BUT, it will not allow me to pick one of the lakes and then continually layer them without having to go into the storage. I am only able to take one lake out, lay it down, go back into her storage and pick another lake and lay it down, etc.

Could this be a glitch that has been caused by the update released yesterday? Or? What? Does anyone have a clue? I appreciate any insight.

Thanks, in advance, for anyone's response. :confused:

Hi Farmerette GiGi,

I have moved your post to the thread about tools.

Working as a super neighbour, how are you able to place the farm owners waters into storage? You should not be able to do that.

I am unable to reproduce your issue with the big lakes.
I did find a problem with one version of the small sea coasts.

Are you sure it was big lakes and not seacoasts that you were having problems with?
How many of which water, that you had the problem with, were in their storage?
Is the super neighbour connection both ways, meaning the farm owner is your super neighbour as well as you being their super neighbour?

Farmerette GiGi Mar 19 2022 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6487378)
Hi Farmerette GiGi,

I have moved your post to the thread about tools.

Working as a super neighbour, how are you able to place the farm owners waters into storage? You should not be able to do that.

I am unable to reproduce your issue with the big lakes.
I did find a problem with one version of the small sea coasts.

Are you sure it was big lakes and not seacoasts that you were having problems with?
How many of which water, that you had the problem with, were in their storage?
Is the super neighbour connection both ways, meaning the farm owner is your super neighbour as well as you being their super neighbour?

Thanks for your response, Tiger. I was able to place the farm owner's waters into storage by simply doing so. Sorry, :D. She didn't own the tower crane so I couldn't use mine to move them in bulk so I just used the storage shed and moved every peice of water, one at a time, into her storage.

As for which water piece I had the problem with last night, it was all of them. The small sea coast, the large sea coast, the big lake, etc. I just used the big lake as an example in my previous message. It wouldn't allow me to pick any of them up and then place them all down, continually. I had to take one out and when it was placed, that was it. I had to go back into her storage and take another piece out, place it, go back into storage and take one out ... etc. Entirely too time-consuming.

For each type of water, she had close to 300 of the big lakes and if I remember correctly, around the same amount of the other types of water. She really doesn't have much water. The other friend, whose fields I had done two nights ago, had twice that many.

Yes, mam. The sn connection is both ways. My two friends actually work as one another's sn, daily. They are both added as my sn and I am added as theirs so that I can design their farms, layer fields, etc and when they are on vacation or whatever ... I fill in for that friend to work as the other ones sn. I even checked last night to make sure Anne and I were both one another's sn, knowing that we definitely were.

Anyway ... thanks for your response and please don't worry about my message any longer. It can be deleted. I'm going to make the problem go away by purchasing the green and purple hands for Anne so I can get her fields taken care of today. :D Problem solved. Yay!

Again, thanks for your response. Happy farming!

Tiger Mar 19 2022 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Farmerette GiGi (Post 6487426)
Thanks for your response, Tiger. I was able to place the farm owner's waters into storage by simply doing so. Sorry, :D. She didn't own the tower crane so I couldn't use mine to move them in bulk so I just used the storage shed and moved every peice of water, one at a time, into her storage.

As for which water piece I had the problem with last night, it was all of them. The small sea coast, the large sea coast, the big lake, etc. I just used the big lake as an example in my previous message. It wouldn't allow me to pick any of them up and then place them all down, continually. I had to take one out and when it was placed, that was it. I had to go back into her storage and take another piece out, place it, go back into storage and take one out ... etc. Entirely too time-consuming.

For each type of water, she had close to 300 of the big lakes and if I remember correctly, around the same amount of the other types of water. She really doesn't have much water. The other friend, whose fields I had done two nights ago, had twice that many.

Yes, mam. The sn connection is both ways. My two friends actually work as one another's sn, daily. They are both added as my sn and I am added as theirs so that I can design their farms, layer fields, etc and when they are on vacation or whatever ... I fill in for that friend to work as the other ones sn. I even checked last night to make sure Anne and I were both one another's sn, knowing that we definitely were.

Anyway ... thanks for your response and please don't worry about my message any longer. It can be deleted. I'm going to make the problem go away by purchasing the green and purple hands for Anne so I can get her fields taken care of today. :D Problem solved. Yay!

Again, thanks for your response. Happy farming!

Hi Farmerette GiGi,

Are you logged into your own account when are helping her or are you logged into hers, or both? Could you have logged into her account at all, perhaps using the same browser?

When you go to her farms as an Super Neighbour you should not be seeing the add to storage icon to be able to send her waters to storage for her. That may be why there is a problem with so many or it could be the high quantity of waters that were in storage causing the problem with the purple hand.
You can use your own freestyle designers on her farms. We need to find and try to fix the problem with it being used as a super neighbour as that should not be happening.

You will not be able to use the Tower Crane when you are visiting her farms as super neighbour either, even if she owned it. To use both her add to storage tool and the tower crane if she owns it you would need to be logged into her account as her to use them.

I would like you to contact the support team about this as you are having problems as a super neighbour with more waters than we are and you should not be able to store anything as a super neighbour, only move, things around, buy if she has allowed you to use her coins and get things out of storage.

To contact Support, click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.
You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.
If you have any problems finding the automated response to your ticket, please click on the following link for instructions to help you with that: Support Issues - how to find their replies.

Mary Lay Mar 19 2022 11:36 AM

Green & purple hands not working right
I have asked for this to be checked into before. The green and purple hands are still not working properly. I asked Taz to check it before but still no resolve :(
They will not allow us to move facilities off to the sides of the farms or stack them as we previously did. HOWEVER, after the update, both hands worked on 1 farm. Then they wouldn't work anymore on the next farm. ALSO, when being on my farm 6, going to farm 5, it locks up and i have to reset the game. It doesn't do that on any of the other farms just going from farm 6 to farm 5. My 27th farm is one that I need the green and purple hands for to move them around on the farm. Please check on it also. AND may I also add, it would be so nice if the gifts section also included metal salts, remendit .. etc (things you can get from a semi that can't be gifted) instead of just meats and trees and animals and decor. I've played the game since 2009. I could add a lot more but the hands are the biggest problem! Thanks so much for your help! Mary Lay

marymarcel Mar 19 2022 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mary Lay (Post 6487478)
I have asked for this to be checked into before. The green and purple hands are still not working properly. I asked Taz to check it before but still no resolve :(
They will not allow us to move facilities off to the sides of the farms or stack them as we previously did. HOWEVER, after the update, both hands worked on 1 farm. Then they wouldn't work anymore on the next farm. ALSO, when being on my farm 6, going to farm 5, it locks up and i have to reset the game. It doesn't do that on any of the other farms just going from farm 6 to farm 5. My 27th farm is one that I need the green and purple hands for to move them around on the farm. Please check on it also. AND may I also add, it would be so nice if the gifts section also included metal salts, remendit .. etc (things you can get from a semi that can't be gifted) instead of just meats and trees and animals and decor. I've played the game since 2009. I could add a lot more but the hands are the biggest problem! Thanks so much for your help! Mary Lay

Hi Mary Lay :)

I moved your post to the thread about Tools.

I visited your farm 27 and it is plowed x9 with flowers on crops wall to wall. Plus you have lot of service facilities and regular facilities on the crops and flowers. Semi trailer and animal buildings placed off the borders.

If you are trying to move all those facilities and services outside your farms border then you need to find a clear space the size of a pine tree to be able to place the facility. With all things you have on that farm Im not sure you will find those spaces, but you can try at the botton of the farm. Please consider that every farm has a limit for all items you place on it, and if data of that farm is at the limit then you will not be able to add or move things.

If you dont have problems with some farms, then probably you still have space to move items around.

I visited your farm 6 and then went to farm 5 without problems. Be sure your browser is up to date and check if you have any pending update for Windows or Mac in case you use it.
Try to go from farm 6 to 5 with everything hidden in your preferences and check if that works for you.

If you have any suggestion or idea for the game, then post it in our Suggestion section where we have all ideas grouped by theme for the developers to read.

You cant start a new thread there, but you can post as a reply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:

Farmerette GiGi Mar 19 2022 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6487470)
Hi Farmerette GiGi,

Are you logged into your own account when are helping her or are you logged into hers, or both? Could you have logged into her account at all, perhaps using the same browser?

When you go to her farms as an Super Neighbour you should not be seeing the add to storage icon to be able to send her waters to storage for her. That may be why there is a problem with so many or it could be the high quantity of waters that were in storage causing the problem with the purple hand.
You can use your own freestyle designers on her farms. We need to find and try to fix the problem with it being used as a super neighbour as that should not be happening.

You will not be able to use the Tower Crane when you are visiting her farms as super neighbour either, even if she owned it. To use both her add to storage tool and the tower crane if she owns it you would need to be logged into her account as her to use them.

I would like you to contact the support team about this as you are having problems as a super neighbour with more waters than we are and you should not be able to store anything as a super neighbour, only move, things around, buy if she has allowed you to use her coins and get things out of storage.

To contact Support, click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.
You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.
If you have any problems finding the automated response to your ticket, please click on the following link for instructions to help you with that: Support Issues - how to find their replies.

Once again, thank you for your response, Tiger. I have purchased all three of the freestyle hands for her and thought all would work as it did two nights ago when working for the other sn. BUT..when I take a piece of water from her storage, from my account, it drops the one piece and that's it. It doesn't allow me to continually lay down the remaining water of that particular type.

I am logged into my account in one browser and into her account on another browser. From her account, I can choose one of the water types and lay them all down continually. So, that's what I'll do.

I will contact support about not being able to lay the water down continually, without having to go back into her storage and pick up each one individually .... from my account ... if that is something I should be able to do as a s/n. I know that's what I was able to do two nights ago.

Again, thank you.

marymarcel Mar 20 2022 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by 6kittycats (Post 6487774)
I purchased a combine harvest-plow for 35 farm cash and instead of getting it the game gave me a solar powered 5x5 plow which I already have I needed the combine harvest-plow 5x5 to purchase the combine harvest-plant 5x5 any way you can fix this please it did take my farm cash

Hi 6kittycats :)

I move your post to the thread about Tools.

Please provide your User Id number. You find it into brackets in the message above your game screen.

smilie224 Mar 24 2022 07:37 AM

Ext Flower Harvester Question
Hi Team!
I have a ext flower harvester 28x28 that I can use personally on others' farms. However, my super neighbors cannot use it (they get the light blue one). I have checked both my storage and all 44 farms and I cannot find it in order to put in storage so super neighbors can use it.

Any suggestions on how else I can go about looking for it? I'm not sure what else to try. Again, it does work for me - just not the super neighbors.

Tiger Mar 24 2022 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by smilie224 (Post 6488286)
Hi Team!
I have a ext flower harvester 28x28 that I can use personally on others' farms. However, my super neighbors cannot use it (they get the light blue one). I have checked both my storage and all 44 farms and I cannot find it in order to put in storage so super neighbors can use it.

Any suggestions on how else I can go about looking for it? I'm not sure what else to try. Again, it does work for me - just not the super neighbors.

Hi smilie224,

Your Flower Harvester (28 x 28) is showing missing in your data.

You will need to contact the support team so they can take a look.
To contact Support, click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

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ImTznU Mar 24 2022 08:13 PM

The Fuel issues are crazy any suggestions?
What am I doing wrong!? LOL

Every day is spent chasing fuel! Is there an easier way I am missing?

I know about the gift site <again it takes up so much time>.

I even spent real money to buy the facility that makes fuel <it doesn't produce much fuel per day and is a complete waste of money>

The farm equipment is pretty spendy like $5-10 plus real dollars per item. I do appreciate the level-up farm cash but have still supported the game in the past and now <after a long break> It just seems like fuel shouldn't be so difficult especially after paying so much for all the tools and upgrades.

I am about to take another break haha because I am just tired of constantly having to collect so much gift fuel! Which sadly also keeps me from wanting to spend more real money on the game.

Anyone else tired of collecting fuel lol or as I said have easier ways I am missing to collect fuel?

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